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BttmCub88 last won the day on March 21

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About BttmCub88

  • Birthday 07/14/1988

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Raleigh, North Carolina
  • Interests
    Cheating, bareback slut. No loads refused.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom

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  • BarebackRT Profile Name

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  1. I'd love to be bred by you 😍

  2. Guest

    I want your load

  3. congrats on gettin knocked up- - super jealous

    1. J-raw


      You really need to spread the gift now.

  4. Hey guys. Possibly visiting thw Ocala area around Feb 5th. Looking for a few guys to pig out with. Check my profile to see whata I'm looking for ;) and hit me up
  5. Bbrt not working for anyone else?
  6. Hoping other duys in NC start using a VPN to be able to get back on here.
  7. I try to be careful. Its happened to me a few times and always because I wasn't paying attention to where I was posting. Just hate getting restricted and missing out on stuff lol
  8. Just set a personal record. Went over to a guys house that I fuck with regularly. He had a friend over and they both took turns breeding me. Then had another guy waiting at my place when I got home and took a few loads from him. Total of 10 loads in 30 fucking minutes!
  9. I go over to a guys house a few times a week. Have for months. Dude is brutal. Gets me poppered up. Pounds the hell out of me. Even choked me out a few times. Slaps me around calling me a cheating whore. Usually gives me 3 or 4 loads every time. When hes done, spits in my face and kicks me out. I have no idea what he looks like since he makes me wear a hood every time. And i fucking love it.
  10. True. If you were the one taking the load, it typically stays localized to your ass. So unless shes digging in there i wouldnt worrry. As far as putting antibiotics in her food. I mean, its likely harmless if shes not allergic. But not exactly ethical.
  11. Any guys here go to the bookstores in the Raleigh/Durham area? Any advice to get in onbthe action, what you do to get it and where the best hookup spots are?
  12. Fucking love sniffies. Depending on the day can be hit or miss. But fining a shit load of tops since i moved to NC. And meeting up at the most random places lol.
  13. I do this a lot. Have a guy that breeds me a few times a week that has me put on a hood before i come in his apartment. Hes probably fucked me about 20 times and i have no idea what he looks like. And have had a few guys come over to fuck me. Theu have me blind fold myself with a shirt before they come in. Absolutely love taking true anonymous load.
  14. Nah. I would want to end things that way. But i see what you mean.
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