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Posts posted by Hotload84

  1. I went into the neighborhood movie theater early on a Monday afternoon. The place was pretty empty except for the two Indian attendants, both around their mid-twenties. One of them was Sikh. I paid the entrance fee went in and took a seat. The movie started and the Sikh attendant came and sat down near me. He was wearing white pants and had quite a large bulge, which I had stared at as I came into the theater. He rubbed it as he sat down. He didn't sit for long. He got up after a few minutes and walked out, openly grabbing his crotch. I looked at his face and he smiled sheepishly, almost shyly.

    I continued watching the movie, but thought about the attendant. I am very shy so I was afraid to do anything. Half way through the movie I went to the men's room. While I used the urinal, the Sikh guy walked in and stood on the urinal next to me. He took out his dark cock and shook it. It instantly got hard. It was nice and dark and had a purple mushroom head. I looked at his face and he smiled and took my hand and wrapped it around his cock. I was very nervous and surprised that this guy had the guts to do this. As I held his cock he casually grabbed my ass. He unbuckled my pants and yanked my pants down and started to probe my asshole. I was very worried someone would walk in, but he didn't seem to care.

    He grabbed me by the arm and led me to the stall. There he pushed my face against the wall, my ass at his disposal. He put on a condom and greased my hole. I didn't know what to do. Naturally I was both nervous and excited. I felt his cock tease my hole. I looked back at his face and he smiled at me. Suddenly I felt the pain of his cock stretching my hole as it went in. I whined and tried to push him off. He stopped and wrapped his hands around me while holding on to my wrists. Again I felt the searing pain of his cock entering. I tried to struggle, but he was holding me very tightly. Then suddenly he plunged his cock up my hole in one push. I opened my mouth and sucked in air. He asked me if it hurt and I looked back at him and said "Yes, it hurts. Please take it out.” He smiled again and said "Good, I like to make it hurt." His cock seemed to get even harder and bigger. He pulled it almost all the way out and then pushed it back in. I was whining and moaning in pain. I’m sure I was blushing from the shame of my situation. In any event, he was solely interested in his own pleasure.

    As my hole became accustomed to his cock, he pulled out and spanked my ass hard. I plead with him to stop, which, to my relief, he did. He took off the condom. I was thankful it was over, and leaned on the wall to catch my breath. Suddenly I felt his raw cock pushed up my hole once again. "No, not bare - stop” I said, as I tried to wiggle out of his control, but I guess I didn’t try very hard, because he was able to put his arm around my neck and one around my waist, essentially immobilizing me. I had to worry about both restricted breathing and a violated ass! He kept fucking my hole faster and faster until he filled me with his Sikh spunk. He pulled his cock out. I looked back at him and he had a big smile on his face. Then he stuck his finger up my hole and laughed. I looked at his cock and it was still hard and throbbing, as his spunk oozed out my hole.

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  2. Well, I'm sitting typing this with my arse slowly oozing cum and lube from the fuck session I finished about half hour ago. Went out 'cause it was too hot to stay indoors and walked down to the beach to catch some sun and cool off in the sea. Surprisingly it wasn't too busy. There were only about half a dozen lads in trackies mucking round with a football. Excellent, I thought and settled down where I could get a good view.

    Very nice view it was, also. Tight bodies on show, cropped hair, baseball caps. After about 20 mintues the lads had had enough and started to drift off towards the cafe. One of them stayed back and sat about 10 yards away from me. He was about 19-20, 5'9", nice body, pierced left nip, an ethnic tat on his right arm. Anyway, we caught each other's glances and eventually he came over and we started chatting. It was obvious we were gonna have some fun. It was just a matter of where and how. I made the move and suggested he come back to mine. He agreed and ten minutes later we were in my flat kissing and playing with each other's bodies.

    He had a fantastic arse - small, firm: very fuckable. He started playing with my tits which really got me turned on and I ground my crotch into his. I got one hand down into his trackies and began feeling his arse. I slipped one finger into his crack and started working his hole. He loved it and pushed back so that my finger slid into his pussy. He was fucking tight and I knew i was gonna have a good time using him. We stripped. I covered a couple of fingers with spit and pushed them both as far up his hole as I could get them. He was very responsive and his hole opened up for a treat.

    I lay down on the bed and he climbed on top of me and stuck his arse in my face. I couldn't resist the offer and buried my face in his arse while he sucked on my cock and, I imagine, got a good look at the biohazard tattoo just above my groin. I stuffed my tongue in his hole and started eating him. He tasted fantastic and I felt him take my dick all the way down his throat which was also pretty cool. After about five minutes of this, I knew I had to fuck him.

    I got some lube and greased him up just enough to make sure I could get in without too much trouble. He stuck his arse up in the air and I pulled his cheeks apart and got a good look at his pretty hole. All slick, slightly open, pulsating: waiting to be fucked. I eased the head of my dick into him and told him to push himself back on to me, which he did until he had the whole of my eight inches inside. Then I went to work on him slowly at first then fast then hard banging my dick up him. He loved it, talking dirty begging me to do him harder and to breed him. Seemed like he knew what the tattoo meant and wanted me to be his bug daddy. I wasn't gonna say no, that's for sure.

    I flipped him over and tried him that way - he was just as good writhing around as I fucked him. I flipped him back and went for it doggie again. I held his hips and really let go, laying into him as hard as I could until I shot a huge load of my dirty seed into his guts. He loved the fact that i had filled his arse with my toxic cum. After I pulled out he began playing with his arse slipping his fingers in and tasting the mess that covered them. For such a young lad he was pretty piggy - not that that bothered me. I love pigs.

    He started playing with it and before long he was hard. It was a nice dick - bigger than mine: a good nine inches, thick and uncut. I thought he would just wank and cum but he had another idea - he wanted to fuck me. Given the fun I had just had, I couldn't say no. I greased-up my arse and let him give me the business. He was good and seemed to be enjoying himself. I laying on my back, legs in the air, looking up at him as he used my hole, pumping his dick in and out. Being relatively young he didn't last long before he shot. He tried to pull out, but I wrapped my legs round his hips and prevented him. Naturally he ended up shooting most of his load inside my hole, although some spurted-out onto my ass lips, which felt good - as it ran over my arse. He licked-up what he could find before he got his tongue in my arse to taste it from source.

    Afterwards we dozed for a bit before he had another go at me. That was even better. Longer and harder, making me really feel it. Nice big load sprayed deep inside me. Then we said our goodbyes and off he went, leaving me with the juice oozing out as a reminder - a very cool afternoon indeed.

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  3. Tell your dad to get vaccinated and get back to fucking you.

    I had Hep B years ago - ironically back when I was avid about safe sex. My body was able to clear it without medication. In fact I didn't even know I had it, though I did notice the whites of my eyes were a bit yellow.

    To everyone - if you haven't gotten vaccinated for Hep A & Hep B - do it next time you see your doctor. If they ask why you want both vaccinations just say you're gay. If they push it, say you like to rim ass. Another friend of mine almost died from Hep B - it can be very serious. Luckily for him he got a transplant just in time.

    This is good advice, guys. I am currently infected with Hep B. While the Atripla I take has gone a long way to reducing the level of infection, the doctors are concerned because the virus keeps lingering in my system, and chronic Hep B can lead to various types of liver cancer. Ironically, I had begun the vaccination to which RawTOP refers. It entailed three injections of the vaccine given over several months. For some reason (I honestly can't remember why), I never got the third and final dose, and apparently picked-up the virus sometime after I began the regimen.

  4. When I started University times were tough. I had to move to the city to study, and the small allowance my parents gave me didn't cover costs. Living in college was ok, but the food was never enough, and i had no money for beer or fun, and no time for a regular job because of my studies, so I tried to pick up odd jobs around the neighbourhood to earn a bit of spare cash. It was just stuff like mowing lawns, painting fences and cleaning gutters, but it helped me scrape enough to get by.

