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Posts posted by Hotload84

  1. I have an anthology my father owned that is similar to the pocket watch described in this story. The book is studded with slivers of cardboard from matchbook covers my father cut-up to serve as place marks. Although he died almost forty years ago when I was all of 13, I remember him through the tiny slivers of cardboard and the works of poetry he found to be worth-while.

    Fortunately no one in my family fought me for the book when our paternal house was dissolved.

  2. Well, breedingzone.com should be added to the sites he found himself on in that final full version, no? (He should also mention that it is the best of the sites he found). ;)

    I've taken your advice, PissPigBrooklyn, and added the breedingzone.com to the list of sites mentioned in the final full version, along with the plug for the excellence of the site.

  3. He could make an effort, if he is so frustrated, HotLoad. There's plenty of resources online he could use.

    Agreed, HungLatinDom. As I read his words I was wondering how much was born of issue of his being (apparently) unskilled in English, and how much derived from casual typing standards. I also wondered if he is only conversant in a dialect of Spanish that does not translate very well in one of the translation programs. I suppose he might also be simply unskilled in writing in any language, whether we're talking about English or Spanish. I imagine we'll never know.

  4. This story was included in another posting by Nemesis elsewhere on this site. I've copied it here to afford it wider readership.



    by Kevin Ryan


    I used to be normal, just an average young man living an ordinary, dull life. That is, until I went for late night stroll, and found a new world of lust, strength and the night.

    The full moon was on display on a warm summer night. Always a troubled sleeper, I decided to take a walk around the local area. I came across a woodland area that I knew from my childhood days, and, feeling adventurous and very horny, plucked up the courage to strip and wank off in a suitably subdued spot. As I walked around to find the right place, I heard a strange sound. My ears were surely playing tricks - it sounded like a howl, followed by grunting and growling. This was England, and we're not supposed to have anything like wolves, but it sounded so wild and eerie. Despite obviously being an animal, it had a human quality that raised goose bumps. I wrestled with the notion of running home, but something about the sound fascinated me. Curiosity having got the better of me, I ventured on tiptoe in the direction of the noises.

    I reached the end of the tree line and saw a clearing. The moon was incredibly bright and nearly full, so I had no trouble seeing. The air had electricity, vibrating with energy. I felt the hair go up at the back of my neck. But that was nothing compared to what I saw. A tall, naked man aged maybe 40-50, with a massive chest and protuding nipples was standing upright in full view. His pecs were so big his nipples pointed down. The rest of him was muscular and perfectly proportioned with his considerable height. He had short greying hair, and a moustache. Once I had taken all this in, I dared to look further down. His penis was massive. It jutted out angrily, straining upwards in search of relief towards the moon. Even from a distance, I could see it pulse, and the veins protruded out. His balls were huge and hung down between his muscular thighs. He was like a wild animal, displaying his superiority.

    I was incredibly turned on from this display, but also freaked out as to why he was out there. I felt my erection growing, and was desperate to relieve myself, but before I had the chance to do anything, he lifted his head up released a powerful howl. He sniffed the air, and glared towards me. His eyes were glowing yellow, and I saw his teeth reflect the moonlight. But they weren't ordinary teeth - They were fangs.

    I was by now terrified and considered making a run for it, when he crouched down on his powerful thighs and pounced at least 15 metres towards me. He surely wasn't human and I had no time to react. He landed in front of me, growled and licked his lips. Grabbing hold of me with his huge hands and supernatural strength, he clamped his jaw on my neck and sunk his fangs into me. Utterly helpless, I simply gave in and waited for death. Instead, weird images and sensations flooded my head: fucking, the smell of sex and sweat, of wolves howling. My dick got even harder, as he unleashed it from my jeans and jerked me off. I quickly shot a huge load over his thighs. I collapsed to my knees, as the man who had attacked me shoved his huge cock in my mouth.

    Fucking my throat with a ferocity I had never experienced, I could barely cope with its size. He soon erupted in my mouth, forcing me to swallow most of it; the rest spilled down the sides of my mouth. He shuddered with orgasmic joy, as I could see the sweat glisten on his massive chest. He howled once more, and strode off into the night. Confused, drained, and excited, I staggered home. Collapsing into bed fully clothed, I had forgotten that he had bit me on the neck. There was no pain, and I was too disorientated to really care.

