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Posts posted by viking8x6

  1. Dirty Latino bottom breeded by dirty white muscle beef


    This filthy bottom told me he converted a few weeks back. He’s a neighborhood cum dump. Literally one of the dumbest bottoms I’ve met. Socially awkward and no intelligence what so ever. I headed over just to dump my dirty load I’ve been holding in my balls. I’m a horny top slut so I’ll fuck almost anyone. After dumping a load in him I blocked his ass on Grindr since he couldn’t stop messaging me.


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  2. 1 hour ago, Kennethk13 said:

    I started Prep 5 weeks ago and had a blood test to check on kidney function ...

    From one test you absolutely can't tell whether the function dropped and then stabilized at the lower level, or it is still dropping. I guess (but I don't know for sure) it would be worth waiting for another month and getting a second test to find out. You might want to ask your provider.

  3. Well, seeing as this happened to me the other day, it's fresh in my mind. So I'll add two more I've encountered that I haven't seen here:

    • They really are straight, but get drunk (or otherwise impaired) and finally get up their courage to break taboo and try it. But then they decide that it's not really their thing. A guy did this with me this past Wednesday.
    • They really are straight (as in normally prefer women by a large margin) but have an emotional love connection with the gay man in question. This has happened to me more than once with my BFF.

    I think the whole "gay"/"straight" dichotomy (add "bi" if you like) is pretty much a total construct and, while it has its uses, it causes an awful lot of trouble. There are almost 8 billion people on this planet and every single one has a different sexual response. What an awesome toy for all humans to play with! And while sexual taboos may make society run a little smoother, I'm pretty sure that without them everyone would have a much better sex life, and possibly a much better emotional life as well. From my observation, the majority of Americans are starved for physical contact, and if they weren't afraid of having inappropriate sexual feelings maybe things would be better in that department.

  4. Way back when on one of the story sites (early 2000s, I think?) there was a series of stories from the POV of a stealther, not in the pozzing sense but only in the bareback load-giving sense (he explicitly says in the stories that he's never had symptomatic STDs and never been tested for HIV). The protagonist describes himself as an ordinary-looking, not in great shape guy, on the larger side if I remember correctly. It had something like 15-20 episodes, mostly set (I think) the the southeast US. Some at rest stops and other such places. I definitely remember one that had him using condoms he had left on the car dashboard for months so they would break down from the heat. Does anyone have a copy of these or know where they could be found? I haven't seen them on here...

  5. I live out in the boonies, a couple of hours or more from the nearest bathhouse. So when I go to visit my parents, who live near a medium-sized midwestern city, I seize the opportunity to go to one there. I think it was the second time I went that I first ran into the sauna guy. He was working the desk when I checked in. He was shirtless and nicely tanned, a bit thinner and smoother than I like, but with a great smile and a twinkle in his eye. It wasn't busy, so we chatted a little while he checked me in, and then he looked me right in the eye and said, “Wanna fuck?”

    So I grinned and said “Yes!” He buzzed me in and gave me my towel and key and said he'd find me when he took a break. Which he did. And took charge very nicely and fucked me... but he wrapped it up first, which was slightly disappointing. However, we were doing it out in a public area and another guy was only too happy to take sloppy seconds of my ass, so I got a load from him and all was well.

    Fast forward a few months, and I happened to be there when he was again. We just grinned at each other when I checked in, and sure enough, he came around later and found me. This time we went in a private room to fuck, and again he wrapped it up. After he came, he took off the cum-filled condom and I went to clean him off, but he declined, explaining that he was POZ.

    Well, heck! I guess being on staff at a club that is serious about promoting safer sex, he kind of has to, but still – even back when I was using condoms regularly I didn't use them for blowjobs.

    And another year went by, and I was in town again, and got a bit more buzzed than usual. So I was out way past my bedtime, and drove (which I probably shouldn't have) to a guy's house to fuck him. And we smoked a little weed (which I definitely shouldn't have, even though it's legal there). And then this player got all squirrely about whether I was “clean” or not and wouldn't say “yes” even though I offered to fuck him with a condom. So I left in disgust.

