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Everything posted by bb1991

  1. I've had cysts before. Last one I had was fucking painful! Never had one near by arse though... There's different types of cyst depending on what they contain (puss, liquid, fat etc.) Usually 3 options. 1. leave it - but docs only tend to say that if it's not causing problems. 2. antibiotics -got rid of my last one in under a week 3. remove it - depending on what's inside the cyst, that could be as simple as popping it with a needle, or require bit more complicated surgical-type removal. I've seen people on youtube popping their own (not for people with a weak stomach!), but its dodgy - you don't know what's inside and it could easily get infected. Especially being so close to your arse -shit and wounds don't mix!
  2. Cuba's a very popular tourist destination for Europeans. In the beachy touristy areas like Varadero, most of the hotels are owned by the big British and European travel agencies. So from a travel and accommodation point of view, they could be a good place to start. (I can give you the names of some reputable agencies if you need them) Canadians make up the biggest proportion of tourists, but I don't know any Canadian travel agencies so couldn't suggest which were reputable ones. The agencies tend to arrange all inclusive stays, but there's nothing stopping you booking flights and hotel separately yourself. Cuba's very tourist friendly and you don't need a "premise" to get in. Americans usually travel via Canada, and Air Canada have direct flights from Toronto and the Cuban national carrier, Cubana, has direct flights from Montreal. But with you being in Florida it might be quicker to travel via, Mexico City (Cubana and AeroMexico), The Bahamas (Cubana and Bahamas Air), The Cayman Islands (Cayman Airways) or the Dominican Republic (Cubana). Canada seems to be the tried and tested method for Americans though; I couldn't vouch for if you'd have any issues getting home via any of the other routes. As for your electrical equipment -all tourists take cameras, laptops and stuff with them on holidays -so long as you don't go OTT, you shouldn't have any trouble getting through the airport with it. As for getting your computer or camera equipment stolen, in terms of crime rates its more likely to happen in America. Cuba's gay tourist friendly, so you shouldn't face any problems- Gay sex is legal and Raols Castro's daughter even lead a gay rights march earlier this year. The native communities however are more conservative and traditionalist, so there is some discrimination there still. Your real issue (other than the US related problems), is that pornography is illegal in Cuba. Import/Export, possession and production are all banned. With no US embassy you're likely to be on your own if caught. If you were from anywhere else you'd likely just be deported, but obviously that's not possible with the US. Which could basically leave you "stuck" because of politics. So go, have a great holiday and get fucked a lot... but might be best just not to film it.
  3. very hot look forward to next part
  4. Lets face it, your friends and family will at some point find out, so you have to consider whether or not your willing to accept that. And its pretty much career suicide. Teachers loosing their jobs over it tends to make the headlines because of the kids factor, but its fairly common for people to be sacked for these sorts of things. I remember reading in our local paper a woman was sacked from her office job after her bitter estranged husband emailed all of her work colleges a topless photos of her. She took her employers to tribunal but lost. It was only in the UK news this week that most employers won't hire someone with tattoos; adult films are much worse. So unless your planning on being self employed or being in a low-paid, manual, unskilled job; its not a good idea.
  5. Dean Monroe, one of my favourite porn stars, is retiring. He always had a very clean cut image; only shot with condom studios until last year when he did an oral scene for Treasure Island Media (I think it was on the Overload DVD). He got quite a lot of backlash from fans for doing that scene, but what seems to have prompted his retirement is the fact that no other studios would go near him now he'd worked with TIM, even though it was only an oral scene. Seems quite sad it can end a career like that. Who knows, maybe in year or two he'll start shooting bareback and will be back. Sad to see him go though http://deanmonroesworld.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/shame-shame-shame.html
  6. Sorry to be blunt, but if you want to loose weight you get your backside of the sofa and you stop shoveling the pies in your mouth. You don't go trying to catch some disease!
