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Posts posted by Hotload84

  1. I was 20 or so. He picked me up a porn theater in Philly, and paid the admission fee for an adjoining bath house. He was somewhat older than I, rolly polly, and had a short, nondescript dick. He barely penetrated me. Don't know if his load actually ended-up in my hole or merely on my ass. An utterly silly, anticlimatic non-experience! Actually simply being in a bath house was more memorable - it was the first time I was in one, and the presence of so many, essentially nude guys was intoxicating.

  2. Here's another version of this story.


    I met Jason at the arcade. I’d just blew a big hole in my wallet at the blackjack table and was fucking pissed as hell. Saturday night with no money in Atlantic City wasn't gonna be all that much fun. I wandered around a bit before heading into the arcade. I was broke, and mad, and horny. Not a great combination for me. Not a great combination for the next neg ass I was gonna nail.

    So I ended up checking out some of the guys playing video games. I don't understand today's game. I’ve tried them. Gimme pacman any day. I wound up in a group of kids watching 2 guys beating each other up on the video screen. It was some sorta virtual fighting game. Balls of fire, killer fans and stuff like that. I asked a kid next to me how to play the game. Jason tried explaining it to me in that teenage way where their attention's somewhere else while they're answering you.

    So I gotta good look at Jason. He must've been no more than 17 or so. Smooth smooth white skin and big blue eyes framed with thick lashes, almost like a girl. I’m about 6'1" and his shaved head came up under my chin (I found out later). He was dressed in baggie jeans and a black t-shirt that said "No Fear." My dick jerked inside my jeans. "No fear."

    I started bullshitting with him about not understanding today's game. Then moved on to find out who he was here with. His folks were watching some concert, or maybe gambling, and he was left to wander the night. He’d already blew his cash on the machines and his folks didn't let him bring his board, so he was just bumming around. I told him I also blew all my money, and had nothing else to blow. I told him I was probably hoping to find a quiet spot to nurse a beer and take a toke.

    His whole body language perked up every so slightly. Jason asked me where, so I told him didn't really know. Maybe onto the beach or under the boardwalk. I gave him a slight smirk and asked if he wanted to join me. He kinda shrugged, but I think he was very keen on the idea. I went to get my stash, and met him back outside on the walk. It had gotten really chilly, and even in my sweatshirt, I felt it. In nothing but a t-shirt, I could almost see goosebumps running up his arms. We hussled to the nearest storefront where I bought two beers, then we moved down to the beach.

    It was too windy to sit on the beach (and for what I had in mind too out in the open) so we wander under the boardwalk for a bit. We ended up tucked in a corner under the pier and sat down on the cold sand. We huddled together to stay warm, more for his sake than mine, and guzzled our beers. I lit the joint and let him have the first drag. Jason toked and shivered, but was smiling. We made small talk, but for well close to half an hour, I let him toke up more than me, and urged him to finish off his beer. I ended up with my arm over his shoulder trying to keep him warm. I would occasionally let my hand stray onto his nipple.

    I steered the talk to sex, and we traded stories about blowjobs, and cunts and fucking. Jason was giggling a lot and I lit a second joint. I told him that I was frustrated and horny, and hadn't had a blowjob in a week. This fished out the comment I was looking for: "Yeah?" he said, "your girlfriend give it to you?" "Nah, some faggot at the gym." I left him and stood up, making like I was gonna turn my back to him. "You let a fag blow you?" I told him "Yeah, I was in the gym and some guy followed me to the steamroom. And he blew me. Swallowed my load. He was fucking good. Probably better than my girlfriend."

    I unzipped as he stared at me, and hauled out my dick, which was a charged and rock hard nine inches. Leaving it hanging out, I reached a free hand for the joint, took a toke and passed it back. To took it from me and took a long hit, but kept staring at my cock. So I leaned back and kept making up the experience as I went. My cock would twitch and precum would bubble out. The more he listened to me, the hornier he got, and the more he toked up.

    "Fuck," I said, "I’m so fucking horny. I can't fucking pee. Are you as fucking horny as I am?" Jason sort of just sat there and stared. He giggled nervously and said "Yeah." "Fuck, I gotta pee. Do you mind if I jerk off?" He shook his head, so I spit on my dick and started to pull. He watched me intently, caught up in the buzz of the weed and beer. "C'mon man. Stop staring at me like a freak. You’re making me feel self-conscious." He mumbled sorry, and started to turn away. "Why don't you fucking join me? It’ll be less embarrassing."

