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Everything posted by SteveL

  1. Out With a Bang I was in a bind. The minor league hockey team I was playing for had just informed me they were sending me up to the next level. That meant a move from Los Angeles to Boston. Normally this kind of news would’ve made my day, but there was one thing in the way. A big thing. Two years ago I moved to LA straight out of college. I’d gone to school in Minnesota on a full hockey scholarship, but all the time growing up in Norman, Oklahoma, my real dream was to be an actor. A movie star, to be more precise. The next Brad Pitt or something. I’d done some plays in high school and college and even some local community theater, so I figured I’d give it a shot. I mean, it’s not like I wasn’t not good looking or anything. People always told me I had that ‘All American Boy Next Door Look.’ I’m 6’2, 175 pounds, with light brown hair and brown eyes, and having played sports all my life, I have a pretty decent body. But breaking into show business wasn’t as easy I as I thought it would be. I went on countless auditions and rarely ever got a call back. Sometimes I think the only reason I ever got in the door was because I’m as good looking as I am. Soon I got frustrated and disillusioned with the whole idea of show business, and decided to fall back on what I did best: play hockey. I tried out for – and made – the Los Angeles Lightning, a second level minor league team. It wasn’t the majors or anything, but hell, it was a paycheck and I was playing again. It also allowed me to keep going on auditions. That’s when I got what I thought was my ‘big break.’ I was leaving an audition one day, confident I wasn’t going to get the part, when this hot chick approached me. She said she worked for a production company that made specialty internet movies and said I had the ‘look’ they were going for and wondered if I would be interested. I wasn’t sure what she meant by ‘specialty internet movies’ and that was probably my first mistake. Even though I graduated from college, I was pretty naïve about the way the world worked. And I was probably too trusting, because it didn’t take much convincing for her to sell me on the idea. She explained the movies were mostly fetish stuff: short 15-30 minute videos where a good looking guy lets his girlfriend tie him up and tickle him, or a guy gets kidnapped by some hot babes. Cheesy shit like that. I told her that wasn’t the kind of actor I wanted to be, but she reminded me that a lot of people broke into films by doing lousy TV or commercials, and then she went on to name a bunch of people I admired and some of the shit jobs they started out doing. I finally agreed and within a few hours I was all signed up. So far I’ve made seven of these crappy movies. I’m glad they’re only available online because they’re terrible. In every one I’m chloroformed (fake) or drugged (again, fake) or somehow (yes, fake) knocked out by some hot chick and then tied up and tickled. I don’t mind the girls, but I’m ticklish and one time this chick I was filming with realized just how ticklish I was and wouldn’t untie me when the director called “cut.” She kept tickling me until I was panting and gasping and almost pissed my pants. I was hacked off but she and Terry (he’s the owner of the company as well as the director) and all the crew thought it was funny. Yeah, not so much for me though. But the biggest problem I have is they always strip me when I’m tied up. Just to my underwear, but even that’s bad enough. I guess I’m too modest or something. The first time it happened I objected, but Terry told me to grow up. ‘At least you don’t have to be naked,’ he’d said. ‘And besides, it’s only underwear.’ I also made the dumb mistake of wearing briefs the first time out. I switched to boxer briefs when I started high school, only wearing briefs to the gym or on a run or – as that day turned out to be – laundry day. But anyway, so there I was in nothing but my tight white briefs I’d bought at Walmart, with my hands tied over my head being tickled until I was practically hoarse. And then it got worse – because face it, it always gets worse – I boned up big time and it was embarrassing as fuck. For the rest of the day I had to put up with the crew calling me ‘boner boy’ and making cracks about my tented ‘tighty whities.’ After that first movie I made a point to always wear navy blue or black boxer briefs to the set. The first movie turned out to be a hit with the internet crowd. Terry offered me twice what I got for the first movie if I did a follow up and I said yes. Of course, what I didn’t know at the time was the majority of the fans were gay men. I had no idea what I was doing would have so much appeal to pervs. I agreed to a third movie and soon Terry talked me into signing a contract. And it’s that contract that was now holding up my new hockey career. Well, I’d just have to get out of the it. How hard could it be? I’d already made seven movies for them and that should be enough. Terry seemed pretty reasonable and I’m sure if I talked to him and explained my situation, it’d be no problem to get out of my contract. Boy, was