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Everything posted by find91

  1. Honestly, that is a nice thick cock, so I can see why vers or bottoms will be attracted. But the fact that you make it explicitly clear you are a bottom, they need to get over themselves and find a top. I despise guys that try to flip men from their desired position.
  2. That is sick💗 Nice way to give a mind fuck and not break someone's consent.
  3. Hard situation, I never understood guys that did that. If you're playing bare you already caught whatever the person has. The cum will not make a difference. I'm all for consent but no fuming during bb? Pulling never works even for straight couples.
  4. I so can relate man. That was me all through my teens and early 20's. I got rejected a lot because of my size or laughed at because some guys thought I was a freak. Was even told by one of my girlfriend that my dick was only good for loose whores. I've learn to own it but hasn't been all a bed or roses. It may sounds like it's nothing, but I think we all have our own cross to bear especially dealing with body image and self esteem. So becareful thinking the grass is greener on the other side it rarely is.
  5. I have never been into bug chasing. I understand some of the psychology behind it but it still doesn't sit well with me. That being said I am glad this difficult topic is being brought up and discussed.
  6. Again this is why dating sluts is beneficial. Had a buddy that would do this and go to the saunas and then we would hookup to fuck. His hole was always sloppy and gapping, fucking loved it
  7. I could just imagine your hole after that. Think you could of taken one more?
  8. I like all day fucks. Fuck, cuddle, rape, cuddle fuck some more. This is why I like whores so much.
  9. Love piss fucking. Love fucking and pissing in my "toilet". Love when I fist my bottom and he starts pissing uncontrollably.
  10. Also Covid-19 mainly kills those with preexisting conditions like diabetes or asthma. Guys trying to bug chase covid-19 will just most likely be asymptomatic or just have a mild cold, but the 70 yes old guy you accidentally cough on or your grandmother you hugged might die from pulmonary failure. Reality not so sexy. Nice story BTW.
  11. Also clean in stages. Don't shoot a top of water up their and think it's all just going to fall down. The intestines has bends and water or air can get trapped and come out when your top is fucking you. This can be just slightly dirty douch water or it can be sludge. You will just turn 30min douch into a 3hr one
  12. As a top I would rather the bottom cancel. Just be honest and we can reschedule. I rather a clean relaxed pussy. Than an angry shitty kitty hehe
  13. I don't mind a bottom fucking back. Moving around and girating too much is annoying. This isn't a porn shoot and no one is going to give u an Oscar or Tony for that wack performance. I had a few bottoms do this to the point I lost my erection, and one nearly bent my dick off he moving around so much. I stopped and called it. That shit annoys me as fuck.
  14. I totally agree with what you are saying, but the one thing you left out is a relationship was created and was willingly continued by both parties. The basis of any relationship is communication that be it verbal, or physical. There are times a Dom and sub can be so connected, it's as if the is an empathic telepathic link between them. You accepted your top stealth pissing in your ass because trust must of already been built or you at least felt same in him present. When you start doing edge play stealthing, raping, extreme S&M. These aspects need very explicit consent before, and even during the process, because they have the greatest to do harm. Weather that be physical ( i.e. contracting an std, bodily damage) or psycho emotional harm (sub or Dom drop off, feelings, worthlessness ( not in the good way) or confusing shame with how people perceive u). Furthermore, their are a lot of "top" that mascarade as Dom or bad ass tops when in fact they are just psycho's looking for a next victim. If you need to stealth a guy behind his back without having a discussion on non consentual sex. You already know what you are doing is wrong because you fear they will not give consent so you willingly took that power away from the bottom to get what you want. There's nothing brave or bad ass about it.
  15. I see what you are saying, but harm comes in many different ways, emotional, physical, psychological. What you said will only stem physical harm. I get it people are adults and are able to make their own choices, but violating the trust you put in someone comes with consequences. You can be upset when you stealth someone and they aren't pleased about it. As whorish and sluttish a lot of the guys here are sex is still very intimate and special act that deserves at least the most basic of respect, such as consent. Also, just a word of wisdom, stealthing can be prosecuted by the law as a form of sexual violence. So watch out who you stealth.
  16. It's more about power, than finding a welcoming slut
  17. From experience, most guys don't mind a young, innocent looking bottom. Tops not so much, can't tell the number of guys that rejected me because they assumed I was not hard enough from how I look. Or the bottoms thinking they can Dominate me because they mistaken me as a young novice. Their mind changes usual with a good slap and hard dick brutalizing their new cunt.
  18. Nah It's more of a pleasant surprise. Love an innocent looking whore.
  19. Stealthing is a form of rape. No concent was given. If you are being told you are being stealth or discuss prior that you would like a guy to stealth you secretly and he does. This is stealth play. It's a form or edge play. You were given some form of consent. Do not mix up the two
  20. Hehe nice, but seriously std's are just one form of communicable disease, they have been with us since our evolution because the virus or bacteria or single cell lifeforms exploited the fact that we are social creature that touch and exchange bodily fluids for variety of reasons. HPV is contracted by touch.
  21. If sex Interferes with your job, your friends and self image. Then there is a problem. When you get to the point where you have sex just because and no longer derive pleasure or its more about getting a quick fix. You need help because you are an addict, nothing wrong with you but humans need equilibrium in their life, mind and spirit to function properly. If you really just like fucking and / or whoring out yourself and it does not interfere with work, friends or family. You're a slut. Get back on your back takes some more loads.
  22. That dude was a dick and wanted to stir up shit between you and your bf. I see this type of behavior among gay men a lot. They not only reject but they have to twist the knife deeper to cause damage and pain due to their own lack of esteem, pire and jealousy. One thing your bf has to remember is that not everyone will be into you and that is ok. As the same you aren't into everyone. Where the difficulty stems from if you belong to an outlier group, being too fem, over weight, older than 40, you don't fit a certain category like twinks, bear, jock; not having 6 or 12 pack; being attracted to different body types; acting first like a human being and not some homo caricature. Those people get rejected so often it's easy to become jaded and bitter. He just needs to divert his mind from a bit and focus on what makes him a good guy. Have you both thought about cruising separate? Your look my attract a certain type of guy, while his another. Also have a backup plan to when you cruise, so in case it's a bust you both can have some sexy alone time.
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