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Posts posted by hungry_hole

  1. 39 minutes ago, exploring said:

    Are Scruff and Grindr my best bet?

    Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this, but some guidance or knowing about similar experiences would help. 

    First step is to do the research online. One site I like is Squirt.org because they have a section of cruising places by Country, etc. A profile in Barebackrt is also a good idea so you can search profiles in the different places you plan to visit.

    In the Apps based on Geo-location the guys seems to be always the same, so Apps like Grindr work better when you are traveling because you will always be fresh meat, no matter the place you visit. Obviously, the chances for,...I'll let you say it.


    58 minutes ago, exploring said:

    and... hopefully fuck

    I've given you some advice regarding research and some websites. Others will give you other tips.

    No matter how many tips you get, ultimately the success or failure of your sexual encounters will be determined by the way you feel about your body, and how other feel about your body. Your profile says absolutely nothing, so all I can say is that your age would an important determinant. If you are young, which I would defined as 20's and 30's, your chances are better than if you are in your 60's and 70's+. The rest, just extrapolate. Apart from age there are variables that influence your chances to score, but age is a big one.


  2. It is true that there is a lot of competition for bottoms with so many around at the sauna or the Apps. But I think that the chances for hooking up depends also on the bottom himself.

    Most slutty take-all loads bottoms are older, I guess because younger guys sometimes don't have the guts until later in life. But young in-shape guys, or masculine-looking bottoms, definitely have more chances of getting fucked than a 60 yr old. I've even heard of total bottoms who would fuck and breed a nice young hole.

    I started bottoming bareback in my 20's and I don't remember having problems finding cock. One of the places I used to cruise for sex was the YMCA in NYC, where it was action 24 hours. But I was young and already a slutty bottom.

    • Like 1
  3. On 6/6/2021 at 2:42 PM, breakland said:

    Sometimes the moment I get excited or anxious my gut gets triggered and I instantly have to go,

    This is the toughest issue for a bottom because many are mentally prepared to bottom but the digestive system does not cooperate. The obvious thing to do is to eat less the day before one plans to bottom. But even then it is sometimes a problem,.

    This is why some guys end up topping

  4. On 5/29/2021 at 12:45 AM, TwinkSlut24 said:

    Does anybody have experience doing this? Tops have you seen bottoms like this?

    I'll just say that a lot depends on how old you are and how well built you are. If you are in your 20's or 30's and in fairly good shape, you won't have problems finding interested guys. But if you are your 60's or 70's not too many guys will want to fuck you.

  5. 1 hour ago, IntoBBvisitor said:

    For most of us it requires only one good trainer to turn us into a slut.

    It was in the days when every bottom demanded wearing condoms and barebacking was censored.

    Once at the bathhouse a guy fucked me in my room. After he came and  he was getting ready to leave he whispers in my ear "I left you a surprise".  I picked up the condom he had thrown in  the garbage can but it had no cum in it so I touched my hole and could feel his cum running down from my hole. I was once again hooked as a slutty bottom and never allowed a condom again.

    I miss those days when guys were afraid to bottom bareback at the bathhouse. I was known to bottom bareback at my local bathhouse which made my hole very popular because there were not many raw holes willing to get bred. It was then when I began bringing my glow-in-the dark signs saying "Cream my Hole" and stuff like that.


    Now, bathhouses are full of bareback bottoms.

    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, Bblover1986 said:

    I actually was hoping if anyone could just give general tips or advice about being at them and what to wear etc. 

    Your profile says you are a top in his 30's, which means that you won't have any problem getting some action.

    Just fantasize of what you as a young top want and then go ahead. As a top you can probably fuck for a long time so one possibility is to fuck as many holes as possible and then decide which one you want to breed.

    For more advice you have to explain a bit more of what turns you on.

  7. On 5/19/2021 at 8:35 AM, HungreeButt said:

    It's hard to say what determines if you'll get a good gang fuck.

    I find that one issue is lighting around the sling. I prefer very little light so shy guys feel more comfortable fucking. I was once at a sauna in South America  that it had a sling in one of the dark rooms and all the light was a small black light and the sling was surrounded by strips of leather which provided some privacy. It was the hottest sling I've seen in a sauna. I was wearing the shorts with a hole that glowed in the dark. I remember taking three loads one after the other.  I would hardly see the guys breeding me, just their silhouettes.


    I also find that twinks or other young well built guys get more attention. There is something about a young hole that guys like.

    • Like 2
  8. On 5/16/2021 at 8:47 AM, frenchyJules said:

    I got fully inside of him, of course bare, I didn't ask, he didn't protest. I fucked him a few minutes before I could not resist anymore and started to cum in him. I could feel my cock pulsating inside him, that was so hot

    The idea that bottoms don't enjoy breeding holes is nonsense because as frenchJules says "I could feel my cock pulsating inside him, that was so hot".


