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Posts posted by viking8x6

  1. 10 hours ago, 90PercentStr8 said:

     I can see meeting up with men, at nude beaches, or going to a bath house, occasionally , possibly every 4 to 6 months.

    What are my odds of getting HIV, or some other STD, (based on the information above), and potentially giving it to my wife? 

    HIV probably not all that high at that frequency (though if you go to a bath house or other group scene they increase a lot). Of course, you can bring HIV to nearly zero by taking PrEP, and I recommend that if it's available to you.

    Other STIs, fairly significant in my opinion (and my experience) at the every few months frequency. And they can be hard to spot, especially syphilis. Generally treatable (as long as you are vigilant and don't let them fester). In your shoes, I'd be up-front with the wife that it's a risk, and adjust venues and testing to keep it at a comfortable level. Just my opinion, there.

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  2. In the interest of not accelerating the flame war, I am not addressing this to any specific person.

    The Covid-19 vaccines are designed to stimulate immunity to the virus. The immune system is not an all-or-nothing deal - it has many different components and of course every person's is slightly different. One of the things it can do (and usually does, that being its proper function) is to reduce viral load (a subject familiar to most members of this site) and thereby the chance of transmission. Therefore, the Covid-19 vaccines (more than one, remember) are expected to reduce the overall rate of transmission. There is evidence that suggests that in fact they do. 

    [think before following links] https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2021/08/study-ties-covid-vaccines-lower-transmission-rates

    That said, the management of Crew Club has the right to make whatever decision they see fit regarding the requirement for proof of vaccine, or mask use, or any other damn thing. I strongly suspect that their motivation is to stay open (having just spent over a year with no revenue!), and those of us who enjoy having a sex club to go to in DC would be well advised to support them in that goal, don't you think?


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  3. 1 hour ago, Breedingandseeding said:

    Can we stop calling men who like to fuck with other men straight?

    We can call them whatever we want to call them between ourselves - labels are obviously irrelevant, not to mention inadequate to describe the complexity of human sexual response.

    It's only polite to call them what they want to be called when in their company. If they like to be called "straight", I'm happy to call them that. Even if I have my dick balls deep in them.


  4. Unapologetic tramp who has found love on more than one occasion - sometimes it goes awry and sometimes life choices can get in the way. Currently about 10 years in to a relationship with a very sweet man, a wannabe pig whose fantasies greatly exceed his experience so far. And getting plenty on the side, which seems to work for both of us.

    In my view of the world, love is about the heart, not about the body - it can happen without sex at all, with a monogamous relationship, with a polyamorous relationship, or with an open relationship. There are billions of men on the planet and every one of them is different in how they behave and think about sex and love, so trying to put them in boxes will only make you crazy.

    • Like 1
  5. Yesterday on my way home from a weekend with my BF, I met up with a married buddy of mine - a hot little Brazilian cub - at an ABS near his work. It was about 1 in the afternoon, and the place had a fair number of (mostly older) guys there. My buddy and I met up in the parking lot and went in and he bought some poppers. We got in a booth together and he was all over me as soon as we got the door shut. Got our pants down and he started sucking me before I could even feed the meter. I sucked him some too, then he climbed up on the bench and begged me to eat his ass. It opened right up and I managed to get some lube out of my pocket and grease up while I was tonguing him. Then I stood up and sank my fat dick into his hole. He was in heaven, moaning and rocking and begging me to go deeper. I gave him a pretty thorough fucking, if not very long, and finished by blowing a huge 4-day load deep up inside him. We kissed a little more, wiped off and got dressed... finishing just as the quarters ran out. Total time: 10 minutes in the booth. Neither of us felt shortchanged in the least, and he is already texting me about next time.

    • Like 5
    • Piggy 2
  6. Looks to me like it's the real deal. I think I have heard of it before. I usually send my partners actual messages if I have their phone number, but I don't always have it. Getting tested for syphilis is easy and well worth doing because if you did get tagged, the sooner you catch it, the fewer people you have to tell yourself. And I can assure you from first-hand knowledge that you can get it without noticing any significant primary symptoms. Which is why these days I get regular tests.

  7. Normally I'm very good at forgetting the awful ones. Sometimes the good ones, too... but there you go.

    I happen to remember this because it only happened a couple of weeks ago. Strictly speaking, it doesn't qualify as bad sex, but it definitely belongs here.

    My BF happened to be visiting, and we're cruising the apps for a little 3-way fun (and just to see what's out there). Suddenly I get this message (on Grindr I think) out of the blue from a guy over 100 miles away who wants me to fuck him that afternoon. Apparently he's driving through my (rather small) town on his way from his city to his final destination about 5 hours drive from there. And took the trouble to do the searches for guys along the way (which is a pretty substantial pain) and pick out the one(s) he likes. I'm flattered.