I wrong! I decided to talk to Terry the day I was scheduled to shoot my next movie. I threw on a robe and went to his office. His door was open but he was on the phone. I knocked softly on the door jamb and he motioned me in, gesturing with his hand for me to take a seat. I sat down on the couch across from him and waited for him to finish his call. It wasn’t until he was off the phone that he told me he could see straight up my legs to my package. Shit, had he been checking me out the whole time? I knew he was gay, but he had a boyfriend so what was up with the roving eye? “What can I do for you, Colton?” he asked. “Look Terry,” I said, stammering a little. “I’m just going to be upfront about this. The Lightning are moving me up to the next level.” “That’s great,” he said, “but what does that have to do with anything here?” I sighed. “The new team is in Boston and they want me there next week.” “That’s going to tough,” he said. “You realize you signed a one-year contract and it’s only been four months so far.” “Yeah,” I said, “but I figure I’ve already made seven movies for you and today will be eight. That’s a lot. You’ve got other guys working for you, don’t you?” Terry nodded. “Yes, I do, but you’re our number one guy.” “I am?” I was surprised and, to be honest, a little flattered. “Yes, you are, but that’s not the issue here,” he said firmly. “You signed a contract and you’re legally bound to fulfill the terms of that contract. If you want to move Boston that’s your choice. I guess you can fly in for shoots.” “Yeah?” I asked. “You’d fly me in?” He laughed and shook his head. “No, you’d be responsible for your own airfare and lodging. This wasn’t going at all the way I’d expected. “Come on, Terry,” I pleaded. “I can’t afford that. Can’t you just let me out of my contract? Please? I’ve done everything you’ve asked even when it was humiliating as hell and I’ve never asked for anything.” “I think you’ve been paid fairly for your troubles,” Terry said, his voice sounded a bit clipped. “It’s not that,” I said, exasperated. “I just feel like a piece of meat sometimes. I didn’t know in the beginning what I was getting into and to be honest, I feel kind of dirty knowing there’s a bunch of fags out there getting off over it.” Terry sat up ramrod straight, took in a quick breath through his nose and pursed his lips. I cringed, figuring my use of the word ‘fags’ had taken it too far. But then he sighed and sat back. “Tell you what, Colton,” he said, and I was relieved he sounded so cool. “I’ll think about it. Why don’t you finish getting ready for the shoot, okay? I’ll make a few calls and let you know in a little while.” With that glimmer of hope I stood up to leave. Terry was picking up his phone to make a call when I left his office. “Close the door, please,” he requested. It was about forty-five minutes later when Terry walked up to me. “Good news,” he said, putting his hand on my shoulder. “I talked to the producers and they’ve agreed to let you out of your contract after this movie.” “Really” I said. “You mean all I have to do is make this last movie and that’s it?” Terry nodded and I gave him a hug. “Thank you!” “But there’s a slight change,” he said as I released him. “Anything,” I said quickly, so happy. “What is it?” “Okay, you know in the opening scene when Pam knocks you out while you’re on the couch wearing those boxer briefs?” he said, and I nodded. “Well, you’re gonna be dressed instead. And then, after she knocks you out she’ll strip you and tie you up.” “Oh, okay. No problem. So I can get dressed, right?” “Not so fast,” Terry said. “Instead of what you’re wearing, I want you wearing white briefs.” My shoulders slumped. “Really? Tighty whities? Come on, Terry, they’re so fucking ga–” “Look Colton,” he said, interrupting me before I could stick my foot in it again, “you’re getting what you want. We’re releasing you from your contract almost eight months and sixteen movies early. I think this is the least you can do.” “You’re right,” I said. “I’m sorry.” “Okay. Let’s just forget about it,” he said. “I sent Paul out to pick up some briefs. We’ll start as soon as he gets back.” Now I was excited. A few more hours and I was done! Despite the money I got from doing these movies, they were pretty demeaning and I regretted ever signing that damn contract. Paul was back a few minutes later and handed me a three-pack of Tommy Hilfiger briefs. I took them and went back to my dressing room. I didn’t have breakfast so I stopped at the craft services table where – shit, I always forget his name – was setting out trays of pastries and sandwiches and stuff. “Hey, do you have any of that juice you had last time?” I asked, grabbing a sandwich and a napkin. “Yeah, but I haven’t brought it in yet,” he replied. “Give me two minutes and I’ll bring some to you in your dressing room.” “Thanks.” Once in my dressing room, I tossed the package of underwear onto one of the chairs and slumped onto the couch. Talk about a final humiliation. A few moments later there was a knock on the door and the craft services guy poked his head in. “Here’s your juice,” he said and handed me a big glass. I thanked him and took a drink before