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About Baregeeza

  • Birthday 09/11/1973

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    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
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  1. Thanks for the follow Boss.

    Total bottom cumdump lad here in Cornwall UK... if you're ever down this way I'd love you to wreck my tight ass.


    In the meantime, there are 1000s more pics and vids on www.twitter.com/jonny4dad



  2. I've recently bought the RED Stainless Steel Heavy Duty Leather Sling Frame Package. It comes in in 13 parts, not including the sling and chains and I can up it up and take it down in 10 to 15 minutes. The chains can be noisy, but leather straps can be fucking expensive, use cable ties, quick and cheap and it means the sling can be raised or lowered in seconds. Bolting something to the ceiling is find if you; own the building, are staying there for years or are bloody sure who ever puts the bolts in knows what they're doing. If you're renting, you'll never explain those bolts to the landlord! It could be the best thing I've ever bought, no home should be without one (LOL)
  3. Lets perv sometime ;-)

    1. Willing


      They look delish 😋 

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