  9. 14 hours ago, rockhard801 said:

    As I feel the tip of his cock start to press into me, I relax my body.  He slides into me and starts thrusting in and out while softly kissing my neck and back.  After a few minutes the pace quickens and his breathing gets louder.  I know he is getting close as his cock feels much harder.  Then he lets out a moan as he goes deep and stops.  His load is exploding into me.

    I enjoy some post-breeding action like keep the cock sliding in and out spewing the last drops of cum, but having the guy dump his load, pull out and quickly leave is hot too. 

    • Like 1
  10. On 5/2/2021 at 7:30 AM, Xtraglazedonuthole said:

    ...I'm not the sexiest person in the world but I think I'm at least decent/ fuckable. But lately absolutely no one will fuck with me....31 and confined to bathhouse sex?

    I don't know exactly how fuckable you are but from the picture you look pretty good to me. It's impossible for horny 31 yr-old guy not to be able to get the sex he wants. You are doing something wrong because I know that 31 I could have all the sex I wanted and even decide whether to top or to bottom.

  11. On 2/2/2021 at 9:20 AM, FemNegBttm said:

    What are you talking about?! Lol

    FemNegBttm asked to my comment "The other part of the anti-trans sentiment is that trans women get angry if someone uses the "wrong" pronoun."

    People are able to tolerate religions and all kinds of behavior as long as it does not interfere with one's life. I don't mind religious congregations that mind their own business, which is not the case of Jehovah Witnesses or Mormons who insist in bothering other people.

    Why does the entire world have to be sensitive to a guy who happens to "feel like a woman"? This jerk from the video is a man dressed in pink who in his mind thinks he's a woman but he acts violently, just like a regular man.

    When a trans woman gets called "Sir" it only means that they look more like a man than a woman and it's not the fault of the people around them.

    I want to clarify that I'm focusing on the Bruce Jenner case who is a man without any physiological abnormalities and who represents everything what being a man is: Olympic champion, 3 marriages to women and 4 biological children. What I find most suspicious is that he admits he's not gay and that he's never had sex with men. If I had been his therapist I would have delved into his reluctance to sex with men. Bruce's charade reminds me of The Emperor's New Clothes story but instead of there being the fear of being "stupid or incompetent" in this case people pretend everything makes sense for fear of being accused of Trans-phobic, etc, etc. Here is the plot:


    Two swindlers arrive at the capital city of an emperor who spends lavishly on clothing at the expense of state matters. Posing as weavers, they offer to supply him with magnificent clothes that are invisible to those who are stupid or incompetent. The emperor hires them, and they set up looms and go to work. A succession of officials, and then the emperor himself, visit them to check their progress. Each sees that the looms are empty but pretends otherwise to avoid being thought a fool. Finally, the weavers report that the emperor's suit is finished. They mime dressing him and he sets off in a procession before the whole city. The townsfolk uncomfortably go along with the pretense, not wanting to appear inept or stupid, until a child blurts out that the emperor is wearing nothing at all. The people then realize that everyone has been fooled. Although startled, the emperor continues the procession, walking more proudly than ever.

    I've been thinking about what "feeling like a woman" and "feeling like a man" are. I would say that the experience of having a cock that gets hard uncontrollably has been for me part of feeling like a man. Because I'm not a woman I could only speculate the opposite, that feeling like a woman is feel the freedom to touch other girls bodies and be able to share intimate moments with other girls.




  12. On 2/5/2021 at 4:01 AM, rookie6969 said:

    For those interested in this topic Radiolab did an excellent 6 episode series on gender titled Gonads.  My opinions on this issue have often been mixed and have evolved over time.  This series of podcasts really gave me some scientific and human insight into the issue to have a better understanding of the topic.  You might check it out if interested.

    [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/radiolab/projects/radiolab-presents-gonads

    I took a look and I was put off by this "...host Molly Webster explores the primordial roots of our drive to reproduce, introduces a revolutionary fertility"

    For most women sex is about reproduction but I don't think that reproduction is what is in men's mind when we fuck each other.

  13. 2 hours ago, FemNegBttm said:

    What are you talking about?! Lol

    That at some point the best "female" athletes will be biological men. That's already happening and women athletes are not very happy because bodies of biological females and biological males are different. Biological men are winning the competitions and on top of that they feel proud of their win. It's like a young man feeling proud that he can beat a 70 yr-old man in a race. C'mon!

  14. On 1/31/2021 at 8:14 AM, FemNegBttm said:

    As a trans woman, this thread is pretty disturbing and the mindset of the OP is what creates most of the anti-trans sentiment in the world,

    Part of the anti-trans sentiment is due to the abuse of the Trans Movement. Now biological males are taking over women's sports something I find shameful. I don't understand how biological men can be proud of winning against biological women.  Initially women were not allowed in sports. Then women managed to participate among themselves. And now biological men are infiltrating women's sports. In the future all the best women athletes are going to be biological men. Ridiculous!