I opened the briefs and slipped on a pair. Hmmm… they were a lot softer than the ones I had and fit a helluva lot better, too. My dick is six inches or so when soft and I’ve got pretty big balls, but these briefs cupped them just right and made them feel snug and cozy. I checked myself out in the mirror and actually liked how they made my butt and package look. Nice. I shrugged and tossed the remaining two into my bag to take home. I finished dressing and then sat and waited for the call to go to the set, polishing off my sandwich and juice. I was texting my buddy when a production assistant knocked on the door and let me know they were ready. Normally I’m nervous before shooting, but I was feeling oddly calm as I walked onto the set. The way the scene was set up had me sitting on the couch watching TV while Pam snuck up behind me and knocked me out with chloroform. Terry always told me I ‘went out’ better than most people. Said I made it look authentic. That was probably the only thing I was proud of in doing these schlocky films. The set was basic: couch, coffee table, entertainment center, and bed. After Pam ragged me she would drag me to the bed, undress me and tie me up. “Okay, here’s the set up,” Terry explained. “You’ll be watching the game and you hear the door but you don’t turn to look. You just hold your empty glass up and ask Pam for another.” I noted the large tumbler on the coffee table as Terry continued. “Instead of a refill, she presses the cloth over your nose and mouth and… well, you know the drill.” I looked around but didn’t see Pam. “Where’s Pam?” I asked. “She had a phone call,” Paul explained. “She’s already been briefed about the new set up. She’ll be back in a minute.” I nodded and Terry asked if there were any questions. There weren’t any so he called for quiet on the set and told everybody to take their places. I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, pleasantly surprised it was hooked up to cable, and tuned to ESPN. The Minnesota Wild were playing. Bonus! “And … Action!” All I had to do was sit and watch TV and as soon as the cloth was pressed to my face, struggle and pretend to pass out. No big deal. Since this was my last movie I’d make it look extra good and convincing. I picked up the glass to take a drink and noticed it was completely full. Why would the prop guy fill it all the way full when I’m supposed to be asking for a refill in about thirty seconds? What a fucking idiot. I sighed inwardly and began to drink it all down. I heard the door knob click and I quickly finished the juice. “Hey Pam,” I called out, my eyes not leaving the screen as Terry instructed, “get me a refill, will ya?” There was no response but I could hear footsteps approaching so I held the glass up for her to take, mentally counting down the seconds. One … two … Suddenly the cloth was clamped over my nose and mouth. What the – Something was different… wrong. The cloth stank and – oh fuck – was this real chloroform? I began to struggle. “Mmmpphh!!!!” I tried to twist away, but the hand pressed more tightly against my face. This couldn’t be Pam. I mean, she’s strong but this was definitely a man’s hand I was trying to pry off my face. What the hell?! I tried again to buck the guy off, but by now I’d gotten a good dose of the chloroform and was feeling a little light-headed. To make matters worse, another set of hands reached over the couch and grabbed my hands, restraining me. The hand holding the rag didn’t let up and I could feel myself getting weaker and more tired. Within a few seconds I was drifting out of consciousness. “Cut!” I vaguely heard. There was a pounding in my head, kind of like when you hold a seashell up to your ear, and I could barely move. “Is he still awake?” somebody asked as my eyelid was lifted. I tried to see who it was but I couldn’t focus. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. “Yes,” another voice said, “but he’s pretty out of it and will be for a few minutes. That should be enough time to get everything set up.” I felt my body being lifted and drag-walked from the couch to the bed, barely registering as two blue, diamond-shaped tablets were put in my mouth, a bottle of water held to my lips, and a hand stroked my throat, coaxing me to swallow the pills. Then I was eased onto my back. “What did you give him,” somebody – Kirk I think his name was – asked as he picked up the glass I’d dropped, sniffed it, and placed it back onto the coffee table. “G&T,” Terry replied and it sounded like he was smiling. “Ah,” Paul chuckled. “Gina and Tina: my two favorite ladies.” “Yeah, they’ll put him in the mood we want,” Terry further explained. “I made sure the juice he had in his dressing room was dosed with a little G just to chill him out. With what he just drank, he’s gonna be feeling really good in a few minutes, and in the movie he’ll look like a total team player–” “Yeah… catcher,” somebody else interjected and everybody began to laugh. I didn’t know what that meant and I didn’t know who Gina and Tina were. The only girl I’d seen today was Pam, and it looked like she was gone now. Somebody began to unbutton my shirt. I looked up and the guy winked at