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Everything posted by straycowboy

  1. I'm negative, and std free, as of my last tests, but should I ever get one, yes I would honestly tell the bottom. Honesty, friends, and relatives say is actually one of my faults.
  2. I thought I might explain for those who are curious as to why I've gone so long, and would ask. Short of it, I broke up with a guy who for revenge, tried to ruin me finacially a few years ago, then dated a woman which turned out to be a really bad relationship, between the two, I just lost interest in other people, easiest explanation. Plus, i'm still trying to rebuild finacial stability again. I just don't like to be involved with others if I'm not in a stable situation myself. So there you have it.
  3. Considering my own situation, I'm just curious what the longest some of you have abstained from sex with another person? For me now Its been over 3 years, and its beginning to get the better of me. Damn I'm horny. LOLOL
  4. Nope, their size doesn't matter to me. I do liketo watch a big one flop around as the bottom gets fucked though, if I'm not the one fucking him at the time.
  5. I don't know what to say here. LOLOL Personally, being a grower, I used to be intimadated by those of you who were showers. I'm not small by no means, I say average, but it depends on how turned on you make me. When I bottom, it's normally for smaller dicked guys, I have a hard time handling a larger one. However, recently told someone I'd consider his, and I will do my best when we meet. I had 1 BF, who had a huge cock, let him try once, then we agreed to let him fuck other bottoms when he had the urge. LOLOL
  6. Yep, I have fucked a few bottoms without seeing their dick. As to if it maters to me, depends on the situation. A bottom I'm dating I want him to get off too, even if he's jacking to do it. Yes, there are timesi just want to use the hole and move on also though. Mostly at the Bathouse, or certain other venues.
  7. Interesting post. I wish I had accepted the offers made to me when I was younger, but I turned them all down. For me it was a matter of my own pride, over other comitments in my life that took precedent. Now as far as paying for sex, I did have one time that I and a buddy were offered blowjobs for $10, but I didn't carry any money with me that day,so didn't take it up. Other than that, I've never had a reason to hire someone, or the money to spare. There are too many people in this world who judge others, it worked for you, it works for others, and those who try to tell you you are wrong should get their own house in order. Send me their email, and I'll explain it to them for you if you'd like. The Morai sisters must have had a good reason for weaving it into your life, just accept it and go with it as long as you can.
  8. I've never intentionally lied about my age, and I think I've only ever turned down one guy because of his. Well, boy, and it wasn't so much the age as it was that he looked exactly like my teenage nephew's best friend on the football team. I Swear they could have been twins. And my nephew's friend was only 15 at the time. He's now 20,and yes, given the chance now I'd raise his legs in the air and go to town on his ass till we both shot.
  9. OK now,I'm envious:)Would like to be fucking like that, always takes me way too long to shoot when fucking , don't think I could give 10 loads in that short a time period.
  10. Know this is an old thread, but glad I found it. Always heard your libido would drop off after 40, but mine is still going strong. I jack off 3 or 4 times a day, and still get those sudden erections that are common in your teens, but not as often. SJust wish I had someone to fuck on a regular basis, my own fault, just haven't wanted to get involved , but may be having sex soon and ending this 3 year withdrawl. Was worried til I read some of the replies to this thread that I might be on borrowed time. LOL
  11. Several bars, Parking lots, and the side of I-20 .. Once front counter of a store I worked, I fucked a cowboy buddy who came in drunk and flopped his dick on the counter., uhm, our security guy calledme a couple of days later, to tell me he was going to have the cameras checked, that inexplicably that nights tape was erased when he played it back, and it must have been a defective camera. He just thought I should know. I said thanks, he said welcome,hopefully it won't happen again on the front door camera and laughed and hung up. Never will forget that.
  12. I usually just finish fucking them and clean myself up afterwards. I think it happens to even the best bottoms. And if its a spur of the moment deal with a straight guy,well he isn't likely to have thought about it anyway. I cant go another round though till they are clean.
  13. I enjoy reading certain parts, and find the other parts enlightening, or educational. Would there be a way to perhaps mail a payment? I don't make payments via credit card, or over the internet if I can at all avoid it. I know, its silly, I'm just not comfortable with it, especially in my current situation.
