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Everything posted by biobare

  1. Your BBRT nick doesn't work
  2. Yeah, I noticed the same. Since some weeks often the site suddenly is not available for me, sometimes for minutes, sometimes for hours. I'm logged in from Germany.
  3. Does your wife know you have sex wiith men?
  4. Maybe you should write and show more from yourself?
  5. Is the "Metropol" sauna still existing? I left Frankfurt 2014 after living there 21 years because it became so boring. Nearly no gay nightlife any more.
  6. Perfect boy ass!
  7. Rory, should I help you go the step?
  8. There is a place called Cock Green. A cruising area? 😂😂
  9. Syphilis is caused by a species of Bacteria, Treponema pallidum, not by a virus.
  10. Fuck yeah! The hard cock shows that you really WANT it!
  11. Do you know in which situation you caught it? Was it 1 to 1 sex or in a group? I caught it once at my first Berlin visit in 2012, I guess after letting a few random guys fuck me in Laboratory or at a Coffee&Cream Party. Today I'm quite sure that the main way of transmitting Hep C is when Tops run from bottom to bottom without cleaning their cocks or even when "Safer" Tops use the same condom for a number of bottoms. The HepC Virus can be highly concentrated in the slime of the mucous membrane inside the rectum, also in small amounts of blood from the little lesions inside the guts caused by the fucking, and that slime and micro doses of blood can be carried on the dirty dicks of the Tops from ass to ass. The Tops seem to have a quite low risk to infect themselves. The Virus is quite difficult to transmit, but bottoms, especially in group sex situations, are at a quite high risk, when they get dicks inside which were already inside another bottom who is acutely or chronically infected and has a high viral load. Did your Doc tell you something about the strain / subtype of HCV you have? There are a number of strains circulating which differ greatly in how dangerous they are, whether they require treatment and how high the risk is that they will lead to a chronic disease. I had the luck in 2012 that "my strain" was a quite low dangerous one and my Doctor decided to wait some weeks if my immune system is able to manage the infection, and of course I had the luck to get rid of the infection after some weeks without any treatment at all, and although I was already HIV poz but still without HIV meds at that time, so I wondered that my immune system is strong enough to to this. I think the chance to get rid of a Hep C infection is also a question of individual genetic differences which influence how efficient an individual immune system fights that special kind of virus. So I hope that this and what the oothers already answered you will help you not to despair, and that, if you need treatment, there will be found a solution how it will get paid. I keep my fingers crossed for you. 💋❤️
  12. Powerful injector for dirty semen
  13. How did your visit go?
  14. I guess it would work better if the "young hot guy" would show himself here or somewhere with an own profile and pics
  15. Max, you are cute! 😍
  16. Actually I can login, but not write anything
  17. [think before following links] https://www.curiouschaser.com/bareback-porn-performer-and-bug-chaser-killed-in-unprovoked-shooting/
  18. Today I accidentally saw an article about him at curiouschaser.com. I think we never should forget this charming young man. I chatted with him several times.
  19. How toxic is your sting? 🦂

    1. Poz2play


      I’m really toxic how about you?

    2. biobare


      Unfortunately I'm on meds since 2018. 

  20. Oh my god! Get better soon! I'm on BZ since more than 10 years now and often liked to read your comments to various aspects. I'm member of the older ages here as well and had some concerns about my health during last years because of Covid and other reasons. Maybe some of you guys with similar age are interested in some exchange of experiences and advice.
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