me. “How ya feeling?” I shrugged my shoulder and smiled. “Excellent,” he said. I noticed commotion behind him and watched as crew members brought in a padded bench and what looked like a saw horse. Then they began to set up a big contraption that reminded me of my sister’s canopy bed, except there were chains hanging from it and a black hammock-looking thing. My shirt was pushed back off my shoulders and slid off. Then I felt my belt being unbuckled. I should’ve been panicked, but I was feeling warm and shiny. And a little amped. “What’re you doing?” I slurred as the button on my pants was undone and my zipper was pulled down. I felt like I was floating… and suddenly it was no big deal at all. I was hauled to my feet and held up by strong hands on both sides as my pants fell to my ankles. I opened my eyes and saw Terry coming over. What was happening? I tried to talk but couldn’t make my mouth work. Terry was in front of me now. He reached out and gave my nuts a squeeze through my briefs. My dick twitched. The hell?! “Okay guys,” he said, “let’s get his pants off.” They laid me back down on the bed, took off my shoes and socks and then stripped my pants off. I was naked now except for my underwear. “Unhhh…” I moaned as hands began to roam over my body. I began to arch into the sensations. Fuck, I was flying! “Yeah, he’s feeling it now,” Terry said. I was pulled back to my feet and held in place once again by a couple of the guys. Terry came over and stood next to me. He clapped his hands. “Gentlemen, your attention please!” he called out. The crew gathered around and I struggled not to sway. Terry rested a hand on the small of my back and as he began to speak he dipped his fingers beneath the waistband of my briefs and I felt his index finger trace the crack of my ass. “As you may have heard,” he announced, “Colton here is moving on to bigger and better things and this will be his last movie with us. You can see there’s been a bit of a change to the script, and we’ve changed the title as well. The new title is ‘Out With a Bang’ and I think it will be his best one yet.” There was a burst of laughter and then he continued. “Now don’t worry, you’ll all get your turn, so be patient.” He reached down and started stroking me through my briefs. I felt myself getting hard and I wanted to be shocked, but instead I groaned my pleasure.“Let’s get his underwear off and the cameras rolling, okay?”Somebody grabbed my face and shoved a cock deep in my mouth. More hands roamed all over my body and I started to feel really tingly. Something was I was carried back to the bed and watched as my briefs were tugged down, staring in fascination as my now fully erect dick bobbed up and then slapped my stomach. What the fuck? Why was I so hard? I was eased down onto my back. I was stark naked and spread eagle when a set of lips began to play with and nibble my nipples while a hand grabbed my cock and started to jerk on it. I moaned as another began to tug on my nuts. very wrong because no way in fuck would I ever feel this good about dudes touching me! I was lifted off the bed and brought to one of the padded wooden benches. I was tied in a way that had me down on all fours, but left my dick, ass and upper body exposed. Somebody got down under me and began to suck my cock. I tried to cry out again, but somebody yanked on my hair and another dick slipped between my lips and suddenly I was being face-fucked. I could hear voices all around me, but they seemed to all blend into one. Two small brown bottles were put up to my nostrils and I was forced to inhale from them. It felt like fireworks were going off in my head and my body began to vibrate with excitement. “Unnnnhhh…” I moaned, my voice still muffled by the dick in my mouth. My head was spinning round and round. I was given several more hits from those little bottles before they were taken away. The dick in my mouth slid out, only to be replaced by another, and the face-fucking started all over. The first guy hadn’t come, thank God, but the second guy did, almost immediately, and I found myself forced to swallow. The first guy was still there and he was furiously jerking off as he watched me being skull-fucked. Suddenly he yelped and shot his load all over my face! The cock in my mouth pulled out and yet another one took its place. There seemed to be a never-ending supply of dick filling my mouth. If cum wasn’t being shot down my throat it was being sprayed across my face or onto my body. Soon I was covered in cum, my own as well as others’. It was in my hair, up my nose, and in my ears. It was rubbed all over my body, smeared across my face, and even into my ass crack. Hand after hand pumped away at my dick, which was so hard. A finger coated with some kind of lubricant jabbed at my asshole and I squirmed in pain. Then a second finger joined it and began to stretch and pull. I don’t know how long they spent prepping me because whatever was in the brown bottles they kept shoving under my nose had me in a daze. The dick in my mouth suddenly slipped out and I turned my head to see Terry kneeling next to me. He was tying some kind of rubber tubing to my bicep like a tourniquet and