    It must have been 2 am by then. And I was horny, and kind of messed up, and in a strange town a long way from anyone I knew. But I was not far at all from the bathhouse: Problem solved!

    Well, this time I figured I needed a space to chill for sure, so I got my own private room. And got fucked very nicely by a hot bear cub. And a bit later on, of course I run into the sauna guy in the hall. And he says “Let's find a room.”

    “I have one!” I answer cheerfully. And off we go. And he's putting on a condom, and realizes there aren't any little lube packets there. That's because when the cub fucked me, he used them, but not the condoms. So sauna guy is about to go get lube and I say, “right there.” Pointing to the little pocket-sized plastic bottle I got from the drugstore. Which is filled with mineral oil I also got from the drugstore. Which he uses to lube my ass.

    And then he fucks me. Very well, as always... the man is good that way! And about three minutes into it, I feel a little snapping sensation inside my ass. And he keeps fucking me. And I really get into it. And after a nice long fuck, he shoots his hot POZ seed deep in my hole. Fuck, yeah! Then we kiss and chat a bit and he heads back to the desk.

    About half an hour later I'm cruising the hall and he's headed the other way and stops and says, “Um, we had a little breakage.”

    “I know,” I say. “No worries...”

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  6. I am in one now and have had others in the past. I was in one bad monogamous relationship where the guy got jealous even though I wasn't playing around. After that I've always been fairly clear that monogamy is not for me, though I don't feel a need to state it up front before dating a guy. I personally don't find it particularly confusing to have sex in different contexts (love, lust, fun, and so on), but I guess a lot of people do.

  7. I've taken Levitra, which is quite similar in effect. Yes, they work - for me it lasts a few hours (Cialis is longer). Very useful for those of us who are getting older and have plumbing issues from time to time. It does mess with my vision a bit (a common side effect).

    Don't mix these drugs with poppers, as the combination can cause your blood pressure to tank in a dangerous way. Also, if you are taking HIV protease inhibitors, be careful because they slow the body's ability to break down the ED med, so you will have to lower the dose.


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  8. 39 minutes ago, SubHornyBottom said:

    As long as all the homosexuals/injection drug users die off, the HIV epidemic could essentially end.(I am not saying it should be the case, but this is a fact, and this fact could be the basis of government's action or inaction.)

    When you state something as obviously absurd as this, and claim it to be a fact, you are giving people a good reason to doubt your other assertions. I will explain that statement further if you wish. I'm trying to take your argument about personal knowledge seriously, but I'm honestly finding it difficult to imagine that you know two dozen people who are getting medical care and are taking PrEP regularly have seroconverted and I have not heard about any of these cases. I'm pretty sure that wouldn't happen, for example, if it happened to me, knowing my primary care provider. And I live in West-fucking-Virginia, by god!

    If I get my test results back next week and am proved wrong, I will come to you with a humble apology. In the meantime, can you help us to understand your reality by explaining more specifically what's going on with these couple-of-dozen people that normal standards of medical care and reporting, not to mention journalism, have vanished like smoke?

    Sorry if it seems like I'm coming down hard on you. You're throwing around some pretty serious accusations without a lot in the way of support, and it comes across like a conspiracy theory. I'm honestly not trying to say you're lying, I'm trying to say there must be some things you're not telling us, because your story on the face of it does not make sense - at least not in my world.

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  9. Here's a link to a fairly detailed general information sheet about Hep C

    Hepatitis C overview page from the CDC


    • In 2016, estimated 2.4 million chronic infections in the US, and 41,000 acute cases (new infections).
    • 10-20% chance of developing cirrhosis over 20-30 years
    • If you get cirrhosis, 3-6% of developing liver failure, 1-5% of developing liver cancer, per year


    Digging a bit further, I also found some information that among the cases in which the information was reported (which unfortunately is a minority of them), a much larger proportion report injection drug use than report gay sexual contact:

    Of 1,118 cases where the information was given, 767 (68%) reported injection drug use, but

    Of 259 cases where the information was given, only 26 (10%) reported that they were men who have sex with men.