    Waking up the next morning, I was still freaked out by what I saw and experienced, but as I did not appear to suffer any ill effects, I tried to put it behind me, though I did enjoy a satisfying wank remembering his stunning body. Would I go out and look for him again?

    It turns out I did not have much of a choice. Feeling restless and snappy all day, which only increased as evening drew closer. I found myself pacing my house, unable to shake a feeling of being drawn somewhere. I tried drinking myself to submission, but that just got me more annoyed and aggressive. Eventually I gave up and went to bed. I actually managed to sleep, but my dreams took me back to those disjointed images I had experienced last night. I saw the man from the woods, surrounded by a circle of naked, muscular men in wolf-masks, chanting something unrecognisable. The man was tied up, and crouching over a stone with a design at its centre. He seemed less muscular than when I saw him, and his cock was normal size. He was covered in some weird design, which I couldn't make out, but I got the impression that it was blood. He let out a scream which made me wake with a start, covered in sweat, panting, with my heart beating incredibly fast. My cock was rock-hard and I knew I had to do something. The clock said it was only 11.30. I fell out of bed, grabbed some clothes and made my way out. I didn't really know where I was going, but I found myself taking the same route as last night. I was still panting and sweating, and I must have looked seriously disturbed to anyone that saw me. I didn't care; something was making me go back to the woods.

    Once I arrived, I made my way to the clearing where that damn man had been. Sure enough he was there again, that magnificent display of muscle and cock, and those weird animal sounds coming from him. Only, he wasn't alone. The men from my dreams surrounded him. They were all hulks of muscle and displaying massive erections, but they looked very sinister. Something clicked in my head, and I found myself approaching the circle. A gap formed to let me through. Again, my cock was straining to be released, and my body felt like it was on fire. Two of the men came up to me and ripped my clothes off. My cock was nowhere near as big as theirs, but I didn't care, it felt so good to be naked, the moon shining on me. One of them took me in his mouth and sucked ferociously. My brain boiled with lust, as another went behind me and licked my arsehole. It would not be long before I shot cum everywhere, but before I could, two of them pinned my arms together, and lifted me onto the stone from my dream. All the while my cock was straining angrily, almost as if had a life of its own. They covered my torso and back with the design I recognised from my dream. Another one of the men passed me a wooden cup. Containing what smelt like blood and spunk. One side of my brain was telling me to get the hell out of here, but something more primal, and instinctual pushed me into drinking from the cup. My throat felt like it was on fire, as the chanting grew heavier and more fevered. I dropped on all fours, as I felt my body undergoing a transformation. My cock strained up to my belly, and seemed to grow in length and girth. It was rock hard, and angry. The head, which was glistening with pre-cum, was massive and purple. The shaft red, and bulging with veins. My balls doubled in size and filled with cum, waiting to explode.

    The rest of my body was also transforming: I felt my skin stretch as my muscles grew and bulged like my cock. I felt the fat sweat out of me, replaced with taut, firm muscles. My arse became the perfect bubble butt, and my tits developed a deep cleft. My stomach reformed with a sharp six-pack, as my thighs and calfs swelled. My biceps strained with power. I had never felt so alive, and raw. I was full of strength and aggression. I needed to fight, to wrestle, and rut with any of them - all of them. I knew what I was meant for. But the men were not finished with me. I glanced up at my initiator, who grinned a lustful and hungry smile. His yellow eyes shone in the darkness. I would be his. I looked down to his cock, it was bigger than mine, and I realised that I wanted him to fuck me. I had never been fucked before, and I knew that humongous cock would tear me apart, and I couldn't wait. He growled at me, as if he knew what I was thinking.

    Crouched down and tied up, my newfound muscles bulging with power, and my monstrous cock dripping precum, I was nearly over the edge. Any rational, human thought had ceased in my brain. The circle of men began masturbating their equally large cocks as they continued their chanting. I sensed that the ritual may be drawing to a close, as my mentor came up to me. We snapped and growled at each other, as I strained against my bonds with ever increasing fury. He played with my nipples, twisting and slapping them. One by one, the circle climaxed and began to cum, huge arcs splashing all over us. I was doused in it. Another cup was shoved in front of my face, and I eagerly drank it dry. I felt my cock grow another inch, and my muscles expand even more. I had reached my breaking point. In a howl of anger and lust, I ripped by bonds apart, and leapt for my man. We tore into each other, rolling around on the grass, punching, biting - the sound of hard flesh slapping, the smell of blood, cum and sweat overpowering me. I had to fuck him, to be fucked now, or I should surely explode.

