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Everything posted by rawfuckr

  1. Here's an excelent summary side by side of both Tenofovir prodrugs, TDF (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, the existing marketed tenofovir prodrug) vs TAF (Tenofovir alafenamide fumarate, the new out that's about to come out) http://hivinsite.ucsf.edu/insite?page=hmq-1305-01
  2. The active agent, Tenofovir, is exactly the same, so I don't think they have to redo the studies. I think they are even trying PrEP formulations with TAF/FTC(Emtricitabine) which would be the updated version of Truvada using TAF
  3. European bathhouses and back rooms are super sleazy, specially in the south, Spain, Italy.. . I can't think of a place that's easier to hook up. The app/internet maybe more difficult indeed. I was in Gran Canaria for a while then the spanish mainland
  4. Just came from a long vacation in Europe and I've been a total slut. Way over 100 now. I'm getting fucked and loaded in places I wouldn't do it before, like back rooms and saunas. Not sure if I should be doing it, but it sure is hot. I also did STD checks right after my trip and all seems to be good. Not totally clear yet from HIV, but I'm assuming PrEP it's doing its magic? I'm sort of tempted to fill up the spreadsheet for this trip because it's going to be orgasmically fantastic when it comes to the numbers, at least by my standards.
  5. Doctors are always going to be on the conservative side to cover their asses. It's also true that PrEP is very new and it's not like it has been here for 10 years to make blanket statements about it. While it does seem that the thing is very effective with daily adherence we need more time or real world use to see how things pan out.
  6. On PrEP since december 2012. I take a decent number of loads, 100+ at this point since I started PrEP and I'm still negative. I've never had any side effects and I'm fucking raw now more than never. Unlike what people say, i have become even more of a slut. Just the other day I found myself taking two loads from a hot couple in a backroom in some shady bar in Gran Canaria. I would have NEVER done that before...
  7. Anything else that maybe causing the runs? I got the runs for a week! after restarting PrEP a while back. PrEP was not the most likely cause. After some introspection I realized I had got fucked raw in the ass just to proceed to lick his cock clean after dumping a load in my ass. 24-48 hours after that event I started shitting non-stop. I could not hold anything. Seems very likely I caught a bug in my belly either from my own ass, given the ass-to-mouth action...
  8. The formulation of Truvada is exactly the same than HIV+ people. Poz guys however, get a third agent which could pile on the side effects.
  9. My local clinic for gay men has a saying 'either swallow it, or spit it, just don't keep it'. Even when cum in your mouth is low risk, what you want to do in that situation is either to swallow or to spit it out. When you swallow there is zero chance HIV is going to go anywhere, but if you keep cum around and you have some open sores there is a theoretical possibility you may get pozzed like that. In summary, the less cum stays in your mouth the better, and swallowing works as well as spitting it out.
  10. Oraquick's window is reasonably short. Usually people who are pozz'ing turn + on Oraquick in 4-5 weeks. A 3rd generation blood antibody test is slightly better at 4 weeks. Just go to the doctor to get on PrEP ASAP and they'll figure out what test to do.
  11. Efficacy depends on how often you take it. If you take it daily efficacy is 99% to 100%. In a recent study, no one taking the pill 7 days a week seroconverted ( http://goo.gl/OYbi5f ) The 92% number could be from less adherence, or from different ways of looking at the data. Real world data now shows very high efficacy (+99%) with perfect adherence (taken daily).
  12. Not much luck for me on BBRT, it's really not my scene. Lots of people there are there to get a load in their butt, I'm more into fucking with hot guys without rubbers, getting creamed is just part of it.
  13. - These days I'm only fucking raw, that's the main reason why I'm on PrEP. - I never bring up condom sex, they almost never ask, and most guys fuck me bareback no questions asked. no previous negotiation. From bar hookups, to app hookups. Truly stunning how people despise condoms across the board. People will jump to have to have BB sex in a heartbeat if they are given the chance. So much public health hypocrisy about not recognizing this new reality. - I try to fuck with guys on PrEP or 'negative' guys. I haven't warmed up yet to the idea of letting poz guys fucking me raw but I'm thinking about it given they are apparently very little risk, in a way better than 'negative' guys - Very rarely I'll tell people I'm on PrEP. There is still stigma about it. They fuck me raw without saying anything, so that's good enough for me.
