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Posts posted by Hotload84

  1. I was in the East Side Club a couple of weeks ago on a late Saturday afternoon, leaving to catch the train at 8:30. They're doing some renovations on the lower floor, so it's hard to guess what the changes will entail, but the facility is certainly not a dive. The guys ran the gambit. The no-sex-in-public policy was enforced. There was some action going on behind closed doors, but how much - well, I got to eat two holes and suck some cock, but not much more. Not a single load.

  2. I read a short story years ago that was in an anthology of (presumably) fictional, relatively extreme porn. The opening story was of two lover-muscle men who were into sex with horses, Empress Catherine-style. I recall distinctly being titillated by the notion of being able to readily take a horse cock up one's ass. When the horse came, the non-receptive partner orally cleaned-off the horse's cock, and shared the juices with the bottom. The video clip HungLatinDom has provided is fascinating, and reinforces the edgey aspects of the short story.

  3. A 1976 Chrysler Newport


    This one has a lot more color than mine. It was beige on beige. I think the color was actually called "Bone."

    It had bench seats in the front and would hold 8 passengers comfortably. The trunk was big enough to hold everyone's instrument on the way home from band practice, too.

    It would have been perfect for fucking in the back seat. Alas, I wrecked it about 6 weeks after I got it.

    Shame the car was wrecked, Drscorpio. The Newport had style.

  4. Technically it was a GMC truck, vintage 1969, that my Mom put in my name when I got my license. I never drove it. My second was a '67 Chevy Bel Air that I owned for several years. I seem to recall I sold it to my brother when I went into the service. The last car I owned was a '73 Catalina that I owned until '82. Since then I haven't owned a car, although I had a long-term lease on a '96 Mustang while I lived in LA. Nowadays it's strictly subways, trolleys, and trains, with an occasional taxi or airplane thrown into the mix.

  5. If the profile is obviously fake, Fuckyouraw777, then presumably anyone looking at the profile would reach the same conclusion that you reached, and move on to the next profile. Unless I'm injured by another's actions, and the injury must be real, not fabricated, I tend to take these things with a grain of salt, so no, I wouldn't worry about the misrepresentation. But now that you have brought it up, perhaps I'll include in my profile, a picture of Al Parker, my favorite 70s - 80s porn star. Think I'll fool anyone? I suspect most guys would just laugh at me. [sigh]

    Kidding aside, Rawtop has been insistent on a respectful exchange with one another, and I suspect, (without presuming to speak for Rawtop), that public denunciation of another would be censured.

  6. I was telling my neighbor of Barebacksaunaslut's unfortunate experience, and my neighbor in turn told me of a experience that was making the circuit at a hospital in which he worked. The short version is that the ER staff was tasked with removing a (presumably empty and relatively small) peanut butter jar from some guy's rectum. Like the unlucky priest mentioned in Belfast-Bottom's posting, the guy with the peanut butter jar in his ass told the hospital staffers that he fell on the jar, and it was, by pure happenstance, lodged in his ass. Quite an unlucky guy.

  7. Back in the late 70's I studied abroad in Rome. It was nothing to see huge photographs of nude men and/or women advertising one product or another. In contrast about the same time, here in Pennsylvania there was a push by some of the more puritanical legislators to remove, on the basis of indecency, certain the nude statute groups, The Giants, by George Grey Bernard that flank the doors of the Capitol Building in Harrisburg. Eventually the sculptures were given odd-looking loin covers lest the world see (shocking!) penises and scrotums. [sigh] Fucking ignoramuses.

  8. Hi, where is the Warehouse sauna?

    Warehouse Sauna: Contact Us

    Warehouse Sauna: 110 Chapel Street, Manchester, M3 5DW

    Telephone: 0161 832 5001

    Location and Finding Us

    We are located in two magnificent railway arches, off Deansgate, just over the River Irwell.

    We are a 2 minute walk from Salford Central Station or 5 minutes from Victoria Station.

    No.3 Free City Centre Bus goes to Salford Central train Station from Princess Street (The Gay Village) and Piccadilly Station.

    We are a 3 minute walk from Deansgate (Kendals) [No.1 & No.2 Free Bus]

    For more public transport information please visit www.gmpte.com

    Several secure private car parks are located just across the road from the venue and these are priced reasonably with hourly or daily rates. Between 6pm and 8am Monday to Saturday and all day Sunday it is free to park on the street.

  9. I know a Matron who runs an ER Dept. Retrieving lost vibrators is not uncommon, the nurses & doctors hear a whole range of inventive excuses about how it happened "accidentally", but the staff there have seen it all before.

    I suppose each profession must find humor where it is able. A couple of my sisters worked for one or another nursing home for several years, and would bring hilarious stories back to the dinner table. Perhaps dark humor, but humor, nevertheless.

  10. Sorry to hear of this incident, Barebacksaunaslut, but am glad you had the presence of mind to go straight to the ER. Also glad to hear the ER staff put you at ease by making light of it. Lesson learned, I suppose.

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