    He wrestled me into submission, climbing on to my back. He spat on his giant cock, and began to finger me roughly, teasing my asshole. I writhed about in lust, but he managed to find my enlarged prostate. He pressed on it which sent unbelievable sensations through my body. My cock jumped and gulped, getting even bigger. In my near-animal state, I growled at him to fuck me. He needed no more invitation. He lubed my cock with some of the globules of spunk around us and rammed his cock up to my arsehole. There was little resistance, as I seemed to have greater control over my body. I willed my arsehole to expand, and we both howled in ecstasy. The world seemed to disappear from my consciousness. We were making unholy noises, but I did not care. my insides were being pushed apart by this monstrosity. I didn't care. It was the best feeling I had ever experienced in my life.

    It did not take long for both of us to reach what was going to be an almighty climax. I felt his cock enlarge, as he urgently pumped into me. Suddenly, he exploded and shot his cum deep into me, letting out a massive roar. This tipped me over the edge, as my cock, which looked about to burst, shot out cum again and again. It felt like several orgasms at one. We fell apart, as both of us began to convulse. I could feel the final stage of my new life begin.

    My skin rippled, as hair began to push out of the folicles. My mouth stretched outwards into a muzzle, as tooth became fang. My hands changed shape, to be more paw-like, with long, hard claws. My body became even more muscular, even muscles I did not know I had pushed out of me. My cock became hard again, with the sheer ecstasy of my new form. The change was over in a matter of minutes, and I was dimly aware of my new wolf-lover transforming. He truly was a magnificent animal. I could not wait to mount him this time. We leapt at each other as the change was completed, as I shoved my cock into his eager arse. Biting at his back, we holwed in unison. I had found my soul-mate, my alpha male.

    That was two years ago. My old life dissappeared from my consciousness. Although we only became wolf during the full moon, my body was forever changed after that night. I soon learnt that it was our job to recruit fresh meat into our wolf-pack - a task I was more than ready to take up.

  5. Thanks, Flexbtm. Glad you found it. I've copied it here. This isn't quite the version I remember, but it's very, very close. There are probably many versions out there.


    When I was 18 I was invited to a frat Halloween party with a bunch of other mostly gay (some were bi) white freshmen. The party was hosted by a black gay frat. I guess it was hard for them to attract new recruits until it later in most college kids, let alone black guys.

    I went as a lifeguard complete with red trunks and sandals and in the midwest in late October. Lets just say, I was dedicated to the arts. I was pretty tan and I just about had washboard abs stacked with a nice body. I could sense the eyes of everyone when we walked through the door.

    There was a wide range of guys there all over the house. There was a Roman gladiator. There was a priest. Prehaps, the best costume was this tall black muscle guy who as a werewolf. He was built like a god with huge pecs showing through his torn shirt with tuffs of hair. He had a shaved head and white fangs. I noticed him following me with his eyes. They were dark grey. My cock stirred, but then a drink was thrust into my hand and I was momentarily distracted.

    I danced with my friends for a longest time. We drank a ton and was starting to get quite horny. In fact, the whole room was getting horny. We all did some tequila shots and we starting to feel it. I was noticing the room was starting to making out. The whole room was going and people started disappearing. I went to find the bathroom as I had to piss and down the hall. I found the first fucking. A boy from my bio class, who was dressed like a school boy and some hot dark haired guy who I had seen around school was fucking him. He was dressed up as a mechanic complete with overalls that were open down the front to expose his huge dark dick. I stopped and stared in awe as his dark dick banged away at my friends white ass. The guy was not wearing a condom. I was shocked but was so turned on. I started to get a hard on. I moved onto the bathroom door. Someone was in the bathroom so I got stuck waiting. The kid from bio was moaning real loud. The guy behind him was fucking him so hard you could hear his hips slapping hard against his ass. My friend reached out and jerked me through my shorts as we looked at each other. Completely amazed at what was going on. The mechanic guy fucking the boy started grunting and moaning "I'm going to fucking cum" My buddy tried to pull off but the mechanic dude held his shoulders in place and unloaded dark seed deep inside him.

    My buddy looked panicked, as the guy pulled out, smiled and walked out to piss out the side door. I was just about to follow when the bathroom door opened. "Can I push it out?" my friend asked. I told him sure. I was jealous, but glad all at the same that I wasn't him. We went into the bathroom together to discover another kid from our school getting barebacked hard in the shower. I knew what bareback was, but I never done it before.