    I adveritised my services by door knocking, and I had little cards I would distribute as well, just in case anyone wanted to call me later. I did it mostly on Saturdays, as that was when I had most time, and it left the evenings free for picking up girls. I was pretty talented with the ladies, and rarely went a night without scoring.

    One particular Saturday however when I was door-knocking in a new neighbourhood, I had a very different experience. I knocked on the door to a normal looking house; the man who answered the door was big and burly. I suppose he was around 50. He had a big handlebar moustache, and was wearing black jeans with a small black leather vest which was open at the front revealing a hairy chest and big beer gut. He also had an unusual tattoo on his upper arm, which i didn't know then, but now recognize as a biohazard symbol. I commented on it as I went past, as I thought it was a nice design and had been thinking of getting a tattoo of my own at some time. He told me I had to earn one of those, but i didn't understand.

    I explained why I was knocking, and he offered me $10 to mow his back lawn. I was a bit disappointed by the offer as $10 wouldn't go far, but seeing my disappointment he said he would pay me $20 dollars if I mowed the lawn in nothing but my jocks. Now I was not gay, but I wasn't shy either, and it was a fuckin' hot day, and his back yard was enclosed, and I needed the money, so I thought 'what the hell' and agreed to do it. He led me through the house to the back yard, and my attention was drawn to his computer in his bedroom, as it made a message-received sound on a chat program as I walked past. I noted he also had a webcam set up.

    He showed me the lawn mower, and without much fanfare i started the mower, undressed and started going about my business. The homeowner gathered up my clothing and took them inside for safe keeping. I must say its a bit odd mowing a lawn with little more than a jock and shoes. Twigs and branches sure sting when they whip past your legs, but it wasn't really much of a challenge: it was a small yard. Within about half an hour I was finished. Although it wasn't a particularly difficult day, and I was largely naked, the heat had caused me to break-out into a heavy sweat.

    The homeowner had watched most of the mowng apart from a few minutes when he had popped onto his computer and do a few other things. After I had finished and put away the lawn mower, he called me over for a chat. He said his nickname was Daddybear and he was glad i had mowed his lawn, because he had other plans for his afternoon. He asked me to step inside for payment, and offered me a drink of home-made ginger beer. I was happy to accept his offer. While he went to get his wallet, I downed the beer. I can honestly say it was the most terrible beer I had ever had. It was bitter as hell, and if it hadn't been ice cold, I would not have finished it, but I did so, finishing-up about the time he arrived with his wallet. He smiled, saying he was pleased I liked the beer.

    At that point I started to feel a bit giddy, and Daddybear saw me steady myself. He gave me another beer, saying it had the right combination of salts and sugars to hydrate me. I took him up on the second beer, and while it was only marginally better than the first one, I downed it, thinking it would counter what I assumed was dehydration. This was, as it turned out, a very bad idea.

    The next thing i remember I was gagging on some sort of ball thing that was shoved in my mouth, with like a harness strpping it behind my head. When I went to pull it out I realized my hands were cuffed to the headposts of a bed, I was unable to move, and I was laying on my stomach. A stack of firm pillows were propped under my hips making me bend in the middle to almost as if I was kneeling. My feet were also secured to the foot of the bed - I assumed by ropes. I couldn't believe the situation in which I found myself.

    I was now completely naked, and conscious of the cold air which was circulating between my butt cleft, which felt moist. I then heard the voice of Daddybear "ah, you're awake... welcome back! I have just finished preparing you!" It didn't take a PhD to figure-out what he had in mind, but in my position I could see no recourse. No amount of stuggling would free me from my bonds, and the effect of whatever had been dissolved in the drink still lingered and made my mind move very slowly. I was conscious the computer on the desk beside the bed which I had noticed on the way in was going frantic with received messages on chat programs, and I saw a webcam staring back at me from beside it.

    I saw Daddybear out the corner of my eye on the side of the bed away from the computer and noted that he had now shed his jeans and vest. He was naked. A huge uncut cock stood proudly about a hairy and full looking scrotum. He removed a tube from a night table drawer, and squeezed some clear gel onto his cock, lubing it up thoroughly. As he did so, his foreskin retracted, revealing a bright red head with precum oozing from it! "Look what Daddy has for you, boy!" he leered. "Aren't you lucky?" This was a scene out of the movie 'Deliverance'. At that point i felt anything but lucky. My stomach was in knots, but at the same time I couldn't help but feel my own cock twitch and begin to swell against the pillows.

    Daddybear walked back behind me, and i felt the mattress sway as he got on, moving behind me on his knees. He placed one hand on my back, and then very rapidly shoved a finger into my asshole and i flet his long fingernail scrape asit plunged in. i tried to cry out, but the ball in my mouth muffled any sound, and as he probed deeper to my prostate i found myself whimpering as my cock betrayed me and continued to swell against the pillows. Daddybear soon enough withdrew his finger and shuffled-up the bed further. I then felt him as he leaned forward, and placed the head of his cock at my hole, as he whispered in my ear "get ready, this is going to hurt some, but if you like, you can have some poppers to ease the pain."

    I had no idea what poppers were, but I didn't want any of this, let alone pain, so I nodded, and thru the dinging of arriving messages on the chat program I heard the crack and faint hiss of a bottle being opened. Daddybear then thrust under my nose and ordered me to inhale the fumes of what I since learned was amyl nitrate, an smell i will never forget. With the ball in my mouth I could do nothing but inhale through my nose. I could feel the pulse thumping in my head, and felt my ears flush and everything spin. Then the bottle was taken away and i felt Daddybear thrust forward.

    The lube and the amyl combined to ensure his rigid cock would be successful, and sure enough, I felt a searing pain as the head of his cock popped in. He held still for a second, but soon grew impatient and shoved again. I could feel the head of his cock sliding in further aided, perhaps, by its foreskin sheath. His cock was huge and he kept shoving it painfully inch by inch deeper inside me until I could feel the heat of his beer belly resting my back. The light touch of his testicles brushed up against my own. He let my ass stretch to adjust and accommodate before starting long thrusts back and forward, slowly at first, but building in speed until he was holding my hips and pumping me as fast as he could.

    I could hear his breathing getting faster and his thrusts getting stronger, and the repetitive onslaughts on my prostate were getting to much, but then he gripped my ass tighter with both hands, leaving bruises which lasted for weeks, and then grunted. I knew he was cumming. I felt the pulsations of his cock against my prostate, and I felt the gush of fluid as his sperm hit my ass, and before i knew it my own cock was shooting cum, as if his cum had gone right through me.

    He collapsed on top of me, gasping, his belly filling the small of my back, and his rough breath in my ear, but all the while keeping his cock as deep in me as possible. As his breathing settled he whispered in my ear "now I own you bitch! I have bred you! Now daddy's DNA is in you and you will never get it out! You're mine for life!" I didn't understand precisely what he meant, but I understood in some sense, that the exchange meant me owned me. He slowly withdrew, and stepped back, before undoing my hand cuffs and leaving me to untie my legs. I did so, and quickly got up and got dressed with my clothes which were piled on the floor. I needed to wipe away the goo on my ass, and noticed some white stuff tinged with blood which leaked out, but i was in too much of a hurry to get out of there to wipe thoroughly. I just put on my pants and left the room. Daddybear was waiting outside the room for me, and handed me two $20 dollar bills: one for the work on his lawn, the second as a token of his appreciation. I hurriedly left, and ran back to my dorm where I took a shower, and tried to forget the whole horrible experience. I have since learned this is typical behavior for anyone who has been raped. Of course I was much too embarrassed to ever tell anyone, let one the police. I was straight and that was that! I had no idea why my cock had been so hard during my experience, but wondered if there was a message in its response to Daddybear.

    I heard from Daddybear three weeks later when he rang to ask if i could mow his lawn again. I had apparently left my card with him. I mumbled something like 'no, you fuckin' bastard', but in truth I wasn't feeling well. In fact, I was feeling so poorly I went to see the University doctor, and he said I had a glandular fever, whatever that was. I had a background fever and sore throat for a week with swollen glands. Apparently it was common in my age group, especially with all the girls I was snogging!

