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Everything posted by CreamDream

  1. Mine is fully covered after insurance and Gilead's copay assistance program. (gileadcopay.com)
  2. No need for pain. Practice, relax, take your time, and use nice greasy oil-based lube like albolene! This is bareback - no need for water-based bullshit!
  3. I have the same problem, honey!
  4. Lots of bad info on cleaning out!! The key item is nobody's system is the same - you gotta know YOURS. Your enema should only require one bag of plain water. More than that, and you're not coming clean that night because everything is too runny. For me, that might mean too MUCH fiber. For others it means other things. Figure out what it is an fix it. If you have IBS you might need an imodium and some fasting time to slow down bowel transit, and try getting off gluten. Now one good trick I HAVE tried is inserting a menthol cough drop for an hour or so before play (after the enema). It makes your ass make more mucus which helps clean out the last of the nastiness and leaves you nice and fresh. I saw that one on fetlife. You'd think it would sting, but it doesn't. (Oil based lube, of course)
  5. Find a guy you like and are comfortable with, fuck bare. Poz undetectable and trutworthy is likely best.
  6. $10 says he's one of the guys unwittingly spreading HIV
  7. I too self lubricate to some extent. And I can VERY much feel the difference between bare and latex! However after a number of cock, maybe I wouldn't? IDK
  8. Hey honey, I disagree about it hurting! Go slow and there is zero need for pain. You're doing it bareback, which avoids condom friction. Use good lube - Albolene makeup remover is perfect. Clean yourself out in advance and it feels a lot better too. Take your time, ride that cock, take that cum when it comes! Then let us know how it went!
  9. There is now a test that only has a 4-week window. Sound like you're an ideal candidate for it. As your county health department if they have access to this test.
  10. Short but awesome: http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=FtRc6_G322_
  11. won't change much. just take time off during outbreaks. gets MUCH better with time. Every outbreak is your body making more antibodies to make the next outbreak less severe.
  12. Safe bottoms do just about as well as bare bottoms, Just a different set of tops
  13. Never had a top take one off, but have had bottoms take them off of me. Frankly bottoms seem to be more devoted to BB than tops.
  14. As long as you talk with him and come up with a plan together, all will be well
  15. It is best not to count on someone understanding a term to mean the same thing you think it means if you are trying to stay neg
  16. doesn't really make sense
  17. Get condoms that are big enough and all is well. You'll know if they break
  18. 40s or older so they know what they're doing
  19. I suspect you'd only stand a chance with legal action if you asked him if he was poz and he said no. Absent a lie, it's on you to press for an answer. He can say you didn't ask, which may open up the possibility of having the law itself overturned.
  20. Imodium is magical in helping get truly clean. Plain water should be plenty if things are solid. Be careful of too much fiber...can make things worse.
  21. uspopshop silver
  22. I ignore them. I cannot imagine someone offering cash is going to be a good lay.
  23. Prefer over 30 so they know what they're doing
  24. Within a relationship, yes. For a quick fuck, usually not
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