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Posts posted by viking8x6

  1. 2 hours ago, Spermpig said:

    Because I don’t know how to link to prior shit- I’m commenting to bring this forward. 

    We (moderators) are happy to do that kind of thing for you if you're not technically savvy about whatever particular feature you're trying to use. Just report the post where you want the link (or whatever) and explain in the report text what you want to do.

    In this case, I infer that you meant to put a link to this story ("Denial") in "What Did Santa Give..." - so I edited your post there and added the link.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, hntnhole said:
    1 hour ago, topblkmale said:

    This is the 2028 RNC pre-show. Vivek will be the only one relevant in 2028 as he is new media. No one under 50 years old watches FOX, MSNBC or CNN.

    Allow me to disagree. 

    While there may be "previews of coming attractions" in '28, we have other issues to deal with currently, and those are predominant now.  I think the guy from Ohio will disappear as fast as he initially appeared. 

    What makes you think you know the demographics of television news consumption?  If you make silly statements, be prepared to back them up with facts.  Real ones.  

    While it's overstated, I think @topblkmale does have a valid point here. I know some people who got their news principally from print media were pretty well blindsided when Reagan ran away with the election in '84. Those who were watching TV weren't.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I absolutely believe romantic relationships are  a great thing, and am fortunate to have had quite a few over the years. They don't always last, though sometimes they do, and they can certainly go wrong in a variety of ways. My experience is that expecting them to be forever is a recipe for disappointment (everything is temporary, after all), but enjoying them for what they are can be a great joy... more of one than sex, for me.

    My personal experience is that they are not at all necessarily linked to a sexual connection with the person. I've had powerful sex experiences with people with whom I'd never dream of having a romantic relationship, and really good romantic relationships with people where the sexual component was not all that, or was great for a while and then faded out to little or nothing. One more reason monogamy would never work for me.

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  4. I got pretty pissed off once when a former Grindr hookup (which hadn't been repeated because it was pretty lousy TBH) showed up at my door after dark one evening without any notice or contact whatsoever, on Grindr or anywhere else. Creeped me the fuck out. I told him in icy tones that it was NOT OK and that he needed to go away. Which fortunately he did.

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  5. 9 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    It turns out that our new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, has installed this software on his phone and that of his 17 year old son, with each other set up as the one who's notified if the other looks at porn.

    So many questions.

    1. What the actual fuck...

    OMFG you cannot make this stuff up!

    I'm looking in my crystal ball... and I see blackmail in his future. Has he never heard the maxim about secrets shared?

    Of course, he likely has a burner phone too, and then it's merely grandstanding, and disingenuous grandstanding at that.

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  6. 15 hours ago, funpozbottom said:

    Even after I started antibiotics, the infection continued to spread, causing severe pain and several days of fever. 

    If that ever happens (continued spread and worsening symptoms after starting antibiotics), it is a red flag that the causative agent is resistant to those antibiotics and you should get back to the doctor ASAP to follow up. Because we don't want that shit spread around.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 55 minutes ago, evilcoyote said:

    @viking8x6is this the correct place to post this? 

    I'd say the Regional Forum would be a shade better, though General is perfectly reasonable, too. If you have that kind of question, please report the post yourself to have the first available Moderator take care of it. Also, that way if the question is about whether it needs to go in the Backroom (for example), you won't get a penalty if it does.

    • Like 1
  8. You can certainly take it as DoxyPrEP - it works whether you know for sure that you've been exposed, or simply know that it's likely in a given situation. I took mine last week when I was headed to a little orgy that a FB of mine was hosting, where I knew we'd be inviting strangers to a hotel room and I'd be crossing paths with whatever 4-6 of them had.

    But you don't want to be taking doxycycline all the time. That is just an invitation for antibiotic resistance to develop in whatever bacteria you happen to be hosting. Also, it's hell on your digestive bacteria.

    • Upvote 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Guest50 said:

    Apparently this is a relatively new drug that acts as morning after pill (I think?) for exposure to the common stis such as gono, chlamydia and syphilis, but I really haven't heard too much or know anybody who takes it.

    Is anybody here really on it? And does it work? Tbh this is really the only place I have heard it talked about.

    I have a Rx for it - mainly because I'm concerned about syphilis.

    The hard part is deciding whether to take it on a particular occasion. If I'm just playing with one person who is known to me (FB or what have you) I generally don't, as I trust those people to tell me if they've been whoring around (or I know that they generally do or don't). If I go out to a club or bookstore and have many partners, I take it.

    It's an old drug (doxycycline) that actually used to be the front-line treatment for chlamydia about 30 or 40 years ago.

    There's more information in the topic above (into which your question has been merged), including links to info on how well it works.

  10. It would not be directly linked.

    That said, the available evidence indicates that increasing the population of animals (including humans) beyond the carrying capacity of a system inevitably results in an increase in "unnatural" deaths by one cause or another. Which strongly suggests that if we keep suppressing disease and increasing our numbers, the remaining Four Horsemen, or alternative diseases, will be showing up any time now.

    I suspect that is what @leakyhole meant by his post.

    • Upvote 1
  11. 44 minutes ago, DallasPozzible said:

    Reporting today that Johnson’s financial disclosures since he took office in 2016 claim that Johnson and wife have no bank account containing more than $1000 and no assets is a bit unbelievable. What is he hiding?

    [think before following links] https://www.msn.com/en-ca/money/topstories/very-unusual-financial-disclosures-reveal-mike-johnson-does-not-have-a-bank-account-or-investments/ar-AA1je0il

    No doubt he gave all his money to the Church. And it takes verrrry good care of him. Tax-free, of course.

    • Upvote 2
    • Haha 1
  12. 5 hours ago, PozTalkAuthor said:
    6 hours ago, mancoco said:

    I am willing to split the story as i know its a slow start.  How do i do that? Also how do i add tags like "poz" etc? TY


    As far as I know, tags can be added just when you start a new topic

    Unless it's a whole new story (like a different year of college, or a move to another city), it's better to keep it in the same topic; that way people can find it easily and follow it if they want to get notifications of new chapters.

    Tags are attached to the topic (not the individual posts), so in order to change them you have to edit the original post of the topic. That can only be done by the members within the first 5 or 10 minutes after posting it. After that, you can request that a moderator make the edit, by reporting your own post and explaining the desired edit in the text of the report.

  13. 5 hours ago, Guest50 said:

    Isn't prep just as expensive? I am not advocating for chasing but either way if you are out here fucking raw you are going to have to take meds either way whether it's for prevention or treatment.

    Prep is not as expensive as HAART treatment that suppresses an active infection. It's some of the same drugs, but not all of them.

    2 hours ago, Opensesame said:

    Prep is free in the US. 

    Prep is NOT free. It may be provided to people in the US free of charge to the end-user, but it certainly costs a substantial amount of money, and that money comes from somewhere. In the US, that's mostly health care premiums.


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  14. A-C: The church can't marry gay people. It can't even seem to marry gay people. Anything like that is right out.

    D-E: The church can bless gay people if it's just a blessing and not something that seems like marriage.

    F: Makes no sense at all. Seems tangential to the argument, and "on the other hand" has no sensible antecedent.

    G: It's not appropriate for the church to make a policy of that blessing thing. It basically has to stay a one-off by special request only.

    After that last bit, next thing you know they'll be selling indulgences... 🙄

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