  7. There's no right answer I'm afraid -you have to go with what feels right for you. You're obviously not getting what you need from just casual sex. But you're scared to get back into a relationship after being hurt and scared you will get bored. If you're craving a more meaningful connection it might be best to stop hooking up for a little while. Or maybe only hook up with friends/regular fuckbuds -those who you get more of that connection with. I'd also say don't jump straight back into a relationship. You've said you're bf hurt you. Sometimes you just need some time to heal and feel more confident about yourself. I have worried about being bored in relationships and sometimes it happens sometimes its not. If you love a guy I don't think you get properly bored. Sometimes it just takes a bit of spice like some roll-playing. Other-times, you might think about maybe having a threesome or swinging. Or even an open relationship. It all depends on what's right for you and the other party. So overall, just take things slow and take some time to heal and work out what it is you want, before you jump into anything.
  8. Unacceptable? It's illegal in most places. Xtube have pretty good terms and conditions. If you can find it on there, they should take it down for you.
  9. The first one is Scene 2 of TIM's "What I Can't See 3" http://www.treasureislandmedia.com/cart/WHAT-I-CAN-T-SEE-3-DVD.html I've never seen the second one before, but from the TIM website it looks like Scene 5 of "Full Tilt" http://www.treasureislandmedia.com/cart/FULL-TILT.html
  10. Yeah I agree with the last two posts; doing spirits isn't a good idea. Burns and death are not good. Doing it with beer is fairly common. It will get you drunk VERY quickly as the alcohol goes straight into the bloodstream. A higher percentage is absorbed than if you drink it, so you get drunker than if drinking. If you want to get drunk quick, drinking on an empty stomach is a sure bet. But beyond that, If you're not willing to do something sober, you probably shouldn't be doing it at all
  11. Why not try female condoms? The top doesn't have his cock wrapped in tight plastic, but its still safe sex; and its thinner material, specially designed for the job- so both parties will feel more than with that thing.
  12. I agree; its not a way to avoid it totally. But is a way to reduce risk (as a bottom) and hopefully put off catching as long as you can The two big Gay/HIV charities in the UK both say that it reduces risk for bottoms. But yeah - you will still catch it eventually if your fucking bareback. "What about pulling out before cumming Pulling out before cumming will reduce the chance of HIV transmission for the guy who's getting fucked, but not for the guy doing the fucking. There is more HIV in cum than there is in pre-cum, in terms of both the quantity of the body fluid and the concentration of HIV in that liquid. However it is still possible to get infected from pre-cum, although it is less likely than if the guy doing the fucking cums inside the arse. Withdrawing before cumming makes little difference to the chances of catching other sexually transmitted infections. It also makes little difference if the negative partner is the person doing the fucking." *http://www.gmfa.org.uk/sex/hivandaids/unprotected-sex "If a man with HIV ejaculates inside his partner, this raises the risk of infection. Pulling out before ejaculation lowers the risk but this can be hard for men to control so shouldn’t be relied on. Also, HIV is found in pre-cum - so even if a man manages to pull out before this happens, he could infect a partner when his pre-cum gets inside his partner." *http://www.tht.org.uk/sexual-health/HIV-STIs/Sex-and-risk/Unprotected-sex
  13. Yes and no. It's obviously lower risk than having a huge load of cum sloshing about up there. But if you're not wanting to catch anything, you shouldn't really be fucking anon guys bareback in saunas... There are guys that bareback, accept the risk of HIV and who try to hold off catching it though. -not everyone is a bug chaser wanting to catch it as soon as possible. And it does make sense to avoid it for as long as you can. HIV isn't nice to live with; the meds are a pain and have some very nasty side effects. I know poz guys that haven't have sex since converting because the meds have destroyed their libido. Others that have had to give up their jobs because the side effects made work too difficult for them. Some countries don't have free healthcare , so even getting meds could be an issue; and most places don't class HIV as a "disability" that you can give up work for. And ultimately HIV still kills; the average person with meds lives 20-40 years after infection. Considerably less if the meds don't work or opportunistic infections get the better of you. So really, even if you are a committed barebacker and accept that you will eventually catch HIV, it still makes sense to try and avoid catching it for as long as possible because it means you can go on having sex and being healthy for the longest time possible.
