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Posts posted by Hotload84

  1. [sigh] This was an exceptionally trying time. I had applied for life insurance, and the provider sent a nurse to meet with me to get a urine sample. I had hardly been the world's biggest slut, but knew the possibility existed I would come-up poz. A few weeks later I received a hideously worded letter from the insurance policy that declined to issue the policy and advised me to expect a communication from the Philadelphia Department of Health, but a few weeks passed and I heard nothing from them, so, I girded-up my courage and went to a doctor who advertised in the local fag-rag and he took a blood sample. A few days later he telephoned asking me to come in to meet with him, whereupon he gave me the news in a very supportive fashion.

    Thus began my long dance with HIV.

  2. I would share your frustration, Tommysole. It's hard to understand how anyone who barebacks as a top or bottom (absent the inability to make an informed decision) could get pissed at possible exposure to HIV. Even so, however, the laws of the state where this occurred control, and liability could follow. There's much to be said for anonymous sex. It makes it harder (although not impossible) to establish liability.

  3. If a bottom insists on wanting you to wear a condom then it's a fairly simple but important request, so you could just say you're only interested in bareback sex, and go your separate ways, as opposed to shitting all over the trust he's putting in you to play safe.

    This is also pretty much the way I handle the issue. With the possible addition that I may try to persuade him to BB, but if he's adamant about safe sex, then we part company. As a top or bottom, condoms just don't do it for me.

  4. Not that I know, but as far as I know my family is pretty dull. I dread mandatory familial assemblages (mostly funerals or advanced birthdays for aunts and uncles) because I know in advance I will be bored out of my mind. My parents and grand parents are long gone, and honestly, assuming I outlive my siblings, I doubt I'll even both attending their funerals. I didn't particularly like them when I was growing-up, and even less so these days.

  5. As a rabid "leftie", I detest the term conservative, but I do agree with your stance.
    Nice distinction. Reminds me of a friend who refused to use the words "turn right" in dispensing directions. Rather he says "make a non-left"!

    I'm somewhat simple-minded as to chemical enhancement, in particular, and alcohol (to excess). As I've never indulged in the former (not even weed), and seldom in the latter, I tend to be genuinely disinterested in fucking around with those under the influence. For example, a really hot guy who lives close to Philadelphia contacted me and wanted to fuck around. He was willing to even meet at the local bath house - hurrah! But then he brought up his desire to 'indulge', to use your language, and my willy went back to sleep mode, so we've never hooked-up. Oh well. One less thing to worry about.

  6. If a bottom willingly gets to drunk or high to make informed decisions, I can't consider that diminished capacity, given the plethora of information that's readily available....

    I can understand your position, Evilqueerpig. Perhaps I can take the more conservative position because I tend to be disinterested in fucking around with guys who are drunk or high. Of course if I don't realize the guy's condition, I suppose I might well unwittingly cross my own bright line. This is certainly an interesting line of thought, and one I've considered many times over the years.

  7. Hmmm. I wouldn't have thought to use the word contempt, Evilqueerpig, but certainly your comment "...they're in denial or lying to themselves about the risks of barebacking" has a visceral appeal. Would you acknowledge a carve-out for bareback bottoms who have diminished capacity to make informed decisions? I would be reluctant to apply your appraisal where the bottom is high, drunk, emotionally distraught, or literally has markedly reduced intelligence. In my mind such an individual cannot make a coherent decision as to whether or not he should get barebacked. What do you think?

    • Thanks 1
  8. Very appealing story, Whthole4u. I often ran into Daniel, a Mexican with a beautifully shaped, exceptionally large, uncut cock, at a bath house some 15 years ago while living in LA. His practices as a top were quite similar to what you've described. Your sentence "...ecstasy and pain and satisfaction and the fire of him in my ass..." about capture the experience. And yes, he also wore a wedding ring! Thanks for bringing back some sweet memories.

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