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About spunkdump

  • Birthday 10/08/1966

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    Poz, Not On Meds
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    Raw bb bttm into many different scenes from good old fashioned raw fucking to ANON pump n dump, breeding sessions, group, love to have a sloppy filled cumhole . uninhibited pig bottom. Love to be a bottom’s bottom

    Faves: Marvel/DC comics, zombie lit, Fave Movie: All About Eve, Best book: The Stand
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  1. I just got back from London and visited the infamous Hampstead Heath-- yes, the stories of the "dark room" the canopy of trees and bushes have been cut back alot -and the little tree where all the fuck action happened broke and thats now kaput. The guys seem to cruise now on the opposite side in the woods -- its all really weird when i was there. The daily mail did a story about the protest to save the Heath and put out stories of gay cruising and a picture of the 'fuck tree' kind of insane since most of the cruising is late night. The fuck tree is still there -thank god but hardly no one went when i was there- i think most of the men stayed up near the dark room area and wooded area and did not bother going down =thats the best part for me-- thankfully i did take a load while i was there so night wasn't wasted but its definitely lost some of the shine. Quick mention- Visit the Vault139 club-- i went Sat night and hour to close and it was still hopping- the gloryhole booths are quite popular -they need more -the hogs hold it up and guys will stay in there forever. I still don' get the room at the back with the barrels and sling area- the guys sitting around the wall booths seem so out of it -why sit there if not doing anything --thank god a frenchman ran into me and rammed and ate my hole like it was the last meal on earth. But the club is great and worth a visit for sure. I missed the Naked Sundays cruising in Vauxhaull -- i 'll have to go another time and i chickened out to go to the Prison party - it 's like a version of the. Horsefair -its in Vauxhaull club but i just never heard or read about the party to take the chance to go see so i skipped the "Bird " party at Union. If anyone has gone -please inform us if its any good? I walked by the St Giles hotel- for a cumdump hotel its on a very busy street- maybe thats the allure - i'll have to stay there next time just to see but it in a very busy section of London 's shopping area.
  2. I'm going to Bear Week in Gran Canaria next month Apr 8th to April 14th . I 've read all the venue info which is quite helpful to navigate but as a solo traveler i wonder any tips on eating, groceries - where to buy fruit, water etc-- is that all in the Yumbo? And any good places to get clothing? What do people do when they go butt up in Construction for instance- what do they do with their clothes? I can't imagine there is a coat check? Lockers? do i need to pay? or bring your own? I see no mention of that ? I thought of walking around in Jock and Denim apron/butcher style while cruising at night. Is that okay or will i be harrassed? i see the pics online but can't tell .... not sure how popular Bear week will be-- honestly i missed all the deadlines for the boat cruises' which i'm bummed about . Beach- is it better to cab it or do the long walk on the dunes? I can't see realistically cruising during day- that only seems to happen on an Only fans site. . Random ? -- is the adult cinema any good? its just outside the Yumbo but never hear any action -the Bear week is having a night there during the 2nd week. ? any idea if poppers are possible-would you write me privately? Thanks.... Again any tips for solo travelers- much appreciated -- do you recommend a trip to Las Palmas-the city center? anywhere else ? i hope the weather is good. Thanks in advance. Max
  3. 2025 is doing better than 2024-- my life is not what it was in terms of time but going to Key West - i took 7 or 8 loads- not alot of men but most came mulitple times but this is better than most of 2024! - Don't get old! -- I'm have London, Gran Canaria and Berlin coming up so i should get my numbers up after a long convalescence these last couple of years.
