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Everything posted by BAMFJOCKS

  1. i agree. My problem with the scene is that everything is emotionally unhealthy. You can have a healthy sex life and still love and respect yourself.
  2. This is great to know thanks for the info.
  3. Ok man great. I'll keep ya updated.
  4. A cockring, bow tie, nipple clamps, and a baseball cap...works great not when running from cops...
  5. I wouldn't mind him, seems like he is projecting his own self hate on others.
  6. In both holes? Fuckyeah!
  7. I have no problem with this thread. People like what they like. I haven't had any problems getting hot white men which is my preference, but I like every race. Like I said I haven't had issues, and if I see that a guy is not attracted to black guys in his profile description I don't engage and just move on. No reason to get mad when there are many men out there who are. Just the way it works.
  8. I'm vers here. I have no problems being fucked, but I agree with the stereotype out there that black guys just top. I get that a lot and i let them know I'm not a total top and if you're looking for a total top like those in Dick Wadds's "Niggas's Revenge." Then I'm not the guy for you.
  9. Chub lover here too!
  10. Ok I'm still trying to put something together once I get enough guys.
  11. There's the Crew Club http://www.thecrewclub.co/crewclub.php?page=home
  12. Woof man. Thanks! Hit me up anytime.
  13. Love a verbal top esp racial verbal
  14. awesome man I love your vids and site.
  15. The sex and experience is just better. Usually no mind games, drama, or any of that stuff. I've always been attracted to men older than myself.
  16. Plus I have been eyeing you.
  17. I personally prefer older men. Th sex is just better.
  18. If serious I would go with hosting your own site through a hosting like godaddy, etc. these platforms such as Google and tumblr just have too much uncertainty. I would definitely have my hosting site. If you go with tumble which yahoo bought and probably looking for ways to curb adult content or Google who's robots will automatically flag you and delete your site for the smallest then you'll probably at one point be assed out. I have tumblr now, but when I get serious and start posting original content I will go with a self hosted site.
  19. Thanks for the interests I'll keep you guys updated!
  20. Sorry to hers that buddy. It'll work out for ya.
  21. But people put on masks and you never know who they are until something like this happens and their true colors come out.
  22. If you want to be discreet then be careful who you let in your life. I'm not judging but if you let people who you can't trust in your life well....
  23. I actually agree with you. Stop giving people this much power over your life and be mindful of who let in your life. Fuckbuds or not. Take time to learn who people really are because first impressions are usually bullshit.
  24. My Wikipedia and tumblr comment was a joke...
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