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Posts posted by viking8x6

  1. Oh. My. God.

    [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/-my-hole-is-meant-for-fucking-42417871

    My Hole Is Meant for Fucking (from slcdoc)

    "Me and a buddy spit roast this horny cub, swapping places now and then to enjoy both his holes. He's a verbal guy and thanks us for fucking his hole and tells me his ass is meant for fucking. He shot his load riding my dick (missed the cum shot) but cleans me up nicely. The vid ends with him telling me to ride him until I cum and that he wants my seed. He sure as hell got it."


  2. I have taken it and later not taken it, and there were no noticeable differences for me. On the other hand, I take a pile of other meds (blood pressure and such). And my liver enzymes have never been elevated. I can certainly imagine that if the PrEP was causing your liver problems, and you stopped it and the problems started to resolve, that you would feel much better.

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  3. OK, this is for everyone on both sides here: Quit spouting talking points and cite some damn sources. Otherwise, to quote Monty Python, "That's not argument; it's just contradiction." I believe it's possible to have a meaningful discussion on this topic, but y'all are not doing it.

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  4. 10 hours ago, Cutedelicategay said:

    barebacking is back in sex given prep and u=u.


    However public nurses are of the opinion that undetectable with STI may increase VL above undetectable numbers.

    Nonsensical. "...increase VL above undetectable numbers" is a contradiction. I don't think that you said what you actually meant, but I am unsure what you did mean here.

    There should be a scientific study done regarding efficacy of Prep working when a prepster is infected by STI.

    Sure, but... All of the existing studies included patients who were infected with STIs, and demonstrated efficacy in the overall population.

    If ... STI are norm due to Prep barebacking...

    That's a big "if".  Several studies suggest that STIs are not significantly increased in a PrEP using population. See these links:

    [think before following links] https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(15)00056-2/fulltext

    [think before following links] https://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/newsroom/2017/croi-prep-study.html



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  5. Answered the survey for the numbers. As far as my scientific understanding allows (I have a PhD in science, but "medical science" is something of an oxymoron), STIs will increase the chance of PrEP failure, but your chances of HIV seroconversion with PrEP and an STI are still much less than with no STI and no PrEP. To put it bluntly, PrEP is not a sham by any means - it helps whether you have an STI (or a scratch, or other risk factors) or not, but it is not perfect.

    As Mary Chapin Carpenter sings, "I Take My Chances" 🙂  Risk and death are both inevitable, so manage your risk to suit your preference.

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  6. On 12/13/2019 at 12:51 AM, BreedMeInVegas said:

    I'm a fan of the different fiction story forums, especially when they have multiple parts and go on for a few pages.  However it's tough to figure out if a story has been updated ...

    On a different site I visit where they have a story section the way they do it is they allow the original post author to update the post title for the life of the post, and when they post an update they will modify the title to include a note about the update...

    I can't see any easy way to figure it out with the tools available here. One way the authors could make it possible is to post the sequelae as separate items. Then you could just keep an eye out for new content with the same title. Still not ideal, but it would help somewhat.

    When @rawTOP builds the new site, I imagine he will be able to create this feature, or even have it happen automatically if the original poster adds something to a thread. So treat him very nicely 😉

  7. So, a couple of days ago, I got a message on Grindr from a profile with no pictures or details at all, age 22 and 17 miles away. I hate this aspect of Grindr, but at least it wasn't a tap (which are mostly adbots or phishing expeditions anyway). All the message said was "Hey". But hey, I was horny, so I gave it a whirl...

    Me: Hey yourself

    Anonymous: Whats up
    ...followed by a picture with face of the most adorable furry ginger cub one could ever hope to behold.

    I mean seriously five-star smoking hot. If you're into that sort of thing. Which I am.

    Me: not too much, just getting dinner
           sexy pic
    ... followed by a picture of me with face and torso, about twice cub's age, but reasonably in shape for 50+

    So then we traded several pictures of the naughty bits, and as soon as he had seen mine, he was All. Over. Me. We established that we weren't too far apart (about 40 minutes), but it was late and he wasn't willing to come that far.

    Monday, he was working until 9pm, and by that time I was down for the count and not up for play. He was disappointed.

    Tuesday (that's today) I got a message at 1pm and we chatted a little. 15 minutes later he asked if I was free (I was working, but I'm freelance, so breaks are when I want them). I said I was and we put together a plan to meet midway between our places.

    After a quick shower and cleanout, I hit the road, and 20 minutes later there he was in his car as planned. And damn if he wasn't every bit as cute in person! We moved to a slightly more discreet location and parked, and he hopped into the back of my (small) pickup truck with me. Well, it's a pretty tight space, but we got as comfortable as possible in a hurry.

    We were kissing immediately, and he had his (very nice) cock out and his hand down my pants in a flash. I rearranged things a little and sucked him for a while - not that he needed any help getting hard! We kissed a bit more and I shoved the driver's seat forward to make a little more space. He was fingering my ass and clearly wanted to move on it, so I slapped a big dollop of lube on it and turned around.

