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cheatingjock last won the day on January 29

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About cheatingjock

  • Birthday 01/01/1995

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    cum, daddies, jocks, fucking, cheating, watersports, fisting, piss, poz loads, gloryholes, understall, public sex, older younger, incest
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Poz
  • Role
  • Background
    Cheating slut bf making up for lost time. W & Twitter: cheatingjock
  • Porn Experience
    Maybe a onlyfans guest role or two. ;)
  • Looking For
    Raw loads. Older even better. Poz best.

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] http://cheatingjock.bdsmlr.com
  • Telegram User Name

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  1. dadson is the best

  2. Fukn luv ur profile and stories bro so hot always luv another alpha nut addicted jockbro 

  3. Noticed you checked my profile...thanks! 

    I'm currently laughing with my bf and talking about you cheating yours..  We're kidding to each other about the revenge if I cheat on him or he (without Prep) cheats on me. 

  4. Would love if your next story also has some cheating. Convince a loyal bf to take poz cock behind bf's back!
  5. Anyone use? My Session ID is 05194b5bb44e4f4302115498b2c527373d4f35febc44d1b07f52fa790de0a62712
  6. @pervinmt if you just type out your tags (#breed #fuck) it will do separate tags for each
  7. I LOVE older guys in general, and part of it is the larger longer balls. The look. The feel on my chin and slapping against my ass. Also love that older guys have seen and done it all...and will help you experience new things.
  8. Hot man glad you're in denver.  would love to breed that hole sometime.

  9. Just tested positive for gono and syph again. Oops. Dr: can you notify your sexual partners? This weeks? How long back lol? And no to most of them.
  10. Loved this story. Undies. Photography. Fucking. Poz. Just add cheating and checks all my boxes!
  11. loving all your posts sexy

    1. cheatingjock


      Aww thanks! ❤️

  12. Ok so everyone is basically saying don’t tell. But maybe find out if incest is a turn on or not first…surprising how many guys are turned on by. if it is you might lead into having a bucket list time. 😈
  13. As someone who is mostly a bottom, I want to breed your slutty fucking ass so damn bad! 

    1. cheatingjock


      Aww ❤️

      First or sloppy seconds…thirds…whatever? 

    2. swimslut


      mmmm whatever...but the more random cum that's churning in your slutty hole and leaking down your legs the better! Coat my cock in it and beg me to fucking use you, faggot! 

    3. TwinkChaserSlut
  14. I feel like that sometimes in friendships. Try to prevent them from feeling pain/hurt so sacrifice myself so they don’t. in my case prob attachment issues young and reenforced later.
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