  14. Never done any drugs ever, never wanted to. I do drink socially, but don't need that to have a good time.I don't mind if you do them, just don't try to force it on me,or there will be serious injuries to your body. I had the best gay relationship with the perfect guy, till one night he decided I'd uderstand how much better sex would be if I was high like him. I beat him half to death that night,and broke up with .. Still miss him, hope he got his life together.
  15. Not alone my friend, I agree with you, not any fun for me if the bottom isn't getting into the fuck and enjoying it.I like to know I made him cum. I enjoy giving a bit of pain, but not injuring the bottom, I will ask if I think there might be a problem. Dominance is one thing, but keep in mind, a damaged fuckboy is no good to anyone til he heals. I know, have done so a couple of times unintentionally
  16. I look for several different kinds of guys. I love to fuck a masculine guy more than anything, it really turns me off if they pull out the lingere. Also like young, cocky guys, these are the ones, I like to fuck hard, and make sure they know they've been bred. Cudley bears, or cubs are a turn on, especially hairy ones. However my last male lover was nothing I would have normally gone for. No hair, no teeth, rather effeminete, everyone thought i needed my head examined. LOL But boy could he take a facefucking, his ass was nice and tight, and he had a huge cock that was fun to watch swing as he walked nude, or fucked another guy.
  17. Yes, definitely, like for the bottom to feel some pain, that look on their face, and their moans, are a turn on, and if they are bitting on me, while I fuck them, all the better. That said, I also don't want to hurt them, just a little discomfort, for both of us, to really get the nerves tingling, but not all the time,just once in a while, as something special.
  18. bi barebackslut, Went and looked at your profile, then erased my coment I was about to make, and just want to say, glad to hear you fuck with that cock, and don't let it go to waste. Is a fine specimen.
  19. My last post was from my phone, and after thinking about this for a bit, I thought I should clarifiy myself a bit, so here it is. Hot to watch tops get bred, love to breed a top, or straight guy myself. I have always followed an unspoken(till now) policy that what I do to you, I must be willing to let you do to me, unless you specifically ask for it, then it's negotiable:) This is just to keep me in check, if that makes sense. There have been guys I have given my ass, or would give it to, because they meet what turns me on to being a bottom for them, I will not date them though, as I prefer to top. That being said, I am bi and, have always understood that I may not be able to fill all of the needs of my other half all the time, so always have the talk with my other half, and normally we will have an open relationship, or agree to something that can work for both of us. Believe it or not, I normally wind up being monogamous, and they make use of the deal we have. LOL. So I think most tops will be simmilar, in that they won't go all out bottom, even if they do occasionally bottom. Hope that makes more sense.
  20. I'm top/versatile. I think its hot to watch a top get plowed. Myself am very choosy about whom I let top me though.I I normally date bottoms, but once in a while they get the urge, so I will for them, or we'd invite a third. But I always return to top.
  21. I prefer to bareback but will wear a condom if asked. But have found most safe sex guys have actually asked me to cum in them. I used to know a poz couple in Dallas who were fuckbuds, they'd insist on condoms with me, even at the one party I went to they had they made sure everyone used condoms, I didn't care and always thought that odd.
  22. Ok, I'll play along with the troll . I've had your type of relationship, and if it lasts, you will be an exception. You've made assumptions, and been judgmental based on your ideas of what love should be. It's always a bad idea to apply your moral. As an openly Bi-male, I have indulged in sex with literally several hundred people over the past 25 years when not in relationships, and guess I've been lucky, because I've never had a single STD . Personally, it sounds likd you just found out your lover other intersts and you are lashing out at them.
  23. Damn, I wish i had seen this thread when I had a gym membership a few years ago. am so dense, there were guys in the steamroom and hot tub I could have had fun with. But then I was in a relationship and probably wouldn't have anyway. Damn!
  24. Spit is my favorite lube with guys, top or bottom. And swapping spit is a definite turn on. However, I wouldn't spit on the bottom unless he was into it,and Im not turned on by being spit on.
  25. Mostly top but for the right guy I'll bottom, or if I'm dating you and you have the urge. But if you are topping me you need to be sure youtake charge, or I may flip you over and do so. Of course a few rounds of vodka and it won't matter LOL
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