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About Pumpinmyhole

  • Birthday 11/16/1972

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Palm Springs
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    Airline crew, flying domestic only these days, so I'm in various cities across the country. Always looking for a load or two (or 10) while on the road.
  • Looking For
    Flexible with fulfilling YOUR needs. I love to make out and fuck, but equally happy to just bend over and take your dick and load. Pump and dump/1 on 1/tag teams/groups/gang bangs/anon friendly (anon hotel scenes are HOT). It's all about getting you off and getting your load.

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  1. I never would have guessed it was a new word for an old activity. I asked 2 different guys in 2 different cities over the last few months and got no reply. But now I know I can avoid all the "side" guys
  2. I've seen people on Sniffies listed as a "side" and have no clue what it means. Could you enlighten me?
  3. There's always a high flake rate online. But is it possible the emails you sent to him went to his spam folder and he hasn't seen them? You could always reach out through the app and say you've sent emails but haven't heard back.
  4. BB only for me. I advertise online as such, and I've sent guys away who showed up at my hotel expecting to use condoms.
  5. Every time I've gone ass up in a hotel, I get the same request at least once. And the guys can get pretty hostile when I say "no". I'm doing all the work here, and you want to come in a reap some of the reward? Yes, I'm greedy and want to keep it all for myself. I've had a fair number of tops that want to eat my loaded hole before they breed it, and that's fine. Especially if they're going to feed me some of the cum. If I wanted a dedicated felcher in the room with me, I'd advertise for one.
  6. Yes, shaved hole and balls
  7. I just returned last night from visiting my married man. I flew in late Friday afternoon, and took the 6pm flight out of his city Sunday night. He'd been going non stop for 2 weeks...2 work trips and a visit from his wife. I told him we could chill the entire weekend so he could decompress a bit. For the most part we stayed in, but we did go to a major sporting event that his company holds tickets for. I have to say, it was kind of fun. I never get excited about sports on TV but going and seeing it live was a different experience. Definitely would do it again. He picked me up Friday afternoon, and we stopped to eat on the way home. He'd had a crazy day and didn't get a chance to eat lunch so he was starved. So we get to the restaurant and I climb into his back seat and do a quick change so I don't have to eat in my uniform. I've never mentioned it before but he did something that he's been doing for months. We'll have our first deep passionate kiss, and when we break the kiss, he puts his forehead on mine and whispers "welcome home". It's definitely not my home, and never will be. But the sentiment is very sweet. Then we go in for our second long kiss, and when we break that he'll moan a quiet "damn you". As what often happens, my pants are quickly around my ankles, tie off, shirt unbuttoned. I was able to maneuver pretty easily this time and get his pants down too. So we're in the kitchen and he starts jacking me. Normally I consider this all foreplay but I must have been extra horny because I was on the edge of cumming. He went in on my neck hard, with his chin and stubble, and I wound up blowing a load on his kitchen floor. This would be the first of 4 times that he jacked me off that night. I don't know how he does it but he got a massive load out of me each time. We didn't even fuck that first night. I blew him and jerked him off only once. He was focused on making me cum. He seems to really get off on making me cum, especially when I tell him "don't try too hard, i'm not going to get off again". I've realized that just makes him more determined, and he's usually successful. On Saturday we both slept later than usual. As I've said, I'm super groggy in the morning and sex is the last thing on my mind. But he reached over, grabbed my dick and said "time for load number 5." I protest a bit and try to roll over on my stomach but he's not having it. It took him less than 10 minutes, but he got another big load out of me. Once I caught my breath and he cleaned me off, he said I could go downstairs and make my coffee now. I was quite wobbly legged going down the steps LOL. We'd slept late, I had coffee, and he likes to eat right away in the morning so he made breakfast. By the time we did all that and showered, it was after 1:00. We spent the afternoon just on the sofa cuddling and keeping with the theme of the weekend, he got another load out of me. We ate at 5:00 so we could go to the game. We probably got back from that around 9:30 or 10:00. When we got back, we cracked open a bottle of wine and made out on the couch for quite a while. When we went to bed, I'd prepped for a hard fucking and he was eager to comply. He slid in my ass in one slow steady stroke. He's pretty girthy, so it stings a little when he goes slowly balls deep...but I love that...especially from him. He usually fucks for quite a while before he cums, but this time I got a load in just a few minutes. But he stayed hard and kept fucking while jerking me, determined to make me cum again. This went on for quite a while, and eventually I came again. I didn't get a second load from him, but he kept me plugged well while he jerked me. Sunday morning I woke up and rolled over to see him already awake smiling at me. Before he could grab my dick, I slithered out of bed and ran down to make coffee. I went back to bed while it was brewing and he immediately put his arms around me, half on top of me. He started nuzzling my neck and I got hard immediately. He proudly got me to blow a load, again amazed at the volume. Is it possible that the amount of cum I produce is equal to how turned on I am? That was the last load of the weekend. After breakfast and coffee, he put some chicken in the crock pot so we could have dinner before he dropped me at the airport. We then ran a couple of errands he needed to do, and when we got back, I started packing and getting ready to leave. We had a nice dinner, eating and holding hands. I needed to be at the airport around 5. We had a lengthy make out session before we left...hoping to hold us over for a couple of weeks when I return. He seemed a little sad that I was leaving. I was logged into the wifi after I took off, and got a text from him that said "miss you". I told him I missed him already too. He has another work trip this weekend, and he said at least he'll be busy and working every day until I return. But we're both anxious for the weekend of the 14th to get here quickly.
