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Everything posted by Sharp-edge

  1. I really thank you for all your comments, your support means a lot. My ginger feels sad, like he's to blame (but of course he's not). He thinks I shouldn't have introduced me and I shouldn't be pushing things further than that. But I don't blame him, it's the society that makes him (and many of us) feel that way (that you're not very normal and as such offensive behaviours are tolerated). But seasons change and we stayed far too long in the darkness. I have no issue of accepting my sexuality. I'm a left hander, the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I live in a world made for right handers and I try to survive all these right-oriented objects that affect my life. Everyone is just saying that it's strange that I use my left hand. But I was always thinking they're stupid, we have two hands that are mirror images of each other, I use the left. Is this so serious? So that made me think later that I'm also different in sexual preferences. People can't get that i'm lefty, maybe asking them to comprehend my orientation is too much. Why am I saying this? Because what I believe (that gays are just gays, not sick people or anything) and for all the people who get bullied someone needs to make a start. So yeah, I'm gonna push things further, until I set things right. She can believe whatever she works but her actions are subject to law and my rights are legally protected. I started making some contacts and I believe a kind of report will be filled tomorrow or the day after that. I've also been advised to have a lawyer. I will keep u posted guys
  2. I'm working in a university as a researcher. That means I'm by no means permanent, I have a contract that expires every year and is renewed. I'm semi-closeted if this term exists. This means I won't say hey dudes I'm gay! but if you ask me maybe I will say I'm gay and I have a bf. However I have not said any of these at my work until very recently. Something inside me said "enough" so in an event I brought my bf and introduced him. Thankfully all my colleagues were very excited and were happy to meet him. All but one, the professor. She said that I'm embarassing the laboratory (but really there is nothing embarassing, even if being str8 looking matters, we are both like that). She called us [banned word] behind our backs and another word (that if I were to translate it precisely it would be the one who survived an abortion). I didn't know but she has a thing against gay people. I just feel unwanted since then and my job at jeopardy. I'm not sure if I care about that, I don't want to work for people that I don't appreciate but I won't just observe her fire me for being gay. I told her that I know all that and I feel deeply offended and that after 7 years of collab I hoped better than that. She told me it's not personal and she just consider us to be sick (irony: she's a biology professor) and she mostly pities than hates us. I told her that she should pity her students who have her as a professor and that she spreads discrimination in an academic environment. She told me we better stop our collab and not to renew my contract. I just feel angry and sad. I wanna do something about it
  3. Seth Green but a bit younger (he looks too old for his age now) but somewhere around the Scooby Doo era oh man I'd marry him
  4. So, we tend to focus on how the top wiill cum and make a guy a cumdump etc etc..but what about the bottom's orgasm? I mean for a handsfree cum just from the anal penetration. Why is it such a rare incidence I wonder? My guy tends to precum and be hard while I fuck him but he won't cum handsfree.
  5. Most people would say about these guys (the neg btm going raw) that they should come to their senses. But I believe it's their nature calling. It is risky (STIs) but something inside is scratching them to try it.
  6. I had some transparent drops come out of my dick at 12. I was kinda scared I told my father and he bursted into laughter and he told me not to worry about this.
  7. Does any of you has a strong preference for hair color? I have a thing for ginger. When I was a kid I was watching a kid show (lmao) about a football team (more like a football drama). I was too young to feel attraction obviously but I really liked a character there. Recently I felt nostalgic and looked back at the show. That guy was ginger. That made me thing that although I was little my mind was set up about what I like. Somehow red hair tickled my curiosity or something. I always wanted to have a bf that was ginger. And my bf is indeed ginger. Looking his hair and his short beard stuns me. We're for almost 10y together and I still can't get enough of his gingerness. Quite recently I read a tiny poem on a King's novel 'your hair is winter fire, january embers. my heart burns there too a little weird but it touched me. Does anyone else has a thing for a particular color?
