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Posts posted by viking8x6

  1. 36 minutes ago, pozboy said:

    yes, i got there without problms - how do I delete items I have chosen? I must be the slowest learner you've ever met! again, many thanks

    When that little pop-up tool (the one I showed in the last screen shot) appears... click the trash can 🙂

    It's not so much a question of being slow as of being unfamiliar. It helps a lot to have grown up with it... and I am (barely) young enough to have done so. Kind of like speaking Spanish.

  2. 3 hours ago, pozboy said:

    Where's the toolbar at the top of the main page? Is this the bar that starts with Forums, chat, Blogs etc?

    What you described is what I referred to as the "Menu Bar". If you scroll the main window pane all the way to the top, then just below that you should see something like this. I circled the messages button in blue.

    [think before following links] https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/monthly_2019_12/Toolbar.thumb.PNG.906d8b8bf2a32b1c7f366c7297282922.PNG

    When you click that, you get a pop-up list of the message threads, and you can click on one to open it. I think you made it that far. When you open it, your window ought to look something like this.

    [think before following links] https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/monthly_2019_12/MessageUI.PNG.47f04d9eee92ed13425e1a9b20578ea3.PNG

    That bit at the left (with the "Messages" header) is a list of all the message threads. You can select them using the checkboxes; filter and sort tools are at the top. If all you see below the line that starts "Inbox" is the right-hand bit (where it says "WOOF"), then your window is too small. I think however that you are not having this problem.

    When you select a message thread on the left with a checkbox, at the bottom of the page, the tools to delete or refile it should appear; they look like this (circled in blue; this is just the bottom center of my window).

    [think before following links] https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/monthly_2019_12/MessageTool.thumb.PNG.cb315887c9c97df04f51065658c81e10.PNG

    As you can see, they aren't really noticeable. In fact, the first time I was playing with the message window, I didn't in fact notice them, and was just as puzzled as you are about how to delete messages.

    Hope that helps!

    The actual images I'm referring to in the links above appear below in the same order - something about the new anti-spam machinery is preventing them from appearing in their proper places in the message, I think.







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  3. 3 hours ago, pozboy said:

    I am told my inbox is full. How do I look at the contents and remove items?

    Make sure you're in full view mode (your browser window has to be big enough to show multiple columns in the UI).

    Click the message button in the toolbar at the top of the main page (not the menu bar that doesn't scroll; the one below that on the content page itself). Select any message from the pop-up window and it will take you to the messages page.

    The right-hand pane contains the individual message exchange (all messages in that particular message thread). The left-hand pane contains all the threads in the mailbox, one per line. You can select them individually (using the checkboxes) or there are tools (at the top) to filter them and select the filtered set all at once. When you select them, a pop-up should appear that allows you to delete them or move them to another mailbox.

    Hope this helps!

  4. It certainly does matter... but not in the stereotypical way.

    As a bottom, all sizes can be delightful to be fucked with. Too long is awkward for oral sex (at least for those of us with no gag reflex), too thick is painful (unless you have a super loose ass), too small gets hard to feel (though having been fucked once by a guy with about 4.5" who was 6'3"/280# or so, that's not always the case, as I was delighted to find out)... but they all can be good with skill and participation.

    As a top, I can only speak for a fairly large size, and it's definitely fun, but sometimes it is tough staying hard (especially if the bottom is tight or I'm wearing a condom - one reason I don't), sometimes I can't get it in there (if he's really tight), and it can definitely cause the bottom pain if I don't take proper care (but I happily give rim jobs and that usually prevents this problem. But the worst problem of being hung as a top is that when I'm in the mood to bottom, it can be tough to get guys to pay attention to the right end...

  5. 11 hours ago, Truversebb said:

    The amount of vids being referenced here has come to a crawl without the ability to post quick links. Very sad. Any way the site moderators can remove this restriction?

    It's no harder to post video links than it ever was. It's harder to view them, because you have to cut and paste the URL unless they are in trusted domains, but posting them is just a paste like always. The reasons for the restriction (and how to get it changed for specific domains) are explained here

  6. The latest from zibmusser. I have to say I think the top is incredibly hot - Woooof!

    [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/walmart-redneck-returns-42270471

    "You guys asked for him back. Glad we reconnected. He invited me over to breed me on his wife's bed as she went holiday shopping. I could smell the pussy on the sheets. I hope she could smell mine too. He said his D A D is a Zibmusser fan and likes watching his s o n fuck a f a ggot - AND his D A D wants to fuck me with his son next. I CANT wait. DNA from 2 generations together!!"

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  7. 1 hour ago, goingdowndenver said:

    Does anyone know if Pleasures on Broadway still has gloryholes? I heard they boarded them up this summer.

    Don't know about Broadway, but the one on Washington (off I-25 where I-76 crosses) did as of mid-November when I was there.

