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Everything posted by tattedpisces313

  1. whats up guys...in the Bronx now..Riverdale area. and still offering my ass up as a cumdump for tops. 914.426.8999 - Myke text first.
  2. here ya go guys, open for loads
  3. havent been there in a long time

  4. one of my fav understall breeding videos!!
  5. id love to see them get inside of you. i want some!
  6. Not right in the city. But in mount Vernon if anyone is around here. It's above the Bronx. Myke 845-242-9744 m1k313@me.com. Any messenger tattedpisces313 or BBRT inkdbtm313 can take loads after 10pm.
  7. All of you can come over to my place and take a non-medicated load of sperm.
  8. Hey man. Ever get to to ny? Would love to swap with you
  9. Hey sexy man glad we are connected on here now.

  10. I get mine from here http://www.jenray.com/Buy-Maximum-Impact-Premium-4oz-Ethyl-Chloride-Spray_p_2161.html
  11. Hit me up nonmedicated sperm here. Live above the Bronx if u get up this way anytime.
  12. yeah text me if youd like sexy 202-538-1380
  13. i second that with rawTOP!! ill add some sperm to ya.
  14. Cool bud. Text me. 202-538-1380
  15. moving up to new york in a couple weeks. looking to meet some new fuck buds. a4a-bbpisces313 bbrt-inkedbtm313
  16. cant wait until u come up to NY so i can get ur loads

  17. Can't wait. Maybe I'll have to find some tops to knock me up on vid for this.
  18. http://tattedpisces.tumblr.com/
  19. I've been in quite a few dark..some pitch black rooms in public and in private settings and take the ducks that enter the room. The best is getting pushed against the wall and bred by a few anon tops. #heaven
  20. Cruising parks is one my favorite ways to collect loads. My ex got me Into that and I love it. The quicker the pump-n-dump the more time I have to collect loads.
  21. Always keep them in me!
  22. Hey bud what's up? DC area in silver spring. If interested. Text any time 202-538-1380 or yim or aim is same screen name as on here.
  23. hey guys right outside of DC looking for some fun guys to swap DNA, collect some new strains, give mine, the list can go on ad on....into just about everything EXCEPT scat, blood and pain/humiliation. i love evetything else or willing to try. Im white, 17 tats, thick small football player build, faux hawk.
  24. whats up stud. its Myke from your area we met on bbrt today. here I am. cant wait to get into some trouble with you and start cross breeding.

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