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Everything posted by bottombottoy

  1. I know im into what ever my top is into. I like being used for your pleasure.
  2. OMG I love my Chance! BDs toys are fucking awesome. That was my most recent purchase too! I am always on the prowl for more toys though. any suggestions?
  3. being fucked while dirty is such a major turn off!
  4. Its usally the big cocks that make me blow with out hands!
  5. blow it in deep!
  6. what do you crave most? Cock or loads deep in you? Cocks. meaty girthy cocks. do you ever feel satisfied or are the cravings insatiable? Mostly insatiable. But im that way with sex male or female. how many loads does it take to turn you into an “any cock, any hole, any load” guy? I wouldnt know dont take enough loads often. how old were you when you first realized it was about your hole/pussy/cunt and not your cock? Was it innate and there from the beginning or did you learn it over time? 23-24 ish I learned over time that my hole was to be used and abused. The hottest opening line i ever heard was, “i don’t care about my cock.” Do you even think about cumming? Do you have a need to? If the top is good enough he'll fuck the cum right out of me. no worries! when you are home alone, do you play with your hole or your dick? Both at the same time for as long as possible. are you afraid of how deep your cravings are and the levels you will submit to in an effort to satisfy them? Yes im terrified. I want it all but I dont want the bugs that cum with it. Do you tell your friends about your cumdump desires or are those separate and secret? They are secrets except to my wife. she enjoys my desires. what would you choose…sucking a hot guy’s huge dick or taking a taking a heavy-set daddy’s load up your ass? Hot guys huge dick... Anonymous sesssions or do you prefer to see who is fucking you? Either or. as long as there is meaty goodness in me! Is there anything more important to you than taking loads? Honest truthful people.
  7. I get satisfied by satisfying my top. So what ever get him going get me going hence why I pretty much like to be controlled and dominated (in the playful sense not the hardcore sense)
  8. I just wanted to know from people who do it.. Anal Bleaching...
  9. I get off on satisfying my top. So I do what he wants me to do. So I guess im using him to get me off. lol
  10. I was just wondering out all you bottoms who bleaches? Whats your favorite products? Whats your best and worst experiences?
  11. I dont know what I would be but im willing to take suggestions..
  12. I like em both, as long as they are good with the full package doesn't matter if they are bald or not! That is as long as their baldness doesnt inhibit them in anyway.
  13. there is a size limit??
  14. That is not entirely true. For the most part BitCoin has been trending positively. In the month of October it rose almost 100$ per BTC at a high of 220 BTC per USD, as per MTGOX. How ever its is a little volatile due to speculation. for instance in April of this year it drop 90$ but as you can see now it is well above what it was in April before it fell.
  15. Like i stated earlier, You can have anonymous bitcoins but the more anonymity you get with them the harder it becomes to obtain them. Also If you are paying in bitcions on the normal web, no matter how anonymous you acquired them they WILL NOT be anonymous. On a side not you could launder them in a deep web bitcoin market. Also there is no log of what you buy with them only that you used them or transferred ownership.
  16. best to drop the relationship and move on. your heart will thank you later.
  17. Glad a saw this as im a computer guy and just getting into bit coins myself. Bitcoins if obtained properly can and are totally anonymous. However the more proper you try to obtain them the harder it gets. Silk road was shut down do to many idots being complacent with what they were doing on the deep web (buying/selling hitman services, drugs, counterfeit merchandise and currency, escort services, pedophilia content, ect.) . not because of tracked bitcoins and the buyers were not arrested the service owner was arrested for hosting. As far as accepting bitcoins, I think all it will be ,is just another form of payment for the site. The problem youll run into is not enough people use it yet to be a revenue generator. But I know some people here might like it. just my two cents
  18. I agree with the first post. Get the one that you want cause with the body you got you know you can get "whatever" when ever.
  19. Age doesnt really matter. Im 28 and love older men. First time I was 18 with a 45 yr old. But that said attraction is strongly needed.
  20. PrEP is great for not getting HIV, but there are so many other STDs out there. Wish I didnt have to worry so much. I would be a nasty nasty bottom whore otherwise....
  21. PrEP while great against HIV still doesnt keep the rest of the bugs away! which makes me a sad panda. If it wasn't for the ability to get all these things I would be one dirty dirty whore.
  22. I to bottom only and am scared to death of any STDs or being pozed. I have only BB twice and I loved it so much, and my fantasy is to be loaded and loaded all night long. Lately I have only been doing it with guys that wear condoms which is fine, but it kills my excitement. I wish people were tested more and malevolent POZs were honest. Why cant a neg bottom take some neg cum from some honest dudes all night? its just not fair.
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