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Everything posted by firefighter

  1. Had it done last night after my third fuck of the night, and I never felt anything so amazing, on a down side I couldn't hold it in to get to the bathroom, so left a trail of piss cum and crap the whole way there. I will get better at this, they say practice makes perfect yes ? ..
  2. Pretty much, yes. If it is found in a person's wound, then when the wound closes, others will not be able to be exposed to it. It is only harmful really to those that are compromised, like have a decreased immune system or are extremely sick. For healthy people it pretty much like lays "dormant". There are probably more people walking around with MRSA in their bodies than you would ever know​
  3. Your website has some great reading TIger Milner www.Tigermilner.com
  4. Sounds like a guy on a last crusade .. because he fucked himself in the process by not revealing his status
  5. I have never seen as many married guys on the prowl for cock as I do now, and they are the honest ones
  6. Now that I am in the Autumn of my years I have indeed experienced a great deal of what is outlined above. Sadly I have also lost friends because of their first man to man experience, and others I see occasionally but still suffer from post ejaculation guilt, and go just as fast as they cum. But do I regret any of the escapades along my journey of life, hell no, we were always at all times consenting adults, I enjoyed it even if they didn't.
  7. I too mike, I have a few regulars ranging in age from mid 25 to mid 30, I think though location too plays a major part I am a good 35-40 km from bath houses, gay clubs. And the beer horned tops are usually never in a position to travel to these locations so I guess they settle for any port in a storm.
  8. Excellent post hungry_hole, top notch ..
  9. Deep in my ass, but that said I love when you're with a guy who enjoys a sloppy cum swopping kiss
  10. Great article cheers for sharing HLD.
  11. TEST & TAKE CONTROL GUYS! RAPID HIV & STI TESTING TODAY (6-8pm) at The Brighton Sauna, 75 Grand Parade. (No appointment required. Free, walk-in service, no sauna membership or fee required). Free and confidential with professional and friendly staff. Rapid HIV finger prick test - simple and painless with an instant result in just 20 minutes. We also can offer you to self test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea. Results texted to you within approx. 7-10 working days.
  12. I never understand the ones that say, " First time to bottom, would really like to try this, hung guys only at least 8" " FFS, I am bottoming a long time now, and hung guys still have to dock gently.. do they have any idea being a bottom is a skill, as is being a good top. I know grant it there are some amazing bottoms, who take cherry popping very well , but they are few and far between. But damn it's a lovely thing to do
  13. Very true it has been the case here too, but it's not much of an issue really for anyone under 7" with me, as the lower part of the rectum is usually clean anyway, it's only when they enter the second compartment it becomes an issue
  14. I just read an article the entire story was interesting, but I found the next couple of paragraphs powerful for want of a better word Living with the constant fear of becoming HIV+ or dying with complications of AIDS often manifests in internalized anger or feelings of numbness. But, paradoxically, a positive HIV test result can provide relief for the person who has seroconverted. I believe what is being relieved is internalized rage, anger, and the numbness produced by excessive fear. The article Protease Dis-inhibitors? quotes a young man as saying, "That awful waiting is gone ... Maybe now that I am HIV positive, I can finally have my life." For me, it is not so hard to imagine living in such fear and numbness that one feels as though one doesn't even have a life. As I reflect on my own experience with sincere honesty, I must say that my life prior to HIV was very lonely and empty. It is as though HIV enabled me to discover the depths of myself and a new depth of connection with the greater human family through all of our suffering, not just my own.Something Absolute I am the "Bug Chaser." I am every man spoken of in this article. I am the man who has witnessed so many die while wishing that I was dying, too. I was once the hopeless, the depressed, the alienated, the physically numb. I was the one who could care less about the future; the one who felt so below another that I would put my life in jeopardy for that fleeting moment of intimacy. I was the man who slept with infected men, who had unprotected sex with these men, through the haze of alcohol, drugs, desire, and anger. I was the man who demonized my own behavior and hated myself for such behavior. I was the man who was asking for help in so many conscious and unconscious ways. I am the man whose life became full, whose life became meaningful after my seroconversion. I am the man who finally got his life back through a glimpse of liberation when I realized the depths of impermanence. I am the man who wanted to share the intimacy of suffering together and of healing together, and I am the man who knows true intimacy now.
  15. Great weekend again, got five loads pumped into me since Friday, damn I was glad to see him go home, give my ass chance to heal. But it's amazing how quick it heals. Every time I come on here it starts twitching again. Damn you Breeding Zone
  16. That was a great story, cheers for sharing , it was a pleasant descriptive read, felt as if I was there watching you.
  17. This is great wank fodder
  18. If you look at my post in this thread https://breeding.zone/threads/24816-PrEP-In-Ireland , I received a reply from a Prof Sheena Mc Cormack, who offered to speak to my GP on my behalf, might be worth sending her an email, she might put that ass hole Dr Of yours wise.
  19. She would have to be the only hole left on the planet to fuck either hole, but if that were the case flip here and up the shitter.
  20. Now I have to hand it too you, that was the best post you wrote, especially the first 17 words of the last line, But that said my good friend, I will say this to you only because you're a nice guy underneath all that macho exterior, you are intelligent and well able to stand your ground. But Don't ask a question, that you have already answered within yourself, and make little of the people who try to answer it with honesty and experience. It's not nice, but that said, just in case you are looking in from the outside, It's not necessary to leave because you don't like what you are being told, you are in your twenties not 10 or 12, you are mature and you do have a lot to offer, I think I speak for most of the community here when I say "we hate to see a brother leave", especially on a bad note. If however you have decided to go and you see this as a guest, I personally wish you all the best in the future, as do all the community here, if you do feel alone in the future feel free to pop in and say hi.
  21. I don't understand your attitude to be honest, you came on to a forum and asked for opinions in relation to your query, yet when you get such expressed you take on a dismissive attitude to opinions expressed. I understand they might not be what you want to hear, but members done their best to lay down practical responses to your question. If you already have the answers in your head, and you already know what you want why do you bother using the forum for questions, use google and pick the answer you like. It is not fair to dismiss opinions of other members here, who in my opinion do their best to guide people in the right direction.
  22. I am much the same as most who have posted here, I have always taken raw cock, from the very first day I took one, and it has been that way ever since. I have even been to bath houses and took several loads there. But lately I never seem to have the urge to go to bath houses, why, because there seems to be more and more guys in to the barebacking now than ever before. I am into the younger guy personally, and what I even find with my hook ups with them is raw sex. They never ask status, they never look for condoms, they never seem to care about anything other than loading a guy, or taking one.
  23. wow that was a fast reply, what we expected but a reply none the less, it was as follows
  24. Guys thank you so much for your valuable info, I found a paper on the drug an Irish doctor wrote, since and he was pro the drug, I will take on board all the advise and what seems to be the best route is contact the manufacturers directly, and I will keep you posted on the out come. Again thanks for taking the time out to reply it is appreciated.
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