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Everything posted by rawfuckr

  1. You don't have to take PrEP if you are 100% not having condomless sex. The current start/stopping official protocol is the following: 1) You take PrEP for 7 days to be fully protected. Some people say 2 weeks, but the doctors that run iPrEX say 7 days should give ample margin and drug buildup in the body. 2) You have sex during whatever period you may want. 3) Whenever you decide to stop PrEP you must keep taking it for 4 weeks AFTER the last unsafe encounter. Any sort of unsafe encounter resets the clock for 4 more weeks. If you just want to do 2 weeks, you can do a PCR HIV test after 2 weeks and if it comes back negative you can stop then. Definitely no need to be on it if you are not having sex.
  2. There is nothing on the horizon in terms of a cure or a vaccine. Even if they found the mechanisms for a cure or vaccine today it could take a whole decade to bring it to market. That's why interventions like PrEP are so important.
  3. This is Truck on Folsom street? How is the bar allowing this given how backroom-phobic the officials of SF have become?
  4. Sadly the cost of these treatment, about $100K for a 12 week those is going to make it unavailable for a lot of people.
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