then held up a syringe. He flicked it twice and injected it into my arm. I immediately began to cough and sputter and when the wheezing fit passed, I felt hands on my hips and something thick and blunt against my entrance. Oh my God… My hole was wet and slick and the dick thrust its way in. “Oh fuck!” I cried out as it pushed past the ring of muscle and I felt balls slap against my ass. It felt fucking fantastic! I wanted to cry out again, but a dick shoved its way into my mouth and all I could do was moan and take it. They fucked me and used me like they owned me. Then Terry took his turn, making sure to take his time. His cock raked over something inside me that made me quiver and moan and my already hard dick felt like it could cut glass. He laughed and kept aiming at the spot. He called me all kinds degrading names, and the rest of the guys, lined up and waited their turn, laughed and joined in on the name-calling. Terry pulled out and a moment later slid his finger back in. I felt a burning sensation and then – holy shit – I wanted to be fucked even more! I wiggled my ass and Terry smacked it – hard – before pushing back in with a vengeance. The fucking started all over again. In and out, in and out, in and out. It was nonstop for I don’t know how long. It seemed like every stroke was hitting that magic button inside of me and I couldn’t help but moan because it was feeling so fucking good now. I felt like some kind of cheap whore but I didn’t want it to stop! It felt so good to be fucked and I wanted more. I might have passed out a couple of times, but Terry made sure to keep me coherent. At one point he shot me up with the syringe again. By that time though, I’d lost track of how many cocks I’d taken in my ass and down my throat. The last thing I remember was Terry standing in front of me holding a white cloth. He covered my nose and mouth with it and held it in place until everything went black. I woke up in my own bed. I don’t know how much time had passed or how I’d gotten there. My head throbbed, my ass hurt, and my jaw felt like it was out of joint. I was covered in cum and wearing just the briefs I’d been given for the shoot. I crawled out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom. I almost didn’t recognize myself in the mirror! My hair was all spiked up with what I assumed was dried cum and there was still more on me – not yet dried – that glistened on my face, neck, chest… shit, even under my armpits! I felt sticky and tacky all over. And my neck was covered in hickeys. I dropped to my knees and hurled into my toilet. My ass burned and I gingerly slid the briefs down. What the fuck? As I pulled the briefs away, grossed out at much cum was in them, I stared in shock. My pubes were gone. They shaved my crotch? What the holy fuck?! I staggered into the shower and turned the taps on full blast, letting the hot water wash all the jizz off me. I stood there until the water went cold before finally turning it off. I dried off, careful to avoid my dick, nuts, pecs and ass, because they were all red and sensitive. I wrapped the towel around my waist and made my way slowly into the living room. There was a manila envelope next to my phone, wallet and keys on the coffee table. My name was scrawled across it. Inside was a DVD and a note. I unfolded the paper. ‘Colton – True to my word, I’ve torn up your contract. The DVD is a rough cut of your last movie. I think it’s some of your best work to date. If your hockey career doesn’t work out, there’s always a place here for you. The movie is only for a select few. However, I’ll release it to the public if you do anything stupid like go to the cops. Then, not only will it be uploaded to the internet, but I’ll send it to every team in the league as well as your family, friends and every contact in you phone.’ I picked up my phone. There were a couple of missed calls and a bunch of text messages from a number I didn’t recognize. I opened the first one: it was a clip of me begging to be fucked. I closed it in horror and opened the next: me being fucked in the mouth and ass. Shit. I was so screwed.
  2. Brilliant play leaving Rob unfulfilled, wanting more, and made to feel worthless!
  3. Holy f*ck!
  4. Another home run chapter!
  5. Before we put him to work ... hmmm ?
  6. Awww... poor Rob. Not! Another excellent part!
  7. You certainly don’t disappoint!
  8. Loooove it!! He wants more!
  9. Let the deflowering begin!
  10. Oh! My! Gawd! This is AWESOME!
  11. Nice!! Getting closer!
  12. Well, THAT was worth the wait!!
  13. Soooo close!!!!!
  14. Absolutely fantastic. Incredible build up.
  15. I love how he's getting sucked in deeper and deeper...
  16. This is really excellent for a first story. It’s well-written and well-paced. It reads as very believable. Rob is the perfect mixture of cocky and confident that screams to be taken down a peg or two. Or three. Can’t wait to read what’s coming next.
  17. Loving this so much. Great work.
  18. Oh fuck yeah!
  19. Oh man!! This is excellent. Can’t wait for Rob to get to the party!
  20. Yessss!!!
  21. Will there be more or has the story ended?
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