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Everything posted by bberik

  1. I've read that dark blue hankies with black stripes means bareback. In your left pocket top, in your right pocket bottom. But they obviously have omitted the hankies for barebacking, but I still think we should use "our" colors. As long as we know what it means, we know who to look for. As for wrist bands, I just purchased a black and blue wristband. Wear it on your right hand and you're a bottom, on your left hand you're a top. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  2. Love hearing about it. I'd like to hear more from you as you move forward.
  3. Hot! Love reading about guys taking it bb for the first time. I have my plans ready to be a bb bottom for the first time in 25+ years when I go to Berlin in March. Investing in a dildo, so I can "train" my hole, lol, since I've been a top all those years. As for you, you can change your s/n to sure_bb now
  4. Thanks for the advice, bbzh. I can fall down the stairs in my own home, I can get run over by a car tomorrow. I've gotta realize that I must do what I like, even if there's a little danger in it. I live only once. Other people do parachute jumping, extreme sports or whatever. I work in an office. Where's the excitement in that?
  5. You guys are no doubt the hottest two guys in here. I'd love to play with you. New York, here I come.

  6. I have been a top since the mid eighties. I took some loads when I was in my early 20's, but I guess the AIDS hysteria scared me, and I started topping only. Still bareback though, I have always hated condoms. All this time I've had dreams of being taken bb again, but always chickened out. In March I'll be going to Berlin, and I've decided that I'm gonna challenge my fears. In my head I'm gonna go to men's clubs, take raw loads in darkrooms, be fucked raw through a glory hole, I'm gonna be cruising in parks. After all these years I probably am like a virgin back there again, but I'm gonna stretch my limits and do it. I really hope I'm not gonna chicken out. Give me the heads up I need, and help me to go through with this. I might not do it all in one trip, but I'm sure if I can take the first load, I can also take number two.
  7. There's nothing more exciting than darkrooms. One time I had a guy following me into a darkroom, or so I thought, because it turned out I'd had sex with a completely different guy, lol.
  8. I just sent a message to Mark about the wristbands, as the wristband page doesn't seem to work. I want at least one too.
  9. I'm an atheist, my dad's an atheist. My mom I'm not sure about, but if anything she's a Lutheran. Anyway, we never practiced any religion in our house. Haven't been to church unless it was for a wedding or christening.
  10. I'm not so picky about other cocks, as I don't have a big one myself. As long as it squirts. I'm not so much into being sucked either, only anal. I was a top for a very long time, but recently realized that bottom is better (why the hell didn't I realize that earlier). But I still top also, because I don't wanna waste my cum when I can dump it into someone else's ass.
  11. Photos from Hampstead Heath. I like to take photos like this. I don't like condoms, but I like taking photos of them hanging on branches, even though I sometimes have to pick them up from the ground and hang them up, lol. Maybe I should make a Christmas tree full of condoms this year
  12. That's what I thought too. Until last summer when I met I guy in Kiev (one night stand, though) that felt really attracted to. he didn't fuck me as he was bottom, but I wanted it so much to happen, and since I haven't been able to let go of the thought. I want to be a bottom, and I'm even fantasizing about taking several loads. I've ordered an anal shower now, and hope the work will not be too much hassle, so I can bottom on a regular basis.
  13. You're probably right, guy2x. Thought just it was amazing that semen was swimming through a hole poked with a needle, but if I did the same with water, the condom didn't leak any water. But anyway, a condom wouldn't be safe if someone poked a hole with a needle through it even if it holds. But the longer and harder you are fucking the condom will definitely shred to pieces because of the hole.
  14. I've made some tests on condoms. Got a load from an organisation, so I had to do something with them. I just poked a needle to make a tiny hole through the wrapper and the condom to check if I could see it. It's not hard to spot on the wrapper, but if the guy doesn't look for it, there is no problem. I also checked the condom itself, you cannot see the hole. However, it weakens the condom. It might break easily when masturbating with it on, hopefully it'll do the same when you fuck (I never had anyone ask for me to use a condom, so I never got to test it that way). Sometimes it didn't break, but the sperm will swim through the hole, which means sperm is smaller than particles of water, because a condom poked with a needle will still hold the water. I should get a doctor's degree on this, lol.
  15. I assume it has in a way. Or maybe it's the age? Condoms have always been a complete turn off for me, and I turn it off as soon as I see a condom on the screen. In the beginning most bb porn was great, but then I wanted rougher and rougher. Now I can hardly watch bb porn if they don't shot the load inside. Pulling out is a big disappointment, and missing the mouth even worse. At least push the cum inside the ass, or fill the guys mouth!!! Even though mostly internal cumshots count for me. As I want even rougher porn movies all the time, the same way I want it to be rougher. It has made me turn from top to vers and I'll probably end up as a bottom soon. I haven't received a load since my early 20's, but the scare of aids (you know, the 80's...) turned me top. I want someone to fuck me and deposit his load inside me (if he pulled out, I'd probably yell, lol), and I'm waiting for someone to do it. But I live on the country side and hardly know any gay people here, and I wouldn't want it be known as the barebackee where I live, lol. It's gonna happen, either find someone on the internet, or on one of my travels. My dream is still spreading my legs in a cruising park, sauna or club, and take load after load until I cannot hold it. I think the porn has made me this way.
  16. I'm neg, but part of the excitement is not knowing whether your partner is. Know it sounds weird, but telling he's poz is kind of a turn off for me, but not knowing is hot. Am I weird?
  17. Thanks, Brenda.
  18. Darn... I was in London last week, not this week.
  19. Shortly after this, there is a first turning to the left, with a black rubbish bin on the corner. Take this and follow the path down into the woods for about 5 minutes, sticking to this main path. On your right side you'll be able to see a large clearing and the infamous Fuck Tree. It is not hard to find, but I would suggest to go look for it in the daytime the first time, just to get an idea of the paths and distance.
  20. When you get to a path running left-right, turn right and follow the path. You will see some buildings - the classical Hill Gardens - high up on the right and the main path that you are on then curves slightly to the left.
  21. After Jack Straw's Castle, take a left, walk straight forward past the parking lot into the woods. There are some steps going downhill.
  22. Jack Straw's Castle is easy to spot. If you're not sure about the directions, then ask for Jack Straw's Castle, as all locals know where it is. I asked for West Heath, and nobody seemed to know where that was.
  23. I said I was gonna give you a road description to find the fuck tree in Hampstead Heath, so here goes: If you go by the Underground, take Northern line to Hampstead. Take a right and walk uphill Heath St until Jack Straw's Castle. It's probably about half a mile.
  24. Found the tree today. Wasn't so hard when I had the descriptions. But I suggest that people planning on going there look for it in the daytime first. I'm gonna see if I can make an easier description when I get home, with more photos. I didn't see anyone cruising in the woods today, but I assume they wait until it gets dark. Btw, today's also a Monday and it is November, so I don't know if I can expect anyone cruising tonight?
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