    I was way too hard to piss so I left my buddy alone to try to push out the cum and deal with whatever he had to deal with by himself. I walked through the house as it slowly evolved into a full on orgy. The kid dressed as a priest was getting fucked by black guy dressed as a doctor in the kitchen by the booze. A fairy, a real stretch I know, with a real great ass that I has fucked before was being barebacked by the a construction worker on the floor by the 'fridge. In the dining room, Peter Pan from my dorm was on his back on the table with the gladiator's huge bare black dick up in his tight white ass. I watched as a quiet guy from my english class, who was dressed up like a ghost was pushed to his knees by a black dude dressed like a cop. I was starting to feel kind of left out and headed back to the living room.

    People were, at least, still dancing there, though it was way more sexual than before. The hot werewolf dude was still there, and he continued to follow me with his eyes. I could tell he was mentally making me his. He walked confidently to me and said hi. I said hi. The dark skin and tuffs of hair looked so so real. I asked if I could touch it. "Sure" he said. His chest was hard. His abs were firm. His arms were huge and muscular. Next I knew he was kissing me. His lips were powerful. His tongue took control of my mouth. His strong hand enclosed mine and pulled me behind him away from the living room. There was no point in resisting. And I really did not want to.

    In the dining room, the gladiator came with a roar of victory into Peter Pan's ass and my shy ghost buddy was taking the bare dick of the cop like a champ. The scene back in the kitchen revealed a new set of men fucking each other. The bathroom door was half open and my buddy from bio class was bent over taking more bare cock. I heard him ask for a load from the 'sailor' who was running his bare dick int him. The sailor grunted and seemed to be unloading as my werewolf-hunk shoved me hard against a wall and started making out with me again.

    Soon my dick was in his mouth and I glanced over to see my buddy getting yet another bare dick up his hole. His third that night. While the beautiful werewolf man ate my dick, I saw him release his dick from the torn short pants he was wearing. He unbuttoned them and they fell to the ground. His dick was probably 8 inches uncut and was as dark as the rest of him. I leaned agaist the wall and moaned as it felt so fucking good. Then before long I felt his manly fingers probe my ass. I knew where this was headed. I was going to be his boy. He was going to fuck me. I opened my ass to his fingers.

    He turned me around and pulled my red shorts the rest of the way off of me. I was completely naked. He ate out my hole while another kid from our school unloaded in my buddy's ass. I didn't feel bad for him anymore. I wanted to be him. I wanted to feel that black cum in me.

    Suddenly the werewolf behind me picked me up in his thick dark arms. He laid me on the center island in the kitchen. I looked into his grey eyes as He positioned my feet on his shoulders. I thought of asking for a condom. But I already knew there were no condoms at this party. And, I really didn't want him to put one. I wanted his seed deep in my ass. He spit on the palm of his hand and lubed up his cock. I felt the head pressing in. It hurt like a mother fucker. I had been fucked before, but he was larger than anyone else. I tried to relax and coax him in. He slowly kept pushing until he bottomed out his dark black cock deep in my white midwest ass.

    "Fuck yeah" he said. "You like my dark nigger cock, don't you boy?" "Fuck yeah" I said. "Give it to me." I cried. "Oh I will" he said with a deep laugh. As he started fucking me. His dick felt hot. His muscle flesh strained to get it all in me, deep in me. My buddy took a break from the orgy to come watch me get barebacked for the first time. "Fuck that's hot" I heard him say as the eight inches ramrodded in and out of me. I just threw my head back and let the wolf stud take over. His raw dick plowed me and his strong hands held me down, pulling at my flesh. He was owning me. "You're mine" he hissed. "Fuck yeah" I said. "Take me." He picked up the pace and started grunting. I thought that meant he was going to cum and I started squirming. I wasn't really ready. "Cum in his ass!" someone said. It was my buddy. I looked at him. He was jerking off and the mechanic from earlier was behind him about to enter him again. "Fuck yeah" the muscular werewolf said. "Here it cums."

    I panicked but was so very turned on and started panting "yes" over and over. The beautiful muscular wolf man growled and then let out an animal roar as he fucked into me. I could feel his cock growing and pulsing as he shot inside me. He shot for a long time like he hadn't cum in a long time. "Fuck yeah" he said. "Take my wolf seed faggot! You like that? Ung!" He slowly pulled out and I saw the tuffs of hair come off of his body and his cock was coated with cum. I hadn't cum yet and stood erect leaking precum. "Hot" said the man dressed like a werewolf. "No turning back now, cumslut. Go get some more."