    The other part of the anti-trans sentiment is that trans women get angry if someone uses the "wrong" pronoun. All it means is that they still look like men.  Trans people should only care about what they believe about themselves and stop  worrying about how other people see them. If they depend so much on people's opinion it means a personal identity insecurity. I'm sure that I'm a man so if someone makes a mistake I don't care because I'm sure of my gender. Stop worrying about what people say and enjoy your new identity.

    • Downvote 2
  15. On 1/25/2021 at 6:52 AM, TinyClit said:

    until that moment I really thought I was alone in my feelings of femininity and desire to be cuckolded.  I knew I was at least part girl inside somewhere way before I learned about tv, cd, gender, or even submissive sissy cuckolds. I repeat I had these feelings and identity before any influence from any other source. To me that is proof enough that it is not a choice to feel this way.

    People have many needs but it does not mean that one has to acquire a specific identity.  You had a need and you thought that as a boy you were denied those needs. Bruce could have explored his needs that made him think he was a woman, but from what I know he never tried sex with men.

    Question to TinyClit: What are feelings of femininity? Can you be more specific? Some may interpret wanting to get fucked in the ass as feelings of femininity. I can love men but that doesn't make me a woman.

  16. On 1/19/2021 at 11:45 AM, downtownswallow said:

    What are you thinking when his cum starts shooting in you?

    Other than enjoying it and thinking of the cock shooting inside, I also make sure to open up my hole because I know many guys' cock gets too sensitive and want to avoid the guy pulling out before he's emptied his balls inside.

    • Like 1
  17. 13 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    As for your (frankly sad) suggestion that being trans is about "being able to look pretty and sexy" and the rest of that bullshit, all I can say is: take one look at gay male gym culture, at gay male fashion, at gay male anything, really.

    I'm agreeing with you. Men don't need to pretend to be women to get attention because the world of gay sex is quite often about narcissism and looking sexy. That's what I've loved about cruising for sex. I disagree with the premise that only women can be sex objects and I would prefer a social change that wouldn't define women to be the only ones to look pretty. Nowadays men who try to look pretty with women are immediately labelled Narcissist, and this would be a social change that would make sense.

    Bruce Jenner could not see himself as a sex object and he couldn't even try having sex with men. So he went thorough a complicated procedure to make him look like a woman so he could feel like a sex object. The attached picture is the evidence. He could have posed semi-nude as a man, but instead he appeared as the sad stereotype that women have in this society: Only women are sex objects.



  18. 22 hours ago, funpozbottom said:

    The take away from all this is that not everyone fits neatly into the gender boxes of male and female. Perhaps it's time to move away from the restrictive Victorian Era views of “male” and “female” and allow each individual the opportunity to be themselves.

    Male and Female are not leftovers from Victorian Era because these are determined by biological markers that can be determined by DNA analysis. If a man's leg a found in a ditch a DNA analysis will confirm it was a from a man, even if that man "felt like a woman" and imagined being a woman.

  19. 21 hours ago, funpozbottom said:

    You say you are male but would have difficulty saying what that feels like. But if you can't describe it, how do you know you are male?

    The same way we know how other mammals are male: we look for their penis. No penis, then it's female mammal. The difference is that humans have a big imagination and can start believing things. There are boys who believe they are Superman or some other fictional character.

    Having had a penis since birth has shaped by life and I can't believe a person who was born female can ever claim to be a man. Impossible! Similarly, there is no way a person born male can ever claim to be a female without ever having experienced having a female body. It's all imagination.

    I'm willing to have my ideas challenged, but I need someone to explain: What does "feeling like a woman" mean? I suspect it means being able to look pretty and sexy, and while walking have the gaze of others follow you.

    What I find pathetic about the Trans movement is that the goal of a man "who feels like a woman" is to look like the "traditional sexy woman" who is only valued by her looks.  I thought society was trying to move away from the objectification of women.

    • Downvote 4
  20. On 12/22/2020 at 5:45 PM, BootmanLA said:

    As an old saying goes, I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

    You're gay, right? You "know", deep inside, you're not attracted to women; you're attracted to men,

    It's not a matter of attraction that I enjoy sex with men and not with women. It's not that "I like men" more than women, but instead I like the way men have sex, with no need for flowers, dinners or even talking before sex. Somebody who likes anonymous sex like myself would have trouble with women who many want marriage right after sex.

  21. 7 hours ago, tj87 said:

    Dear Hungry,

    If you're Trans, the sight of yourself in the mirror - the sex that you've been biologically assigned, is so juxtaposed to what your brain expects (a form of body dysmorphia) that it causes extreme anxiety and depression - and an inability to function in daily life - from the moment you become sexually aware or maybe even before.

    I understand the anxiety and depression that some people may have but I question the quick decision that the problem is the assigned gender.

    If a 10 yr-old boy tells me that he thinks he's Superman and that he can fly out from the window of his bedroom, it would be stupid to accept his statement at face value. The obvious thing to do is to dig into the boy's need to be Superman, and what being Superman means to him. Same thing with a boy who says he's really a girl. You have to dig into what he means by being a girl and why being a girl feels so true to him. 

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