  8. That is a very interesting topic. May I ask if you were born blind or was it something that occurred later on your life? Hyper-visual sounds quite interesting as a term. I think I understand it though. Seeing a guy that I like gives me a rush, makes my heart beat faster. For me scent would be my choice. It is one of the most potent stimulators of memory. When I get to know of someone I always notice his scent. Like being in a place and knowing "oh yes it smells like him, he was here before". But that's about the emotional/sexual part. Someone found it odd, but I was given an object to observe (a medical tool) and the first thing I did was to smell it so as to understand its material. In general, hearing is precious for me. You can communicate with the outside world, you can get to hear the music. I hope it's not too out of topic but: I have a friend who is blind (there was something romantic/sexual between us) but we are caring friends now. He uses his hands a lot to feel surfaces so I think that touching is his things. So I made a funny thought that he acts like bats and that his fingers have supersonics. I was thinking whether this was a rude thought or not. I shared it with him and he laughed. I call him my little bat but I still worry that this could be rude (but i have no such intention).
  9. Same substances have different effects between different people. Some people feel a rush, their face may flush, some can even get blue lips if they inhale too much. For others it's headache in a bottle. Some people get the so called popper dick and others (fewer) like to fuck and take hits. Plus, poppers are a variety of substances, each one differs. If you wanna get looser you must be into it, you need to relax and the top needs to relax you too. Poppers are the cherry on the top. It's not a pill that you take and voila problem solved.
  10. I totally understand. I know that it's a dangerous situation that could ruin both relationships. Sometimes I'm a bit of angry with my bf. It's like he does not care about his brother. He's 25yo and he has never met any of his bf/gf. They live in the same house and he has never bothered to ask. I've told him that maybe he's gay but still he doesn't care. A sincere conversation would help, maybe there's something he wants to share.
  11. As a typical gemini I have an angel and a devil inside me. The angel loves my bf, he makes me be in a romantic mood and I enjoy every moment I am with my bf. I'm planning on stay in the same house with him. I don't wanna hurt him, I try to be faithful. But the devil inside me has a proclivity for lustful encounters. I love my bf's brother. I love him because I never had a brother. Having a brother was my greatest desire. So my bf's brother.. I love him because he loves him. He's also younger and I have some protective feelings. At the same time I feel that he needs some guidance. I do believe he's confused about his sexuality and my bf never cared to help him (a conversation or something). He's cute, he looks innocent, I just want to softly bite him around his neck and make him mine. I can't do that, my bf will be hurt (if we assume he'll fall for me). I'm not in love with him but I love him and i want to explore his body.
  12. I'm thinking these as a top, mostly about anal sex. Not hitiing, punching, slapping or anything just the penetration. I don't wanna be an asshole and make the other guy hurt but I'd love to fuck the hell out of my bottom (but I dont want him to be in pain so I pull back) I do love to throat fuck however, make his face red and make him drool.
  13. So I was wondering..there is a porn culture about the bottom being in pain during sex (monster dicks, BBC, aggressive tops, BDSM etc). Does it reflect the truth? I mean everyone is different but isn't there a norm? I mean if some of you is mostly bottom does he consider ok to feel some pain or will he stop the top?
  14. If you could have one, what would it be? I would pick shapeshifting. Imagine all the endless possibilities in every aspect of your life. For example in sex, you could be a man or a woman and you could have sex with every one you want (almost).
  15. Devil is but a fallen angel he's not a God so he is less powerful than God. I'm not sure how someone is called heretic and not dogmatic and all that stuff but I guess someone can believe a modified version of Christianity but he would have to name it somehow so as for people to know that this is not a Catholic or other belief. Personally I can't say I believe in Christianity but I do like the Olympian Gods as a concept. Interestingly I dont think ancient Greeks had someone to have the role of Devil. There were malevolent gods like Eris, the daughter of Night and Envy but nothing similar to devil.