    I spent the next five years fucking girls left right and centre to prove to myself that I wasn't gay. Some time a girl i had slept with unprotected told me she had tested HIV+ when donating blood, and I should get myself tested. It's safe to say that i know what the biohazard symbol means now.

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  5. I can’t remember when I started reading bbxchange.net, but I got hooked on it. Nor can I remember where I found the link for the site. But whenever I did start here, it turned me on big time. As I started reading the stories, I would jack off pretending that I was the bottom getting converted, especially if it were a gang bang or bath house. At first I didn’t see myself getting the gift. As a few have asked on the site “why would you want to get AIDS.” I wondered that myself. But I still kept reading and jacking off to the stories. Then as I was hooking up with guys, I realized that I wasn’t asking for condoms any more. I realized that maybe I was chasing the gift. But, I live in North Dakota, how many POZ guys are there up here anyway.

    Well, anyway about a year ago, I got the flu. Tired, fever, you know the drill. Figured it was just an early case of the flu. Well then it didn’t go away. Went to the doc a couple of times. They couldn’t find anything. Then some intern who I could barely understand asks me "have you had any homosexual contact?" "Umm…Yes." "Unprotected?" "Umm…Yes." So she runs the HIV test. I had a follow up visit the next Monday. That was the longest week of my life. Couldn’t sleep. Couldn’t think straight. Did I actually get pozzed? What will I do now with my life.

    So the next Monday, I go back into the doc. The intern and the real doc both show up. I knew right away, what they were going to say. ‘I’m sorry, but you are HIV positive’. They talked a whole bunch more. But I have no clue what they said. My world was turned upside down. They ordered more tests. Referred me to a specialist. But I still went back to work and finished out the day.

    Those first couple of weeks were rough. I was getting depressed. Wondering if I should just quit work and let HIV win. Wondering if I would die by 50. So much to think about. Though I finally just accepted the fact that I was POZ and that there was jack shit to do about it. So I quit playing with others. I didn’t want to spread this. I mean, HIV is a bad thing, right? But yet I still kept reading bbxchange. But now from a different view. Now from a gifter, rather than a chaser. I realized that my life had changed.

    So I went back out and found a guy. He asked if I would top him and if I bb’ed. I said sure. He didn’t ask me my status, so I figured if Clinton can use “don’t ask, don’t tell”, then I could as well. So I fucked him. And damn, dropping that load of charged cum up his ass was so fucking hot. I’d been turned into a gifter. There was no doubt about that. I fucked him a couple more times. Usually once I shoot my load I come down really fast. But one time, I was so horny I shot in his ass after 5 minutes, but kept fucking for another five. As I looked down at my cock, I noticed that the cum and spit being used as lube had turned pink. Guess I bloodied his ass. I still fuck him now. Don’t know his status. He doesn’t know mine. And I know he gets other cock as well.

    So I found another guy as well who asked me to top him and fuck him. Sure. Said I only bb’ed. He said HOT. So I fucked him. Great ass. Have no clue if he is poz now or not. He still hasn’t asked my status. I won’t tell him anyway. So I have gone after a couple other guys. But the two above are the only two regulars. Or at least they were. Remember I’m in ND. Where until last year it was illegal for a man and women to live together if they were not married.

    Well, there has been this guy who’s profile I’ve seen on many sites. Really hot looking. Into some kinky stuff. But I had always been afraid of him. He was POZ and only fucked bare. There is no way I wanted to take that risk. Well, life has changed. I’m POZ now so why not take a chance. I did. I hooked up with him. And he hasn’t updated his profile. He now has AIDS. Damn, is he great is bed. And what is great, we don’t have to worry about stopping to put on a condom to fuck. If the mood hits you to fuck, you just roll him over and go in.

    He has done other things to me as well. He has introduced me to meth. Got my first slam last Saturday. He was gentle and gave me a small slam. He didn’t know how it would affect me. About 10 minutes in, I was said…we can do more next time. He just smiled.

    Tuesday is the one year celebration of me being given the gift. He is stopping over. I’m going to fuck him. And he is going to give me a blood slam. Make damn sure that he is in me forever. So this year has seen a lot of changes. I went from being someone who just jacked off to protect others to a stealther. I’ve been chatting with a lot of neg guys who want the gift. Been working on setting some times up. See if I can for sure pass on the gift.

    My only regret—I got stealthed. I didn’t know when it happened. I narrowed it to three guys who could have done it. My fantasy was to have a party with poz guys. Last time the new guy was over, we chatted about that. So he has to go to Chicago in February for grad school interviews. I may tag along. I will probably end up in a room, with the door open, ass up waiting for a guy to fuck me. No questions asked. No cock turned down.

    To all the guys on the fence, just do it. The freedom is so much better. You don’t have to worry anymore. Take control of your life and make the decision as to when and how you are going to convert. We all know that bareback sex is the best, so at some point you know you are going to get it. So plan your conversion party now and have fun. I know that I have changed my outlook on life during my first year.

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  6. I was feeling particularly horny last night memories of my filthy weekend in Blackpool lived on, so I advertised on a few sites that I'd be having an open door party at my place. I gave my address, my cell phone, and said that the door would be open between 8pm and 9.30pm. When I got home from work, I showered, douched, lubed my hole, at at 7.55pm, I unlocked the front door. I went to my room, closed the curtains, turned off the light, and lit a few tea lights around the room, giving a dim flickering glow. I put on some dance / techno music on low to add a rhythm to the room. Positioning myself on my bed, I pulled down my blindfold, and offered my hole in the air - and waited.

    At 8.15, I heard the door open, and as I heard footsteps on the stairs, I took a few deep hits of poppers, my door opened, and I heard someone enter, and start taking his clothing off. A few moments later, I felt the biggest thickest cock ram deep into my hole… it hurt like hell, so I took some more poppers, and pushed back onto it. The guy loved it, and soon picked up a rhythm to match the music. Before long, I realised that there wasn't just one guy in my room, but two… the big cock pulled out, and a slimmer, but longer knob slammed into me, quite taking my breath away. I hadn't said in my on-line postings if I was into bb or playing safe, but as there were no condoms in my room, I inwardly hoped that everyone would play raw. I reached around to feel this long schlong probing my hole, and realised there was no rubber on…. YEAH! I snorted some more poppers and began to buck my hips with the rhythm. The long dick pulled out, and was again replaced by the super thick one… after a few minutes, the guy rammed in deep, groaned loudly, and dumped his seed. He slowly pulled out, and was repaced again by slim long dick.

    Snorting on some more poppers, the thought of being this anonymous cumdump really got me going… the guy screwed me a bit more, and before long I wasn't on all fours anymore, I was laying on my bed, spread-eagle, the guy on top of me with all his weight. He ploughed his cock into me, pulling it all the way out, before slamming it all the way back in until his balls slapped against my freshly shaven bum cheeks. It wasn't long before he grabbed my hips, and stuffed it into me deep one last time before releasing his fuck muck deep into my creampie hole. He pulled out, slapped me on the arse. I lay there groaning, high on poppers, loving it. The two guys dressed and left the house.

    As I lay there pondering how many I'd get that night, and if I should go out to get some more loads. I kept huffing poppers, relishing the intensity. I suppose I'm a total cum-popper- whore. I took the blindfold off for a moment, looked over my shoulder and smiled as I caught sight of my bum and hole in the gently seductive glow of the candles… and noticed a condom by the side of me, with a knot in it, and juice inside it. I was surprised because both the guys who'd just left both had done me raw. I bit the knot off the top, and poured the spunk over my hole. Waste not, want not! I lay down again, thinking about the special advantages of cum-as-lube. I had no idea's whose it was, but hey.

