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    watching other guys get fucked in the ass bareback in public

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  1. If I have romantic feelings for the bottom, I'm enjoying his company, and the sex is very satisfying, then I don't care if his ass is as furry as a bear skin rug or as smooth as a plucked chicken. As long as that ass is in its natural state, it looks and feels great to me. I can't stand furry bottoms shaving their asses and having razor bumps. NOT attractive. I don't feel that any top who fusses over a bottom's body hair situation is worthy of that bottom's attention. On the same note, bottoms who are fussy about cock size are not worth a top's attention.
  2. There are so many bottoms over the age of 40 that are very attractive and in great shape. They generally (not all, but most) are more mature psychologically and more fun to be around. I'd take one of them any day over a bottom under 40.
  3. Very well said! I agree with you.
  4. Dirty talk and sleazy conversation. I don't care for the fake moaning shit that they do in standardized twink porn. And enough of the fucking pulling out to shoot! How 1990s passe porn of them!
  5. Natural. I don't care if the bottom is naturally smooth or has beastly fur like an ape. If that's the way that he naturally is, then I want him in his natural state. There is nothing more irritating than a nice ass pocked with razor bumps and feeling ass or chest stubble. I just can't understand how some tops are so fucking picky. If you are going to be with a man, why would you want him to look more feminine and unnatural? As long as he's clean, smells good, and looks like a masculine man, he's good enough for me.
  6. Yes. I can continue. When I top, I hope that the bottom I'm fucking feels the same way.
  7. I'm into bears/otters/cubs, men in their 40s and 50s, and I can't stand those pristine, perfectly-plucked and airbrushed feminine twink bottoms. They do nothing for me. If I wanted to fuck something that looked like plastic, I would spend the money on an inflatable doll rather than deal with the little pristine twinks and their bullshit games. If I wanted to fuck something that looked like a woman, I'd look for a woman, not a girly man. Don't get me wrong, even twinks can be exciting if they don't have plastic-like, airbrushed bodies. I just prefer a decent, mature mind to go along with the ass that I'm about to fuck. It makes the fuck more exciting, and the bottom is likely to be more creative and adventurous.
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