  10. As the saying goes, "A man convinced against his will is of his own opinion still," so I know I'm not too likely to change minds... BUT.


    Y'all need to make a distinction between verified facts and anecdotal evidence (i.e. hearsay), and don't even get me started on what happens when you ASSUME.

    The science proves that PrEP works. It works better than condoms. It is not perfect, and it's a lot less perfect if you don't take it consistently.

    The science also proves that strains of the virus that are drug-resistant are less transmissible than the more common drug-susceptible strains. How much less transmissible, we don't know.

    At least in Seattle, the "government" (i.e. the medical community and public health organizations) take the threat of a snowballing drug-resistant strain very seriously - they monitor new cases and test them for drug resistance, and if they see a cluster of new drug-resistant cases, they chase them down:


    April of 2016, we became aware of a potential primary transmission of Truvada resistant HIV in an individual reporting high PrEP adherence. This prompted us to look at Truvada resistance among all King County residents living with HIV infection. Our goal was to find Truvada resistant individuals with viremia -- plasma viral load above 1,000 or 10,000 copies (and thus with a high capacity for onward transmission) and do harm reduction work to help them move towards viral suppression. We defined Truvada resistance as one or more genotypic test (at any time) with intermediate to high level resistance to both components of Truvada (or PrEP): emtricitabine and tenofovir.

    King County actively engages individuals with barriers to care in several ways, including the following two ongoing projects. The CAPP (Care and Antiretroviral Promotion Project) team regularly attempts to contact individuals either not receiving regular HIV-related medical care or without viral suppression to do harm reduction work and help move people towards greater antiretroviral adherence or to work on whatever barriers they have to access optimal HIV care. CAPP gives participants a $50 incentive for participation. The MAX clinic is a walk-in clinic for individuals with major impediments to seeking health care (including substance use, mental illness, incarceration, and homelessness). MAX also uses participant incentives, including providing participants cell phones so they may better communicate with medical providers.

    We have submitted two lists of viremic individuals to the CAPP team, one in 2016 and one in 2017. The lists contained 18 to 21 individuals. Most individuals have previously been referred to CAPP or MAX. Some of the individuals sought had relocated and were no longer King County residents. Most of the remainder are being served by the MAX clinic, have become non-viremic, or have reduced their viral load by over one log since their initial identification.

    (quote from this page)

    Certainly, history tells us that QUILTBAG people are at risk for being "thrown under the bus," but there is also plenty of evidence that most of the people working on HIV in the scientific and medical communities are fighting to help us, not to harm us.

    It is also true that from what we currently know about evolution in general and about drug-resistant microorganisms in particular, it is reasonable to believe that eventually a virus that is repeatedly exposed to a certain antiviral will evolve resistance to it in a way that doesn't lose its transmissibility. But from what we've seen so far (a history of 30 years now with NRTI drugs), it does not happen fast.

    So, if PrEP is right for you, I'd say take it regularly and don't worry about it. Worry about something really threatening, like car accidents or global climate change. Or taxes.


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  11. 11 hours ago, SubHornyBottom said:

    Here is the stats from King County from Seattle about resistant strain. It's low, but my worry is that, just like the 1980s, the resistant strain will spread fast

    Thanks for adding the link to the article! I think that the page I found is a report on the original data that the scientists mentioned in the article were analyzing. Re. your worry about it spreading fast, the article does have a paragraph about that down near the end:


    The researchers also wanted to determine how many people in King County had contracted a strain of HIV that was already resistant to both drugs in Truvada, as opposed to having developed such drug resistance over time while receiving ARV treatment. Drug-resistant virus tends to be less “fit” and less transmissible. So while there may be a certain amount of drug-resistant virus within a population of people with HIV, whether such virus is actually likely to transmit to others is another matter.

    Per the article, of almost 2,000 new cases of HIV in King County (2008-2017), only 3 were of strains resistant to Truvada.