    I put the blindfold back on, and closed my eyes, getting lost in my thoughts, high on poppers and the rhythmic beats of the dance music. Shortly later I heard the door open again, and once more heard footsteps on the stairs. Sniffing the little brown bottle, (my best friend), I spread my legs and got ready to receive the next deposit. Turns out this was another pair of guys, and as one got undressed, one fingered my cummy hole, remarking to his buddy about the juice I'd poured over my hole earlier. He also remarked something about my being a right whore. I smirked with pleasure. Once naked, one of guys stuffed his cock into me. It slid in deep, no fuss. He groaned real heavy as my hole swallowed his cock right up to his balls. He leant over me, until I could hear him breathing in my ear, and smell his breath. It stunk! Dunno who he was, but this guy needed a shower and some mouth wash. My cock swelled even harder as I considered I was being fucked by some filthy man.

    He pounded my hole for what felt like an eternity. The lube had long dried up, and I was running purely on now thickening spunk that had been deposited earlier in my hole. Fortunately, he pulled out, hocked up the biggest glob of spit, lubed my hole, and rammed his knob back into me. Fucking me a few more minutes, he groaned loudly and unloaded into me. He gently pulled out, and he slapped my bum cheeks before kneeling over me, one leg either side, facing towards my hole. I was effectively pinned down now. He pulled my arse cheeks open, and I felt a finger enter me. It must have been the other guy, as the first guy was holding my cheeks spread.

    The finger soon became 2, became 3, 4, then 5… It felt like heaven! He got his fist into me, and fisted me a little, before pulling it out… I was totally his… I snorted the deepest, longest, most intense hit ever and he slammed his cock into me… must have been about 8.5inches. I think he was cut, but I can't say for sure. In any event, as the first guy held me down, and my arse open, the 2nd guy drove his tool into me deeper and deeper, harder and harder. I was screaming in pleasure. He’d pull his cock right out, and then drive it back into me, and repeat it over and over. After what felt like 10 minutes of this action, he pulled out, and I felt load after load of hot sticky spunk shoot all over my hole and crack. I felt it dribble down to my hole, where he and his mate were working their fingers into me, repacking the masses of man fuck juice into me. They stood up, wiped their fingers on my back, dressed and left.

    I waited a while before taking my blind fold off… it was 9:45, so I knelt up, put a bowl under my hole, and let the mess dribble out of my hole. I then poured a little over my cock and used it as lube, before pouring the remainder into my mouth. I dribbled some of it back out into the bowl, before pouring it once again into my mouth… it tasted filthy, that smell of old sticky spunk…. Lovely! I swallowed the whole lot, then stuck some fingers up my now sore hole, and rode my hand, whilst jacking furiously. It wasn’t long before I felt my balls tense, and a huge, thick, hot steamy load fired from my cock-head. The convulsions were so strong my sperm landed on the wall at the head of the bed. No lie, it covered a good 2 metres of lateral travel and gained about 1.5 metres of height. It was intense!

    I collapsed, sweating, shaking, my hole still dribbling bits of juices, my cock getting slowly soft, my balls covered in spunk and feeling totally, and utterly like a used bareback cumdump whore. Can't wait to repeat it!

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  7. Interesting. Your preface does make one wonder what and how much had to go, as this is tagged as fiction.

    As it's presented, I would have to say the accurate classification is 'Concentual Assault', not rape. The feel of it smack of Kubrik's 'Eyes Wide Shut'.

    I can only hope it was fictional, BadBadThing. The language I edited was well beyond the pale. I don't even want to allude to it, lest I initiate discussion that crosses the line. As to the notion of concentual rape, well, I quite agree with your comment.

  8. I went out on Monday night around town, starting out slowly as I wanted to pace myself, as this was the first time I’d experienced a true 24-hour drinking session since the law was passed here in the UK. I was wearing a pair of stone washed jeans, a blue and white vertically striped shirt which being a medium, showed off my rather thick set upper body quite nicely, and a pair of brown leather loathers. I was freshly shaven, skin silky smooth, and my hair was number 2 cropped. If I may say so, I looked hot.

    The night started in Mardi Gras, where there was a cabaret show, followed by a strip show. After this, we went across the road to a bar known as trades. It’s a private members bar which I had joined only the previous night. As you walk in there’s a toilet on the left (which is used as a toilet), and the room then opens up to this great big cavernous bar. The long, billeted aluminium bar is on the left, and runs the length of the place. Inside the bar itself are TVs playing porn so you can keep aroused whilst waiting for a beer. There’s a cage in the middle of the dance floor where twinks porn stars do everything you want. As I walked in they were barebacking each other, which got me mega hot. This was a private bar, for men to do their things. The whole place is dark, with flashing lights, and dry ice... giving a nice atmosphere to it.

    After a while of drinking, perving at other guys, I decided to go to the other toilets, these ones are renowned for sleaze. In here, I sucked a few guys off, bent over the toilet and took one load in me from a guy who I didn't especially like, but I was horny and…well, yeah. The night continued in this fashion, drink, flirt, toilet, fuck, drink, flirt, toilet, fuck. At about 3:00 A.M. I’d had enough and wanted a change of scenery. We headed back to the Trades Hotel which had a bar which stayed open as long as it was profitable to do so. We carried on drinking here, and the bar filled up as other residents and drinkers came to the place as other venues in town shut down. By about 5:00 A.M. it was packed. Now, Trades Hotel is a cheap men’s hotel. It is renowned for what happens in the corridors in the wee hours of the morning.

    One of my last memories is walking the corridors, trying people’s doors (as is the recognised practise for getting laid at Trades), when I passed this guy. Without even thinking about it… I blurted-out "Do you know where I can get some spunk in my hole?” He nodded for me to follow, which I did. I have very vague memories of dropping my pants in his room, taking a huge hit of poppers, spreading my legs and him ramming his cock deep into me without any lube. I think this was around 5:20 A.M.

    The next memory I have is coming to my senses, in the doggy position, with a horrible head ache, spread-eagle on the bed, a guy ramming his cock into my hole. I looked out the window, it was sunny, the sky was blue, the birds were singing. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 8:45 A.M.! SHIT! What had happened? Then I came aware of the state of my hole. It was so sloppy, sticky, and sore, obviously not from one guy. I groaned, and guy fucking me stopped. I looked at him, and he was kinda hot, about 5’11” tall, quite thick set, decent pecs, flat stomach, big arms and a demonic sort of grin and stare. I guess I made a good decision. He pulled out of me and we chatted for a while. I told him I had no recollection at all of what happened. He just smirked and looked at a glass of what looked like cola on the side table. Now, I never drink cola, not even with vodka, so I know I hadn’t ordered it. Then he asked me “So you don’t remember being the hotel whore?” I didn’t, I didn’t remember a thing. I’m guessing that in my very drunken stupor the guy had gotten me to drink this cola, which must have had something in it?

    We exchanged telephone numbers, I made my excuses, stood up and left, spunk pouring out of my hole with each step I took. Man, I’d been abused BIG time. In the car on the way home later that day, I closed my eyes and tried to remember what the night's activities as my mate drove us back to Yorkshire. Vague memories kept flashing back to me, but I’m unable to tell if they’re memories or fantasies.

    I dropped the guy a text and asked what exactly had happened. He just replied that he’d kept the door open after he’d fucked me a few times, and gone back to the bar and told everyone there that there was a guy off his head taking all loads, and gave out the room number! Apparently, at one stage I was begging for a poz load. Whether I got it or not he wouldn’t say, and I sure as hell can’t remember. God knows how many fucked me that night, but it’s safe to say I don’t remember any of them… but suddenly, all the “hello’s” and other greetings I’d got as I left the hotel only a few hours earlier made sense…. They’d probably all dumped a load or two in me. There was young guys to filthy old men at the Trades - some guys who were very appealing, and some I wouldn’t dream of fucking with - skinny, fat… you name it, they were there. I’ve fantasized about doing something like that for ages, but I never expected to actually ever go through with it. Common sense always seemed to kick in… but I must say… now I’ve done it (albeit, not corpus mentis), I fucking love it! Definitely be doing it again… who knows, next time hopefully it’ll be in a sling!!

