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Everything posted by bberik

  1. Well said. That's why I don't want any relationship. I'm neg, but I want to fuck whoever I want.
  2. Not until he catches something. Your relationship with him will not last. Sorry.
  3. Agree with this one. Maybe you can talk him into fucking you raw first and then take it from there.
  4. Any color of skin is sexy. I'd fuck you, but I'm on the other side of the planet.
  5. Love Cadinot, but stopped watching when the "condom era" started. He's one of the greatest, but condoms are a big turnoff for me.
  6. Hi Indie, I'll be back in Riga last week of October. Should we give it a new try?
  7. Maybe you could put a symbol on all straight threads, so it would be easier for us to just scroll past those threads?
  8. I notice that I'm very picky when it comes to the people I contact through websites, but as soon as I go to a bar and have a few beers I'll take almost any ass or cock.
  9. Any experiences? I'll be going to Barcelona in a month, and stay 5 nights.
  10. Haha, you rock, dshanebb
  11. I know. There's still time Can also take new photos, so you can post them in your profile
  12. A few minutes ago. Young guy, 20 years old, insisted on condom. Noticed during the fuck that the condom fell off. I just shoved my raw cock back inside him and came. When I pulled out, I kinda, "oops, I think the condom fell off." He didn't seem to care that much though. Just sent me an sms after he left and asked if I was disease free, and seemed to be satisfied with my answer when I confirmed.
  13. Bareback is the extreme sport of sex. Some people do bungee jumps or parachutes, drive fast cars or whatever, but we bareback. But it has nothing to do with gay. Straight people have been barebacking since the birth of time too.
  14. Earlier this week I met an Arab through Gayromeo. I wasn't sure if I was interested in him, because his profile said "Top only" and "Safe sex: Always". I'm a top myself, but thought, what the heck, I didn't have any other alternatives for sex that day. He was 27, hot as hell, and had a nice dick. I probably could suck him off. But things didn't go as I thought. I asked him up to my hotel room, and we started kissing right away. Then I went down on my knees and started sucking him. After a while he grabbed me, threw me face first on my bed, and started fingering me, probably with glide. Then I felt him pushing his cock inside my ass. He asked if I had a condom, but he was then already inside me. I said no, which was actually a lie as I did have some in my suitcase. But it didn't stop him, and he kept fucking me until he came inside me. He then pulled out, went to the bathroom where he took a shower, got dressed, gave me a kiss and left. Even if I haven't had a cock in my ass since I was about 25 (always been a top since), it was the hottest thing ever for me, and I kept his cum inside me the rest of the day. "Safe sex: Always" obviously doesn't mean always. Anyone else ever had the same experience? Going to Riga, Latvia, tomorrow, I'm seriously considering open up my ass again. Not a "Top only" anymore.
  15. Sometimes I wish we had a "like" function on this site, so I could click like instead of having to reply.
  16. My ass is oozing cum right now. Have been top for more than 20 years, and haven't had a cock in my ass since. An Arab guy fucked me raw with no glide a few minutes ago. And I arrived at this hotel in Chisinau, Moldova, less than 2,5 hours ago. He did ask if I had condoms, but I said no, so he just went for it raw without asking if it was ok. Now he just sent me a message if he could come tomorrow as well.
  17. Almost any with darkrooms, they're all listed in Spartacus International Gay Guide, marked with DR. I'm not into sm or leather fetishes, so I don't go to those bars. My personal favorite is Bull, but there are still many I haven't been to. I know the mostly the ones in the Schöneberg area.
  18. It's a bummer that so many Prides around are on the same weekend. I'll be at the Europride in Oslo that weekend.
  19. They taste nothing. I add them to juice usually, and leave it for 10-15 minutes before I drink it.
  20. 21 has been reported ill, and 1,2 million Americans get sickened by salmonella annually. You could get salmonella from a lot of other food.
  21. Seems like a small company in Norway can come up with a new vaccine to kill HIV virus, taken after you get infected: http://e24.no/boers-og-finans/norsk-selskap-skal-loese-hiv-gaaten/23229695 The article is in Norwegian, but the Norwegian language works pretty well with google translator, so you should be able to read it. Interesting article.
  22. Yup, I'm vaccinated for Hep A and B, and it lasts for like 20-25 years. It is pretty stupid not to take the vaccination. Hep C is the bad one you cannot prevent yet.
  23. My choice is Berlin too. The bars are numerous and not far between. Haven't seen a condom in any of the darkrooms. And they also have all the naked parties, underwear parties, piss parties and other fetishes. Even bareback parties.
  24. I've never felt guilty after having had sex. I used to feel a little guilty the first couple of times I went to saunas and darkrooms, but the more I went the more I wanted. Sex is normal.
  25. Doesn't matter to me. I have it stored as a favorite, so I never have to write the whole web address.
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