    He sorta shrugged and shook his head, but I yanked him up my his t-shirt and unzipped him. he pushed my hand away, but left his jeans unzipped. After a second, he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled out a nice piece of young cock. It was a respectable six inches, but I needed to bumped it to the next level. "Nice dick. Not as big as mine, but it's fuckin' nice." Jason blushed, and his whole face and ears turned red.

    "Don’t worry about it. You’ll be able to please a lotta girls with that dick, and guys, if you're into that." "Fuck that, man. No faggot's gonna touch my dick." "Whatever. But they know how to give fucking awesome blowjobs." Jason spit on his dick again and continued pulling. My dick was like a steel rod in my hands at the sight of the virginal neg boy before me.

    "How big is it?" I asked him. Without waiting for him to answer, I grabbed it and stroked. He shuddered, but didn't protest when he realized it feels better to have someone jerk you off than yourself. I grabbed his hand and said, here, feel mine. His hands were on the small side, and looked smaller wrapped around my poz cock. "Fuck" he said quietly. "Big, huh?" I shot at him. He nodded. He just about got his whole hand around it. A little faster, I told him. "Fuck, man, it feels good. You okay?" Jason nodded. I leaned over and spit some more on his dick, and he spat on mine. "Shit, feels real nice. Wish I was getting a blowjob though. Spit some more on it, Jase."

    After a while, I pulled him next to me. His jeans had already fallen around his ankles, so I slipped my hand onto his buttcheek and squeezed it. I pulled up his t-shirt and tweaked his nipple and he gasped slightly. I moved in close to his ear and said quietly "C'mon Jase, put your mouth on my cock." He shook his head, but kept jerking me. "It’s no big deal man. It’ll feel real nice." Still nothing. So I said, watch this. I squatted down and swallowed him whole. This time, he moaned out real load as I gave him an expert cocksucking experience. I gave him just a feel, then moved onto his balls but manually kept his attention.

    I pushed him onto the sand, and pulled off his jeans and sneakers and hoisted his ass in the air and went to town. He’d never gotten a rim job before, but he liked them. Eating out boy-ass gets me salivating like a wolf, and I used the excess to lube myself up. Before he even knew what was going on, I hobbled up and lined up my poz dick with his neg boy-hole. "What the fuck're you doing?" "Nothing. Just relax" I told him and started to push. "Get the fuck offa me" he yelled and started to struggle. But it's pretty hard with your knees on your chest. And since I’m a solid 175 pounds to his 120 or so, it was impossible.

    I popped into his cherry ass and he scrunched his face up in pain. My dick twitched at the sight of his pretty face like that. He yelled out in pain, so I clamped a hand on his mouth. "Shut the fuck up, you little bitch. If you fucking keep yelling, I’ll fucking tear your ass apart." Jason continued to struggle, so I just plunged my cock up to my pubes. He screamed into my hand and his face went white in agony. I held very still, and waited. "Do you want me to hurt you some more or are you gonna cooperate?" His cheeks were wet with tears, but he nodded.

    "Okay, now relax" I said. Slowly, I moved my dick out and in, in and out. Eventually, after a minute or so, his assjuices (and whatever else) smoothed the ride out. After a few minutes of hitting the prostate, Jason popped a woody under me. I reached down and jerked him as I pounded his neg ass raw. "Look at that. You got a boner. You like getting fucked up the ass, huh?" He shook his head, but a moan escaped, caused by the expert pounding and handjob I gave him.

    I kept telling him how good his ass felt, and how he was a great fuck. Soon, I got that familiar feeling in my nuts, that tingling that meant I was close to popping my killer load in yet another boy- ass. A few more hard strokes and I went over the edge. I shot six or seven volleys of hot pozzed cum into Jason’s torn up ass. I bellowed in his ear as I came.

    When I floated down off the high of bugging a neg ass, I realized I still gripped Jason’s hard cock in my hands. I jerked him slowly, and sensually, while I whispered non-sensical talk in his ear about his ass being mine, and his tight cherry, about it felt fucking him. He was still leaking tears while his cock was leaking precum all over my hands. I pulled out of his used hole and slithered down his body and took his cock in my mouth. I gave him a deluxe blowjob and brought him off. He moaned out as he pumped his last neg load into my mouth, and I swallowed it greedily. Afterwards, he didn't make a move to leave, so I laid next to him and held him. I fucked him once more, this time he enjoyed it a little more, and I enjoyed it a little less knowing I’d already taken his neg cherry.