  14. That's quite tragic. It only takes HIV 2-3 days to take hold, so if you are not PrEP'ed at the moment of infection HIV will establish a reservoir and that's it.
  15. The people at the study I was were asking very detailed info about sexual practices, all the way down to number of loads as a top, bottom... really hard to remember on the spot. I wanted to give them the best data, so I just started with the spreadsheet. Once the study was done just kept doing because it was helping me to understand better my behavior. For example I found out I'm way more of a slut when I'm on vacation than when working. I'm thinking I should synchronize my PrEP vacations with work periods so I'm not on it all the time. I also realized I'm way more of a whore than I thought it was. I know this is relative, but the number of encounters were eye popping when looking in retrospective. I suggest anyone does the spreadsheet thing, even if its just for a bit.
  16. Of all the places, BBRT is the one I've had the least problems disclosing PrEP usage. Most people don't give a crap either way. Also, the number of Neg+PrEP seems to have doubled since a few months ago, so it can only get better.
  17. Ok! Is this a milestone or what. Since I went on PrEP about a year and a half ago I've been keeping a spreadsheet with how many people fuck me and how many loads I get. Today I got 3 loads from 3 very hot guys. This is very uncommon for me, but it happened. when I updated the sheet count is now up to a 100 loads since I started PrEP. I sure hope this works. I've been testing HIV negative all the time, just a bit of chlamydia last year that got properly treated. I have perfect adherence and have zero interest in seroconverting, I totally love raw sex though thus me going on PrEP. I started the spreadsheet because of the study I was on but I'm thinking its time to let go and just not think about it.
  18. Yeah, listen to bearbandit. There is really not much scientific evidence about what to do to stop PrEP other than the 30 day PEP-like course. Better to be safe than sorry.
  19. The case for that is the same on being done in the USA. If the gay men end seroconverting, we all agree that the healthcare plans will have to pay for their life-long treatment, so avoiding infections could be cost effective after all. It really comes down to the efficacy of PrEP not proven to be close to perfect if one adheres daily and then of course how much you can get the population at risk to get the pill, which is a real challenge. Does anyone have any idea when Truvada could go generic in Europe? In the USA I've heard sometime in 2017
  20. Well, it really seems it's all about 'buildup' in your system of Tenofovir. It takes 7 days to get to levels that afford protection so missing a dose, and let alone taking at a different time shouldn't really matter much. Still curious to see what the results of iPergay will be in France (just pop a pill before sex and 2 a couple of days later) but I'm wondering if that study is ever going to be finished. They are a placebo controlled study and the ethical implications of putting someone in placebo at this point are questionable. Also, the study is being done in France and to produce statistically significant results they are going to have to recruit zillions of people. They just announced they are having problems with recruiting and we are now looking at results in 2016.
  21. Bear with me here as I'm posting this minutes after hitting the wires but I've been waiting for the results of iPrEX OLE for a couple of years. Reading the press release here http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/268053491.html but seems pretty fantastic on a first read. In particular: "No study participant who took PrEP 4 or more times per week became HIV-infected" Which I guess it means than daily dosing has to be very very prottective. iPrEX OLE recruited 1600 folks and they were followed over a year and half. PrEP starting to look really good?
  22. I pay $5/month for it with my Obamacare plan with Kaiser. I bothered one month to get the $5 back from Gilead, which I did. Too much of a hassle with Kaiser though.
  23. Just don't mention condoms, most guys will not use them 90% of the time whatever their original stance is. If you talk about playing raw they'll think you are 'dirty' and have and STD and require condoms. Actually I've found that saying that 'I only play safe' is a good strategy for condomless fucking. They just think you are a safe fuck because your previous request for safer sex.
  24. There was this thing coming out today: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/peter-staley/antiprep-scare-tactics_b_5591961.html Someone went on Secret (for those not familiar with it, sort of a social network where you can post stuff without people knowing who you are) and claimed that even when he had been taking PrEP religiously he was just now testing positive with a Truvada resistant strain. I was done well enough to raise doubts in people about PrEP efficacy, and I'm sure that was the original intent of the poster. Assuming his story is false, and there are some pointers that indicates it is, why are people so fixated with bringing PrEP down?
  25. I see a lot of folks reading the Truvada label and start screaming of the horrible things that are spelled out there, so I'm sure that puts a lot of people off. We just need a lot more push in the community to reach out and inform people about it, let them know side effects are rare, and if they are there are manageable. It will take time but it's happening already.
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