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  9. I cleaned-up this story quite a bit. While it is, to the best of my knowledge, a work of fiction, I gotta say it makes me uncomfortable.


    My BF and I went to an interesting event tonight. A friend of mine throws bondage parties. He has a full dungeon built into his basement which includes both an interrogation room and a viewing room. The later contains a one-way mirror at one end like those police line-up rooms. He stages viewing parties for select friends. We were invited because sometime back, I was the 'victim' of one of these viewing parties. My BF and our friend got in contact, and as it became clear they had common interests, approached me to see if I was game for some kinky action. The idea was that I would be raped by the interrogator, and all the scene would be viewed by guests in the viewing room. It didn't take much for me to agree, and the scene was very, very hot. After the event, we all became friends and he invited us over to watch that night's show.

    The show that night was of particular interest because the 'victim' was a newbie. And yes, for those who are concerned about such things, the host keeps a file in which the 'victim' gives a signed consent to the night's activities. The disclaimer runs something like this: "You have agreed to a live rape scene to be viewed by various individuals. No condoms will be used, and the top who breeds you may be HIV positive." The 'victim' signs his consent, without knowing exactly when it would happen. The 'victim' also can identify any limitations (other than those express in the agreement) and the host accommodates.

    At the appointed time, my BF and I and our fellow viewers were in the viewing room, stroking our meat, awaiting the commencement of the nights revels. About 5 minutes later the door to the interrogation room swung open and a big guy, I would assume in his late 30, came in pushing a hooded person. The hooded guy's shirt was ripped and his hands were tied behind his back. The hooded person tripped and fell to his knees on the floor. The guy came up behind him and yelled something I couldn't understand but later made out to be something like "I'm going to teach you that you'll never feel safe to walk home along again you little faggot." He pushed the victim down to the floor, grabbed one leg and dragged him close to the mirror. The victim was kicking and trying to get back up. The big guy grabbed a fist full of the back of the hood and tightended it. You could see the outline of the victim's nose, mouth, eyebrows. He finally let it loose or else he would have suffocated the person. He pushed his head forward and it hit the mirror and bounced back.

    The big guy ripped the victim's shirt the rest of the way off him and picked him up by the back of the neck and pulled him over to a table that was set up and bent him over it. Attached to the table was a dog collar on a chain. The guy snapped the dog collar around the guy's neck so he couldn't stand upright and was now locked to the table. The big guy started rubbing his crotch, all the while eyeing the victim's ass. The latter was still flailing about and screaming something I couldn't make out through the glass. The big guy grabbed a flog and started flogging the victim. Soon enough the victim's screams died out and his legs started to buckle. About this time the big guy pulled-down the victim's pants and shorts. We all knew where this was going. I was not the only one who's cock was rigid.

    The big guy spent another minute or so flogging the hooded guy until it looked like his legs could no longer hold him up. His ass and back were red from the hits. The hooded person was whimpering and crying and was now buck ass naked.

    At this point the big guy started talking to the hooded victim. Basically declaring his dominance and said that he could do virtually anything to him. He reminded him that the victim had no clue where he was and that they were underground and the cell was padlocked so there was no way to get out. He asked the hooded figure if he understood the situation he was in. The hooded person whimpered a weak 'yes'.

    Now the big guy had his cock out and was stroking it, walking around looking at the bottom's ass and smacking it hard every now and then. He would continue to say things like "Why the fuck does a faggot like you think he can just walk around the streets." and demeaning shit like that. In mid reply from the hooded guy, the big guy, lubed up and ready, just pushed his cock up into the guy's ass. Needless to say, the bottom let out a big scream. This was not a sweet fuck scene: this was as close to rape as we could simulate.

    The big guy just kept pushing and thursting in and out of the guy's ass. He screamed but being collared to the table and handcuffed, clearly couldn't do a thing. Finally, the big guy disconnected the collar from the table allowing the guy to stand upward, and he pulled off the hood. He swung him around to the mirrored wall and said "This is what it looks like when a real man takes what he wants you little bitch." and he continue to pound the guy's ass. I surmise the bottom was about 30 or so. He looked like he had been around the block more than once, and for his own reasons, felt the need to push his sexual experiences to a new level. For all of his cries, he had solid hard on.

    The big guy pulled out from fucking him, swung the guy around and pushed him down to his knees and shoved his cock into his mouth. He face fucked his rough for a good 10 minutes, manhandling the guy to serve the top's cock and ass. Eventually the bottom was laying on the concrete floor as the top pinned his head between his ass cheeks, all the while beating his thick bull meat.

    Not surprisingly, all of the guys in the viewing room were rock-hard, and were either beating-off or had already cum by this time. The big guy stood up, grabbed the bottom by his hair and shoved him flat against the mirror (which, from his reaction to the glass, must have been quite cold), twisted his head to the side and shoved his dick back up the bottom's ass. The was very interesting because we could see the bottom's cock sliding up and down against the mirror. He was very hard and leaving a pre-cum trail along the mirror. Fortunately the bottom was positioned in such a way we had a view of the big guy's cock pounding this bottom's ass.

    I was close to cumming at this point. I normally would be happy to suck off all the guys in the viewing room, but I was much more interested in watching the culmination of the rape scene. And so it was, soon enough the big guy started grunting. We could see cum running out of the bottom's ass. He likewise shot his load, albeit all over the mirror. For what it's worth, his pleasure was apparently tempered, as there were tears running down his cheeks.

    When the big guy finished blowing his load, he pulled out, and ordered the bottom to clean the cum off of both the top's cock and the mirror. The top then spat in the bottom's face, put the hood back over his head and dragged him back up the stairs saying he was done with him now and he's going to throw him back out onto the street with the other fags.

    Our host, who blew his load about this time. Smiling, he said he would ensure the bottom got home safely, and he hoped we all enjoyed that night's rape scene.


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  10. Went down to P'town for a week in July, after a night of hanging out at the bars, I headed over to the dick-dock to check out the action. The first 10 minutes were pretty tame. Saw this hot daddy bear in a leather harness against the wall, he was stroking his cock and checking me out. I went over to him, dropped to my knees and started servicing his cock. I was swallowing his meat for all I was worth. He had a great man scent: sweat and piss. I was in hog heaven. After 15 minutes or so he grabbed the back of my head and started fucking my face aggressively and started grunting and unloaded his balls in my mouth. I swallowed as fast as I could but some cum ended up on the front of my tee shirt. He leaned down, kissed me deeply, shared some of his cum, and then zipped up and left.

    We had attracted a small group and one of the guys started rubbing his dick on my face, collecting some of the daddy bear's cum and shoving it in my mouth. After a few minutes he also blew his load down my throat. I got to my feet and went off to check out the other action, coming upon a 19 to 20 year old who was bent over, servicing two guys. A muscle stud was fucking him raw, as the young guy sucked-off a guy with an average build. The young guy pulled off the guy he was sucking long enough to say "I want your cum." With that, the muscle stud sped up the pace and strength of his thrusts, grabbing the bottom's hips and really driving his dick home. In a few minutes he grunted and blew deep inside the kid. The other guy pulled out of the bottom's mouth and slid into the now vacant hole, power fucking the kid till he also bred him. The young guy turned towards me and started making out with me, and clearly liked the taste of the two loads in my mouth, because he asked me to add my load to his hole. I was happy to oblige.

    He turned around, bent over and showed me his tasty ass, I went right down on him and lapped-up the cum oozing out of his hole. The guy turned around and we shared a cummy kiss. He licked my beard and mouth as he murmured he wanted my load. Again, I was more happy to oblige. I slid my 6" dick in his sweet sloppy hole, when I was getting close, I leaned over and asked him if he wanted a charged-up load. He said "FUCK YEAH!" I told him he was about to get one. I sped up my thrusts, and grabbed him by the shoulders and the neck. His ass immediately tightened-up and I shot again and again in his hole. He clamped down on my cock so as not to spill a drop. I pulled my soft dick out of his hole, he turned around and kissed me again. I stumbled out from under the dock, just as the kid started riding his next cock.