    I walked him back to the hotel, but he didn't say a word to me. I went back to my own hotel and got my things together. Before I left, I changed out of my clothes. I’m gonna save this pair of bloodied briefs for a while.

  3. The hottest was with six men on one. I led my buddies in a sudden bathhouse dog-pile on a frisky but negative little college wrestler who stumbled into our poz orgy. He enthusiastically fucked a couple of us raw but then got real bareback shy when the subject of him getting boned came up. When we realized he was neg, we fell on him like wolves on a lamb. His sweet virgin ass didn't have a chance. And we got him so that he asked for it first. Six single-minded poz men sucked and licked and finger-fucked him into total submission and agreement. And then we injected him with six poz loads, one by one.

    We were originally inspired by that hot gang scene in that one Xtreme Sex story where a bunch of poz and neg men got together for a weekend of raw and status-blind copulating. Three of us gift-givers recruited several horny young colts from the dance floor of this one tribal club, telling them to meet us at the baths at 2am. We spent about an hour chatting up and identifying hot men who hadn't taken it bareback yet but who were ready for some hot skin-to-skin action. Few asked about status, and those who did were openly told that there would definitely be poz men who would be looking to inject them with a hot load.

    We had done this twice before and had gotten roughly a 2-to-1 mix of gift-givers to willing receptacles --and not one neg escaped poz injection. Things didn't work out as well this time, though, and we wound up with 6 guys who were all poz. This little stud just happened to be at the baths that night and got drawn into our raging group fuck, totally clueless that it was bareback. We assumed he was poz because he had a cross tattooed on his bicep which we mistakenly thought was a plus sign. In any event, he was our seventh man, which allowed for some pretty steamy sandwiches and daisy chains. He originally expressed surprise when he realized that no condoms were allowed, but his impressive boner made his decision for him, and he dived right in. He would be filled with six nuclear loads before the sun came up.

    After the first couple of rounds of random mating, we all stopped and lounged around and got some drinks and just talked. As we were getting ready for more fucking, we went around and did an inventory of who had done what to who, and it came out that he was a very skillful fucker, but he had gotten really skittish whenever anyone had tried to mount him.

    Being the experienced virgin deflowerer that I am, I zeroed right in on target and said “Maybe He's Never Taken It Bareback.” Six poz men immediately understood this to mean Maybe He's Neg, and all six looked right at him with unconcealed hope and lust. He got kind of flustered when he saw that six cocks were springing back to life with his ass in mind. He turned real red and involuntarily sprang a massive boner himself. It was cute as hell. Within seconds we had surrounded him and teased him and tousled him and started drawing him in. Six sets of lips, six tongues, sixty fingers - --he was overwhelmed and confused and happy by so much lust concentrated on him. He had no chance. The room would become an impregnation chamber.

    At one point we were kneeling on either side of him and were holding him up lying cradled in our arms. Two men were licking his beautiful tits, one was holding his head and kissing him, and the other two french kissed each other on either side of him with his nice big cock between their mouths. I had his hips hoisted up to my face with his muscular thighs slung over my shoulders, and I was alternately rimming his musky ass and finger-fucking him.

    As he started moaning and writhing more and more, we began coaxing him into giving us permission to inject him. Mmmm, Do You Like That? Doesn't That Feel Good? Oh Yeah, You Are One Hot Sexual Animal. You Like That Finger Up There? Wouldn't You Like A Nice Stiff Dick Up There Instead? We continued to lick and suck him, quickly anesthetizing his resistance. He eventually couldn't take it any more, and he blurted out Yes! Six men held our breaths, our hearts pounding in our chests. Yes What? I asked. Oh Man, I Need Major Cock Up The Ass, NOW! he gasped. We had our license to impregnate.

    I had him first. It was intoxicating. A couple of my buddies cradled him from behind, and the others continued kissing him and nuzzling and licking his nipples and armpits as I hooked his legs around my waist and rode him with a long slow deep thrust. I kickbox, and I have a very powerful ass and legs, and my thrusts are very forceful when I'm riding a man. Our coupling was athletic and easy and right. I was so hot for him that I came pretty quickly. I looked him in the eye and said "I'm Cumming." He closed his eyes and threw his head back as he took my seed. My hips and ass did that jiggling little orgasm dance as I filled this hot little stallion with his first raw load ever.

    I took my turn kissing him as my buddies filled him with more poz cum. When we'd all had him, I buried my tongue in his nuts and made him bellow as I coaxed his own cum up out of him. I swallowed his cock and blew him as he erupted. His cum was the most delicious and satisfying thing I have ever tasted.

