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Everything posted by Brain&Brawn

  1. Don't ask, don't tell.
  2. I suspect there are a few other things that you do quite well. All good.
  3. #ISeeYou
  4. I don't give a care if you do or not. BYE!
  5. Not only did I not get you banned, I wasn't even responding to you when I typed those 2 words nearly 2 months ago!
  6. Thank you for stating the obvious.
  7. That right there is enough as far as I am concerned. I am not interested in appeasing evangelicals who oppose man-sex and equality.
  8. Yep. It's a pink-washing strategy.
  9. You think that I got you banned with a 2 word question? WOW! Your sarcasm was/is obvious. I guess you've never heard of "pink washing" and hypocrisy. Good job painting yourself as a victim though. And for the record, I DID NOT GET YOU BANNED!
  10. Fuck yeah he did.
  11. No mention of condoms. Woof!
  12. Sounds like not having one turned him on even more.
  13. And some guys don't ask or apologize.
  14. Horny bottoms just can't help themselves.
  15. Brain&Brawn


    How about leave your children at home. Don't bring them to Pride, or leather bars where men wear harnesses and jockstraps. That's what sane responsible adults do. BTW #ISeeYou
  16. That's what December 1st is for. Also, AIDS was unknown in 1970, when the first Pride march was held. Your request for "socially responsible comments" is homophobic. I suggest you learn about the consequences of sexual repression and the sexual revolution more broadly.
  17. Your premise about consistent condom use to avoid unwanted child support is completely wrong.
  18. LMAO! "Slavery" -- I've seen plenty of people paint themselves as victims but damn! That's a new one! I'm sorry you feel so powerless, vulnerable, and at risk of being enslaved. Businesses do not assume no-service stances in the present day because it is illegal to discriminate. Plain and simple. Doing so is a violation of interstate commerce. Did they not teach you about that in school; e.g. freedom rides during the civil right movement? BTW people made arguments similar to yours then as well; trivializing lunch-counter sit-in's as being just about hamburgers. Your proud declaration of living in a liberal bubble that provides opportunities to spend money in several places is not "anecdotal." It is irrelevant. It was not about a hamburger in the 1960s. It is not about cake, or chokey greasy chicken sandwiches, in the present.
  19. Good job dodging the issue and trivializing the point. You do have to buy from the only utility company that services your area. Or the only grocery store and gas station in rural areas. Or the only hospital for a couple hundred miles. And if all the insurance adopt a no service stance? Like I said (and you ignored) it is not about cake or one of those greasy choking sandwiches, but you know that.
  20. That is EXACTLY what he wrote for fucksake.: "I'm from Louisiana. Is that too liberal for you?" I suspect you knew that though and were simply trying to deflect and derail.
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