    If that kid is out there, I sure would love to play again!

  11. This was one of those nights where I was restless and didn't feel like staying at home, so I took off to one of the two bath houses in Providence. I paid for a room, stripped, wrapped the towel around my body and went hunting for cock. Now mind you, it was pretty easy finding a cock for me to suck, 'cause it was a pretty busy night. Men everywhere. Fucking hot! But there was one guy who knew what he wanted: me. He followed me around to the video room, the non-smoking video room, and even out to the patio. I smiled at him, and gestured for him to follow me back to my room. He didn't hesitate, he walked right in and, leaving the door open, dropped his towel, ordering me me to suck him.

    I went down on him. He quickly grew to about 8 1/2 inches, which was, of course, excellent. While I sucked him, he asked me me if I liked to get fucked, to which I mumbled "yeah." Meanwhile the guy in the room across from me came around, and, looking in the door to my room, began watching us. The guy I was blowing gestured for him to join us. Within seconds I had two cocks for my pleasure. The first guy told me to suck the other guy, so I dove in.

    While I was sucking the second guy, the first one starts playing with his ass, sliding a finger or two in, and shortly thereafter sliding his cock in. The second guy said "Don't cum in me," and the first guy replied he wouldn't, that he was gonna cum in me. Music to my ears, so, to forestall the chance I would loose-out on the load, I stopped sucking the second guy's dick, and positioned myself on my back, with my legs in the air, encouraging the first guy to make his deposit. He was clearly not bull-shitting us, 'cause he immediately took me up on my offer, slid-in, and within a minute or so, shot his load in my ass. He left saying thanks and shut the door. The second guy simply said "my turn now," threw me on my back, grabs my ankles and easily slid in with the other guy's load for lube. He piston fucked me for about 20 minutes before he unloaded in my hole. He told me the moment he first saw me that he hoped to breed my hole. I extended my thanks, and he left. I lay there all aglow with two loads in my ass. Wouldn't you call it a successful night?

  12. My master and I were on vacation from work for two weeks. All I wanted to do is to get loaded up as much as I could. The first night of my hunt my master and I went into the woods of a local truck stop. He blindfolded my eyes then tied me up to this large tree in the center of the woods. He gave me a few good hits of poppers and without any lube or spit he stuck his cock inside of me to make sure my ass was ready to take ever guy's cock that came along. He told me in advance that he didn’t care what the guy looked like or how old he was the only thing that he made sure of was they all injected me with their loads.

    My master’s 10 inch cock was thrusting deep inside of me. It was a pain that I never felt before this was the first time that my master fucked me like this. After about 10 minutes of using my hole and poppers I got use to it and had me beg for his load then after about 15 minutes of him pounding my hole he shot his load deep inside of me. I felt another guy's cock enter me my master told the guy that he had to blow his load inside of me. My ass was craving cum. My master kept on feeding me the poppers and told me to open my mouth and stuck a pill in there. Then my master told me to drink his piss to wash the pill down. I had no clue what it was but it made me more then willing to take more cocks in my hole. It was like I was floating on a cloud and I heard the guy fucking me grunt load I knew that I was getting his load up my ass. There must have been a line because no sooner did one guy pull out another guy stuck his cock inside of me. This was every bottom's dream of getting as much cum in his asshole as it could accommodate. I was begging every man to give me his load. After about 3 hours later I must have passed out. My master told me we were there a total of 6 hours and that I took 100 loads up my ass, and that he had pumped a few loads into me himself.

    The next day I woke up my ass was sore and on fire. My master told me that I didn’t have any say in the matter of my hole, that it was his and told me to get my ass to the bookstore. We were in the booth together and he was pounding my hole raw. A black guy was in the next booth and stuck his cock through the glory hole and my master told me to suck it and get it wet. I did what I was told to do. Then he told me to stick it up my ass. My master loves to watch me take raw dicks in my hole. The guy started to explode in my hole I felt in go deep inside of me. He pulled his cock out of my hole I quickly turned around and sucked it clean for him. I could taste his milk on his cock. It was so good. Then in two seconds the door opened up and this tall skinny pale looking guy stuck his cock in the hole. I saw bumps on his cock but I knew my master would have told me to take his cock so I did so, if only to avoid the punishment my master would inflict upon me if I declined to service a guy. So, I was being extra good for my master and he was good to me. I heard the pale guy telling me to take his babies in my hole and I did as I was told.

    The place got very quiet, with just me and my master for over 1 hour. He didn’t care because he kept on fucking my hole and I loved it. Then this big bear came in to the next booth and whipped out his cock. I went on it like a bitch in heat. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and asked us if he could join in the booth. My master answered, inviting him to come in. This was the first time that I really got a good look at the bear. He was about 6 feet 2 about 230 read hair all over his body and his cock was about 8½ inches hard. I went to work on his cock and my master was pumping my hole. Apig's dream of having both holes filled at the same time. My master was fucking me hard and I knew I was getting his load in me. He told me to take his fucking load bitch then when the other guy heard that I took loads inside of me he asked my master does he take anything else in his hole like piss? With that, my master withdrew from my ass, and the bear took my master's place. My master told the bear to piss away. It felt so good getting filled up with this hot bear's piss. My master told him not to pull out of my hole until he shot a load. Of course after a while it became hard to hold all the piss in my ass but I knew if I didn’t I would have been in hot water. About 10 minutes later the bear told me to take his poz load in my hole, so I knew that at least on load I was getting was going to be poz. My master told the guy to stay in his hole as long as he could he kept on pumping his cock in my ass. My master took the bottle of poppers out and feed me some and gave some to the bear and he started to go wild on my hole pounding the piss out of it and I knew that I was going to get punished for letting some leak out of my hole. The bear started to shake and told me to take his demon seed in my butt. My master told the bear to stay in my hole and feed me more piss then told me if I do not hold his piss I would get it and I knew what that meant. I would go the rest of my vacation with no sex and I would be stuck in my cage with one slice of bread and a bowl of my master’s piss for water. I was having too much fun to stop now. I felt the bear start to fill my hole with his hot piss. I made sure that it didn’t leak out this time. He left and soon after that we did too.

    We went for a long ride in the jeep he told me that he wanted to go off road to really mix the piss and cum in my asshole and told me that he was going to check the seat for any spills. This was his little way of showing me that he was my master and I was his slave boy. We had a great time but I felt every bump in my gut at one point I felt like some was trying to come out and I clamped my ass so tight that it started to burn. My master told me that I can get out of the jeep and squat and let the piss out of my ass but the only thing he asked me to do is put in the mug that was 46 oz. it felt good to have it out of my hole and I saw the cum loads of my master and the bear. I brought the mug all filled to my master he looked at the seat and tool me that I was a good boy that instead of putting it back into my ass I could drink it. Boy it was so fucking tasty I gulped in down and I started to get a hard-on thinking about the bears poz loads I just had in my hole. My master saw my cock hard and asked me if I needed to cum I asked master please could I cum? He told me that he was giving me 3 minutes to cum if I didn’t cum I had to stop until he felt that I could cum again. With that he said to me with his stop watch in his hand go!!! I stroked my cock so hard that I knew in a matter of seconds I would blow. My god it felt so good to finally cum. My master told me that I was a good boy and told me to take my pants off and bend over I knew that I was getting fucked after I blew my load he always got horny and wanted to fuck my hole and I loved every inch of his cock.

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  13. More than one way to do it.

    I had been chatting with this 22 year old who lived a couple towns over. He had always said he wanted to fuck me but couldn’t host because he lived with his folks, and he didn’t own a car so couldn’t come to my place. I figured it was imaginary and he was just chatting to get off. He would send me pics of himself from his phone and text me pretty regular, so he was at least entertaining. He had a nice size dick too, fat and about 7 inches in length. He told me he was a top only. I told him we’d see if he ever got to my place.