  12. Crabs, gonorrhea and chlamydia all together. The crabs I figured out almost right away, which made me suspicious of the (slight) irritated dick, so I went to the university clinic. The guy there was dubious about it being gono, but I was right. They treated it with a penicillin shot (no clue why - did they think the pain would discourage college age males from having sex?). Didn't find out about the chlamydia until later (when the irritation didn't go away), and that meant some embarrassing phone calls over Christmas break to a bunch of people that I might have caught it from. Well, in college you're supposed to learn things, right?

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  13. 3 hours ago, concerned1 said:

    How common are those particular strains among poz guys?

    Best info I could find was from the  WHO, but it's generally for countries in Africa, South America and Southeast Asia. Those numbers look to be around 2% (i.e. not common at all). I couldn't find any data on resistant strains for the US on the CDC web site.  Bottom line, though, is that out of literally hundreds of thousands of people on PrEP, who are supposed to be getting tested every three months, we've seen less than 10 cases of transmission.

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  14. From what I understand of the biology (which is quite a bit; I have advanced degrees in science), this is probably the most likely of the three methods of taking PrEP to be problematic (i.e. fail) when exposed to strains of the virus that have some resistance to the two drugs in Truvada. But beyond that, it seems to me that it would be harder to remember to take the meds on only certain days than simply to take it every day.

    Also, if it's a matter of cost, it's worth doing the calculation to see whether it will make any real difference at the end of the year taking 4 pills a week vs 7 - in my case, if I'm paying the full (negotiated) price of the med, I would hit the out-of-pocket maximum on my health plan either way, so it's a moot point. YMMV.

  15. This story was on the original bugshare, and whatever it was called before that (back when it didn't have the crazy purple background and was just text). As I recall, there were multiple versions. One version was ported to this site back in 2010 (thanks hotload84), in "A special birthday gift"  The other version, which had a rather different feel to it at the climax (the only part of the story that was much different), wasn't. And it was hot in a different sort of way. About three computers ago, I used to have a version of it saved to my hard drive and would revisit it every now and then. But with changing formats and all, I lost track of it and I haven't been able to find it anywhere on the web, either. So I've reconstructed it from the existing version as best I can from my battered memories (oh yes, I've killed more than a few brain cells in the last 20 years!), with a few added touches of my own. Hope you enjoy!


    The Birthday Boy

    I met the birthday boy at a club I don't usually frequent. The crowd is younger and overall less mature than what I like. But a buddy of mine twisted my arm, so I went along.

    I was having an okay time dancing until I bumped into this kid who was no taller than 5'5", but built like a gymnast and wearing no shirt. He gyrated his hips in a sexy manner and kept looking in my direction. I smiled at him, which he took as an invitation. Next thing I knew he was pushing his butt against my crotch and we were dirty dancing.

    It wasn't long before I asked him to have a drink. My buddy was tangled up with a bunch of twinkies on the dance floor, so I didn't feel like I was abandoning him. Chip and I headed toward the bar.

    He’d just turned 21 and was celebrating with some college buddies. He was studying geology, and his only sex had been with guys in the dorm. There was a lot he wanted to explore. And he didn’t mean rock formations. We drank a couple of beers, danced some more, and ended up in his jeep a half hour before closing.

    I invited him over to my place since I live alone and don’t have to worry about roommates or uninvited visitors. Earlier that day I‘d purchased some high-grade weed and wanted to try it out. We headed up to the roof of my building to smoke a joint and jabber. A few tokes told us the stuff performed as advertised, and it hit Chip particularly hard.

    "I feel so fucked up now."

    I volunteered to give him a massage, and we went downstairs to my bedroom. I had him undress and lay face down on the bed. I took the baby oil and started rubbing him down. He got to moaning and grinding his hot bubble butt up into my hands. Every time I ran past his crack, he'd part his legs a little more, until, by the 5th pass, he was lying there totally spread-eagled.

    He wanted it bad—and so did I. I stroked up and down his crack and leaned my face close to his boy butt so I could smell the musky scent emanating from his hole.

    "Do you like to buttfuck?"

    I tried not to laugh. “Do I like to buttfuck? Hell yeah!”

    He asked me to put on a condom, saying he wanted to stay clean in case he ever met “Mr. Right.”

