"Do you believe in gaydar?
I don't believe that people have some mystical ability to spot other gay men, no.
I do believe that there are people who have a heightened observational sense. They are constantly looking at other men and noticing how they hold themselves, what they're wearing, and most importantly, what those other men are observing and where their eyes linger and over whom their eyes skip.
The highly observant person who puts together the little cues that every man gives off when he finds someone of sexual interest has a much better sense of who's interested in same-sex encounters and who's oblivious. That's what gaydar is."
I think you're right, TheBreeder. An astute Gaydar is evidence of a highly observant person. Friends and acquaintances occasionally ask me if an guy is gay, a woman lesbian, or, here in Philly, stoned. I've long since realized I generally have no idea, and that I have no idea because I'm not particularly observant about the nuances of behavior. While in public I scan the landscape to identify threats to my person, and may well casually identify particularly attractive guys, but I don't have sufficient experience to evaluate what are, from my point of view, very indeterminant clues, even recognizing that a more experienced person would find the clues far from subtle.