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Everything posted by bb1991

  1. The 1 in 20 statistic for the UK is on the BBC News article I originally posted The US 1 in 5 statistics are from the Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/09/23/AR2010092306828.html
  2. Well for a bit of a comparison: half of all new HIV infections in the UK are gay men; but gay men make up over two thirds of all new HIV infections in the USA. Also over 50% of new HIV infections in the USA are black people. 1 in 20 gay men in the UK have HIV, but 1 in 5 do in the USA. 25% of HIV positive people in the UK don't know they are infected; it's the same in the USA. However over 50% of under 25s with HIV in the USA (they make up 25% of new diagnoses) don't know they have it. I can't comment on the US's problems but I would say the problem in the UK is down mainly to lack of education not bug chasing. Sex education (other than the basic biology of pregnancy) is basically non existent and never really touches on STDs. I remember when I was 16 we had a lesson where the teacher rolled a condom onto a cucumber and talked about the pill and the coil and how not to get pregnant- no mention of STDs- but me and many in the class had already lost our virginities by that point anyway. Earlier this year the Education Minister even said the Equality Act did not apply in schools, meaning schools can not only not teach gay sex education, it's legal for them to teach homophobic things- as many faith schools do. Sex education in schools is positively backwards. Sex is legal from 16, but many many loose their virginity before. Girls can go and get the pill without parental permission; it's good they can but it shows the government's focus is to stop teenage pregnancy, not encourage safe sex. As such 1 in 4 young people (aged 16-24 straight and gay) have chlamydia. Uneducated Youngsters aren't only to blame though. The highest proportion of people getting STDs in the UK are the over 50s; which people normally attribute to the newly divorced who go back onto the market and who have never used condoms or have had potentially 20-30 years of married life never using them. But their sex education would have been even worse back in the 50s/60s - so are probably just as uneducated at the teenagers.
  3. As for bestiality - I can't believe they decriminalised it in 1969 -WHY?! What prompted that one; it's hilarious but insane! As for the incest; reminds me of a German priest I read about; he was in trouble for letting an uncle marry his niece - his excuse was to say that as god is our father, we are all brothers and sister anyway... and since all marriages are therefore incestuous, you could marry who you liked.
  4. Two interesting story in today's news I thought some of you guys might find interesting http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-20523950 The "Anyone tried K9?" thread seems to be a pretty popular one on here; so thought would share this news story. -Germany are to outlaw Bestiality. I was surprised it wasn't illegal already!
  5. Two interesting story in today's news I thought some of you guys might find interesting http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20526380 And HIV infections in the UK have reached an all time high: higher than in the original AIDs Crisis Half of all the new infections are gay men (I was surprised only half, but lots of straights don't use condoms either but they are completely unaware of HIV); 1 in 20 gay men have HIV; 1 in 4 don't know they have it
  6. It's pretty much human nature; Person A comes to you saying that they've been attacked by Person B- you ask Person B; they never touched them but Person A actually attacked them. -Who do you believe. It's human nature that you'd believe the first person to make the accusation, and think that any counter claims were just them trying to get off or shift focus. Just because it's human nature doesn't mean it's right and people shouldn't be able to use it to their advantage in the legal system. All the staff at work have to have CRBs- only those who have to deal with kids have enhanced ones: arrests come back on the standard ones too- even those arrests not relevant to the job. We had a few guys that were really shocked that their arrests were on there because they had been released without charge. One guy was really distraught- arrested following the riots and released without charge- he says the only reason they arrested him was because he was black- but it's on his CRB regardless. The friends in my first example, they got the cautions because they admitted to swearing at her when she attacked them. Lets face it, someone swears at you and attacks you, you'll probably swear back- swearing is illegal in the UK and is classed as a public order offence. They admitted they swore - they got a police caution. It went to the magistrates with the 3 others. A jury is told they must be beyond reasonable doubt to convict people, and studies show they generally judge on the cautious side. Trial by a jury of your peers is supposed to be what the British justice system is all about, but only 5% of cases are tried in Crown Court. The rest go through Magistrates courts, which mean no jury; just the magistrate who isn't a professional, he's an unpaid volunteer whose been on a training course. -even if they did have a legal degree or were trained lawyers, it doesn't qualify them to decide who's guilty or innocent. Magistrates might be able to expose the truth and make the correct ruling in other cases; but when it comes to one persons word against the other- in every case I've seen, it's the one who makes the complaint gets off scot free. The only way it would ever go the other way is if the one who makes the complaint gets their story mixed up. Anyway- I could write a few anthologies of the problems of the British Political and Judical system, but enough politics - it's not what we come to this site for
  7. (other than the obvious risks of STDs) Does anyone know any health benefits or negative side effects of sex? I remember reading a while ago that anal sex and the prostate stimulation reduced the chance of prostate cancer (I hope it said reduced and not increased lol) I also read that cum, swallowed or absorbed anally (and vaginally for women) improved mood and had an anti-depressant effect On the negative side, I remember reading that for women vaginal semen absorption increased the risk of cervical cancer The fact that anal sex is supposed to reduce the risk of prostate cancer got me wondering whether it had an effect on colon or bowel cancers - they are obviously both areas stimulated during sex, like the prostate.... hence me wondering... Would be nice to know I'm doing myself some good whilst having fun Anyone else got any other benefits/side effects? Web links would be good Cheers
