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Everything posted by firefighter

  1. Love that line " How could something that feels so wonderful be wrong? ... Great story pity you never posted a follow up
  2. The Go-Pro line is a very good camera, and versatile in many ways, if you buy the black edition you get loads of attachments for it, including helmet attachments, great if you go skiing, water housing great if you're a diver, plus car attachments if you're a vlogger. It's compact and easy to use and it also has wifi ...
  3. If there was a star system for a posting on here, I would have gave this a gold star, fantastic advice and bang on.. Losttop I too have been where you are now, in exactly the same situation he was much younger than me, a student too, and I look after his every need. The same story he wanted to move on with benefits. I let it for a while as emotionally I thought it might work out and he would come back to me, but alas it was not to be. I gradually weaned him off, and I swore I would never be in that situation again, if someone wanted to be with me, they were going to be with me because of who I am, not what I have. I hope you move on soon, make no mistake it is tough, but being tough is the only way you will jump the hurdle and move on to the next stage in your life.
  4. The most unusual/exciting place I got fucked was when I was younger, There was a graveyard beside the dance hall the two of us headed in there found a slab and went for it, I hope we did not disturb them too much, though I doubt it the last entry was 1912.
  5. My fantasy is the young Hsa worker on site at moment, holy shit I would do time just to get a piece of him.
  6. I need to move locations lol, it's that or get a face lift
  7. oh crap where is the next part ? I hate when I read a great story to find it has no ending, i'm impatient too get writing or I will find you and paddle you myself
  8. It's showing ok on my PC, though the font seems different than usual
  9. Just had a load deposited an hour ago, my fuck buddy home for the long weekend nice surprise, I am sitting at work here with a hole full of cum, role on 3.30, start all over again.
  10. Fab story when is the next chapter, I cant wait ..
  11. Never been to the dock is it better than the BH, I am an aging guy now 51, but I love the younger cock (who doesn't)
  12. The twinks never arrive until after the night clubs I am going there this weekend, but I am waiting until 2am , maybe I might find a nice top twink
  13. The amount of work hours lost reading these fab stories is wrong (big grin) roll out part two please it's a long weekend here and I need some reading material
  14. Part two must be good it's taking a long time to create .. hot fucking story though
  15. That was one hot fucking story
  16. I have become addicted to these stories, love them.
  17. I cant actually remember what age I was when I had my first encounter, It was before I moved to Ireland so it had to be under the age of 12. I remember this one really snowy morning I went out as most young lads do to play, I was in an area where there had been a drift and started to build a snowman. Anyway I just had it finished and this guy opened the door of his house and asked me if I would like to come in, I was one of these kids that never had any concept of danger and in I went. Anyway one thing led to another, and I know the next thing I was sitting on the couch giving this guy a hand job and he giving me one. The strange thing about it was he lived with his girlfriend/wife not sure, and she just carried on regardless. Needless to say I went back there on several occasions after and the same thing would happen. Do I regret it no, did it affect me definitely not. Crap story I know but it was my first encounter and I never looked back.
  18. you make some powerful comments, enjoy reading them well done :)

  19. I have to agree with you bbfan, I am in the autumn years of my life now and I started BB'ing when I was 18. I used to up until about 20 always topped, and I decided one day to take it instead, and needless to say have never looked back. But anyway to keep a long story short, like yourself I have my preferences. I only let total tops cum inside me, Versailles cum over me, but that said I also too have broken my own rules, If you have a hot guy on you and he is doing all the right things, it's kinda hard to tell him to get off . At this point of my life I will hardly start using condoms now, and besides I have hooked up with many a guy who specified safe sex in his profile, yeah right for many it's just a term they add to there profile.
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