    I commented that if he ever met “Mr. Right,” it wouldn’t matter if he were clean or not.

    I pretty much always bareback and halfway contemplated refusing. But considering my status, I figured he had a point. I squirted some lube in his crack and worked it in with my finger. Then I let him unroll the condom over my rock-hard shaft.

    “Roll over,” I said, and spooned behind him. Then I put my arms around his hot little torso and slowly pushed into his crack.

    To my surprise, before I even got the head fully in he grimaced and complained how much it hurt. I reassured him, then rolled on my back and told him to sit on it. That might be easier. Hi tried it, but still complained, and pulled off my dick as soon as he got the head inside. I was getting frustrated, but tried not to show it because, well, he was just 21; and I figured he hadn’t fucked much.

    "I'm sorry, I guess this isn't going to work," he apologized, reaching back and pulling the condom off my cock. I expected to hear him to say that he’d better be going. But instead he kept his hole positioned right above my drooling dick, and gradually lowered himself till strands of precum clung to his man-pussy.

    "It's really too bad,” me murmered, “'cause I really wanted to feel you way up inside me, a kind of a special birthday gift. And I bet you wanted to fuck me, too.” He began gently rocking back and forth on my cock and brushing his ass lips against the tip. When my cock was just centered in his hole, he gyrated his hips the way he had on the dance floor – so that, ever so slowly, my raw dick started to slip inside him.

    When the head of my cock popped past his sphincter, he got this glazed look of lust on his face. His lips parted, but he said nothing further. I slid deeper into him. He leaned back on me. His hungry hole gripped my dick. I could remain passive no longer. I pulled out, rolled him onto his back, lifted his legs to my shoulders, and began to fuck him slow and deep.

    I kept it up for what seemed like ages, but eventually I knew I couldn't hold out much longer. My breathing grew ragged as I picked up the pace, thrusting hard into his firm gym-rounded ass. He moaned softly, "Don't cum in me, okay? Just don't cum in me."

    "Don't what?"

    "Please don’t cum in me."

    I slowed a bit and leaned down, brushing my scruffy cheek against his smooth one. “Don't... what?” I asked, kissing his neck and jaw.

    "Don't cum in me..."

    “Don’t.” I raised my head and locked eyes with him, twitching my dick inside his hole with my pelvic muscles alone. “What?”

    I could see his pupils dilate as he visualized it. “...Cum in me,” he whispered. I knew I had him.

    “What?” I asked.

    “Cum in me.”

    I nodded my head and resumed thrusting, never breaking eye contact.

    “Cum in me. Aww fuck, cum in me!” He grabbed my hips and pulled me tight against him as my thrusts grew furious. I was only too happy to oblige; as he yelled wordlessly and thrashed in ecstasy I could feel my cock swell to its full girth, flooding him with wave after wave of my toxic cum. His own jizz, perhaps neg for the last time, shot onto my chest.

    To make a long story short, the marijuana and the fucking had taken its toll and shortly thereafter we fell asleep. In the morning he was the first awake; and I fucked him twice more, once in the shower and finally in the alley behind my building as we were saying goodbye.

    It was then that he asked my status.

    I hemmed and hawed. “Status doesn’t mean anything,” I said. “A guy may test neg one day, have a fatal affair the next, and end up poz.”

    “And did I just have that fatal affair?”

    “I think so.”

    “Then I’d better get tested.” He glanced off down the alley toward where his jeep was parked. “I didn’t expect to stay neg forever. In fact, I kind of wonder if I wasn’t asking for it last night.”

    With that we kissed. He hopped in his jeep, and drove off.

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  16. Oh yes, most of the things that have already been mentioned, for sure!

    I will add: Lookie-loos gathered in the hall to watch door-open action in a room (so far it's fine), who don't have the common sense or courtesy to leave enough space for other people to get past. And ditto that on steroids for the dark room.

  17. There's a technical document from the CDC that explains. It discusses the results from three clinical studies and says:


    Combined, these couples engaged in over 125,000 sex acts without a condom or PrEP over more than 2,600 couple-years of observation.