  8. As far as the practical side, I'm with @drscorpio , I think. Also, don't forget that even if they are only having oral sex with other men, there are plenty of STDs they can pick up that way (HSV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, to name a few).

    As far as the relationship side, I know from very painful experience that it's possible to love someone (or more than one person) unconditionally and have them love you back, and yet for whatever reason have them treat you badly to the point where you cannot live with it. Only you can make that decision, but if the way that they are treating you badly is damaging to you (and the line "I also don't want to feel used having one of my guys saying "I love you" and calling someone else "daddy" in secret. That makes me feel worthless." is extremely telling, here), you need to take it very seriously. That kind of damage can be very hard to get over, and can slop over into all kinds of other areas in life; also, it is insidious because it can happen gradually in a non-obvious way. I'm five years out, and still having trouble putting my life back together. You may also need some outside help to get a more objective view of the situation - I had to talk to a therapist.

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  9. Medical science is, alas, still a bit of an oxymoron. The nice thing about this case (as is explained quite well in the article) is that it is unusually well-documented, so it gives the scientists a bit more to work with than is usual. The conclusions we can draw from it are:

    1. PrEP is not perfect. Very good, yes (and the continued collection of statistics bears this out). But not perfect.

    2. In cases where compliance is good, factors other than viral resistance are very likely to play a role in transmission in cases of PrEP failure. In this particular case, bacterial infections and low blood levels of Tenofovir (likely due to increased clearance) are probable contributors.


    I'd like to add my personal opinion that the doomsaying and descriptions of gays as doomed, flawed, or defective, which showed up in a number of posts in this thread, are really not very constructive. I hope that those of you who feel that way can get through such feelings to a more positive view of yourselves and of us as a collective. Life is a terminal condition, and the fact that transmissible disease (far from limited to HIV) is a relatively rare cause of it, is an anomaly of the last century.

    And let's not forget that it truly has gotten better. My ex-BF, whom I convinced to go bareback in 2000 or so, seroconverted sometime in the early 2000s.  He died a couple of days ago of complications from heart surgery, without having suffered notable ill health from HIV.

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  10. Here's a condom to bareback vid that's rather well shot:

    [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/another-condom-to-bareback-breeding-26061841

    from secret_slut75

    "It was supposed to be a threesome, but the other guy backed out. Instead the 20 y/o came over and we decided to film a condom to bareback stealth fantasy. I'm not usually a top, but I had a load built up for almost 3 weeks. Bred him good, then he bred me, but we didn't get that on video."

  11. Txyyxxxb, sounds like you need to calm down and get yourself sorted out. Conversion isn't the kind of decision to be making on impulse or insufficient information. And to repeat what others have been saying (we keep saying it because it seems like you're not listening), you come across as profoundly (and I might go so far as to say willfully) ignorant. Educate yourself!

    I'll start: IF your escort was HIV poz, your chances of getting it in a single oral receptive encounter would have been about 1 in 200. That's pretty slim. So, wait your six weeks, get yourself tested, and decide what you really want to do with your (sex) life.

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  12. 21 minutes ago, LKMike said:

    Thank you for the information.  My regular tops are all undetectable,  and I would not want to put them at risk.

    If your regular tops are undetectable, you would not be putting them at any significant risk anyway, because they are already infected with HIV and already taking a multi-drug ART regimen.

  13. I cannot find any good information on this. I suspect it is because there are few cases where doctors have good information about the actual time of infection, so most studies are done based on the time of seroconversion. My best guess is that it would depend on the genome of the infecting virus and on the immune system of the person being infected, and that it is likely around the time of initial symptoms (2-6 weeks after infection) but could be before or after that. But that is definitely an educated guess. If you care, get a viral load test - there are reasonably good data about the relationship between viral load and infectiousness.

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  14. 22 minutes ago, versamarried said:

    What would you consider the right pitch?

    One that included a couple of good pix (preferably with features I'd find attractive) and a way to contact you if I have to change plans or get lost trying to find the right place. Practical basics, really.

    That said, I find the public (or semi-public in this case) anon scene to be a hot one to my tastes. Not everyone's cup of tea, but it works for me.

  15. On 11/9/2019 at 12:32 PM, GuyinPalmSplrings said:

    Jon Phelps in Slammed (Treasure Island Media).  As the title implies at least some of the performers are high.  The video leaves no doubt Jon is high.  Much of the video is of him.  Very long scene with Keirnan.  

    Thanks! I remember seeing a scene from that a few years back and thinking it was super hot. Probably ought to get myself a copy.

  16. OK, men, here's a new one. Who's this bottom and where is this scene (him getting gangbanged on a carpeted floor) from? I found a clip of it in a compilation on barebackbastards, shuffled in with a lot of other stuff. He's just adorable, and the scene is very hot (at least the bits in the compilation).



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