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Posts posted by viking8x6

  1. This has been an issue for nearly a year. @rawTOP is aware of it and will take care of it if and when he can. Because the chat is built on a completely different software platform than the rest of the site, and because he has a replacement based on different technology in the works, this is not a high priority.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 45 minutes ago, Close2MyBro said:

    No amount of hormone replacement therapy is going to change an XX chromosome set to an XY or vice versa. We're all entitled to our own opinions. I would consider it absurd to expect everyone else to adopt a false science simply because you and others may choose to. You can "identify" with whatever you choose to, but that choice will never change the truth. If I wanted to identify as a tree, that's my right, correct? But that will never make me a tree.

    I'm hardly adopting false science. Quite the contrary, I'm agreeing with established science which clearly demonstrates that chromosomes are not 100% correlated with phenotype. This is hardly news, it's been known for nearly a century at this point.

    Also, you miss the point I was making (perhaps I was too subtle) - that gay men in general can be (and are, by some people) construed as not being "real" men, because they don't fuck women, they do get fucked, and they don't procreate. So are we going to throw them out of the bathhouse, too?

    Blanket generalizations don't work well in this sort of discussion.


    To view the whole thing from a different angle, the question under discussion in this thread is trans men in bathhouses. Therefore, the relevant consideration is whether they are appropriate people for the activities the discussion participants prefer to engage in at a bathhouse. It's for each of us to decide how much bearing their chromosomes, their musculature, their body hair, and their genitalia (as well as all their other characteristics) have on that. But to decree that one particular characteristic or another is the only one that matters for all the people in the conversation is absurd. You may care about the dude's chromosomes when you're getting hot and heavy, but I assure you I don't give a flying fuck. And I say that with firsthand experience to back up my assertion for my own opinion in this case (although said experience was not in a bathhouse).

    In other words, if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, who cares if it's really a coot, a grebe, or a loon? Apart from the game warden, of course.

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  3. For the various people contributing to this topic who have denigrated trans men as "not real" or the like:

    As others have said, this is rude. But also, it's absurd. Many trans men are in fact extremely masculine - because they have gone to great effort and expense to become so, in spite of the biological disadvantage they started with. And many of the "real" men you would supposedly welcome in bathhouses are far, far less masculine! I'm talking about all of those exclusive bottoms, self-declared "sissy faggots", and persons with what they refer to as a "clitty", about whom you can read extensively elsewhere on BZ.

    None of the posts you all have made are against the rules (inasmuch as they haven't been ad hominem so far). Yes, you can say those things here. But if you choose to say it, you can expect to be criticized (and appropriately so) for saying something idiotic. Saying "I don't like seeing that in a bathhouse" is a reasonable personal response to the topic. Saying "That isn't a real man" or "Nobody would want to see that" is not.



    • Upvote 4
  4. There is no way to attach photos directly to a private message. You have to post them in a restricted album in the gallery and attach them, or else attach them as links to photos hosted elsewhere.

    You can attach photos directly to a post on someone's activity feed, but that's not private.

  5. Sounds like you did a good job of explaining as well as possible, given his preconceptions.

    I'd have been tempted to say "Of course you don't understand it. If you did you wouldn't be straight, would you?"

    Maybe for people with this sort of blinders it would help to direct their attention to the actual evidence in the world around them? Men are willing to have sex with other men despite the risk of imprisonment or execution -- that sounds like a pretty powerful attraction to me.


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  6. Back when I was in college a complete stranger on the street offered me money for sex. Which was quite bizarre, as I was walking down a busy city avenue (at a major intersection, as I recall), not in any kind of shady neighborhood. I was on my way home from the university at the time, and had no idea what to do about it, so I just kept walking.

    Now, in cruisy areas, it's quite normal to be hit on in public, and that kind of approach I've both received and given many times. Not so much these days; the scene is dead.

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    If you are considering doing this, here is how (and how NOT!) to do it, per your moderators:

    @drscorpio's take on it:

    On 5/28/2023 at 10:19 PM, drscorpio said:

    Moderator's Note: If the author of the story is still posting here regularly, please respect their rights to their story and their characters and leave it alone.

    If the author has been gone for a while or gives you permission, you can post your own continuation in a new thread. Say if the story were called "That Chaser Charlie," you should post "That Chaser Charlie - A Continuation by Knightfalconer." You can post a link at the end of the old story to direct people to your new thread. If you aren't sure how to do the link, I will be happy to help. 

    My take on it:  

    On 10/18/2023 at 12:06 PM, chargedodger said:

    I would like to write additional chapters to this story but am apprehensive about stepping on someone elses work.Would it be okay to add to it?

    On 10/18/2023 at 1:02 PM, viking8x6 said:

    If the original author is still active on the site (which this one is), you clearly should ask him that!

    Regardless of whether he is or isn't (still active), the right way to do this is to create your own new story topic and start your continuation with a short intro that references the original piece and author.


    This is a duplicate of a post in the main fiction forum. Please post any comments there:



    • Thanks 1
  8. If you are considering doing this, here is how (and how NOT!) to do it, per your moderators:

    @drscorpio's take on it:

    On 5/28/2023 at 10:19 PM, drscorpio said:

    Moderator's Note: If the author of the story is still posting here regularly, please respect their rights to their story and their characters and leave it alone.

    If the author has been gone for a while or gives you permission, you can post your own continuation in a new thread. Say if the story were called "That Chaser Charlie," you should post "That Chaser Charlie - A Continuation by Knightfalconer." You can post a link at the end of the old story to direct people to your new thread. If you aren't sure how to do the link, I will be happy to help. 

    My take on it:  

    On 10/18/2023 at 12:06 PM, chargedodger said:

    I would like to write additional chapters to this story but am apprehensive about stepping on someone elses work.Would it be okay to add to it?

    On 10/18/2023 at 1:02 PM, viking8x6 said:

    If the original author is still active on the site (which this one is), you clearly should ask him that!

    Regardless of whether he is or isn't (still active), the right way to do this is to create your own new story topic and start your continuation with a short intro that references the original piece and author.



  9. Well, I guess I should have read the text of your explanatory post first, because I answered the wrong question, slightly.

    The question I answered was, "What actual size dick do you is appropriate to label 'big'?"  I said 8 inches - mine is a little under that with a tape measure and nearly everyone I've met thinks it's legit big.

    If a guy tells me he has a big dick, I actually expect it to be over about 6 inches. I wouldn't expect over 8 unless he tells me it's "huge".

    Not that I had a ruler with me, but the largest ones I've ever actually seen in person I'd estimate have been around 9-10 inches.

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  10. On 11/16/2023 at 1:52 PM, DaWhore said:

    I can’t reduce the size to the ridiculous amount of 1.15kb max total size.

    If the system is giving you that for a size limit, you are bumping against your total attachment limit. You can fix it by deleting some of your old or less-important image attachments.

    More info in the topic below:


    • Thanks 1
  11. 49 minutes ago, UKFFBBBtm said:

    Nope, not there.

    From the appearance of your screen shot, I'd guess it's a browser problem. The menu bar and main content box should have expanded horizontally to fill most of the window, and they haven't done. Suggest you try a different browser and/or turn off any add-ons that override HTML/CSS interpretation and see if that helps.

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