    There were ZERO cases of transmission where the positive partner had a VL under 200 copies/mL (undetectable). This doesn't mean that it can't happen, but statistics allow the scientists to conclude that the chances of transmission in each event are less than 0.14%.



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  18. 45 minutes ago, drscorpio said:

    Very hot story! Have you posted any pictures of your hot cock?

    Thanks, sexy! I have a bunch of pictures (including cock) on BBRT and have unlocked them for you. Eventually I'll get some posted here, too. Though really I ought to get more recent ones first.

  19. I went to my first CumUnion party, at Crew Club in DC last Saturday. I had signed up for it a week or so ahead, hoping that my car would be out of the shop (where it's been on and off for 9 friggin months). And I got the car back on Friday. So, here's how it went, at least as far as I can remember. Some of the details may have escaped; it was a busy night and it has taken me a week to get around to getting all of this written up.


    Of course I was cruising online (mostly on BBRT) all day Saturday trying to meet up with a few people who would be there, so I'd have a recognizable face or two and a planned hookup in case things were lame (not that I expected they would be). And watching some porn to get myself fully cranked up ahead of time.

    And of course, a local guy hit me up for some fun in the early afternoon... said he had a bottom who wanted to take multiple guys. So I went over and we made out, and after a little bit the bottom showed up and we fucked him – he had a sweet tight ass that gripped my fat dick wonderfully; felt like a fleshlight. Shot a nice load in him, and headed home.

    Got myself cleaned up, and cleaned out, which took longer than I had planned, but got on the road to get down there by about 8 (it's a 2 hour drive). Even found parking a couple of blocks away (a minor miracle). When I arrived there was a substantial line to get in, probably 8-10 guys waiting to be buzzed through the door. Some of whom were pretty hot. Got in and they were out of rooms, so I got my towel and key, dropped my clothes in the locker, and went exploring.

    It was a pretty good crowd already at 10pm, nice mixture of mostly white and black guys, with some latinos and just a few asians. A wide spread of ages and body types. Of course there were some notable standouts – the really hot trio of tattooed guys I had seen in the entryway, a few big beefy black guys with substantial endowments, some rather hot bearish types (I'm personally partial to those) and one totally adorable pocket-size twink with a hot gym body whose good looks were in the model-to-movie star range.

    I made my way through the lounge area (well-lit with comfy couches, drink machines and a big TV showing porn), past the showers (flanked by a steam room on one side and a sauna on the other), and hung a left into the area with the private rooms. Before I could even make a tour of the hallways, a beefy young guy caught my eye and made it clear that he wanted my company... a desire which I was happy to oblige.We kissed a bit and then he bent over... so I slid into him and fucked him nice and deep standing up. I wasn't ready to cum just yet, because I had only just arrived and he didn't really turn my crank that hard, so after a bit I shoved it deep in, grabbed him hard around the waist and gave a bit of a shudder, then eased up and slid out. He seemed happy enough.

    I decided to go back to my locker and grab a little more Gatorade, and just as I was unlocking it, the desk staff called my locker number for a room upgrade – great timing! So I slammed down my fluids with a Cialis (I thought I might need that) and schlepped my stuff to the desk to get swapped around. After I got into my room and got settled, I went to explore some more...

    Cruised the hallways to see what I could find there and in the rooms. A pretty nice selection, and as usual, a lot more looking than fucking. But it was early yet. I checked out the steam room, and it was nicely set up, with plenty of benches and quite a few guys in it, though a little on the tepid side for my taste (even though that means you can stay in there longer). The scenery in the showers was consistently pretty good, especially when a couple of hotties were making out in them. Cruised a bit more and finally started making out with a guy and took him back to my room. We made out some more and traded blowjobs, and then I fucked him for a while. Still didn't want to cum yet, so after a while I said I needed to take a break, and that he could find me later if he wanted more.

    Rinsed off in the shower and walked around some more. Alas, several of the people I was most interested in didn't reciprocate, but that's par for the course at the baths and I try not to let it bother me. I'm getting older, though still have a pretty good bod and a great dick, and there's certainly no accounting for taste.