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  8. You're spot on. He told me early on that falling in love isn't an option. Well, a second time he made a similar comment, I said "well, you're too late". I added, "and I see how you look at me, you have NO poker face". He didn't respond other than kissing me. But I still stand firm that a divorce isn't an option for him, given the amount of money he has. We've kind of decided that whatever the universe wants for us, it'll happen. Or not happen.
  9. I haven't written about my married man since late May, but I've seen quite a bit of him through the summer. You know, shortly before I met him I downloaded a sex tracking app. Of course, I started logging our get togethers from the beginning. I didn't see him at all last December - February because he had surgery and the wife was in town for most of that. But since we met in November we've spent 37 days together. The number seems small to me, it feels like much more. June-August, and so far in September I've had 2 layovers/month in his city. And I've stayed at his place each time. June, August, and September I've been able to fly in for 3-5 day weekends with him. July I wasn't able to because he had the wife was around for a couple of weeks. But at least I had the layovers later in July. So far this month I've had 2 layovers, and will be flying in for the weekend on Sept 30. Anyway, enough with the statistics. We've spent 37 days together and the intimacy level and connection we have has never wavered. We've both commented on it many times. We've tried to find the words to describe it, but we've both given up. It's just simply a magical time when we're together. And the quality of the sex never declines either. Sometimes after sex we'll be laying facing each other and he kind of shakes his head and says "I can't believe it's better every time". All I can do is agree. He hasn't done it for my layovers, but when I fly in for the weekend he'll create a music playlist for us. After I've changed out of my uniform I come downstairs and he has some wine waiting. And he'll say "Ok babe, here's our theme song for the weekend". He starts the music, we toast, and a romantic song will start playing. Then he grabs me and we slow dance for the first song. Sounds kind of sappy, but it's really very sweet that he does this. The highlight of the summer was in August, when I flew in for his birthday. It fell mid week, but I flew in the Thurs-Tues prior. We didn't have much planned other than I was finally going to get to take him out to dinner. While he was at the office on Friday, I found an amazing florist in his neighborhood and bought a beautiful flower arrangement. He was so touched, no one has ever bought him flowers before. I wasn't able to buy him a gift, as he wouldn't be able to keep anything that was too personal. The wife might question it when she visits. The flowers lasted a good 2 weeks, and after I left he'd send me random pics of of them and saying something like "just sitting here enjoying my flowers, wishing my baby was here". Every visit, whether layover or visit, is just off the charts in terms of sex. Most of the time we fuck in missionary position so we can kiss. But every now and then he puts me on all fours and pounds me until I'm almost begging him to stop. My nipples have never been wired, and honestly I find having them played with to be annoying. He loves his worked though, and he's trying to get me into liking my nips worked. So far I just tolerate it as best I can but it's so hard to say no to him. He doesn't seem to know the meaning of "go easy on them" LOL. As I've said before, I'm the one guy on the planet that isn't into morning sex. I'm just SOOO groggy, I don't feel sexy, I have anxiety getting fucked first thing because it might get really messy. But like I said, he likes to push boundaries. He's insistent that I cum in the morning and he jerks me off. I don't know how he manages it, but he makes me shoot more and farther than I have since I was 18. He doesn't want me to reciprocate either. He'll edge me a couple of times, it's almost like he's enjoying being in control, making me get off in the morning and deciding exactly when he's going to let me cum. Regardless, I give myself up to him and let him do pretty much whatever he wants to me. Our "anniversary" is in mid November. Now get this...it's 4 days after his actual anniversary. I don't think we'll be able to be together on the actual day, but I'll be going in the weekend after for a visit, which honestly is no bid deal to me. It'll be a somewhat limited amount of visits until then. I'm going on Sept 30 for 3-4 days, and then once again Oct 14 for 3 days. But after that it won't be until mid November. Since early March of this year, I haven't had sex with anyone else. He tells me that since he can only give me so much, I need to "live my life". But oddly I've really enjoyed saving it just for him. Never feeling like I have to, but that I want to. I don't know how long that will last, but until then I'm enjoying telling him that my ass is "his".
  10. Definitely a compliment.
  11. It's still free access for me in the US.
  12. I don't top very often, but I'll definitely pound a loaded hole
  13. I’ve been PumpInMyHole since the days of AOL M4M chat rooms, and I’ve been able to keep it on multiple sites. I almost created PumpOurHoles for times that I was feeling kind of versatile, but I don’t think I have it in me to manage multiple names on multiple sites. I always appreciate names that tell exactly what they’re looking for, such as Top4Ass or similar. I’d tend to click on those first.
  14. I don't have any luck with these functions at all. I never send them, but I receive and respond to them. I always say something like "Thanks for the oink/woof/whatever. Great profile and hot pics. You looking to meet up today?" And then...NOTHING. No further responses or replies. Maybe they're treating the woof/oink/whatever function the same as they do a "like" on social media and a reply isn't necessary? Regardless I find it frustrating.
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