    And he left. Egged on by my buddy I took the mechanic's third load of the night right there on the kitchen floor, and then my buddy unloaded in me. Finally, I found the shy kid in the dining room again. The wolf stud was finishing up inside him. "No, don't cum in-" he didn't get it out when that animal roar happened again.

    I quickly took my place there and didnt last three strokes before I dumped a white hot load deep into his paniced guts. When it was starting to wind down and my friends were pairing off or calling taxis, the wolf stud found me again. "Youre mine tonight" he said. I looked into those dark greyeyes. "Youre getting more" he said.

    I willingly held out my hand and felt his strong hand wrap around mine again.

    That was how it started.

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  6. I remember two similar stories, Azunboifun. In the first story the bottom was fucked by a whole series of guys at a party in the country. There was a vaguely *****ic element to the story, and of course each top had a magnificent build. In the second story the party was held at the home of an older guy and the attendees fucked in every room of the house. I think the red devil was in the first story, and the devil in the second story was blue, but admittedly my recollections are hazy.

  7. Naw. Have never been the target of this type of bully. Don't really know what people thought, if anything, but for the most part I moved in very, very small circles back in high school, and even smaller circles at college (even though the college had about 30,000 students). Only in the service did anyone ask me if I was gay. I generally deflected the question unless the individual himself or herself acknowledged he or she was also GLBT.

  8. One of my dogs is a mixed Lab, about 70 pounds, and 13 years old. He is really showing his age, for example, he has not climbed a staircase (beyond the front stoop) in two years. I dread the day when his tail doesn't wiggle when I walk down the staircase in the morning. My sympathies, TheBreeder.

  9. What a pile of claptrap. The sad part is that some people believe it.

    [sigh] Humans are very good at hate-mongering, however crassly or subtly put. As to the benefits of his therapy - well, I'm not about to stake my life on his combination of plant extracts. I had an acquaintance who relied on just such an 'all natural therapy' to combat HIV. He chose to use such an alternate therapy because he saw the products of the pharmacology industry as too destructive. My acquaintance died of AIDS in 2005.

  10. Two of my neighbors have (or have had) Hep C, and they both tell me they were successfully treated for the virus. Apparently there are various genotypes for the virus, and each genotype has a different treatment outcome. Here is an extract from Wikipedia:

    Cure rates by genotype. Responses can vary by genotype. Approximately 80% of hepatitis C patients in the United States have genotype 1, and genotype 4 is more common in the Middle East and Africa.

    Genotype / Description

    Genotypes 2 and 3

    Sustained cure rates (sustained viral response) of 75% or better are seen in people with HCV genotypes 2 and 3 with 24 weeks of treatment.[43] Patients achieving HCV RNA below 1000 IU/mL by day 7 (i.e. just prior to the second dose of pegylated interferon) may be treated for as little as 12 weeks with retained sustained cure rates.[37]

    Genotype 1

    Sustained response is about 50% in patients with HCV genotype 1 given 48 weeks of treatment. In patients with HCV genotype 1, if treatment with pegylated interferon + ribavirin does not produce a 2-log viral load reduction or complete clearance of RNA (termed "early virological response") after 12 weeks the chance of treatment success is less than 1%.

    Genotype 4

    Sustained response is about 65% in those with genotype 4 given 48 weeks of treatment.

    Genotype 5

    HCV genotype 5, which is seen most often in parts of Africa, and genotype 6, which predominates in Southeast Asia, are rare in the U.S. and Europe, and their treatment has not been as extensively studied. Genotypes 5 and 6 respond better to interferon-based therapy than genotype 1, but do not appear as easy to treat as genotypes 2 or 3, according to 2 studies presented at the recent Disease Week annual meeting (DDW 2009) in Chicago. http://www.hivandhepatitis.com/2009icr/ddw/docs/061909_a.html

    Genotype 6

    The evidence for treatment in genotype 6 disease is currently sparse, and the evidence that exists is for 48 weeks of treatment at the same doses as are used for genotype 1 disease.[44] Physicians considering shorter durations of treatment (e.g., 24 weeks) should do so within the context of a clinical trial.

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