    At this point I discovered the dark room, which isn't really hidden but had been non-obvious to me for whatever reason. I checked it out, and it was moderately crowded with a guy in the sling and several against the fuck bench, plus a lot standing up. I moved into the crowd and felt around to see if there was anything tempting. It turned out that one of the bent-over guys had a truly excellent hairy chest, which got me hot even though I couldn't see him at all. So when the guy fucking him was done, I slid into place... and into his ass. Mmmmm! Plowing him deep with my fat 8 incher with a bit of dirty talk in his ear and my arms wrapped around his torso running my fingers through that carpet... it was HOT! I was able to last for a while, but before too long I went over the edge and pumped a huge load up his ass.

    Time for a break... I showered off and took another couple of laps around the halls. Nothing too interesting that I hadn't seen already, though by this time the crowd was starting to thicken up – I guess it was around midnight or so. I noticed that the room next to mine was occupied by the hot twink model type that I mentioned back at the beginning... He was bent over taking it from two 6-foot smooth jock types with really big dicks (bigger than mine, which is saying quite a bit). I stopped to watch, and so did another guy. The other guy started to join them, but one of the jocks waved him off firmly. I just stood there stroking and got my meat really hard and thick and showed it off a bit. I figure it doesn't hurt to advertise!

    Went back to the darkroom and bent over the bench myself as there was actually room to do so. Took a little while, but then a guy or three got behind me and fucked me a bit – it was uncomfortable at first (they didn't really bother to lube me or anything) but then I enjoyed it for a while. I have no idea whether any of them came, since they were quiet and didn't do any obvious tensing up or anything.

    Went back out and walked around some more. Spotted an adorable redheaded bear cub who was sitting on a hall bench watching video. Very hot in my book, but he didn't look interested, so I moved along. Checked out the steam room again. There was a pretty hot black guy sitting there stroking, who looked like he was interested, so I squatted in front of him and started sucking him. I stood up and he sucked me a bit, too, and then he got up and walked out. I followed, thinking he wanted me to join him somewhere more comfortable... and he went straight to his locker. So I asked if he wanted to fuck, and he apologized and said he had to leave. Rats.

    Still more walking, and checked out the darkroom some more – it was getting horribly crowded and it was difficult to move around, but there wasn't a heck of a lot of sex going on. I thought “fuck that,” so to speak. Out in the halls again, I noticed that the redheaded cub was still on his bench. This time I stopped and stroked his shoulder a bit. He didn't seem averse to it, so I did a little more, and then asked if he wanted to come back to my room. Yes! Always a good answer in my book! It was just down the hall, so I took him back there and we kissed and made out and gave each other blowjobs. I asked if he wanted to fuck, and he said no – he doesn't feel comfortable doing that at the bathhouse. I can understand that point of view, having been shy once myself (a hell of a long time ago), so we played a little more and then decided to move on.

    When I came out of my room and was locking the door, I noticed that the model twink was in his room all alone, stroking. So I stopped at his door and stroked a bit. I normally go for hairier and often older, but he was really gorgeous, with a face that would stop traffic. And then, to my complete amazement, he invited me in! You could have knocked me over with a feather; he was the last guy in the place I'd have expected to make a move on me. We kissed a little bit and then he bent over. No discussion needed; it was clear what he wanted. I slid into his cum-slick ass and started pumping. Oh, YEAH! He was fucking HOT. Pumped for a good long while (lucky I had cum earlier so I had some real staying power). Then I told him to flip over. Put his legs on my shoulders and fucked him missionary style, looking deep in his eyes. Seriously HOT. I kept it up as long as I could, and then when I got close I slammed into him hard, as deep as I could, as I felt my thick cock swell up even more and pump multiple jets of my seed deep into his guts. I just stayed there as it gradually softened and he said (as though it were something that doesn't happen too often), “I felt that!!!” WOW. We kissed again and I headed for the shower to wash up.

