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Everything posted by eab221

  1. I was castrated January 2016 and just had the rest removed yesterday. So I am now a nullo. Any takers once I heal
  2. There is a dr in Michigan who does it without a psych letter, board certified urologist, I went to him. It cost $3,000, cash only. He just needs to deem you sane
  3. I got cut last Saturday. Still a tiny bit sore and a lot swollen but all is good
  4. I am getting cut on Jan 23, 2016. I found a qualified surgeon. I am getting it done more as a bod mod, I have wanted it for a while
  5. I have wanted to be a nullo for over 10 years. Havent found a way to make it happen yet, although I am chemically castrated
  6. I am back in Philly for 10 days
  7. I just got home to Philly. I am neg and looking to get loaded
  8. I would definitely sign
  9. I need to find someone who will do that to me
  10. Hey, I am from the Philadelphia burbs but currently living on Guam. I come home to Philly to visit family and friends every 3 months or so. I have toyed with chasing for a long time but recently can't get it out of my head. I am just wondering if anyone would be up for gifting me while home
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