    So I explain my BF is visiting and that we'd be cool with a 3some if he's up for that. Pictures are exchanged. The guy is quite nice-looking - mid-40s is my guess and well worked-out, obviously takes care of himself. My BF is a teddy bear type, furry and round, and I'm a daddy wolf, and both of us are in our 50s, decently preserved for our ages. I mention that my BF would be into 69ing him while I fuck him. He gives me an ETA of 3-4 pm.

    Along about 3:30 or 4, he contacts me saying he's been stuck in traffic for half an hour (true, I can see it on Google maps) and will be delayed. I do the math to get a new ETA and get 6pm, so obviously he was running late already. But there really was traffic, and we don't have plans, so fine.

    He shows up (right when I expected) and yes, he's hot, but he says it has to be a quickie, which doesn't surprise me nor put me off, I'm fine with that. So we cut to the chase. Everyone into the bedroom and get undressed. He's clearly very into my dick, although when I suck him off a bit, he's not getting all that hard - he's just vocal about how much he likes it and wants it. Fine, I guess he's more of a bottom, but that wasn't mentioned and it's cool.

    It doesn't take long before he's bent over the bed anxious for me to fuck him. Well, BF is kind of left out in that position and is clearly interested in sucking the guy, so I flip him over and put his feet over my shoulders. I grab the lube and am just applying it to my dick as my BF goes to suck him, when...

    He suddenly bursts out with "I'm sorry, I can't do this," jumps up and slaps his clothes on, and bolts for the door! By the time I can pick up my phone he has already blocked me.

    I'm pretty sure he could have figured out that it wasn't going to work before I got to the point of lubing up. Just sayin'.

    But whatever. Karma's a bitch, dude. Hope she dishes you out exactly what you deserve.


    • Confused 1
  8. Here's a relevant article:

    [think before following links] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30503324/

    The scientific description of the specific mutation is:

    "The HIV genotype revealed Met184Val, Leu74Val, Leu100Ile, and Lys103Asn mutations in reverse transcriptase, and the phenotype showed susceptibility to tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and resistance to emtricitabine."

    Because viruses with this specific mutation are quite rare (the authors of the other study cited above could only find 10 cases of true PrEP failure in the literature), it wouldn't be considered a "strain", just a mutation that was observed in a few patients.

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  9. This week my BF was visiting (he lives a few hours away). I got a message from a pretty hot guy in another city who said he'd be driving through my town on Sunday and wanted to stop and have me fuck him. I said fine, but my BF would be joining us, and he seemed OK with that.

    Come Sunday he was running late, but finally showed up. The three of us introduced ourselves and cut to the chase, as the guest was short on time. We all got naked and started making out, and he admired my cock as I admired his (rather nice) well-worked out body. Bent over the bed so I could fuck him. I turned him over so my BF could suck him at the same time. I was just lubing my cock when the guest suddenly said "I'm sorry, I can't do this," leapt up and threw on his clothes, and bolted for the door.


    So, that was not my last load. May karma deliver to him exactly what he deserves.

    My actual last load was Tuesday. A guy my BF had chatted up online wanted to come over for a threesome (which he had never had, and was a fantasy of his). My BF was very taken with a cute pic he sent of himself in scrubs with a stethoscope.

    He showed up right when he said he would, a nice, clean, cute little nearly-hairless pocket cub. My BF even liked the way he smelled. I recognized him immediately - I had gone over to his place (about 40 minutes away) and fucked him a few years ago, but it hadn't been too great for me and we hadn't kept in touch. We chatted a little to break the ice.

    WELL! He was very excited by the two of us, he's a fur lover (perhaps because he has almost none himself) and I have a good crop and my BF has even more. We all started making out and it turned out the guest has a really nice sizable uncut cock, which I hadn't remembered. After we all got acquainted with one another's bodies, I got behind him and started eating his ass while my BF made out with him with heavy kissing action. Then I stood up to nibble his neck and ears while I slid my sizable and very hard dick up and down his smooth crack.

    Once we were all thoroughly revved up we put him on the bed and I lifted up his legs while my BF kissed him and fucked his mouth. I lubed him up good (he was very tight) and got him his poppers when he asked. Then I slid it. He was in heaven, moaning and seriously enjoying the ride. I fucked him for a good long time, during which he came twice, though he was so into the whole thing that I couldn't distinguish the actual moments. Finally I looked into his eyes and asked him if he wanted it... and he mumbled "Wait, I'm not on PrEP!" JUST as I was shooting a huge load into him.

    After we all wiped up (there was a lot of cum and spit on things!) I said, "By the way, I heard what you said. Get on it! You're a doctor! But you have nothing to worry about today."


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  10. clear expectations are a really good thing for optimal enjoyment of all parties. "sex date" is ambiguous and IMO likely to cause problems. "trick" is clear; I sometimes use "play date" for that meaning. I've never really intentionally planned a date where the probability of sex was part of the expectation... if I did, I might call it a "date with benefits"

  11. I find body hair very attractive in a man. I find men who remove it all (including underarm and pubic hair) especially unattractive. 

    Do what works best for you, but be aware that there are plenty of us out here who like their men to have hair. It is, after all, a secondary sex characteristic of males.

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