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Everything posted by marcsoton

  1. Have to say that I'm not a fan and didn't see it first time round
  2. HDK have just released a movie of Jarod being gang fucked.
  3. Think it's Liam Cole's "Full Tilt" for TIM
  4. Don't know the movie but the guy with the tattooed cock is Jan Losch (I think).
  5. Hate to point this out but you can only get a police caution if you admit that you're guilty of the offence. If they weren't guilty, why were you friends admitting they were? What's so different between pleading your case in front of magistrates (non-legally qualified members of the public) as opposed to a jury (non-legally qualified members of the public) other than the number (3 magistrates as opposed to 12 jurors)? After all, according to you, jurors always believe the person making the accusation in any event so it's not going to make any difference is it? Arrests may appear on someone's 'criminal record' but only if you mean by that an enhanced CRB check and, typically, they would only appear if relevant to the nature of the check. For example, you might have been arrested on child pornography offences and be awaiting a charging decision by the CPS when you apply for a job working with children. What would be the problem with the fact that you'd been arrested for child pornography offences being disclosed to your potential employer? Arrests do not appear on PNC printouts but warnings, final warnings, and cautions do.
  6. Dan Jones was an MP. He died in 1985.
  7. It's pretty important that he tells his physician as soon as possible and ask him to change his prescription or the effects could become long-lasting (speaking from personal experience).
  8. So someone who we can all look up to. NOT!
  9. Presumably you also get overly excited by people who dare to criticise the religious nutjobs who think we should be physically exterminated. After all, that we should be exterminated for the good of society is their truth.
  10. Love mine. It doesn't come out. Ever.
  11. Not so much when getting pissed but if my hole is getting fisted or i'm having a very intense toy session, i often piss myself. Wouldn't describe it as a low though - love it and so do my tops.
  12. Ass to mouth, at the moment, or I've been turned into a cash machine!
  13. Any guys on here go last night? How was it? Had intended to go myself but laid up in bed ATM Up for the next event if last night was good.
  14. Jeez, could you try to be a little more judgmental there? Why didn't you ask., 'Are the guys who are always in a relationship not picky enough? Always shooting for D- instead of D+? Do they not know how to do anything but compromise? etc etc'? I guess the reason you chose to frame the question the way you did is because you perceive yourself to be a superior sort of queer, a queer in a relationship, whereas everyone who isn't in a relationship is some lower form of life. It may come as a shock, but not everyone wants to be in a relationship. That doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with them. It just means they don't want to be in a relationship and they're just as happy with their lives as you are with yours.
  15. I'm now in a cock cage to reinforce the fact that I'm there for the pleasure of others, not for my pleasure although knowing that turns me on massively.
  16. How fucking terrible is that people may no longer be able to sit on their arses and expect those of who work to pay for them to do so? May be the government will do something to cut its bloated budget so that I get to keep a reasonable amount of the money I work hard to earn. That'd cheer me up no end.
  17. Like the sort of aggressive fucking you see in Maverick Men vids but the rubbers are a def turn-off for me.
  18. Think they're married but could be wrong.
  19. so do you, mate - you're making my dick and my hole twitch ;)

  20. Think you've hit the nail on the head there, seaguy. "If I can't fucked raw and my friends don't know that I do, there's no way I can get infected."
  21. I'm uncut and I've had no problems with my PA. The ring sort of stretches the foreskin a bit but it looks ok and is out of the way when most blokes see it any way ;-)
  22. thanks for that, shavedtwink
  23. Is Andre still doing raw porn? Seem to remember something about an announcement he made that he was only going to be doing rubbered porn. Does anyone know whether he's stuck to that? Hope he hasn't.
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