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  4. Here's another version of this story. Some nice details added.


    It had started out like just another Saturday night in South Beach. I was down with a bunch of my best friends for a week of partying, no big deal, really. We had spent the day at the beach working on our tans, eyeing the local color. And now we were dancing shirtless with two thousand other ripped guys. My buddy Rickie had convinced me to try K. I had done XTC a million times but never had the guts to try K but I was in a wild mood. On the dance floor, he held the inhaler up to my nose and I took a pretty big hit. I felt it slowly at first but within a few minutes, I was really loose.

    This really hot guy was dancing close to us. He was about six feet tall and looked like a professional gymnast. His abs and pecs were awesome. I really got into watching the sweat run down to his navel and I could see the waistband of his briefs poking up over his shorts. We worked our way toward each other on the dance floor until I was dancing with my back to him and I could feel him rubbing up against me. After a while, he asked if my friends and I were up for a private party he was throwing in his hotel room. I asked Rickie and he asked Don and Jack and we all said, "sure." We followed them on foot to their hotel. Our gymnast host never told us his name but I’ll call him Ray since he reminded me a lot of my ex-boyfriend Ray. Ray opened the door to his hotel room, which was really a suite and all of us -- about twenty-five guys -- piled in. Immediately, joints were passed around the dimly lit room and beers were tossed around too. Even though we’d all been dirty dancing less than an hour earlier on the dance floor, suddenly there was this awkward tension in the room and no one was touching anybody or even talking hardly. We all knew what we were there for... hot sex. But no one was making the first move. Then Ray stood up and cleared his throat like he was going to make a speech. Everyone looked up at him through various states of hazy drug-induced levels of consciousness.

    "I know at least one guy here who really wants to get fucked," looking directly at me.  With that single statement the party kicked into high gear.  Immediately two guys -- friends of Ray’s I guess -- on either side of me started slowly pulling off my clothing, and seeing that, everyone else stripping down until I was surrounded with hot, naked muscle men who were indiscriminately making out with each other, as each man's dick slowly hardened. 

    Feeling something soft and wet on my cock, I looked down to find Ray blowing me.  That didn’t last long as, within a minute or so, Ray's buddies surrounded us, and lifted my legs so Ray could get his tongue up my ass. His big wet tongue was just lapping up around my shaved hole, making me so hot to get fucked. I saw his huge 9-inches of uncut meat swaying between his legs as the crimson head poked its way out of the foreskin. "Get him wet. Yeah, get it ready," commanded one of his friends and I felt Ray’s tongue probe deeper into me. Across the room I could see my buddy Rickie slowly guiding his thick cut cock up to a short blonde’s eager pink hole. He looked over at me and nodded, as if to say, "go for it!"

    I knew Rickie was positive. He had been real open with me when he first found out. And he had told me about all the hot unsafe sex he’d been having on a regular basis. I had told him how jealous I was, how I wanted to be able to fuck without condoms, too. But neither one of us seemed to take my talk seriously. And then I felt it: Ray’s huge uncut cockhead was introducing itself to my hungry hole. It felt wet and hot. I could feel him dripping pre-cum onto my hole and suddenly I wanted it inside me so bad. I watched Rickie fucking that hot young blonde across the room and I could see he was barebacking the kid and I imagined that it was Rickie’s infected dick that was poking at my hole. Slowly Ray eased inside me until his whole shaft was buried deep into my hole.

    As soon as he started fucking me, his friends started grabbing his ass as they all made out with each other overhead. I could hear them both whispering to Ray, encouraging him. "C’mon stud. Fuck that hole. Give him what he wants. Give him the dirty seed. Plant it in him. Infect him. Convert the kid. Go for it, stud. You can do it." And with each command, Ray seemed to get more and more turned on. Then as he fucked me, he leaned down to make out with me. His lips and tongue tasted so hot. I could taste my hole on his tongue. As he kissed me, he started whispering to me, too and we had a conversation, while his friends continued to make out with each other.

    "Is this your first time?"

    "Getting fucked? No way."


    "Yeah," I admitted, a little embarrassed, not wanting to scare him.

    "You’re negative, right?" he asked.

    "Yeah," I replied.  I didn’t ask him his status cause I pretty much figured he must be poz and I didn’t want him to think I cared.

    "What would happen if I came up inside you right now?"

    "I’d love it."

    "You sure?"

    "Yeah. Why?"

