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Posts posted by Hotload84

  1. Hotload84, you are not kidding...you ARE shallow...LOL

    Yup, I am Bobbie. And believe me, it's not like I'm an Adonis who can afford to be choosy. Guess I'd rather go without than try to expand my expertise level. I worked a few years for a drop-dead gorgeous guy, but I despised his a__hole attitude towards me, and I quickly discovered I couldn't see past those personality traits that I despised, notwithstanding his flawless build and face. The irony is his boss, his father, is a man I greatly admire, and who I would choose as a father, had I the option.

  2. Can't say that I have, Bttmboy4daddy. I'm a bit too shallow. I've gotta find the guy a sexual turn-on, or I won't play with him. I've even found that if I intellectually know a guy is hot, but if I also know he has a nasty personality, I don't even register his sexual quotient: my brain focuses exclusively on his unattractive personality, and so don't want to have anything to do with him.

  3. Thanks for your response. I apologize not converting into inches.

    Glad I am not the only one ha ha.

    I just love when the top feels even more of a man cos the bottom is tiny dicked or just smaller.

    Honestly, Indianbottom25. Four and three quarters length for a cock doesn't strike me as tiny. Smaller than average? Maybe. The smallest cock I ever saw on an adult named Arlen who I knew in high school. His cock was probably about 3/4 of an inch long - much, much, much smaller than yours. Arlen and I had gym class together, so I (and many other guys) saw him on a regular basis. Arlen was a bit of a social misfit, and could easily have been the target of mockery, but to the best of my recollection, I never heard a single guy comment on the diminutive size of Arlen's cock. Frankly, the refusal of the guys to psychologically abuse Arlen on the size of his cock is one of the more positive memories I have of my fellow students.

  4. Hi Guys,

    I am a 25 year old bottom. Not very experienced. I have a tiny cock. Maybe 12 cm and very thin. I once had sex with this white guy and he was in tears laughing at the size of my cock saying it was like a ten yr old boys cock :( It became a fetish now. I love being humiliated about my cock being small.

    Any other bottoms like this?

    I had to look this one up, guys. Twelve centimeters translates to approximately four and 3/4 inches.

    As to your cock size, Indianbottom25, I don't personally know anyone with your particular fetish, but I certainly have seen advertisements in which the guy posting the advertisement was seeking smaller than average cocks, so I'm sure there are others who share one aspect or another of your fetish.

  5. I had much the same sense, TheBreeder. While in the service I was only allowed to sport a mustache, and while I did, I felt incomplete. Towards the end of my enlistment and I was down to a few days, I stopped shaving and my beard slowly grew in. I've been bearded for almost twenty years, and am much happier with it than without it. To paraphrase the line from the musical Sweeney Todd "My face is complete again!"

  6. Yesterday afternoon at the Adonis in Philadelphia. Played in a group with several guys, two of whom were exceptionally hot and talented BFs, about 55 - 60 YO. Both were walking around essentially nude, had exceptionally beautiful asses, and were built very nicely - one furry, the other smooth. Neither lost his hard-on the entire time. The top enjoyed TT as he BB'd some guy's ass. The other took cock after cock, including mine, up his hole. Eventually he took my load. Fuckin' fun time.

  7. I sure do. For several years I lived in LA and frequented the Midtowne baths. Aside from the sexual element, the social element was very gratifying for this mis-placed Philadelphian. I would love to run into some of my fuckbuds. When I go back to LA (about once a year) I try to drop in. Occasionally I see guys I know from sight, but have yet to see any of the guys with whom I swapped cum. [sigh]

  8. There used to be a three story sex club about three blocks from the Crew Club called Manparty or Mensparty. IT WAS HOT. I mean a lot of bb sex going on. Then they closed a year ago because they didn't have a license. The rumor said someone died when he fell from the stairs. He was allegedly drunk. I wish they open again. Sigh.

    BTW, I like Slammer in Ft. Lauderdale. I go there once every two or three months. Muy caliente.

    I heard about the Men's Party, and that it was the great. Unfortunately I never got there. Here's an article on the closure. http://www.washingtonblade.com/2010/01/20/men%E2%80%99s-clubs-closed-in-city-crackdown-on-sex-businesses

    I forget the name of the bath house that was in SW Washington, but certainly exercised my inner slut while there. Made

    the train ride back to Philadelphia all the more enjoyable.

  9. Mine is Crew Club in DC, because

    1.There are not many sex going on...especially bb one ....

    2.It's kinda expensive.....that's why not many gay guy come here ...

    As you know that DC has 1 of the largest gay community including the bb one...you can see that from bbrt.com...