  4. Just back from Key West - not a long trip but enough to update. First, I didn't realize this site is banned in Florida and some other Southern States, including Texas and Georgia so kind of explains why no one blogged about Key West. I'll give a quick run down for future visitors. Key West- fly in if you can , driving 4-5 hours from Miami might seems like a great idea but if there is an accident the trip could take longer since its basically two lanes - North/South. So fly in when you can. Small Airport - not far from main street-- Duval is the main strip. The newer hotels are on Simonton and United- its the quieter part of Key West. Everything is in walking distance so no real reason to rent a car. All the gay bars, which have karokee, drag etc - are on Duval or just off one of the streets and on Petronia. The one leather bar, 1 Saloon -is on Petronia - its a like an old Rawhide/Eagle -- they have do have a backcorner darkroom but it was too exposed and the size of a small closet--and the lighting is way too much -- they did have an interesting sling -think of Cirque du Soliel - only a twink could ride it but again the space is just too open to be a sleazy corner-- and they do have a back patio -but I gathered this is only feasible when its a large gqy event in town. When I was there it was like 5 people on Sat night. Duval street reminded me of Bourbon Street in New Orleans but without the raunch and crazy. But , you can imagine during Spring Break or some Gay event-it must be quite the show. Its very lovely -great shops and atmosphere. This is a very laid back place , the beach was blue and wonderful - the weather was amazing- just right. Truman Adult Bookstore- is on Truman Street just between Simonton and White -- its a very raunchy porn store with glorholes, Pay $5 to go in and you can come back and forth while its open. I believe its been sold , so wont' be there too much longer but i bet if those walls could talk they would cream your pants. I was able to suck some dick while i was there in the evening time but just not enuf of a crowd to really make it jump. Leather Master of Key West- this is right off Duval on Apple routh Lane, -this is where to go for equipment, douche, room deodorizer, toys, leather gear, lingerie, etc-- its an old school gay store without the fanfare. Go spend money and keep them open! Like stepping back in time. the main event- ISLAND HOUSE -this is really off the beaten path- White and Fleming. The entrance is just on White. turn down the lane- youll see the pathway - this gay hotel has been recently renovated the rooms but the complex i thought was quite beautiful and the labyrinth of paths made it so much more fun- why do pigs love exploring paths? the rooms looked great-- you can do a day pass-- $45 and you can come n go all day long till 1am-- but Sunday has a very popular pool party - lovely bar and restaurant. and a nude patio on 2nd floor. For the daytimers, you have to show ID , phone # , and they give you a key/lock for the small locker- and towels. You then have access to the gym, saunas, various hottubs etc . The main event is the what I call the RED ROOM on the 2nd floor-its the "video" room - you go in - - thru the leather flaps. direct on right is 3 gloryhole cabins and a bed at hip height that is great to just bend over and take loads. - a video is playing so your entertainment can have something to watch. The real gift is the main room- its not huge - think of a horseshoe-- surrounded by leather banquets to sit - and do whatever but right in the middle is a fuckhorse so for any good cumdump this is your spot. You can't ask for any thing better. I discovered it after an hour- it was quite dark and the red did quite make things so sharp but when I saw another bottom getting railed then i actually saw the horse- i thought shit i lost that spot - but the bottom tapped out! I knew i better grab it - not that the room was crowded-despite the size at the Pool party the room had stragglers in and out. - mostly cocksuckers - but i took the opportunity to take my spot and i took about 6 loads -it was glorious getting it at both ends and i forgot how hot it was to hear "this hole is so wet" i paid the price the next day when my sternun was so sore i couldn't lay on my stomach at the beach! But who cares i knew my place. I can imagine when they host a big gay event this place must jump . I really liked it- not too many of these places left in the world especially in US. so we have to support them while we can and enjoy. It is quite a healthy walk from the main point of activity but i felt safe but if you can stay there - great but dont 'fret if you want to stay somewhere cheaper and do the day pass. $45 seems like alot but really you do get alot for the price of being free and oinking away! So i hope this helps for Key West vistors - I still prefer Ft Lauderdale but thats' on the main island but for a big bear event in Key West- do go support Island House!!!
  5. Any updates on Key West- I'm heading there next weekend. Is Island House the only action ? is there a darkroom/play - i can' t really tell if its just avideo room or slings? etc. Where can i get poppers? Truman's Adult Store- ? is there any action there? and what about 1 Saloon Bar-- looks like Phoenix in New Orleans but don't know if there is a play area or what? email me . Thanks, Max
  6. Has any one gone to BIRD party at Union-- they have a "prison" theme party on weekends from what I read on BoyZ magazine-- but not much here? Sounds like a variation of Horsefair but can't tell if its AI generated or what? Has any underground club replaced THe Playpit-- i'm dating myself now! - i love that hole....