    One Sunday recently I was sitting around watching the tube and I get a call. It was my 22 year old, and he said he had bought a car and he was horny, could he come over? I laughed and told him sure. We had talked so much over time that I had told the kid that I was POZ and he had said he didn’t care, he’d just wrap up if we ever did anything, said he NEVER fucked without a wrap anyway. He was actually better looking than in his pics he had been sending. A little on the skinny side but he was definitely a looker, dark skin and a pretty heavy Mexican accent.

    He came inside and we sat down to chat. He talked about school, work and the usual stuff. We probably talked for at lest 45 minutes and I was figuring he was just looking to fill time instead of actually fucking. I made some comments about his cock during out talk or about how nice he looked but nothing seemed to get him going. I figured I would either give up or I would need to take the lead. But out of nowhere he is suddenly on me on the sofa, kissing me, inserting his tongue in my mouth, pushing me down on my back, his hands on my shoulders. He sits up after a bit of swapping spit and unzips and pulls his cock out. The pics had done no disservice there either. He had a great cock, AND he had gotten it pierced in a PA since he had last sent me pics. I was a little surprised; he asked if I liked it. I told him it looked great! I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised really, he had his lip and his tongue pierced too, as well as both ears. He was a regular Mexican punk. He said that he wanted me to be the first fuck since he had it done a few weeks back. He said he had waited as long as he could and was fucking horny.

    I wasted no time from that position getting his cock in my mouth. I have to say he wasted no time getting hard, and to his credit he did get pretty forceful, grabbing the back of my head and pulling my head onto his cock. Then he let my head fall back on the sofa and he mounted my face, fucking it like I was just there for his pleasure. It was nice to not be taking the lead all the time so I let him go at it. He stopped after a bit and asked where the bedroom was, so I took him upstairs. Once there he had me back on my knees in front of him. He didn’t talk much, but he was insistent nonetheless, holding my head still and forcing his dick to the back of my throat and then down. I could feel the ring each time it hit the back of my throat but it didn’t seem to slow his cock down as he kept battering away. I was getting a little sore about the time he pulled back and I was actually happy he had given me a breather. It felt like my throat would sore from that piercing.

    He pulled me up and walked me over to the bed. I pulled a condom and lube out of my bedside table and told him here was the wrap. But he surprised me again by just pushing me down and spitting on his cock. I asked once more if he wanted the wrap because he said he never fucked raw, but his answer was to push me back down on my stomach and enter me. I did actually gasp as that ring pushed into me and his whole cock followed. I had actually wondered if he had ever had sex before this, but his fucking told me he definitely had, as he knew where to direct his cock to get the desired effect of me moaning and gasping. He seemed to really enjoy that, pulling my shoulders back towards him and pushing in deep. After a bit, he pulled out and had me turn over. I thought I noticed blood but wasn’t sure because he was back inside me before I could really look. From that position he built speed. He was really pounding away and he was kissing me and keeping my lips busy either with his tongue or on his nipples. I was having a great time! We had been going at it for a good bit when I felt him get harder and then he gave a final shove and buried his cock deep in me and I could feel his dick pulsing as he sent his seed into me. As we lay there I could feel his cock slowly slide out of my hole and when it had, he got up, and said he was going to get a shower. I checked and there was a little blood on my ass. I didn’t say anything but wondered if he noticed or if he even cared. I really didn’t think too much about it actually.

    After some small talk about how great it was, how he was going to come back for more sometime soon, he took off. I heard from him as usual every few days, and about 2 weeks afterwards he said he was sick, had the flu or some kinda bug. Then about a month after that he called to say that he had tested POZ. He hadn’t thought that topping me bare that one time would make all that much difference. I mentioned that I had noticed some blood, and he laughed. He said that he had seen that and kinda enjoyed knowing his dick had done that too me, but figured that since he had not waited the amount of time for his cock to fully heal after piercing he might have gotten some of the blood into his open piercing and that was how he had got it. He wasn’t mad at me he said, but now was ready to fuck me again, since it wouldn’t matter. So far he has been the only one I know about to convert from topping me. So just to let you guys know, there is more than one way to POZ a young guy.

  14. It's not just Texas, Barefootbob. The House Judiciary Committee in Kansas was considering a bill to up-date the criminal code in that state. A provision in the bill would have repealed those sections of the Kansan Code that prohibit gay sex. Two members of the committee, Lance Kinzer ®, and Jan Pauls, (D), chair and ranking minority member, respectively, went out of their way in early March 2011 to remove the language repealing the anti-gay sex provisions from the bill. http://www.wlbz2.com/news/watercooler/story.aspx?storyid=151269.

  15. Glad you like it Hotload84. I have not only the second installment, but at least three or four more written. I just need to edit them and upload them. I know a lot of people liked the stories on Bugshare, and I'm happy to be able to share them here.

    I'm really glad to hear that, Gymguy8. Look forward to the sequels.

  16. A guy I was chatting to, said that he'd on several occassions, told a guy that he was neg so that he could do bareback with them, a few months down the line, he'd contact them again to say he'd just tested poz and they ought to get checked out.

    The theme you mention, YorkshireLad, appears in more than one story I've seen (or posted) on this site. I suppose the old adage 'where there's smoke, there's at least a small fire' applies.

  17. I'd been chatting with a poz top on Manhunt for a few days.  His screen name was POZyouUP, and he described himself as 45, 6' 3", 250 pounds, olive skin tone, Italian/Latin mix, sporting a goatee.  He added he had dark eyes, a shaved head, was quite muscular and was quite hairy all over his body, carried himself as hyper masculine, and oh, yeah, he had a 10 inch UNCUT cock.  My kind of guy.  I couldn't wait to meet this guy. 

    Just so you have some sense of me, I'm 25, 6' 2", 220 pounds, masculin, dark hair and eyes, neg-vers, and I have a cut cock. 

    POZupiI{ and I decided to meet up one night at my place.

    At the agreed-upon time there was a knock at my door.  I opened the door, admitting the stud into the room.  He was fucking beautiful.  As we struggled to strip off our clothing, we also tongue wrestled.  Pushing me down to my knees, he ordered me to suck his poz cock.  I reached up and pulled back his foreskin, finding his precum was liberally oozing out his slit, coating his shaft.  Licking his cock clean, I then devoured the head of his wet, salty dick, swallowing his rod all the way down until his huge hairy balls were resting on my chin.

    For some fifteen minutes he violated throat, giving no regard for my comfort or gagging, but I didn't give a shit, and in fact was slightly disappointed when he withdrew his cock from my mouth, jacking his swollen meat in my face.  To my surprise his foreskin was still so generous the skin flapped as he pleasured himself, a sight that completely turned me on, especially as I had never seen so much precum.

    "I'm ready to breed me," he grunted, so I gestured him into my bedroom where I lay on my stomach, positioning myself so I was, essentially, kneeling, leaning onto the mattress.  Spreading my legs, I presented myself for his enjoyment.  Without a word he dropped to his knees, rimming my ass like a wild animal, spreading my  butt cheeks, licking, biting. and tongue-drilling my ass.   When my hole was sopping wet he ordered me on all fours, spat on his rigid dick, initially rubbing his cockhead the length of my ass crack, and then precipitously and without warning rammed his fucking cock inside my hole, balls-deep.  I screamed in pain.  He plowed my ass for about ten minutes.  My ass was in agony, but still I held on for dear life.

    Withdrawing, he ordered me to lay on the bed, on my back, and to spread my legs.  I couldn't help but fixate on the sight of his rock hard cock, covered in blood, as he rammed it back inside my man cunt.  He fucked me hard for 30 minutes, during which time he grunted with pleasure as his huge sack slapped against my ass.  His sweat poured off his face onto my chest.  Clearly he was determined to seed me good.

    "You ready for a six day load?" he asked.

    "Hell yeah, do it, man!" I demanded.