    The good thing about this place is clean....but if i jsut wanna have a clean place to hang out i rather stay at home and watching porn....:P

    I don't know enough about bath houses outside the Northeastern Corridor and Southern California to identify the worst bath house in America, but would agree with Mancuntt that the few times I've been to the Crew Club (in Washington D.C.) were not worth the time or money. I think the only thing I remember liking was the steam room. It's shaped oddly, but the steam production was decent. I think I've read a some postings that spoke favorably of the facility, but I couldn't say I'd go there again except in desperation. I also agree with Mancuntt that the Crew Club is quite clean, which is all the more amazing given that much of the facility is carpeted.

  10. I've just downloaded "The Darkside" - Mason Wyler's first BB DVD, and was not impressed... I think he should have gone straight to Max and Paul, when he said he was going to last year... I have a feeling Max will know exactly what to do...

    I saw the preview for "The Darkside" and must agree with Speedobare. The video didn't strike me as the best Dark Alley has put out, even given a generally excellent cast: Owen Hawk, Brandon Hawk, Mason Wyler, Antonio Biaggi, Jim Ferro, Marco Cruise, Chad Brock. Honestly, Mason Wyler, in my take, just didn't work right in this line-up of veteran actors.

  11. "Re: Poz Bareback Group

    hmmm, so we're locked out if we aren't already poz. Interesting form of discrimination."

    Given the legal liabilities to attach to pozzing someone, I should think the Poz Bareback Group's interest in excluding neg guys would trump the desire of an neg guy to convert. Putting the scenario in a separate forum: imagine that cars could be designed to run extremely fast, but that such a design was inherently dangerous, or, if by designing the cars to go slower they would be safer. The car manufacturer, in evaluating the liability that comes with making inherently dangerous cars decides it does not want to take on that liability, but that they will focus solely on manufacturing slower, albeit safer cars. Seems perfectly rational - and legal.

  12. Men's relationships should keep Male sexuality in mind.

    In America, Gay sexuality in only acceptable these days, if it is modeled on what heterosexual women want ( a long term, monotonous relationship with a husband... and kids.)

    If he "loves" you, he should love your inner-slut too.

    Good point, WCCOCKPIT. The problem is that people: men, women, all of us, are not equally advanced in our emotional and psychological maturity, so what I might find easy to accommodate might well would prove difficult for others. The frank discussion I suggested could, therefore, prove very difficult. But then one does not know until one tries. By the way, I love your phrase inner-slut.

  13. It would seem you have a few options, Needmassivebarecock.

    First, you could have a frank discussion with your BF and carve-out some arrangement that does not threaten

    your relationship with him, yet accommodates your inner slut;

    Second, you could slut-around behind his back (morally and medically not recommended);

    Third you could simply not act on your compulsion to slut around, perhaps incorporate your desires into some aspect of

    your sex life (with him or in JO fantasies);

    Fourth, you could break-up with him and accommodate your desires.

    If you don't make a decision, likely matters will come to a head one way or another. Did I miss an option, guys?

  14. Both here. Never had athlete's foot. Flip flops are the norm, but if the place is pretty clean, barefoot too.

    That's amazing, Tightslider, that you've never pick-up the fungus. It seems I have only to think about Athlete's Feet and I contract it. It's easy enough to eliminate, but it's still uncomfortable.

  15. Philly has two bath houses, Nipplepigny1, the Sansom Street Gym (in the 2000 block of Sansom), and Club Body Center (in the 1200 block of Chancellor). Of the two facilities, well, neither is wonderful. Sansom Street is much newer, but management has been gradually closing down portions of the building (such as the steam room) and various showers/bathrooms) as they need work. Sansom Street is also seldom really busy - except when they sponsor a group or a party). Club Body Center is much, much older. They're currently reconstructing (at least superficially) one floor of the building. That said, Club Body Center is generally the busier of the two, even so I've been there when there were less than ten guys, but I admit I tend to go during the daytime hours - hardly the optimal time. On the other hand, two Wednesdays ago I was there at mid-day during the half-price hours, and blew loads in two delicious holes. Sweet. What either bath house is like late-hours, I can't really say. Philly is also home to the Tom Kat theater (on 13th street, below Sansom) and the Adonis theater (next to the Sansom Street Gym). I haven't been in the Tom Kat in years. I have visited the Adonis, on many occasions. Sometimes it's very, very slutty, other times the guys are very reserved.

    I have never been to either bath house in Providence. Boston does not have any. I believe Washington is down to one, which I visited last year, and found it a yawn.

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