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Everything posted by bb1991

  1. bb1991

    Safe Only?

    As someone who's profile does say safesex only.... I do it for two reasons. First was that I used to get quite alot of abuse and preaching about barebacking. -quite glad to be without that. Second, is it gets me more fucks. Safe sex only guys don't go anywhere near barebackers even if they wear a rubber. I want fucks, I don't want to turn anyone away: if they want to wear a condom or not, that's their prerogative.
  2. How about you stay on them but tell him you're off them? That way you don't risk your health but he can still have his dirty fantasy
  3. I'd agree- look after yourself first. It's not worth risking your health for some random fuck. If the meds are working well for you, don't mess with them.
  4. Wasn't there a thing on the gay club scene where anyone over the age of 30 was considered over the hill and effectively a pariah? -if 50 is the new over the hill, it could almost be viewed as progress lol It never really made sense to me - I've always preferred older guys. But the gay scene isn't exactly friendly to anyone who's not a tiny waxed, bronzed twink with a 6 pack... I think the community of barebackers is far more opening and welcoming to people of all backgrounds and ages than the prissie queens on the club scene anyway.
  5. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-21783945 Interesting news article... Researchers in France think it's possible to effectively cure 1 in 10 HIV cases using strong rapid treatment within 10 weeks of infection. They take the meds for up to 3 years and that's it. It doesn't get rid of the virus but makes it inactive. I guess it lies dormant in the body, like other viruses like Chickenpox and HPV etc. Any thoughts? It raised an interesting thought in my mind... You have to be treated within 10 weeks to be "cured"... So sometime in the future (the odds of being "cured" would obviously have to be much better than 1 in 10) it could theoretically be better to bug-chase, catch it and get it treated than to try and avoid HIV when barebacking. It could almost be like chickenpox... Everyone says Chicken pox is something "you only catch once"; but it's not true, the Virus that causes Chickenpox lies dormant in the body for the rest of your life, usually doesn't cause problems or require treatment.... HIV could be the same. -few years away from that though
  6. When I'm bored I tend to use the website StumbleUpon to "stumble upon" random interesting websites... Is there a website like this for porn? If not; someone invent one! Be great to have a site to give us random porn at one click, instead of having to constantly search and trawl. Even better if it could tailor the sites it shows you to your interests (or tastes) like the normal stumble upon does.
  7. IT HURTS! Everyone just thinks its a drippy dick (nasty discharge), but your balls hurt and there's pain in your cock. And it really hurts to pee or cum. Someone told me Anal Gonnoreah was even more painful and that they have anal discharge with it. It's bad enough as it is, but untreated the infection spreads, causes abscesses and all sorts of problems for the joints and heart. Either way. It's not something I'd want to be "stuck" with
  8. I think it's been like that for a while. I don't think they got sued- I think it's probably more down to the reputation TIM earned themselves for not testing their actors; other porn studios wouldn't touch guys that had performed for TIM. Actors tend to flit from one porn studio to the next; wherever they can get work -most aren't going to risk their future career in porn for one scene for TIM. So to attract the top calibre guys you've got to do things the way the other studios do, so the guys can carry on getting work. I've noticed that lately there have been more and more porn stars working for other reputable studios after working with TIM: something that never happened a few years ago. My theory anyway....
  9. I'd say it's a very bad idea. There's quite a panic in the medical field about the overuse of antibiotics. Not just for STD treatment, but in general. (How many times have you gone to the docs and they've given you a wishy washy diagnosis and fobbed you off with antibiotics). We are becoming immune to them and the infections are adapting and becoming immune. Only last week the Chief Medical Officer for the UK warned that we are on the brink of an "Antibiotic Apocalypse" There's actually only 1 antibiotic left that can treat Gonorrhoea. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-21178718 In the short term taking antibiotics 'just in-case' might stop you getting a few infections. But you'l very quickly become immune to them and end up stuck with something you can't get rid of. Lets hope they develop some new treatments for Gonorrhoea soon... It fucking hurts! and wouldn't want to be stuck with it!
  10. I have read some articles saying on both sides of the fence on whether it is good or bad for you. I do know however that in survival situation (lost in the desert or adrift in the ocean etc.) they always tell you not to drink it unless you're left with no choice. It is after all a waste product containing things the body doesn't want or need. Urine contains primarily water, Urea and various different salts; so it's hard to see anything that would give you any real health benefits. It is however mostly water; and in small quantities and making sure you drink lots of water, I wouldn't think it would do much harm either.
  11. Theres a few in the UK Most well known one I know is Boltz in Birmingham. It's a night club but has amazing fantasy backroom they call 'the bullring' which has dungeon, porn cinema, slings, pissplay area and lots of dirty stuff. The clubs have to be registered as private clubs so that whatever goes on (sex) is legal. With Boltz, anyone can be a member though; it's free to become a member and free to get in. You just pay for drinks, but there's nothing stopping you just going in there to fuck. They do have fair few special nights and event that you do have to pay to get in though. They're updating their websites ATM, but there's photos of their bullring and dungeons on their facebook page http://www.facebook.com/boltz.birmingham
