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Everything posted by NCPOZTOP

  1. It's never come up with any of my friends, but if any of them ever suggested that I "play safe", I'd probably just roll my eyes and say "what, do I look like I'm in 10th grade?"
  2. I don't think I've seen Joseph Gordon-Levitt mentioned. I'd fuck that ass for days!
  3. I agree with those that say Canon Powershot. It takes great pictures and videos.
  4. I wouldn't hesitate.
  5. hot hot! Where in NC are you?

  6. luckily I work at a hotel, so I never lack a play place. Keeping it a secret can be a hassle, but its workable
  7. but younger is great! If its legal I'll fuck it!
  8. Its more about the body than the age to me. As long as he inst morbidly obese, I'll fuck him (though I DO suck morbidly obese guys... they need it too)
  9. I would imagine that percentage wise, it would probably be about the same. With gays, we are already told that our attractions are abnormal, so once we find that not to be true, we usually are more willing to admit to early encounters with older guys that are also usually considered abnormal, or "rape" , even if we consented. With heterosexual females, I would assume that since society views them as "normal" in most aspects, the age difference from their early experiences might seem like a shameful experience to them, even if they consented... and so maybe they consider it rape, or just act like it never happened. I think the process of coming out as gay opens us up to discussing sex more than most heterosexuals.
  10. I started fucking bare when I was 17, and it was a few years before I ever TRIED to use a condom... it didn't work. My dick went limp with a barrier. Maybe things would've been different if the first time had been wrapped? who knows
  11. Always be honest online. If I ever face any legal action, there is a string of proof that shows me being up front about my status. Offline? well, I guess its my word against his. Just be honest when you need to be, and/or can be traced, HIV infections is becoming increasingly difficult to prosecute without proof of intent, but still not impossible.
  12. To clarify, I'm not saying that EVERY time that a top pulls out, the bottom is doing something wrong...I am saying that this one guy that has had 4 tops pull out is quite obviously doing something wrong. Once or twice is bad luck. 3 or 4 times is bad posturing.
  13. If they're pulling out, you're doing something wrong. A good bottom can sense when a top is about to cum, and will either back up against his cock, or pull him closer. That way the top knows that you want his load in your ass. Or you can tell him to breed you, seed you, cum in you, etc. Many guys pull out not because they want to, but because they are afraid of offending.
  14. as long as the ass walls touch my cock, I'm fine. I enjoy a tight ass as long as the bottom isn't crying for me to "go easy". Usually with a loose bottom, I can just get down to business. Either way is fine with me. Variety is the spice of life
  15. I don't mind if a guy considers himself versatile, as long as he knows that I'm not. Its been my experience that most vers guys though are 95 percent bottom, and just leave open the option.
  16. I would just say no. I will not use a rubber.For me, bare sex is not about me wanting to inject cum into someones ass, it is about a latex barrier not feeling good on my cock. Safety vs. risk doesn't matter. Feeling good does.
  17. I'm more of a quiet top. I guess its a habit learned from my early years of fucking at my parents' house, or with roommates and thin walls. I never really see the point in getting loud, 'though I don't care if my bottoms get loud. I know some tops grunt and groan when they are about to cum. I just get more aggressive. The bottom always knows.
  18. I'm glad to see the attempted murder charges have been dropped, but with 21 counts against him, he still faces many more years behind bars. It really makes me sick to see people charged like this. It's 2011. Everyone knows that unprotected sex has risks, ESPECIALLY this young 18 year old "victim". Safe sex and HIV prevention is drilled into kids in school these days, so they know the risks better than anyone. Even the sexual assault charges are way too severe in my opinion. Would a straight man be charged with assault for impregnating a woman after telling her that he was sterile? I don't think so. I know, I know, the two situations are much different, but for me, HIV is much less worrisome that a screaming baby.
  19. I've always taken it to mean never been tested, and don't care to.
  20. I like an ass that is clean since I like to eat it before, after, and in between, and I'm not usually into shit, though sometimes with a hot young guy it can be a turn on. I do though understand that I am fucking a shit hole, and sometimes shit is going to happen. I usually ignore it and keep on going. The smell doesn't bother me at all, the mess doesn't even bother me, even if it is sometimes disappointing. The only time I am bothered enough to stop fucking is when the shit is rough or gritty and I feel like I'm fucking sandpaper, or it burns like the guy has been eating a lot of spicy foods.
  21. I work at a motel, so I usually fuck in the office, bathroom, or laundry room when I'm not too busy.
  22. I'm a total top for fucking, but I will suck ANY cock I can get my lips on. And I always swallow. I like to swish it around and savor the taste for a minute.
  23. I usually don't call it anything unless I know from the bottoms profile that he likes it, or if he initiates it. There's no mood kill like a fussy bottom getting pissed off because I called his asshole a cunt LOL
  24. Fucking with a rubber is like putting a wall between me and my bottom. We may as well be in separate rooms. I like bareback because I hate everything about condoms. The way they look, the way they feel, the way they smell, the way they taste. They make everything about sex feel artificial. Just the thought makes my dick go limp.
  25. that looks like hell! I know a lot of guys here like this device, but Im not eager to rip up my cock. Any barrier between my dick and my bottoms ass is just too much.
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