  8. It's a problem with the UK legal system in general. So often it's one person's word against the other; the police (and a jury if it gets that far) always believe the person making the accusation - so it can be as simple as getting in there first. Some friends went through it a few years ago -some got police cautions and eventually ASBOs for swearing, threatening and violence against a woman. They had been playing football in their cul-de-sac; the woman had come out swore at them all and slapped one - they didn't report it but she made false claims against them. The police didn't believe their version of events because she had made the accusation first. I have another friend who went through something similar whilst at work- they attacked her but then contacted the police first; so she got the criminal record and they got off scot free. It's not involving the police, but I know another guy that lost his job when a customer accused him of calling her an idiot; he says he didn't, and she has no way to prove he did, but he was fired anyway. Another problem with the UK Legal system is the fact you get 'police cautions' (which go on your criminal record) or that most criminal cases are tried by magistrates (meaning no jury- the magistrate just decides whether your guilty or not) means you'd probably never get your chance to plead your case to a jury and hope that they might veer on the side of caution. But even if your just arrested, and then released without charge, the arrest will still be on your criminal record and could stop you getting a job if they do a CRB check. I'm not saying that's what happened in this situation or that this girl was lying or that she did it for revenge (the guy could be the evil bastard the media will no doubt make him out to be): just that it's very possible (and far to easy in my opinion) to land someone in it, and ruin their lives with these "my word vs yours" situations and does happen very very often.
  9. I've noticed over the last few years my hole's not as tight as it used to be... It used to be VERY tight but thankfully it gradually got to a point where I could take cock comfortably. But thanks to a very well-endowed boyfriend, it's now got to the point where I can't put up much resistance. My hole looks normal: not puffy or hanging like a wizard's sleeve. I don't have piles and don't have any problems going to the loo, and don't have any problems with things 'slipping out' or anything along those lines (as yet). My arse really only gets moderate use, and with being quite young with hopefully years of being fucked ahead, I really want to keep everything in good condition. There seems to be a lot of guys on here that get fucked A LOT and who get fisted and take big toys etc... So anyone got any tips on how you keep your arsehole in good condition? Thanks
  10. I can't for the life of me know why you'd want to loose the sexy flat stomach you have in your display pic! If you got fat I doubt you'd ever get it back again - if you did, it would be complete with stretch marks and loose flabby skin. If you did try and put on weight, I don't think you'd be able to just get a fat stomach: the same as you can't target weight loss, you can't target weight gain- you'd get fat everywhere. -If I put on or loose a few pounds my face is the first place you see it
  11. Yes tell partners; it's only fair. If people are barebacking and at parties they might not care- but let them make the decision, not you making the decision for them. What I find a little more concerning is your feeling depressed and wanting to settle down with a boyfriend. We all know barebacking is risky and decisions about doing it should really not be made in a depressed state- it could affect your whole life and you don't want to regret any decisions you make. (You may not, but having suffered depression in the past, I know how much it fucks up your judgement) And if catching Herpes makes you feel depressed, how's it going to be when you get something more serious? As for setting down with a boyfriend, there's nothing wrong with that. Catching HIV can somewhat narrow the field - people can be very judgemental and can be harder to find people for a relationship outside those with HIV. If your looking for a relationship maybe it's time step away from casual sex for a bit, and go on a few dates or whatever, see how things go. Sorry, I don't mean to be preachy or anything- depression can fuck up your judgement- don't leap into anything and make sure you go see a pro. to get some help if your mood doesn't lift.
  12. You get his dna by him cumming in you; you absorb the cum and your body uses it's elements in the same way it does when you eat food. So if you're getting off on him being part of you, that already happened just from him cumming in you. With getting pozzed, you're just getting a virus off him that he got from someone else; doesn't seem as special compared to HIS dna being part of you when you absorb his cum. If you're in an open relationship, not using condoms and not bothered about STDs, I'd just quit worrying and 'let nature take it's course' - if it happens, it happens, if it doesn't, it doesn't. Doesn't seem much point in forcing it when the thing that gets you off (his DNA being part of you) is already happening anyway -my two cents
  13. http://www.channel5.com/shows/sex-lessons
  14. It was on a program called 'Sex Lessons' that was shown on Channel 5 in the UK a few years ago. The show was on at about 11pm at night; I think it only passed to be allowed on terrestrial ('normal') television because it was deemed 'educational'. It used to be available on the usual On Demand TV websites (Youtube, Seesaw, Demand Five etc.) but it seems to have been taken off; I bet the full show is still lingering somewhere on the internet though. This scene is actually a man and a woman; not 2 guys (sorry, probably just ruined all your wank fantasies). They did it by putting fiberoptic cameras in the vagina; they attached another to the guys dick. They are thin snake like things: a lot smaller than the one in Pig Bottom's picture. The scene was basically what happened during the sex act: showed nipples getting erect, the penis getting erect, vagina flushing with blood, inside of the vagina lubricating it's self; culminating with the guy cumming and going soft and the vagina doing whatever it does to hold onto the cum. The whole show was fairly poor quality; you didn't learn anything; it was just basically soft core porn; with this being the most racy scene (and the most interesting lol). Surprisingly it actually wasn't all that controversial; it wasn't mentioned in the newspapers and there was no big hoo-ha like you would expect with that sort of thing being shown on normal tv; probably because so few actually watch channel 5....
