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  1. ME: early 30s fit, white, tight, discrete, masculine Neg Professional Pilot YOU: under 40 and fit POZ (not undetectable) Willing to come to New Orleans Willing to be rough and give me what im looking for The more intense the better. Pic attached is my hole after a dude tortured my hole with his finger.
  2. Interestingly over the course of several years my intense fear of becoming hiv+ turned into a fear/fantasy/mindfuck which I cant seem to let go of. In the past I have always been basically into oral only, and occasionally topped in relationships. I have never gotten physical pleasure from bottoming and still dont. However, lately the intensity/fear/lack-of-control of bottoming (for a dominant guy) is really exciting for me: so far in the last 4 months I have taken 5 loads. All bare, no lube just spit, from guys 20-30y/o. Twice I bled so I realize there was some risk involved, especially given one wanted to "roleplay" that he was pozing me. .... Anyway to the point of my post. I think I want to take the step of actively looking for an aggressive/rough/young top to convert me but I'm afraid of a few things: 1. Is asking for it even legal? 2. How do I go about finding people to do it? It seems like most poz guys (albeit kindly) will not admit to topping bare. 3. I dont exactly want to just say "looking for bare" and wonder when it happens. I want the experience of knowing that it could happen this time etc. Any suggestions on how to proceed? I'm in new orleans and could travel but not far.
  3. Well guys, so I figured an update was in order. I finally agreed to let that guy fuck me (no lube) while I was restrained. I have to say it was one of the most intense, scary, painful, and HOT (at least in retrospect) experiences of my life. He just walked in, secured me down, and started to try forcing it in. I was screaming, freaking out, horrible tearing/burning pain, and I started bleeding. I'm extremely tight but that was kinda the point I guess. Anyway at least I have some wild memories though my butt is still recovering. Had my friend come over after to untie me and he took a few pictures, thought you guys might want to see the result. You need the p in. I'll change it in a day or so, please do not share it outside of this site thanks. 7887 http://www.XTube.com?s=8LpzhFz75Ce
  4. Love see in the cum leaking outta your ass - -now just need to do a vid of ya getting it shot in

  5. I'm neg. Always been a top (only bottomed once in highschool) and I don't get pleasure from bottoming. But lately I've been craving being hate-fucked. Less for my pleasure and more for the mind-fuck. The whole psychology of being tied down on my bed when a guy walks in is really intense for me. Anyway, I've done this twice so far (and these were the only times I've barebacked before). For those who have become poz: I'm curious, how many times did you bottom bare before it happened? Disclaimer: I understand it can happen after one occurrence.
  6. So I recorded my first ever bareback load dripping out of my butt lol. Was a wild experience. The guy was bi, visiting, said he was neg, and aggressive. No lube just spit. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=z6GzH-G395-
  7. So I have basically always been a top, though more oral than anything. Until last week I had only bottomed twice and never bareback. Didn't even like it the couple times I bottomed. For whatever reason, in the last few weeks, I've been obsessed with the idea of being tied up and hate-fucked lol. I basically knew I would hate it and that it would be painful but it seemed like for some reason I had to do it. Anyway, I found a hot bi guy who was visiting (said he is neg), who wanted to be aggressive and find me tied up and just spit and force it in me. Basically we agreed that he would walk in find me mostly tied up -- i would tie my own feet one arm ... face down --- and he would undress, turn up the music (I share a house), tie up my other arm, and just spit on his dick and force it inside of me. The agreement was that no matter what my reaction was, no matter what happens, he would keep going till he was done. It was one of the most intense / painful / consuming / hot / experiences I've ever had. Anyway, just wanted to share (I have a video posted on x-tube of me pushing out his load.... not sure if I'm allowed to link to it here?)
  8. Was just talking to him about it. He said he precums some so he said no spit. Yeah I suspect it will be painful. Might give it a shot lol
  9. So, I'm new to bottoming (bottomed 4 times). Naturally super tight. In the last two weeks I've been overwhelmed by this fantasy of being hate-fucked by a guy with no lube. Sort of thing where I am tied down, and just agree that it gets forced in. I found a guy who might be willing to do it. I'm curious if anyone else has tried this? How bad was it?
  10. New to the site. Bottoming bare for the first time tonight... just wanted to share my experience

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