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Everything posted by Hotload84

  1. I have edited this story a bit to bring it into compliance with this site's standards (and, to fix some grammatical, syntax and plot line problems).
  2. Well said, HungLatinDom. It's hard to feel anything but contempt for the bottom in this story. The Parliament House is 990 miles from Philadelphia, and even I, (although I have not traveled significantly outside of the Northeastern Corridor), know the Parliament House is a not-so-glorified bath house!
  3. Probably within the context of the grass grows greener, I favor furry butts over hairless.
  4. That's the general assumption, Muscleluva. Of course as someone else remarked elsewhere, there is some evidence neg straight guys are sporting the tattoo without knowing what it means, but it's hard to believe Igor is ignorant of its meaning in the BB community.
  5. At least you walked away with a great story!
  6. An interesting posting. While I can't condone the behavior of Tim or Tim's friend, I also think the narrator shares responsibility for this conversion: common sense says (a) guys will lie, and ( if one is bottoming and wants to remain negative, the most prudent, if not guaranteed way of remaining negative, is to insist the top use condoms. The situation for a neg top who barebacks and wants to remain negative is, of course, statistically somewhat different.
  7. Yup. When I lived in Los Angeles, not infrequently I would run into Latinos who spoke nary a word of English, and likewise, I spoke virtually no Spanish. Fortunately, in the realm of sex, words are secondary to actions!
  8. I suspect the six centuries between 400 B.C. in classical and Hellenistic Greece with perhaps a small spill-over into the late Roman Republic and first couple of centuries of the Empire, say to perhaps 300 A.D., is the only world in which Mr. Goldberg could have found an outlet for his ephebophilic impulses, TheBreeder. As a species, human beings haven't come to a grip on sexual congress between the generations, particularly between adults and pre-adults. We simply say "thou shall not" and then freak-out when it occurs. What an inadequate response. Like it or not, Mr. Goldberg probably did the best he could given the time and milieu in which he lived.
  9. Great video clip, Pozbtm1967. It's always great to see a bottom, who, like the guy in this video clip, doesn't loose his hard-on at any time while being fucked. Thanks!
  10. Regarding the Mexican donkey, TheBreeder - I would pay to see you accommodate the donkey's member. Or do I misconstrue the scenario to which you allude?
  11. I would echo Freddiboi's comment, Jackfoster. I made a few very minor edits on this story (mostly typos), but found I spent more time on it than I usually do - could it be because I blew two loads in the process of reading it?
  12. Here's a link to the video Einathens cites: http://www.treasureislandmedia.com/cart/PARK-AND-RIDE.html Looks great!
  13. Although important, grades aren't everything. You clearly learned how to read people and sell yourself, qualities I would argue to be more important (in most situations) than academic accomplishment.
  14. Glad you find the site worthwhile, Bareback Cumhole, and I'm also glad you get down to Philadelphia. I presume you play at the Adonis, CBC and the Sansom Street Gym. If so, who knows? We may have crossed paths, if not actually having swapped cum!

  15. I haven't read Through the Valley of the Next of Spiders but I have read several other works he wrote, including The Mad Man, and I would have to agree with HungLatinDom - Delany's works can be quite uncomfortable.
  16. What a contorted series of quasi-relationships you've detailed, TheBreeder. Your experience in college was very different from mine. Although I spent my freshman year in Rome, and my other three years in Philadelphia, I lead a very quiet existence, with precious little social intercourse (and certainly no emotional or sexual intercourse) with anyone else - for better or worse. I sometimes wonder how things would have been different had I been more outgoing. [sigh]
  17. I would ignore the advertisement.
  18. Yeah - Miguel Temon is a big turn-on for me.
  19. Interesting, Ked239. I did a quick search on the 'net, including the WHO site, but didn't find current figures on syphilis rates (1999 was the most documented year I found). It would be interesting to know why the UK would have a lower syph rate than the United States. If I remember to do so, I'll ask my doctor.
  20. Genuinely perverse, Bleeding)*(starfish. Well done!
  21. A reasonable (and responsible response), Totop, but I have had bottoms who who have presented me with a condom, and when I've inquired about the bottom's intent, self-protection, or my protection, more than once the bottom has said, in effect, "I don't care, but if you want to use it...." You can surmise what choice I generally elected.
  22. Interesting nuance, Hungry_hole. I guess the question you've raised is 'how specific does a bottom need to be?" I can see how someone could register ambiguity where, as in Simonuk23's example, the bottom merely handling the top a condom without (a) conveying specific directions to the top, or ( ensuring, through gestures or non verbal indicators, the top is expected to wrap-up. I suspect, however, the high road, so to speak, would have been for the top to discuss the question of bareback or safer sex before he fucked the bottom. The example Simonuk23 put forth is dissimilar to anonymous sex in a dark room where the bottom does not make any effort to bring-up the subject of raw or safer sex - I should think truly the gesture of handing a condom to the top, even without elaboration, would in and of itself merit some exploration.
  23. Amen, Totalasspig, amen. (I'm almost tempted to throw my arms in the air and shout 'hallelujah'). Words to remember: YOU PLAY RAW - YOU PAY LATER. Short and sweet. Now the challenge is to remember the implications of raw play when the opportunity presents itself....
  24. Perfect, TheBreeder. I dare say the bottom with whom you were playing will, without regard to his specific role, re-live your choice utterance in his future spank fantasies and other sexual encounters!
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