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Everything posted by Hotload84

  1. In the past 15 years or so I've been in that particular bath house twice, and have found it to be a rather nice facility, and yes, I have some happy recollections of my visits. That point aside, although certainly one would think the Cardinal and the whoever purchased (or rented) the other apartments for the Vatican might have done a better job at vetting the locale, it's also true that that section of Rome is among the best in the City. The American Embassy, other major embassies and the palace of the Italian President are only a few blocks away, so I'm not surprised the Cardinal and the other apartments owned (or rented) by the Vatican are in that neighborhood. What's more surprising is that a bath house is located in that neighborhood.
  2. Well done, Devininott. I don't recall too many stories involving phone sex, so your story is sure to appeal to many. I've made a few minor changes, mostly removing hard returns and correcting spelling, but very minor. Keep going!
  3. Well written, Pghpigbtm. I've changed the formatting slightly, and fixed a couple of very minor typos, but very little. You almost make me wish I had been at the party!
  4. I had the same thought as FatFuckPigMA, Feedyourhead, so I made the couple of minor adjustments he suggested. Well done!
  5. You never knows what opportunities will present themselves, right, Straycowboy? I've made a few minor edits. It's a very curious story! Thanks for posting.
  6. Peversely hot story, Dx21685. I've made some minor edits and moved it to the Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION category since you've indicated the load was poz.
  7. Not as cute as is your ass, Vacant Poster!
  8. Boy are you right, TheBreeder. For the past ten years or more I have found myself saying things that, years ago, I would have had a much better shot at controlling. On the flip side, I've gotten much better at apologizing for being an ass!
  9. I haven't been in the WSC in a decade or more, but was at the ESC a couple of weeks ago on a cold, rainy, Saturday afternoon. I had a very satisfying time playing with two guys, one from Latin America, the other from South America, and yes, we played BB each time. One of the guys was versatile/top, the other exclusively top, so the one guy fucked me (and he was a very satisfying top), the other guy and I flip-fucked each other. I enjoyed blowing my load in his ass.
  10. Huh. I've never subscribed to the 'age threshold'. Honestly, I pay so little attention to my age that I have to do the math to get it right - so dammit - I freely admit I'll reach the august age of 55 when my birthday rolls around in June of this year.
  11. I've probably been guilty of behavior similar to that evidenced by Phillip the Brazilian, although perhaps not quite seven minutes. Oh well. Life goes on.
  12. Wish my college days were like those you've described in this story, Dx21685!
  13. Been there. Done that. And yeah, it would be good to be able to go back and make amends. I suppose the likelihood isn't great, but perhaps one day....
  14. Very original, Randyrawman. Look forward to the next installment!
  15. Very good story, MikeyUK - thanks for posting!
  16. There have been a couple of cops in Philly brought-up on charges of coercing gay guys into providing sexual services. A friend of mine was out in public and a cop very unambiguously approached him, seemingly offering sexual services. My friend stood his ground and declined to fuck around. The cop, by the way, was later charged with coercing another guy into engaging in sex - although I recall reading that the case was dropped when the complainant (who lived in NYC, I think), failed to appear at the hearing. Even so, some cases have been successfully prosecuted: http://www.epgn.com/pages/full_story/push?article-Jury+awards+-165K+in+police+sex+assault+case%20&id=19136890
  17. Intriguing, TonyG. Looking forward to the continuation.
  18. Nope! I haven't owned a car in several decades - trains, subways and trolleys are more my style.
  19. You've written, TheBreeder, that you hadn't been fucked in quite some time, which makes your experience with your sexy Russian all the more amazing. Like you, I very infrequently bottom, but last Saturday two guys fucked me, and accommodating them was a challenge. I've never been able to figure-out what trigger induces the ass muscles to relax to accommodate a cock. Relative infrequency of ass play is probably is part of the issue, but in your case, somehow it seems the poetry of the experience did the trick.
  20. Thanks, RotzBBengel - glad to friend you. Hope you have a good time finding a daddy!

  21. That's amazing, Bottomforsize, although I gotta admit, your ass is a beauty. You must have been deliciously sore with a tally of "...40 [...] in less than 24 hours."
  22. "I understand that the testing location was a bit clumsy there...but I would really like to encourage them, and other clubs to offer more testing - not only for HIV, but other STDs too." Huh. As far as I can recall, both of the bath houses in Philly have a regular room dedicated to an on-site HIV/STD testing outreach service that is open during prime hours. I seem to recall seeing the same arrangement in at least one of the bath houses in LA, but admittedly I haven't been on the west coast in a couple of years. I don't remember seeing such a set-up at the East Side Club in NYC, nor at any of these bath houses: Club Pittsburgh, Steamworks (Chicago), Club Indianapolis, or Crew Club in Washington.
  23. I vote with RawTOP and TigerMilner. It's better to know than NOT to know, SEEDMEINPDX. Get tested.
  24. Jim0Z6 has hit it on the head, TheBreeder. You've provided an observation that is worth remembering.
  25. Give it a try, Nethingtwice. Someone is sure to appreciate your writing style!
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