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Everything posted by PowerBTM12

  1. Do they exist anymore?
  2. The more, I receive the more I want. No stopping.
  3. Hi, how do I edit or add info on my visa card?

  4. how do I edit or add info. on my avatar?
  5. How do I add or edit info to my existing avatar?
  6. Thanks, But that's made of metal ...would it be comfy to have on 24/7?
  7. Love the feeling of them against my butt and between my thighs.
  8. The juices oozing of my hole can be an excellent lube.
  9. The longer time a cock is inside me the better, the more I want.
  10. Daily, but def. no deodorant.
  11. Still waiting on offers to come through.
  12. There is nothing bettter than a lot of cum inside one's arse, specially if it was of quantity and deep inside. It is mind blowing.
  13. I tried on a couple of occasions walking around, and it went messy, never tried again. Though would love to have one in me 24/7. Any ideas what to buy and how to actually use them without getting messy? Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I would give myself 7 - Men say am attractive and horny. Saying this modestly of course.
  15. I guess, if one just want to get fucked for the sake of being penetrated, then it is the cock. The pleasure from getting fucked lasts while the fucking is going on. If it was all about the man then it will more pleasurable, leaving you wanting for more and more.
  16. The subject Rape is very thrilling, and horny. It is all about control and the top being a real top, the bottom, a real bottom. Each in his own place. Forced sex is great for subs. Did the subs ever wondered why they end up being subs? Could it be because they had forced sex at an early childhood? NO means rape, but in most cases I believe it becomes a big YES. Specially if the rapist is good at fucking. Love to hear your ideas.
  17. Cum or Spitt.
  18. I got fucked at Paradise, but the guy used a condom:(, what compensated it was my first time on a sling.
  19. Cheers m8, ever come to London, or do I need to go to you?

  20. The deserved attention is mutual m8.

  21. Def. love porn and BB fucks.
  22. Would love to find a man who would enjoy and get off in seeing me getting fucked by men he chooses for me.
  23. Slow fuck can be pretty horny.

  24. Can't find any tonight:(
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