  12. The survey was taken from guys off hookup sites like grinder though: I'd imagine the overall percentage would be higher because people in long term relationships never use condoms
  13. Maybe you should...might get more people interested... or at least the right people interested Going to film it and stick it on Raunchy Fuckers?
  14. How come the bottoms got to be Neg if it doesn't matter about the tops?
  15. No body has the right to do anything against anyone's wishes: it has to be a mutual agreement. But if you were fucking him bareback, I could understand why someone would presume that you wanted fucking bareback too.
  16. I want to make sex more pleasurable and exciting for tops: Been searching the internet for tips of how to be a better bottom but everything I find is too basic- concentrates on practical things like douching or just encourages people being submissive. -which is not the sort of thing I'm after I'm looking for the little things a guy does that drive you wild? (wishful thinking maybe?) - tips or techniques on how to be a better fuck and make sex more pleasurable for tops or specific things can do that tops enjoy. Any ideas?
  17. I think you need to look and think about things in the cold light of day. How big a part of your life is sex? -If it's not the main part and focus of your life, don't even think about barebacking. If you bareback you will catch things and not just HIV. Yes it is possible to "survive" and some live to a normal age, but these infections are not pleasant and will impact every aspect of your life. Even the "lesser" things aren't nice- Gonorrhoea hurts like fuck. Then there's regular doctors check ups or trips to be tested. Daily tablets and the side effects that come with them (One I found out recently- can be very sensitive to milk when your on HIV meds, so even your morning cup of coffee is affected). Time lost off work for appointments and illness; and the trouble finding work when you've had lots of time off sick with prior employers. Having to avoid even things like the common cold for fear or complications. It's not the easy plain-sailing it can appear. Sometimes I think people on sites like this just portray HIV as something you get that does nothing and has no effects or consequences. Then there's the stigma that's still attached to it, even within the gay community. The amount of guys that won't go anywhere near you, condoms or not. And there are times you feel like you'll never find a relationship or someone to love you because you've narrowed the field and most guys wont come anywhere near. If you do find a guy that's neg and whos willing to try a relationship (or even just fuck), there's the constant fear of infecting them too. which can break a relationship before it has time to get going properly. I don't want to be the one putting the downer on everything but beyond all the fantasy and glorification that websites like this affords us, we can't overlook the reality. In the cold light of day you need to look and examine your life. Consider if the lifestyle you crave is worth the consequences. Walk a day in your life and think of how your day to day life would be with those consequences. What problems might it cause and whether you think it's worth it. Only you can weigh up the pros and cons and make the decision yourself, but don't get swept along with the fantasy and go in ignorant. Too many do and regret it.
  18. I had read somewhere else he was neg, but in relationship with a poz guy. That article is two years old though, so things may have changed; but I don't want to speculate: Feels like an invasion of privacy. As for TIM's policy, I always believed they never tested any of their performers; that's why many other porn studios won't touch actors who have worked for TIM.
  19. Wishful thinking If they exist, they're going to be fake -like those straight porn creampie vids where the girl acts shocked that the guy has cum in her (the moaning and change of tempo wasn't a clue?!?) and they always say they're not on birth control. As if!
  20. He quit porn (but from his website it looks like he's got somethings in the pipeline), got a girlfriend and moved to Scotland. Caused a bit of a storm in a teacup in the little village he moved to; local paper picked up story. According to his website, he's happy there and is building his own house. Split up with his girlfriend some point last year; doesn't classify himself as gay or straight though. Apparently he went to Folsom Europe with her and his ex-boyfriend... 3's company lol He's hot guy. Wish he'd update his blog more often though.
  21. I used to lie about being older because I didn't think older guys would want to be with a younger guy (I don't know why I thought adding a year or two would help lol) I soon learned anyway
  22. That's hilarious. And as for the video of a man being fucked to death by a horse; I'm half disgusted, but my morbid/curious side would mean I'd probably take a look
  23. That's pretty plausible In the UK there never used to be a specific law against rape because it could be punished under other non specific offences. Rape was treated as a common law offence against property- women are their father's property until married and then husbands afterwards. So technically male on male rape wasn't illegal and raping a widow was a bit of a grey area (probably quite literally lol). It was only with the Sexual Offences Act 1956 that rape became a specific crime. I believe Lesbianism fell into a similar loophole - the Buggery Act 1533 specifically outlawed 'buggery' as opposed to all aspects of homosexuality. It stayed in force until homosexuality was made legal in England and Wales in 1967, in Scotland in 1981 and in Northern Ireland in 1982. Because it was specifically 'buggery' (male and male) relations that were outlawed, lesbianism was legal throughout. Wonder what specific thing prompted them to want to make Bestiality specifically illegal in Germany. Has there been some sort of scandal or has it just become widespread and they're trying to crack down on it?
  24. No the article doesn't use that fact But it is a fact If it is an ALL TIME HIGH, it is therefore higher than it has ever been... therefore higher than in the original AIDs Crisis...
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