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Everything posted by NJGB

  1. As title says, I heard that the chances of a detectable top breeding a neg bottom not on prep, assuming that lube is used for the fuck is about 1.42%. I have to assume thats taking into account the chances that the poz guy is detectable vs undetectable, or is it literally as it says in that if a detectable top breeds a neg bottom its really only 1.42%, assuming you use lube, and no shenanigans like a PA, a cruel condom, or a toothbrush. Do larger cocks have a significantly higher risk of transmission? Is there any more in depth literature on this?
  2. As title says
  3. It had a twink on the bed in what might have been a sports jersey and a guy fucking him with a biohazard tattoo on his lower back and a shopping tag as a bracelet on wrist had hot verbal and ended with the twink saying he’s taken 9 loads
  4. Hey so I know that chances are I am completely safe, I just wanted to run this by you guys. Yesterday I went back on PREP, took one pill at 1 pm. At around 5 I went on grindr and started talking to a daddy. I knew about event based dosing so I took another pill, and went to his house and got bred. So I took one bill 4 hours before and a second pill maybe 20-30 minutes before. Event based dosing says to take 2 pills 2-24 hours before. He says neg and Im sure he is, but I found at after he bottoms (I thought he was a total top) and he ended up blocking me on my way home. So I got a little spook he's a stealther. I am planning on taking my prep once a day as prescibed, but I don't want to spend the next 3 months wondering if I converted! Is taking one bill 4 hours before and a second before a fuck going to provide any protection in the event I was exposed to HIV?
  5. Victoria neg slut off prep looking for a van top that can go off meds and host me for a weekend
  6. Isn’t this just going to lead to more prep resistance?
  7. Do you tell guys you have untreatable bugs before you breed them?
  8. That sounds like really dangerous advice for guys who are only using prep for indiscriminate gangbangs or a night of sluttiness
  9. It takes 7 days for prep to buildup in the ass and up to 14 days for the vagina I was told to keep taking it for 28 days after last potential exposure. Others have said this is a conservative amount but as long as liver and kidney screenings were fine I wouldn’t want to risk it and would keep taking it till 28 days.
  10. An update We did not do it. I don’t want HIV but being on this site for 6 Years I’ve developed an attraction to the fetish part of me wants to spend the night on poppers taking unmedicated poz loads in my unmedicated ass but only because the rush and the thrilly risks would make me diamonds. again I don’t want HIV but I am into the idea of taking risky dirty loads to chase the slutty feeling
  11. Neg refilled my 3 month prescription in November but haven’t touched it since picking it up!
  12. What do you mean by die out quickly? Also say you were at a gangbang of 20-30 people breeding you and 2 or 3 of those cocks had those strains and planted loads in you. What’s your risk of transmission even if you adhere to prep everyday? What if it was near 10 or 15 if you do get hiv while on prep from a prep resistant strain how easy is it for doctors to still be able to find you an HIV regiment that manages the infection?
  13. Holy moly the amount of people just going cold turkey on their prep and not using it for 28 days after last exposure has me worried for new prep resistant strains popping up
  14. Hey guys 27 year old sub bottom here. I found a gift giver via this site, and we are 80 miles apart so next month we have plans for him to come over and breed me We are discussing the idea of me going off prep and I am hugely conflicted. First things first, I DON'T want HIV, I know its not a death sentence and its treatable, but my chase isn't because I want the virus. But I do want to engage in piggy subby sex with him where I over up my unprepped neg ass to his toxic dick. I know HIV is just a pill a day treatment, but it seems really stupid to be doing this while I am on prep. Any thoughts?
  15. Would love to find a poz group of guys to convert me in victoria or vancouver, PM me
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