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Everything posted by Hotload84

  1. Thanks for the 'friend' Mike43 - always happy to say hello to fellow barebackers!

  2. In addition to the general CYA matter as JimOZ6 has mentioned, I've gotten the impression (at least in NY) that the BH is looking to protect its license by outwardly discouraging BB sex, and, of course, by outwardly discouraging public sex.
  3. Can't disagree, CuteOHIOboi - legally or morally. The problem is 'what constitutes rape?' Most definitions I've seen in the law focus on 'sexual contact between parties where the extent of contact exceeds the agreement between the parties'. Defining sexual contact and extent of the agreement seem to be where the struggle occurs. All three of the examples in the original posting violate both of the thresholds I've identified, and clearly speak to those who are, at least mentally, pushing the envelope, so to speak.
  4. Yes, TxBBTop. I made some minor changes, mostly typos, but I thought your story was damn good. Keep 'em coming! Thanks for posting.
  5. Glad for the 'add' Volfan1983xxx - beautiful hole there!

  6. Fortunately, Fisterm8, this story is just that - a story. I honestly don't know if there's any actual history behind it, but I agree with you that this story describes a situation that seems very close to date rape, if not actual rape.
  7. Damn, PozInAZ - that's an impressive total. In my many trips to Palm Springs I've never had that many encounters. Where in Palm Springs did you cross paths with all those guys?
  8. Clever, Barratboy! Well done!
  9. Exceptionally well written, Udoforamen. Well done!
  10. Yeah, RyanWolff. The fuck flu I experienced met your description. None of the extremes of a genuine flu, just like a cold. I'm fairly sure it was the fuck flu, however, because I was diagnosed shortly thereafter, and the physician said he thought I had only recently seroconverted.
  11. I have found black guys to be often very enthusiastic in the pursuit of ass, but not generally any 'better' at topping than guys of any other race. Of course this is not mean some black guys aren't particularly good, but just as frequently the guys are average or inexperienced tops.
  12. Yeah, I've been there on Christmas and other major holidays, particularly when I lived in LA. Here in Philly I'd think twice as the attendance would almost certainly be minimal. The only holiday that I've noticed as having a fairly decent draw is New Year's Day, and that's probably because the BH is only two blocks from the parade route.
  13. Yes, Drippincum, in fact the Tomcat is where the CumUnion parties have been held for the past several months. Presumably the parties will move back to the CBC when the repairs are finished, but I haven't seen any postings as to when that will happen.
  14. Losttop, my experience is there's a man for every taste, whether we're considering a twink, a gym bunny, a bear or any type in between. RawTOP may not be your ideal physical type, but his blog demonstrates many, many guys are very happy to take his load.
  15. You're right, NastyRigPig, your 'take' on "no STDs" is clever. I share your general amusement with such CL advertisements - oh, the willingness to self-deceive! As many guys have stated on this site, if one is gonna play, one needs to accept the prospects of contracting one STD or another.
  16. And how fortunate for the three of you that the rule was discarded!
  17. A few years ago I had sex with a guy at the BH here in Philly who, as it turned-out, lived about 10 blocks from my house. Not quite a neighbor, but nearly so. In our post-coital discussion he mentioned he repaired computers, so I soon thereafter began using his services to handle software/hardware issues. I knew he was poz, but over the years when we chatted, he was always quite cagey about his medical treatment. While I was afraid he might NOT be receiving regular treatment, I didn't push him. Of course as it turned-out, he WASN'T on any meds, he did favor party favors, and yes, the virus was running rampant through his system. In late 2011 I received a telephone call from his mother saying he was in the hospital with some sort of malady - and, as it turned-out, the guy spent almost all of 2012 in one hospital or another as the doctors worked to save his life. They have been fairly successful - even if process of healing is not complete. The example of his decline is the rare reminder of what AIDS will do - if left unchecked. He tells me he has sworn-off Crystal. I hope he takes positive steps to fortify his resolve.
  18. "Do you believe in gaydar? I don't believe that people have some mystical ability to spot other gay men, no. I do believe that there are people who have a heightened observational sense. They are constantly looking at other men and noticing how they hold themselves, what they're wearing, and most importantly, what those other men are observing and where their eyes linger and over whom their eyes skip. The highly observant person who puts together the little cues that every man gives off when he finds someone of sexual interest has a much better sense of who's interested in same-sex encounters and who's oblivious. That's what gaydar is." I think you're right, TheBreeder. An astute Gaydar is evidence of a highly observant person. Friends and acquaintances occasionally ask me if an guy is gay, a woman lesbian, or, here in Philly, stoned. I've long since realized I generally have no idea, and that I have no idea because I'm not particularly observant about the nuances of behavior. While in public I scan the landscape to identify threats to my person, and may well casually identify particularly attractive guys, but I don't have sufficient experience to evaluate what are, from my point of view, very indeterminant clues, even recognizing that a more experienced person would find the clues far from subtle.
  19. And a good time was had by all!
  20. Quite so, TheBreeder. I know your postings will be well written - it's even more pleasant to be pleasantly surprised, as I was with this posting.
  21. You're right, HardaddyMA. This story has a good writing style. Well done, Einathens!
  22. Glad to 'friend' you, Osomal I see you live in southern Spain - do you by chance live near Grenada? I visited there a few years ago, and greatly enjoyed the city.

  23. That's a shame, RawTOP. Drake Rock's videos are quite good.
  24. I had a couple small anal warts growing down there and they were burned-off by my doctor when he also removed some hemorrhoids (and gave me my first colonoscopy!). I was quite uncomfortable for a couple of days, but within a week or so everything was seemingly back to normal. I should stress, however, the warts were quite small. Presumably the larger they are the longer it will take the tissues to knit back-up. I think it was about two months, maybe three before I resumed anal sexual activity.
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