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About ToyBoy

  • Birthday 05/04/1991

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom

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  1. where are all the online breeders? need some hot cum

  2. thanks for all the suggestions and responses guys... I have yet to try telling anyone on Grindr. I kinda want to just to gauge what the typical response will be like but neither the bf or I are ready to play around yet. so Idk why I would even say anything to anyone...
  3. So I was feeling fine until today, emotionally that is. After a huge-drunken fight where we actually broke up- and subsequently got back together, my boyfriend finally opened our relationship (and allowed me to have no internet restrictions as well). So on the first night that I was allowed to hook up with someone - I made it happen with a bottom who really wasn't that cute. A few days after what turned out to be terrible and awkward sex... I noticed some of the first symptoms. First the faint itch in my urethra, and then really painful urination. What I originally thought was chlamydia or gonorrhea, started manifesting instead as HSV2. My boyfriend was first to realize this, as his manifested in open anal sores. then we both felt the fever, back/butt/thigh/calf/foot aches, and the tingling/burning sensation in the thighs/butt/balls/dick/inner thigh. All the while, I was fine... it sucked of course and I was lamenting the shrinking of my pool of sexual partners, but i was fine. My bf went to the doctor today and got antivirals but I had yet to make an appointment (because my pain was less severe and I don't currently have a local primary care physician). Up till an hour ago, my case was the rare form of HSV2 (intraurethral) which is not visible and manifests inside the urethra. However, noticing a faint itch around my head as I went to the bathroom, I checked and small bumps are starting on my frenulum. This is when it hit me... and I just feel so bummed... Nobody on Grindr is gonna want to risk it and at 23, I feel like playtime is over before it began... I haven't been single for very long since I came out and I've never had a slut phase. I just really wanted the freedom to sleep with guys when the urge came and not worry about things... I know i'll be fine but.... ugh... my other thought, as I tried to comprehend the changes this would mean - was that other HSV2 positive guys (which statistically is high in gay men) would be fine with hooking up but the boyfriend isn't interested in even entertaining the idea for the future. But that is where my mind is at with this news--- how i will never have normal sex life again... And (I do read the stealth stories on here) but I could never do that intentionally... full disclosure is what I will be doing. I also feel like this puts friends/and people who know me off the list for future intimacy... I don't even know what I'll do If my boyfriend and I ever break up.
  4. this is one of the best threads ive read
  5. wow! is literally all i can say
  6. thanks for the links guys
  7. love that he doesn't ask or give warning that he's gonna cum.
  8. thats so fucking hot. id love to take a dick thats soda-can thick.
  9. Im kinda a newbie, can anyone answer this for me?
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