    I had to back up onto him, because there was no way for him to scoot forward in a squatting position, but once I did things lined up beautifully and he was fucking me like there was no tomorrow. I took a hit of poppers, which eased things a bit, and then we got into a good groove. I was moaning and being rather verbal, while he was a bit quieter. Damn, he felt GREAT in there!

    It couldn't have been more than 5 minutes (well, he is 20-something...) before he said, "I'm gonna cum."

    I went nuts and told him to breed me, which he did, quite thoroughly... it must have been a huge load because after he pulled out his cock head was still all coated with cum. I was going to clean it off for him, but the angle was awkward and he grabbed a towel before I could do it.

    Well, I thanked him effusively and said we'd have to do it next time in a less cramped space...

    I sure hope he's up for that, because... WOOOOOF!


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  8. 36 minutes ago, pozboy said:

    yes, i got there without problms - how do I delete items I have chosen? I must be the slowest learner you've ever met! again, many thanks

    When that little pop-up tool (the one I showed in the last screen shot) appears... click the trash can 🙂

    It's not so much a question of being slow as of being unfamiliar. It helps a lot to have grown up with it... and I am (barely) young enough to have done so. Kind of like speaking Spanish.

  9. 3 hours ago, pozboy said:

    Where's the toolbar at the top of the main page? Is this the bar that starts with Forums, chat, Blogs etc?

    What you described is what I referred to as the "Menu Bar". If you scroll the main window pane all the way to the top, then just below that you should see something like this. I circled the messages button in blue.

    [think before following links] https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/monthly_2019_12/Toolbar.thumb.PNG.906d8b8bf2a32b1c7f366c7297282922.PNG

    When you click that, you get a pop-up list of the message threads, and you can click on one to open it. I think you made it that far. When you open it, your window ought to look something like this.

    [think before following links] https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/monthly_2019_12/MessageUI.PNG.47f04d9eee92ed13425e1a9b20578ea3.PNG

    That bit at the left (with the "Messages" header) is a list of all the message threads. You can select them using the checkboxes; filter and sort tools are at the top. If all you see below the line that starts "Inbox" is the right-hand bit (where it says "WOOF"), then your window is too small. I think however that you are not having this problem.

    When you select a message thread on the left with a checkbox, at the bottom of the page, the tools to delete or refile it should appear; they look like this (circled in blue; this is just the bottom center of my window).

    [think before following links] https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/monthly_2019_12/MessageTool.thumb.PNG.cb315887c9c97df04f51065658c81e10.PNG

    As you can see, they aren't really noticeable. In fact, the first time I was playing with the message window, I didn't in fact notice them, and was just as puzzled as you are about how to delete messages.

    Hope that helps!

    The actual images I'm referring to in the links above appear below in the same order - something about the new anti-spam machinery is preventing them from appearing in their proper places in the message, I think.







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  10. 3 hours ago, pozboy said:

    I am told my inbox is full. How do I look at the contents and remove items?

    Make sure you're in full view mode (your browser window has to be big enough to show multiple columns in the UI).

    Click the message button in the toolbar at the top of the main page (not the menu bar that doesn't scroll; the one below that on the content page itself). Select any message from the pop-up window and it will take you to the messages page.

    The right-hand pane contains the individual message exchange (all messages in that particular message thread). The left-hand pane contains all the threads in the mailbox, one per line. You can select them individually (using the checkboxes) or there are tools (at the top) to filter them and select the filtered set all at once. When you select them, a pop-up should appear that allows you to delete them or move them to another mailbox.

    Hope this helps!

  11. It certainly does matter... but not in the stereotypical way.

    As a bottom, all sizes can be delightful to be fucked with. Too long is awkward for oral sex (at least for those of us with no gag reflex), too thick is painful (unless you have a super loose ass), too small gets hard to feel (though having been fucked once by a guy with about 4.5" who was 6'3"/280# or so, that's not always the case, as I was delighted to find out)... but they all can be good with skill and participation.

    As a top, I can only speak for a fairly large size, and it's definitely fun, but sometimes it is tough staying hard (especially if the bottom is tight or I'm wearing a condom - one reason I don't), sometimes I can't get it in there (if he's really tight), and it can definitely cause the bottom pain if I don't take proper care (but I happily give rim jobs and that usually prevents this problem. But the worst problem of being hung as a top is that when I'm in the mood to bottom, it can be tough to get guys to pay attention to the right end...

  12. 11 hours ago, Truversebb said:

    The amount of vids being referenced here has come to a crawl without the ability to post quick links. Very sad. Any way the site moderators can remove this restriction?

    It's no harder to post video links than it ever was. It's harder to view them, because you have to cut and paste the URL unless they are in trusted domains, but posting them is just a paste like always. The reasons for the restriction (and how to get it changed for specific domains) are explained here

  13. The latest from zibmusser. I have to say I think the top is incredibly hot - Woooof!

    [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/walmart-redneck-returns-42270471

    "You guys asked for him back. Glad we reconnected. He invited me over to breed me on his wife's bed as she went holiday shopping. I could smell the pussy on the sheets. I hope she could smell mine too. He said his D A D is a Zibmusser fan and likes watching his s o n fuck a f a ggot - AND his D A D wants to fuck me with his son next. I CANT wait. DNA from 2 generations together!!"

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