  16. Well the main dogmas of Christianity do mention and believe in the devil. Everyone can believe what he wants but if you don't believe in Devil why being a Christian? It's like ignoring half the Bible. For me being a Christian but not believing in the existence of Devil is like being a vegan and eating meat. It just doesn't make sense. Unless someone wants to believe in a heretic branch that has a totally different perspective.
  17. Theologically speaking, if one considers himself a Christian (orthodox, catholic, protestant) he has to believe in Devil, Lucifer the fallen angel. If not he would be considered a heretic if a Christian at all. I know that there are deviations between differet dogmas but the existence of the devil is a core concept.
  18. Every Christian believes in the Devil and every Satanist believes in God. Satanists just worship Sarah Palin instead of God. Since one believes in the Devil knows that Gods Will will prevail (because he is ehm God) and Devil is not gonna "take over the place" because ehm he is not. That's how I see it (but I'm not religious). I believe that all that lust, sex etc is just a fabrication of Hollywood and pop cuture and has nothing to do with the real believes of Satanism. Why don't u try the Greek Gods? I believe there are way more interesting things (that were "borrowed" by the Christians. You want a god of love? You have Aphrodite. You want a God for drunk anonymous sex? You have Dionysus the god of wine. You want incest? Bitch please, we have Zeus. We have way darker things than that.
  19. So for guys who are into fist I have a couple of questions 1. Does it make u permanently lose after time? Do u like that possibility? (As a top I would find it hot) 2. do enjoy it more than sex? 3. How often do u take it? 4. Are u hard during this?
  20. I don't cum much and that's the thing that always bugged me. My cum is quite thick, not as liquid as it should. I also precum on very few occasions. I do know however that if I bate for long lots of cum is gonna cum out but still my overall quantity is not as I'd like to. Has any of u experience a similar situation and do u think that it could be a turn off for bottoms? I kinda know some medical situations that reduce quantity but since I'm not planning to have children I don't care about being fertile.
  21. Maybe it's me but I've got a feeling that gay guys tend to explore more the "pleasure" side. Poppers, sounding, anal penetration, fisting, edging and so on. I think these are very rare for str8 people and that maybe the even feel shy about talking about these things with their gf. Of course not all gay guys like all these but at least they know their existence or they have tried some of them. I have watched women fuck guys with strapon and it's almost sad. The woman doesnt feel a thing because it's a dildo and she does know how to fuck (obviously). Plus sometimes the dildo seems too small.
  22. that sounds too hot. If I had someone to guide me here I would have been doing it from my late teen years
  23. Thank u for ur detailed post. I'm concerned about the infection risk but I think with boiling the tools and proper handling I would be pretty safe. Although I've put catheters on few occasions, I think I'm okay with the glove/careful handling part. I wouldn't be trying electro, although I find this so hot. I'm experienced with surgical procedures so things that break, things that can contaminate, careful handling are things that are always in my mind. I'm curious about the sensation. How does it feel. And wish I could find someone in Greece that does that. I haven't found a single person who does that.
  24. I've watched it in porn, never done it and dont know anyone who does it. But I'm so curious about it. Has anyone tried it?
  25. religious culture with greek sounds scary. And ironically, the real greek religion the 12 gods of Olympus are forgotten by some modern greek christians and say that Christianity is the true greek religion. About the language part you will find many interesting things about the greek language (although I love every language and I find them intriguing to study, it's just that greek is a little more interesting). Interestingly, a right winged politician (who is a historian) says that being gay was not accepted in ancient greece and was not at all common, a fact that disagrees with pretty much all available literature. So modern greeks can be blind and ancient greeks were more "advanced". And unfortunately all that gay part has vanished from what we are taught in greek with the most profound example of Plato's symposium. We have a course called "religion" which is taught in each and every class of primary, secondary and high school (12 years) but not a course about philosophy. Oh and one more thing a bit irrelevant thought. Language has memory. When Efialtes betrayed the Greeks, his name became the word for nightmare. That was to ensure that for all eternity his traitore would never be forgotten.
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