    "What if I told you I was positive?"

    "And you shot your pozcum into me?"


    "Try me."

    That was all he needed to hear. Suddenly I felt him thrusting deeper into me, plunging his hot semen deep into my guts. I could hear him moaning and his friends were pushing his ass deeper and deeper into me. He pulled out and quickly his dick was replaced by that of one of his friends who apparently got off feeling Ray's cum up my hole and using it for lube. He pulled me up on top of him so I was sitting on it and leaned me forward so the other guy could cram his thick one up into me at the same time. There I was getting double fucked. It felt so hot.

    Someone handed me a bottle of poppers and I inhaled deeply, feeling the two cum-coated cocks drive deeper into me. I looked over and realized that it was Rickie who had given me the poppers. "Go for it, dude. Get fucked up," he said. And he bent his face toward mine and kissed me. "I’ve always wanted to be able to fuck you without worrying about infecting you. Now you’re part of the club." I felt so happy to finally have crossed over as I felt two more studs spewing up my butt.

    Finally, Rickie entered me and telling me how he was making absolutely sure I’d turn into his poz muscle toy, he plowed me real slow until he whispered in my ear, "hot poz jizz is spurting in you... right now." By the time I got home to my own hotel room, I’d taken seven hot loads and my hole was raw and burning.

    A few weeks later I came down with a fever. When I was tested two months later, I found out the night had been a success. Now I suck and fuck without thinking about it. I can only hope that next time I'm invited to a hot after-hours party, I can do someone else the great favor that my poz buddies did for me.

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  5. Bayard Rustin was from West Chester, Pennsylvania, a mid-sized town in the remote (very white) suburbs of Philadelphia. Back in 2002 when the West Chester School District entertained naming a new school after Bayard Rustin, opponents to the proposal tried to derail the proposal with the argument (in part) that it was inappropriate to name a school after a homosexual. I wondered those opposing the naming were no less alarmed about honoring a black man, but admittedly that's speculation on my part. Happily the school district stuck to its guns and named the school after Rustin. The sort of controversey erupted in the '50s, albeit without the element of racism, when the Delaware River Bridge Authority announced plans to name a new bridge between Philadelphia and Camden after Walt Whitman, the famous poet who spent the last few decades of his life in Camden. The counter-argument, lead by the Diocese of Camden, was similar to that raised against the West Chester school district's decision to name the school after Rustin: it was inappropriate to name a bridge after an avowed homosexual. Happily that effort was also unsuccessful.

    Both examples recall the adage: he who writes history controls the past. In this case the opponents to the two proposals tried to write two important gay men out of history.

  6. Ah, interesting. So, even if it was signed when they were sober, then they got high, it wouldn't be valid? That one scene of Ian Jay in 1000 load fuck (where he takes the thousand loads)...he's gotta be partying...never seen that look in even the most slutty bottom otherwise.

    I think you're right, Hotnastybottom. Partying after executing the agreement would invalidate the consent provisions of the agreement.

  7. i doubt it, tonight is 1/2 price at melrose! i think flex is though!

    Bbblktop4u, do you mean "...[you] think the Flex is th[r]ough... (as in, the Flex is a failing concern)? When I lived in LA, admittedly some years ago (1994 - 1999), the Flex was frequented by pretty boys, much as was the Hollywood Spa on Ivar Street. Always liked the outdoor pool at the Flex. I seem to recall the Roman Holiday Spa on Victory Blvd. had a nice indoor pool on the second floor.

  8. Yuck you would actually sit in that swamp? I don't think it can be much worse than the local 24 hour fits.

    When I last visited the Midtowne (around May of 2010), the pool and spa at the Midtowne were fine. In contrast, I was always afraid of the spa at the Melrose. Not sure what Bbblktop4u is referring to as "the local 24 hour fits."

  9. Used to bareback with one guy and miss it really badly.

    Great looking bodybuilder here looking for some fun.

    Manchester area.

    Hi, Youcannevertell. I've taken the liberty of moving your posting from General Bareback Stories to Regional Hookup Forums, London Metro Area. I've assumed your comment 'Manchester area' refers to Manchester, England, but if I'm wrong, please let me know and I can move your posting to the appropriate locale. Thanks.

  10. Hot story, Bart. I don't usually cruise in public parks, but your story makes me think I've been missing out. On the Delaware River, about a mile from my house there's an abandoned industrial zone that is over-grown with sapplings. I can't believe the boys aren't doing the nasty there! Oh well, thanks for posting!

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