  7. So how was Pig Week ? We want to hear the stories- who won the gangbang lottery?
  8. I just read the Link Hotel on Sunrise has closed- has it been reopened or still closed? What other motel has taken its spot for pump n dump? I'm coming in early Feb 2025 and i really don't want to stay at the gay resort again- i loved it but not very cruisy but very friendly. thanks
      • 1
      • Piggy
  9. I made a Sunday trip last weekend to Bear Party in Mid town. I haven't been to a NYC sex club since god knows when - i think the last was Men In Boots- and if you know you know-those were the days! I got so confused in midtown i started going in the wrong direction on 37th -remembering the old space that used to hold all these clubs but i realized i was in wrong direction and headed West. The 2nd floor place was a huge loft-- very clean,, very nice- coat check plus lockers- a nice sit lounge with refreshments. Very smart and nice. The back area was full of curtained areas-- slings and some leather beds. A particular dark area had couches -no beds -- i thought the lighting was kinda too bright for my taste i wish they were a bit dimmer. The crowd was varied and very much -ready to go- this is not a stand around sex party. they got down to business. i had about 1 hour 1/2 to spend-- i was going to theater matinee so i had to be quick -- thankfully i did get fucked a couple of times but i wish i could have stayed longer. But this is definitely arrive on time- or you will lose the peak activity. The bathrooms and wash area were very well kept and clean. I liked the vibe -i would definitely go back when i can get away to the city so i would recommend. My only take is i didn't really see anyone i recognized from my old days so i kinda felt odd man out. When you step away from scene - it really does change and jumping back in isn't easy especially as you age. -- Definitely a good venue and vibe. I will have to try a Friday evening Bear Party and or the Fuck stop version party- which i really don't know what the difference but it may be a different demo.
  10. I visited the East Side Club last weekend. Sunday afternoon-- the downstairs was open -new showers and bathroom - but same space- tight! the rest of the halls, rooms were basically the same. Elevators were working. It was an okay crowd -mostly lots of men laying about. I did get fucked twice but that was it - it kinda felt i missed a peak afternoon period and it was about 5-7 when i was there so seemed sort of sleepy. It was nice to go back but i guess i'll do another visit in 2025. No reason to make a special trip for it. We (New Yorkers) should be just happy its still open.
  11. Thanks for the update -- I heard about this law about poppers, nitrious gases etc banned -- does that mean I won't be able to buy any at the usual spots? I never ask for them outright but video head cleaner but now with this law-what do you think the shops are going to do- especially the gay shop ? Sucks... Phoenix- i'll check itout =new bathroom - and glad the walls came down-they were ridiculous the last time in 2018 when i was there last - i'll miss the sling-that was fun at night. i'll have to tame my expectations-- i always lvoed going to Rawhide in afternoon to bend over in the backroom ... i guess that won't be happening .
  12. The Golden Donut will be back ! I'll be back after 5 years - find me at Rawhide in back bentover during afternoons and then Phoenix bar upstairs hangin out. I like the vibe at Rawhide during day -at night past history the nights were way too obnoxious and Phoenix just had a easy breezy vibe. Has the circulation improved ? Did they knock down the divider walls upstairs- i miss the back bench - i spent many Decadences bent over in back there till the morning hours just getting plowed away. But last in 2018 it was gone and the dividers were insane. Is the sling still there? That was for the bravest of souls. I"m looking forward to returning and just seeing Nawlins again. Max
  13. has the venue changed - added any benches or is it the same old rooms?
  14. Has anyone gone to the MAL parties -FurBall or Uncut- these are parties outside the Hyatt? Are they worth going? Is there more backroom action ? in all the years i've gone to MAL going back to 2008 I've always stayed roaming the hotel but of course being a cumdump i was hosting pump n dumps so i didn't feel going to a party was right but i'm curious....
  15. Finally after 5 years i finally was able to get a room this time around at the host hotel- Hyatt- so i'll be hooded and ass up taking all loads from all guys. i can't wait- haven't done this in awhile and getting a room was like winning Power ball-impossible but somehow i got it this year when rooms went live. Can't wait! I wonder how its been this previous MAL- were the elevators still guarded or can guys get up to rooms?
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