  15. I lost my virginity at 14; the first few guys that I had sex with were considerably older (45-65), they all knew I was under age and non of them wore a condom. At the time I thought that condoms were just to stop girls getting pregnant; we had sex ed at primary school aged 10/11 that taught us the biology parts like puberty; the next lessons weren't until we were 15, and they were just how to stop the girl getting pregnant - taught about the pill and the like. Sex ed at 16 (the last lot before leaving school) were about how to check your balls for cancer, and the biological and hormonal parts of the menstrual cycle. There was no mention of STDs or gay sex or anything. Most of my straight friends lost their virginity between 13 and 15; For my gay friends that averaged 12-15 - it was far too late and didn't give any of us the information to make an informed decisions. The men I had sex with in those early years really took advantage of the fact I didn't know about condoms and STDs - I didn't ask so they didn't use them - I didn't ask because at that age I just didn't know things like STDs existed or that Condoms were for anything other than stopping girls getting pregnant. It's a story I've seen repeated over and over with many of my gay friends; I think it's a miracle I didn't catch anything. Anyway, my point is (especially with the state of Sex ed in may parts of the world), you can't just presume people, especially young people, have all the information to make an informed decision. By all means you can't be responsible for other people's bad decisions, but just be honest: that's all you can be - it's up to them then. There are so many people now who are 'poz friendly', there's no real reason to lie; be honest about your status- you'll still find a shag. As for the 15 year old, he really is a victim: the guy never told him he had HIV. Even if he sought out the sexual encounter and was given all the information, at that age you can't really make an informed decision.
  16. It just look like moles and bit or acne to me. I found an interview with him a while back, he's fully versatile, not top, in his personal life; and he talks about random hookups at a gay beach and in the woods next to the beach. -putting that together with the studios he's preformed for, I would guess he was poz; but yeah, the spots and marks across his shoulders just look like moles and acne to me.
  17. I wouldn't be too rude with somebody that's going to be sticking you with a needle... believe me, they know how to make it hurt and how to leave bruises. I'd say just be polite but firm; tell them you know the risks, have been through the questions before and would just like to be tested.
  18. Keiran's one of my favourites. I've tried looking for him a few times to see if he's on BBRT, Twitter or been in anything other than Eric Videos and TIM things; but I've not been able to find anything at all. Googleing 'Keiran the XXL Australian' doesn't bring a lot of any use up
  19. I agree with fillmyhole. Not a great fan of commercial porn; far to fake and staged. There is some good commercial porn out there that feels very real but most just isn't worth the time and expense. I'm a big fan of Xtube and the amateur videos on there; real people and real situations: feels natural and not staged. My favourites are the ones where people film their hook-ups or film themselves cruising; TIM's staged cruising scene is so obviously staged and feels so obviously fake after having seen the real thing.
  20. There all a bit hard-core and my boyfriend doesn't like being called Daddy or anything like that I'm looking for ones a bit more light hearted, playful, jokey and flirty. I quite like Donkey-Dick and Big-Boy
  21. Couldn't agree more. You have to consider your other half - if your having unprotected sex is WHEN not IF you get something - and it's not fair to him if you pass it onto him. You also put yourself legally at risk if you give him something without telling him what you've been up to. If you really want to go down this route - you need to talk to your BF first
  22. Please think about your boyfriend If you want to go cheating on him and fucking bareback - make sure you use condoms with him Its not fair on him when you give him something nasty
  23. I find that tops don't seem to have mastered the art of cleaning themselves out. So unless the tops specifically asked for it and the arse has been cleaned out beforehand - its a bit of a no go area
  24. bb1991


    Me and my boyfriend started off as just casual fun- first time we met was for no strings fun. Both had a connection and kid of built from there. I never thought myself as a 'love' sort of person and defiantly wasn't looking for a relationship at the time- had pretty much ruled myself out as an eternal spinster who was just going to meet up with guys for casual sex. So if you like him and he feels the same way - what's wrong with giving it a go?
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