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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. Oh yeah. Story of my life. I've had guys literally say "normally I'm a top, but I want to bottom with you". On the brighter side, the one who said that back in January actually did fuck me, he just didn't want to cum in me (because he wanted me to fuck him also).
  2. I agree with this. Rhetoric or policies that wander into this territory are a form of liberal extremism that causes more problems than it counters, no matter if the intent is to benefit. Disagree here, unless we're talking about "taking something" from a class of people who got that something by systematic exploitation of another class of people (aka taxing the plutocrats). It's well and good to operate from a mentality of abundance, but when that abundance is arrogated by a few people to the detriment of others, it seem legitimate to me to advocate some kind of corrective action.
  3. That would be problematic, because they don't mean anything close to the same thing.
  4. Which does beg the question of whether they actually are asking about your hygiene, are illiterate, or just are dumb as a sack of hammers...
  5. There's no such thing as a "paid member" here. To gain member privileges (like more messages, reactions to posts, etc) you have to advance your member status by participation.
  6. Moderator's note: If you find or make a post with this kind of problem (in this case, drug use where it should not be), please use the Report function (in the pop-up menu opened by the "..." button at the top right of the post) to flag it. If the problem is not obvious, explain in the text of the report. If you do this for your own post, you will not receive an infraction for it (because you are taking responsibility and correcting your mistake).
  7. I've tried this for other life decisions on occasion. The results were less than optimal. Turns out there are too many variables and unknowns for it to work all that well. At least in my hands, though not for a lack of intellectual and math ability. Maybe an actuary would do better. Then again, maybe not.
  8. The currently appropriate phrase (as far as IQ substantially below average goes) is "intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD)". People with ASD and other forms of neurodivergence aren't any less intelligent than people without it; rather, they interact from the world (and in particular with other people) in a qualitatively different way from the neurotypical. In general, all of these sorts of people can (and frequently do) have sex (excluding, as you say, profoundly disabled people incapable of consent). How societal prejudices affect their experiences with sex is an active area of research in psychology and social psychology for many of these types of disabilities (often separate research for the different specific conditions). You can find many recent articles (e.g. in Psychology Today) by doing a web search on "sex life <X>" (where <X> is the name of the specific condition). https://www.apa.org/monitor/2017/12/seeking-intimacy-sidebar
  9. Your impression was incorrect. Breeding Zone is a web site for men into bareback sex with men. Inasmuch as that's no longer (in the 2020s) a niche community, the site is only "niche" in that it's a zone where judgment of others' fetishes and foibles is explicitly discouraged, which is pretty much the opposite of the cliquish echo chamber effect that pervades social media. That said, there are a few things that are explicitly off limits, as some boundaries are in fact necessary to avoid harm to the site and its members. Lots more detail can be found in the topic below:
  10. I'm going to give a slightly modified form of that advice - just my 2 cents, as someone who has dabbled in the creative endeavor occasionally myself. If the story, characters, plot elements, narrative style, or other such things aren't your cup of tea - the above advice is exactly correct. Such things are inevitably a matter of taste, and different people will have different ideas of what makes a great story or a crummy one. Why does one person adore Steinbeck and another Dickens? Taste! Their styles are vastly different, and yet both are revered as great authors of "classic" literature. The same principle applies to porn. If there are serious problems with the writing or editing that impede your appreciation of the story the author has presented - I'm talking about formatting that makes it literally unreadable on your screen, grammar, spelling, or typographical problems so severe that it's difficult to read and/or understand, and the like, I think it actually might be a good thing to private message the author and say "hey, I'm having trouble enjoying your story because of <X> - could you fix it?" or "... can I offer you some help with that?". I try to do this as a moderator when there's something that obviously is a mistake. Authors - if you see things in your own story, or if people bring things to your attention, that need fixing: Use the report feature to report your own story and explain in the report text what needs fixing, and a moderator will be happy to make the edit. Other people, please let the author do this, as if others report it we'll just ask the author about it anyway.
  11. What the algorithms throw you depends on what you feed them. I'd guess that a closeted individual of the kind one finds under every rock out here, whose social media contains not the slightest hint of gay/bi oriented content (and probably isn't identifiable from their cruise app profile, which has no picture or other identifying information, nor even any text whatsoever), wouldn't get them. I can't recall getting any doxy ads myself, come to think of it, though I get prep ads all the time.
  12. This thread is in the Health forum, and as such is judged differently than it might be elsewhere on the site. [emphasis mine] Many do in fact advocate that people who eat too many simple carbs take drugs to prevent diabetes, and that people who are prone to drink too much take drugs to prevent them from doing so. The point isn't to spoil people's fun, it's to prevent harm. Whether or not you believe that each of us has a God-given right to do as much self-harm as we are inspired by said God to do, it's not too hard to agree that while we gratify our desires (or our dharma), avoiding harm is preferable to suffering it, no?
  13. Well, I'm not into politics. I certainly take part in them, and have opinions about them, but it's a tedious chore, rendered necessary chiefly by those who are into politics, because they like bossing people around, or for other reasons that I find step on the toes of me and those I care about, or that do harm disproportionate to their intended good (presuming charitably that people are not actively intending to do evil). Regardless of that, it does seem an inappropriate topic for a hookup site. Possibly even for a dating site, though that's arguable.
  14. You have multiple examples - what, does he have a reputation for this behavior? I find it unsurprising that men under 30 would be rude, condescending, or arrogant. I might have been a bit of all those myself at that age. I find it unsurprising that some men under 30 (depending a lot on geography and self-identification) would be ignorant. Certainly in my neck of the woods (which epithet must be understood to be literal in these parts) there's plenty of ignorance to go around. E.g. I had to educate my primary care provider about doxyPEP, and he clearly didn't get the idea properly because he wrote a prescription for one dose (WTF?). Getting tested for anal and oral STIs is similarly fraught. FWIW, I used condoms for years back in the 80s and 90s. As far as HIV goes, I trust PrEP more than condoms. But condoms more than doxy.
  15. This topic was originally posted in General Discussion and was moved to the Politics forum later (by me, because that's where it belongs). So the Jameson was not at fault.
  16. I asked this question a few weeks back, and after beating things rather to death, it turned out that none of the people who use it as a pejorative can (or are willing to) define it other than "liberal policies we don't like".
  17. Should have 'em born in time for next year's taxes. Credits up the wazoo!
  18. starts out fucking, switches to oral and ends with a cum shower... but the chemistry is palpable https://thisvid.com/videos/hook-up-in-a-book-store-go-into-a-booth-fuck-big-time/
  19. Great fun! "Good Omens, the XXX version"? 😉
  20. A good rim job with plenty of spit is great, but often guys need a bit more to handle my girth. I find Vaseline (which so many here prefer) is too thick for my taste, so I've been using plain mineral oil, which doesn't dry and also doesn't stain bedding (unlike vegetable oils). That's a bit too thin, so I'd be very curious to know the formulation for the homemade Albolene - @Calgarybugchaser, please share! As far as commercial lubes, I find them generally overpriced and I really hate the silicone ones, which seem to be impossible to remove from skin and aren't slick enough for my taste.
  21. Lovely and poignant wrapup! Thanks for this awesome story! Great stuff from start to finish!
  22. Saying "the economy is/was great" without specifying "for whom" isn't all that meaningful. Especially to all of the people who aren't part of the "whom".
  23. The last chapter has now been updated. Enjoy!
  24. This would seem unconstitutional on the face of it. That doesn't mean it won't be enacted! Nor, alas, that the current Supreme Court might uphold it.
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