    Wordlessly roaring "Aaaaaggghhhhhh!!!!!!" his cock exploded in my ass, breeding me like a big fucking dog.  He had so assaulted my ass it felt almost as if it had been burned with a branding iron, and his load was so large it almost felt as if he was pissing in me, but no, it was all sperm.  I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him deeper inside my ass as he moaned in pleasure and exhaustion as his residual cum oozed into my hole.

    We lay there for about five minutes, each of us striving to collect his breath.  Then he pulled out, his cock still rock hard.  However, without another word he dressed and left as I lay there watching him. 

    I never even knew his real name.  I lay in my sweat-soaked bed, the aroma of his sweat and cum permeating the room.  For that matter, his cum was oozing from my abused, bloody ass.  In fact the volume of thick cum that was oozing from my hole suggested he must have shot about ten volleys into my ass.  Had I been a woman, I would have been most definitely been knocked-up.

    In any event I jerked off and shot my load all over the place.  Then I fell asleep.

    In a way he did knock me up because a month later I tested positive.

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  18. He laid there. Covered in his sleeping bag. His face was the only thing that was sticking out. His eyes were closed. He was sleeping contently. The glowing moon light highlighted his blond hair. He was laying next to me inside the tent. Damn, I was all hot and bothered and wanted to just jump his ass at that moment. Our day hike in the mountains must have worn him out.

    As I laid there with my hand propping my head up, I saw some movement in his sleeping bag. He was rubbing his crotch and stroking his cock. Damn, he must have been on to me. Because before I knew it, his eyes opened and he gave me that hot and bothered look. The warm night was arousing both of us. He lifted his opened sleeping bag in a motion for me to slide over next to him.

    We were groping. Entangled naked flesh. Stroking each others cocks and balls. There was nipple tweaking and some hot passionate kissing. His firm ass was on the for front of my mind. I couldn't help but grab a hand full of his ass cheeks. He moaned at that jester. "You want some of my ass man?" he whispered to me. Why he was whispering was beyond me. We were in the middle of no where.

    "I sure would!" He flipped on his side and he was moving his ass against my throbbing cock. Oh it felt damn good. Inch by inch it crept between his ass cheeks and worked it's way toward his warm moist sweaty man hole. This was roughing it and I'm sure he had a dirty ass, but that didn't stop me. My already enormous pre cum-covered cock head was snaking and poking into his hole. He opened his hole up further and further as I tried to break open the barrier. My right arms just wrapped around his chest. I gave his neck a sloppy love bite. He cocked his head sideways to meet my mouth and we embraced with some more kissing. My cock just inched into his nice smooth hole with ease.

    I couldn't believe that I was in his ass without lube or spit. It felt so damn good! I wanted to stay all night in his ass. But he was doing this rocking motion thing that just stroked my cock. He was milking my cock with his firm ass muscles. Yeah, he knew what he was doing.

    my cock was feeling the friction and was twice the size. I wasn't sure how much longer I could hold back. I think he just jacked my cock with his firm ass once too many. I just spilled my seed into his hot ass without warning. He let go a slow moan. He must have felt the warm cum bath his inner ass. I was firm and rigid and continued to push my load deep into his ass. I definitely saw stars when I shot into him.

    We laid there for a few minute and he whispered to me that it was his turn.

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  19. This morning I went for my second visit to a hot black bottom's place. We wasted no time getting down to business. He stripped off my clothes to my white socks, hand cuffed me, put ankle chains on me stood me up and spread my legs eagle style, hung my wrists in the air. Then he began eating and licking me all over. He started in my ears then my neck and worked down to the pits, then tongue flicked my nips. He moved slowly down my body finally licking on my crotch. Then he moved down to my ankles and slowly tongued his way up the back of first one leg then the other, then burried his face between my ass cheeks and tongue fucked my hairless hole.. I was in in heat, groaning and moaning all the time. He would stop long enough to call me names and talk filthy to me. Finally he licked and sucked on my balls. My POZ precum was dripping out of my thick uncut cock and onto his face. Then he plunged my cock down his throat and sucked long and deep till I begged him to stop before I exploded.

    He stopped, went down, and took off my white socks with his mouth and tongued each of my toes. I groaned.

    When he let me loose I was trembling in like a pig in heat! I turned him over so his black ass was high in the air and mounted him like a bitch dawg and gave him a hot death fuck dumping my pent up creamy AIDS load deep inside him. As I shot my load he came too! It was a hot erotic experience! Love to repeat it!

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  20. I used to have a great roommate! He paid his rent on time, cleaned the house, and was pretty much a good friend. But he had one problem, every time I pointed out a guy who I thought was cute, he'd put the moves on him and take him home! This happened a lot, and it really pissed me off, so I decided to do something about it.

    He was single, and horny alot, so I mentioned a sex party coming up this weekend and asked if he wanted to come along. Of course he jumped at the chance! Now, he had no idea it was a bareback party, nor that most of the attendees, myself included, were poz. I made sure my friends had plenty of party supplies, and rum, 'cause that was his drink of choice. When we arrived, the party had already started, and guys were in various states of nudity. I told him to look around, and I'd get us some drinks. I loaded his first drink with some GHB, a good pour of Rum, and a splash of coke, and I kept them flowing. By the third of these, he shed his clothing and inhibitions, and was making out with a few of the guys. Someone laid out a 'line' and roommate said he had never tried coke before. With my encouragement, he snorted up some high grade Crystal Meth. It hit him hard, and that's when the fun really began.

    Some of the guys picked him up and carried him to the sling room and laid him in it. He didn't fight being carried, or strapped into the sling, either. We opened up a popper bottle, and he took a big hit of it as one the guys applied a few drops of lube to hit ass - just enough to open him up for some cock. The first guy to fuck him was about 7 1/2 inches, 4 inches around, and pierced with a very unique PA. The fastener ball was spiked, and about to rip up his ass for all the toxic seed that was soon to be deposited. My roommate was so out of it, he barely yelped when he was impaled on the first dick of death. The first shot his load into him and made room for the next cock, another 7 incher dripping hot precum, and slid in a little easier from the first load, then he added his poz seed, and made room for the next guy. Now, most of the guys were about the same size, but the 10th cock was something special. I knew this was going to be a great fuck scene, So I had a friend who dabbles in vidoegraphy bring his equipment to get this part of the party on tape. Before the 10th guy began, we gave my roommate a few bumps, more popper hits, and another dose of GHB. Now about the 10th guy. I had a week before the party trolled the internet for a really big cock. Out of all the guys who replied, I picked this black guy with 11 1/2 inches of Georgia Swamp Snake. This fucker was so big, he couldn't hide in his jeans. Well, after we "prepped" my roommate, the stud slipped right into the prey and slammed him ball deep on the first go around. By then, all the other guys were jerking and shooting their loads the my roommate's throat, and making sure by raking their nails on his gums, just to make sure the toxic seed had another avenue of infection. Well, after this 10th guy shot his load, everyone else wanted some more ass. They fucked my roommate for about 4 hours, and the party had started to break up. I left somewhere in the process, trusting the party hosts would allow my roomie to sleep it off.

    When I came back in the morning to pick up my roommate, he asked why I left, I said that he said was going to stay, and I left with some other guy. I asked what happened, he said that he was raped by the guys at the party. Not true I told him, then I took him home. While sitting on the couch, I played the tape for him and turned up the volume. Now you could hear him moaning for more cock, as well as hear him call on the tops to fuck him harder. Not once did he say, "stop, you're raping me!" And the while he was watching these men do what he asked, he registered some of the guys fucking him were sporting bio-hazzard tattoos. That totally freaked him out, but I told him if he should take ill, that I'd take him to the clinic to get an HIV Antibody Test.

    About two months later he came down with a savage cold. Smiling inwardly, I took him to the clinic for the STD clinic. Two days later he received a telephone call from the clinic saying he needed to come in for his results. Needless to say, the deed was done! Now when I see a cute guy, I don't have to worry about my roommate taking him home, 'cause after his meeting with the clinic counselor, he packed up his things and moved in with his parents. What a shame, now I have to find another roommate who paid on time and tided up after himself. Anyone interested?

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