    By this time it was maybe 2 am and I was really starting to feel anxious to take some loads myself. Headed to the darkroom, which was completely packed, and shoved my way in somehow, but all of the “stations” were full of guys already, and they weren't moving. Besides which, some of the standing up guys were clearly looking for dick, and kept groping for mine, and I was both unready and unwilling to play that role just then. Cruised the steam room and saw a hot bear guy that I had seen in the halls earlier. Stroked his chest, but he didn't seem into it so I moved along. Sat down near the entrance and stroked a bit. He came by a little later and leaned over and whispered apologetically that he appreciated the interest but he was into black guys. I smiled and told him “no worries”!

    There had been some turnover – I noticed some of my favorite eye candy leaving, including the model twink (not long after I had fucked him, which was vaguely flattering) – but the place was still hopping. I walked around a bit more and on another trip through the steam room ran across a gorgeous blond otter with a super handsome face. Our eyes met and I could feel the spark. We reached for each other and started making out right away. He asked if I would fuck him and I said, “sure, especially if you'll return the favor!” He said he had just cum recently so he didn't know if he could. I told him no problem, and he bent over and I fucked him right there. Really hot guy. I fucked for a while, but wasn't recharged enough to cum myself just yet, and besides it was hot in there, so I told him to come find me later.

    Cooled off a bit in the shower and then went back to my room and hung out there with the door open, stroking and fingering my ass with some lube. Various guys went by, but no one really stopped except one guy who came in but only wanted to sit on my cock. Which I let him do, but (not surprisingly) it didn't go much of anywhere.

    Headed back to the dark room and got back into the dark corner. No spots were open, so I was sort of waiting for someone to leave, and of course the bottom guys were groping me up again. The one at the end position motioned me to move around the corner and fuck him parallel to the wall, so I did that for a bit. After he left I took the spot and tried to find some top action myself. Took a little while, but eventually I had a top with a fairly slender cock come up and start fucking me. I was enjoying it, so I started being moderately vocal about it, and that was when things started to heat up. When he was done another guy (quite a bit older, I think, from the little I could see out of the corner of my eye) who was medium hung but not all that hard fucked me for a while.

    Meanwhile, one of the bottoms who had been trying to grope me earlier was trying again, from the side. Which was distracting. And was sort of pawing at me. Which was even more so. So I turned my head that way and told him to stop it. He stopped the groping. The tops switched again (I was definitely getting into my happy taking-all-comers space now, and enjoying that). Well, there must have been something hot about this one (I couldn't see, of course), because the pawing bottom went completely nuts and started giggling and flapping his hands around in the air, slapping my shoulder and side. Ecch! I stood up (not sure how that worked with the fucking...) turned to face him, put my hand up to his chest, and said “STOP THAT! NOW!” I think at that point he got his ass out of there, or at least he did stop it. I actually really enjoy an audience, but a spastic one... not so much.

    Well, that kind of interrupted things, but I got back into the groove and was taking a couple more dicks and being pretty verbal about it. Another guy came up on the side and grabbed my hair a bit, then shoved his way in front of me between me and the wall and onto the bench there, and roughly said “suck my dick”. Once I got past my initial confusion, I did... and that was HOT. I started moaning a bit. Then the tops switched off again. Oh shit... the new one's dick was enormous! Even with my well-lubed and well-used ass it was stuck at the entrance. So I pushed hard and felt my hole slowly dilate enough for it to squeeze in. Oh, my! Damn hot. The guy in front of me said “Oh wow! You're getting fucked by a huge black guy!” I just said, “I know!” Once he had cum in me (and I'm pretty sure he did) I yielded the spot to someone else and made my way out, feeling extremely well fucked. Oink!

    Showered off again and wandered around a little, and then realized it was getting close to 4am and I had a two-hour drive to get home. And besides... even though there were still plenty of guys there, it's good to quit while you're ahead, and I felt morally certain that I was not going to get anything better than what I'd had already, as a top or as a bottom. So I checked out (and noticed there was still a line of half a dozen people on the way in) and rolled on home.

    Grand total: three loads given, several taken, and a whole lot of good fucking with hot men! Next day, all my belly and back muscles were sore, but I have to say, it was totally worth it!

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