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Everything posted by find91

  1. Actually prep was created as a prophylactic for sero discordant couples not to be a slut lol. Sluts just opportunized on it. Knowledge is power. Keep on slutting
  2. Just throwing it out there. Just fucking, dating Black/POC does not negate a person from racism and racial bias. Most misogynist are married to women. It's how you treat them that matters. Like a sentient human being and not some tool for your sexual fantasy. POC need to start loving ourselves and stop trying to access privileged by running after white. It is unfair to truly open minded white person and reaks of low self esteem and self hatred. If you are into "thugs" there's a big difference being attracted to dangerous men of all races Chavez, gang members etc. Then imposing that label on one particular race, not even taking into consideration that persons personality or how they themselves identify.
  3. What people forget is the power dynamic in all of this. Yeah you can like and connect with certain guys ( I myself when it comes to men isn' t attracted to twinks) but you don't have to get on a mégaphone and proclaim it to the world. A simple no thanks works. Furthermore, relegating certain individuals as second class citizens in the community or constantly denigrating them not only fucks with their self esteem but creates a power dynamic of have and have not. This is not preference.
  4. That stuff happens online Bbrt especially if you wait long enough. Also I have seen that behavior with some guys as they age. They all of a sudden become open to black and or Latin. Some down right turn into hunter seeker mode. While in their 20 and 30 they only had preference for white.
  5. I think why so many white gay men are time deaf to racism in the LGBTQX community is that gay culture has come to use to commodifying their members, but when the two people are of the same race it is passed off as preferrence. It's still wrong. Add race and gender and their is an added power dynamic that exasterbates the problem.
  6. Sad I can only like this comment once. Preach!
  7. Yeah he was a hot bottom. He did some work for Ragging stallion before going bare ( back when bareback and condom was segregated) haven't seen any recent scenes of him though. That would be nice.
  8. Happen a couple of times with me with a few bottoms. It's your ass secretions with a tiny bit of fecal matter. Wait 20-30min after douching your body should reabsorbe it.
  9. That's all I ask. Thank you sexy. The pandemic is still going on and not looking to become typhoid Mary.
  10. The younger ones and especially those in the bdsm community.
  11. Exactly. I've seen this happen a few times. You pigs stay safe. Well you get what I mean lol.
  12. When using catheters and sounds please remember to sterilize them properly before using them and sterilize them before using them on others or between use if changing partners.
  13. I like to positive reinforce sluts so I thank them for their services every now and then.
  14. You mean the bill being passed that lgbtq cannot be terminated due to their sexual orientation?? If it's that, I doubt it. Companies will just make up another reason to fire you or just bully you out of your job. Also it seems to me Trans individuals are fucked no matter, because they may be able to keep their job but will still be discriminated by insurance companies. Which fundamentally they may still loose their job because of health complications ( both mental and physical) due to the fact that they cannot access proper health services because they can't be insured.
  15. This happens to most of the bottoms I fuck. It's the overstimulation of the prostate and fullness that causes this. Best when it comes with an anal orgasm as well.
  16. You need to let go. You desire to not piss yourself and the over stimulation of your prostate is causing the uncomfortableness. Just let it out
  17. This is disgusting. I really hope you guys can get him out this Nov, because he is driving the US off a cliff into a lava pit
  18. So fucking true. Some people mistake fetishization as love and respect. They are so starved for attention. Any attention they will seek.
  19. I don't agree with all the recommendations. However, I do support the general sentiment and idea. Black Americans need to mobilize their vote to help elect black and anti racist governors, senators, mayors and Attorney generals, not just wait for the vote in November ( The presidential election is still important so get yo ass out there and vote. If covid scares you then mail in your ballot, but don't let your voice go silent). The police need to STOP USIN RACIAL PROFILING AS A TOO AND philosophy. It has been proven to not be effective in preventing or stopping crime and it is rooted in racial stereotypes and racial codification. I don't think just hiring more ethnic or black cops will work at this point. The police force needs an entire new overhaul. They need to be trained in deescalation techniques and how to deal with mentally ill as to not rely so heavily on violence and brutality to keep the "peace". The police union needs to stop protecting cops at all cost when it comes to police shootings. The burden of proof needs to be higher for a polices "life being in danger". "Smelling weed" and "shouting I see a gun without any proof. Cops need to wear body cams without the ability to turn them off. And they need to hire a more diversity, women, black, gay, non binary etc.
  20. True but still hope people can change
  21. Never be ashamed of having a loose hole or cunt. There are tops like me that love fucking loose hole
  22. The feeling will subside. He is lucky he did not overdose. The thing with PNP and drugs is that the high may be wonderful but you pay for it on the comedown. Some drugs like weed may just leave you tired the next day, but drugs like alcohol, meth, MDMA etc has some bad comedown. Some people can deal with it others hate it. He should just take this as a learning lesson.
  23. Have you ever though about just bottoming with just a jock to cover it up or would you not be into that?
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