  14. Pulling out is a way to reduce risk from barebacking. There is still risk from precum and from accidents obviously. Guys bareback but not everyone wants HIV (or at least are trying to put off catching HIV for as long as they can). I think there was even a HIV charity a while back that was telling people "cum like a porn star: all over his back". Sort of a message that said, we know you are going to bareback - reduce your risk by not taking the load. Interestingly in the UK sometimes doctors won't give you PEP unless the guy cums in you; some docs wont give PEP (even if they came in you) unless they suspect the guy was poz.
  15. I dont think any virgin could stand a gangbang. Most find one guy more than they can handle when they loose their virginity. Especially if they've not had experience with toys and things. If you are determined to do it, make sure you have an experienced friend with you. That way when you've had enough he can offer his arse up for the group. -the guys leave happy either way and it protects you from being forced to carry on when things get painful
  16. I don't think I've actually had sex with a guy because I felt sorry for him. I've been fucked by guys I don't fancy or who aren't my type, but that was just because I was horny and wanted a fuck. One of the benefits of being bottom is you don't have to face the guy who's fucking you. I do like older men though, and I do quite get off on the idea of sex with guys who are older or who aren't my type (maybe being told who to fuck by dominant fuck buddy or whatever). But don't think that's really a pitty fuck either. More like a fun sort of community service
  17. Before we start, I'm not anti-bareback -that's not what I'm getting at here. My question is, why don't safe sex guys want to do sleazy sex? Things like gangbangs, anon or blindfolded hookups, mild BDSM, sex in slings or wearing leather and fucking in a sex dungeon or whatever -sex I like. Before barebacking, I wanted to do these things but you CAN NOT find a guy in the safe-sex brigade that will go anywhere near them. My point is - why? I guess barebackers are less inhibited by nature, but there's no reason why safe-sex guys couldn't have a gangbang or whatever and still play safe -they must have the same sort of fetishes and turn-ons as the rest of us, so why don't they explore the sleazy side? They can play safe and not risk STDs so why are they so against it? It's something that used to really frustrate me before I made the switch and something I could never get my head round.
  18. If there's nothing concrete you could always deny anything; claim you have no idea who he is or whatever. I had a similar situation where a guy I met up with tried to extort money and more sex from me. After the initial threats, I stopped replying all together; contact slowed down and within a week or so stopped. With no replies I think they thought I'd changed phone numbers. Anyway, my initial reaction would be to wait and see if he continues to get in touch. After all, if you do end up having him prosecuted, it is almost an admission that everything he said was true and the court case is going to bring attention your way anyway. Remember, he has nothing to gain from actually releasing the information to your employer or the press or whatever; it's not going to make him any money. His money is made from the threat of that happening. If he's not getting any contact from you, i'd imagine he quickly moves onto his next victim.
  19. I've been with guys that are married and have kids..... but that doesn't necessarily make them straight
  20. I don't know about Australia but in the UK Free Flu Jabs are only given to those at risk of complications from the flu: the elderly and those with suppressed immune systems (not just HIV - cancer patients and those on certain medication etc. etc.). Tick box could just to confirm the vaccinations are going to the right people
  21. It always made me laugh. In the UK one of the ADs had a bit about how "it will change your life" which always made me chuckle. I'm surprised they didn't pick up on it. No gay guys on the marketing teams of cosmetics companies?
  22. But how many guys fall head over heals for someone and have ended up with it all falling apart. I'm not saying that would happen to you,, but I think you need to look at the HIV issue away from the context of your relationship. You need to educate yourself on the cold hard realities of living with HIV and think about whether you're going to be happy living with those consequences if the relationship didn't work out. If you have doubts it might be better to have safe sex concentrate on letting the relationship develop first; its easier to have a clearer head after the "honeymoon" period is over.
  23. In the UK meningitis is one of the standard vaccinations you get when your a child. I think I was 10 when I was vaccinated.
  24. I thought it was an alcohol monitoring thing -I remember seeing a photo of Lindsey Lohan in the paper years ago with one after being charged with DUI... It looked almost exactly the same so I just presumed it was. You could email and ask him: his contact details are on his website http://www.laterslater.com/laterslaterhome.html
  25. Really think you can cum 3 or 4 times consecutively? I've never met a man who can manage it lol
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